USMB Coffee Shop IV

We're going to have to take him in to the vet now to get him thoroughly checked out.
Oh what a great ending to that story! :)
So far so good but he might be more injured than we can see. It appears he got into a fight then found a place to hide and try to recover for a few days then finally decided to come home. We'll let him rest today and take him in tomorrow. The vet we go to is open seven days a week.
Good grief, I thought you were gonna find him dead somewhere. Lol, I thought for sure he was a goner.

Now, did you have another one that died recently?
Yeah, his middle brother Boo died from cancer, we put him down Feb 1st. Jasper, the oldest cat has been looking all over the house for Giz since he disappeared. Jasper's our sensitive one, he's been really clingy lately because Boo disappeared from the house then Giz went missing and we're boxing up the house in preparation for a move. I have to go out today and take down all the lost cat posters.

So have you decided WHERE you are going to move yet?
Just answered that....... Kinda...... :D

USMB Coffee Shop IV
Last edited:
Haven't been on for a while, been too upset and depressed. Tuesday morning I let Gizmo out as usual and we ran errands taking most of the day, when we got home there was no sign of Gizmo. Wednesday still no Gizmo, Thursday report him lost on PetLink (he has a microchip), make up posters and get some out talk to neighbors. Friday expand the poster placing area talk to a few more people then last night/early morning have a long heart to heart with God. This morning I open the back curtains and who's looking at me wanting to come in? Yup it's Giz!!!! Looks like he's been roughing it and he obviously got into it with someone/something as he's missing the tip of his right ear, he's bedraggled with matted fur and briars interlacing his tail but he's alive and he's HOME!!!!!!!

I wondered what was going on. We could have kept vigil with you, but I understand. And so glad you had a happy ending here.
We're going to have to take him in to the vet now to get him thoroughly checked out.
Oh what a great ending to that story! :)
So far so good but he might be more injured than we can see. It appears he got into a fight then found a place to hide and try to recover for a few days then finally decided to come home. We'll let him rest today and take him in tomorrow. The vet we go to is open seven days a week.
Good to hear Gizmo is safe at home. What an adventure he had! Feed him m something yummy like a chicken pot pie and let him rest up. How's his ear? You said it looked as if it took the brunt of his fight.

I cannot imagine Daisy the Mutt running off for a couple of days. Where would she find treats, a warm dark soft place to sleep, and, as her best defense is her quickness, how would she fare in a dogfight?
Haven't been on for a while, been too upset and depressed. Tuesday morning I let Gizmo out as usual and we ran errands taking most of the day, when we got home there was no sign of Gizmo. Wednesday still no Gizmo, Thursday report him lost on PetLink (he has a microchip), make up posters and get some out talk to neighbors. Friday expand the poster placing area talk to a few more people then last night/early morning have a long heart to heart with God. This morning I open the back curtains and who's looking at me wanting to come in? Yup it's Giz!!!! Looks like he's been roughing it and he obviously got into it with someone/something as he's missing the tip of his right ear, he's bedraggled with matted fur and briars interlacing his tail but he's alive and he's HOME!!!!!!!

I wondered what was going on. We could have kept vigil with you, but I understand. And so glad you had a happy ending here.
We're going to have to take him in to the vet now to get him thoroughly checked out.
Oh what a great ending to that story! :)
So far so good but he might be more injured than we can see. It appears he got into a fight then found a place to hide and try to recover for a few days then finally decided to come home. We'll let him rest today and take him in tomorrow. The vet we go to is open seven days a week.
Good to hear Gizmo is safe at home. What an adventure he had! Feed him m something yummy like a chicken pot pie and let him rest up. How's his ear? You said it looked as if it took the brunt of his fight.

I cannot imagine Daisy the Mutt running off for a couple of days. Where would she find treats, a warm dark soft place to sleep, and, as her best defense is her quickness, how would she fare in a dogfight?
It was just in time for breakfast when I saw him out back by the rear slider so he ate his wet food then went in the maids (the pet) room and ate some dry. He then wanted to go back outside...... That's not happening so he's in the bedroom sleeping on the cushioned bench at the foot of the bed, his favorite sleeping spot.
The pet room was originally a maids room with it's own 3/4 bath, that's where we have the litter box (in the walk in shower), their water and dry food and some storage in the main maid's sleeping area. It's also where we have the Hoosier cabinet which we use for misc items.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

Nosmo King knows where this is:
That's the Pottery Capital of the World! The brick structures looking like bottles are, aptly named bottle kilns. Incidentally, here in East Liverpool, the 'n' in kilns is silent so they are called bottle kills.

That view is of the Ohio River looking upstream. The hills in the far background are in Pennsylvania and the slope seen at the right is the tip of the northern panhandle of
West Virginia. The house atop the hill on the left is still there, but the potteries have long since been demolished

This looks to be the foot of Broadway and Second Street. Babb's Island is where the river looks as if it is splitting off to the left while the main channel goes to the right.

Hundreds of dust covered men and women once labored in those potteries and then caroused in the many taverns downtown.
The downtown was once laid out so there would be a bar, then some storefront, then a church, then some more storefront, then a bar. Follow that plan for several blocks until you find the Masonic Temple or a police station. That's my home town.

Foxy, you've often commented on th steepness of the hills around here, particularly whenever I post a photograph of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. This old postcard can give you a better perspective on how steep the hills actually are. Folks hear 'Ohio' and think it's billiard table flat. That's true enough for th counties that string along the south shore of Lake Erie. But here in the upper Ohio River valley, our hills are just too distinctive and familiar to be associated with the rest of the state's topography.

That bottom photo is West Fifth Street and Market, looking east down Fifth. The old Post Office seen far down the street is at the intersection of Fifth and Broadway. This is the main commercial district in town. Back in the 1960s, on a Saturday morning, shoppers would be on the sidewalks three abreast.

Yes, once I saw the photos, all your photos of the Pimplebutt Estate made good sense. I was just surprised that your downtown area seems to be so level--I was expecting something approximating San Francisco. :) Beautiful area though and you really can see three states from where you are.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.

That's a nice little town. We have so many sweet towns along Lake Erie up north but you are right, lots of hills and valleys down there, flatter up here.

I grew up along Lake Erie, a little water nymph longer ago, not so much anymore. My Great Lakes are still beloved though.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

Nosmo King knows where this is:
That's the Pottery Capital of the World! The brick structures looking like bottles are, aptly named bottle kilns. Incidentally, here in East Liverpool, the 'n' in kilns is silent so they are called bottle kills.

That view is of the Ohio River looking upstream. The hills in the far background are in Pennsylvania and the slope seen at the right is the tip of the northern panhandle of
West Virginia. The house atop the hill on the left is still there, but the potteries have long since been demolished

This looks to be the foot of Broadway and Second Street. Babb's Island is where the river looks as if it is splitting off to the left while the main channel goes to the right.

Hundreds of dust covered men and women once labored in those potteries and then caroused in the many taverns downtown.
The downtown was once laid out so there would be a bar, then some storefront, then a church, then some more storefront, then a bar. Follow that plan for several blocks until you find the Masonic Temple or a police station. That's my home town.

Foxy, you've often commented on th steepness of the hills around here, particularly whenever I post a photograph of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. This old postcard can give you a better perspective on how steep the hills actually are. Folks hear 'Ohio' and think it's billiard table flat. That's true enough for th counties that string along the south shore of Lake Erie. But here in the upper Ohio River valley, our hills are just too distinctive and familiar to be associated with the rest of the state's topography.

That bottom photo is West Fifth Street and Market, looking east down Fifth. The old Post Office seen far down the street is at the intersection of Fifth and Broadway. This is the main commercial district in town. Back in the 1960s, on a Saturday morning, shoppers would be on the sidewalks three abreast.

Yes, once I saw the photos, all your photos of the Pimplebutt Estate made good sense. I was just surprised that your downtown area seems to be so level--I was expecting something approximating San Francisco. :) Beautiful area though and you really can see three states from where you are.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.
Nosmo, have you been to the Three Rivers area near Pittsburgh? It's nicer than you expect it to be. I was expecting dilapidated old steel mills but found something really pretty.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

Nosmo King knows where this is:
That's the Pottery Capital of the World! The brick structures looking like bottles are, aptly named bottle kilns. Incidentally, here in East Liverpool, the 'n' in kilns is silent so they are called bottle kills.

That view is of the Ohio River looking upstream. The hills in the far background are in Pennsylvania and the slope seen at the right is the tip of the northern panhandle of
West Virginia. The house atop the hill on the left is still there, but the potteries have long since been demolished

This looks to be the foot of Broadway and Second Street. Babb's Island is where the river looks as if it is splitting off to the left while the main channel goes to the right.

Hundreds of dust covered men and women once labored in those potteries and then caroused in the many taverns downtown.
The downtown was once laid out so there would be a bar, then some storefront, then a church, then some more storefront, then a bar. Follow that plan for several blocks until you find the Masonic Temple or a police station. That's my home town.

Foxy, you've often commented on th steepness of the hills around here, particularly whenever I post a photograph of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. This old postcard can give you a better perspective on how steep the hills actually are. Folks hear 'Ohio' and think it's billiard table flat. That's true enough for th counties that string along the south shore of Lake Erie. But here in the upper Ohio River valley, our hills are just too distinctive and familiar to be associated with the rest of the state's topography.

That bottom photo is West Fifth Street and Market, looking east down Fifth. The old Post Office seen far down the street is at the intersection of Fifth and Broadway. This is the main commercial district in town. Back in the 1960s, on a Saturday morning, shoppers would be on the sidewalks three abreast.

Yes, once I saw the photos, all your photos of the Pimplebutt Estate made good sense. I was just surprised that your downtown area seems to be so level--I was expecting something approximating San Francisco. :) Beautiful area though and you really can see three states from where you are.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.
Nosmo, have you been to the Three Rivers area near Pittsburgh? It's nicer than you expect it to be. I was expecting dilapidated old steel mills but found something really pretty.
Pittsburgh is thirty miles away from here. Although if you travelled by the river, it would be forty two miles away. The Pittsburgh airport is a short twenty minute drive up US Route 30.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

Nosmo King knows where this is:
That's the Pottery Capital of the World! The brick structures looking like bottles are, aptly named bottle kilns. Incidentally, here in East Liverpool, the 'n' in kilns is silent so they are called bottle kills.

That view is of the Ohio River looking upstream. The hills in the far background are in Pennsylvania and the slope seen at the right is the tip of the northern panhandle of
West Virginia. The house atop the hill on the left is still there, but the potteries have long since been demolished

This looks to be the foot of Broadway and Second Street. Babb's Island is where the river looks as if it is splitting off to the left while the main channel goes to the right.

Hundreds of dust covered men and women once labored in those potteries and then caroused in the many taverns downtown.
The downtown was once laid out so there would be a bar, then some storefront, then a church, then some more storefront, then a bar. Follow that plan for several blocks until you find the Masonic Temple or a police station. That's my home town.

Foxy, you've often commented on th steepness of the hills around here, particularly whenever I post a photograph of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. This old postcard can give you a better perspective on how steep the hills actually are. Folks hear 'Ohio' and think it's billiard table flat. That's true enough for th counties that string along the south shore of Lake Erie. But here in the upper Ohio River valley, our hills are just too distinctive and familiar to be associated with the rest of the state's topography.

That bottom photo is West Fifth Street and Market, looking east down Fifth. The old Post Office seen far down the street is at the intersection of Fifth and Broadway. This is the main commercial district in town. Back in the 1960s, on a Saturday morning, shoppers would be on the sidewalks three abreast.

Yes, once I saw the photos, all your photos of the Pimplebutt Estate made good sense. I was just surprised that your downtown area seems to be so level--I was expecting something approximating San Francisco. :) Beautiful area though and you really can see three states from where you are.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.
Nosmo, have you been to the Three Rivers area near Pittsburgh? It's nicer than you expect it to be. I was expecting dilapidated old steel mills but found something really pretty.
Pittsburgh is thirty miles away from here. Although if you travelled by the river, it would be forty two miles away. The Pittsburgh airport is a short twenty minute drive up US Route 30.
It's about 6 hours from us. I went there for my son's regatta one year. We were right next to the new Steeler's stadium.
One other bit of potential "good news". The wife has had a couple of phone interviews and in about a week they want to do a face to face.......... in Gallup, New Mexico........ So far it's our best, and currently only promising job lead.
A couple of years ago she turned down a job offer there in favor of the El Paso job which turned out to be a toxic disaster.

Oh I didn't see this.

Hmm Gallup. Interesting and, in its own way, beautiful high desert terrain. A small town truly lost in time--it is squarely on the Old Route 66 route and still looks pretty much as it did when Route 66 still existed.

More nationalities/ethnic groups may live there in a smaller space than maybe any place on Earth, but as small towns go, the townsfolk say the crime rate is not as bad as its press though there is a problem. We've always found the people there to be friendly and helpful and never felt unsafe working there, staying overnight there, etc., but we also do watch our backs pretty well. A lot of folks there wouldn't want to live anywhere else. You may choose to rent for awhile to see how it is going to work out though. As I understand it, real estate is not appreciating much there and the unemployment rate is high making for a lot of panhandlers. The cost of living is significantly less than the U.S. average.

But if you guys are the accepting and tolerant types, and I suspect you are, you could be very happy there. Not a lot to do if you don't hunt or hike or enjoy shooting ranges, but interesting side trips in all directions. You're a little over two hours to Albuquerque to do serious shopping or a little under three hours to Flagstaff for the cool mountains there.
That's the Pottery Capital of the World! The brick structures looking like bottles are, aptly named bottle kilns. Incidentally, here in East Liverpool, the 'n' in kilns is silent so they are called bottle kills.

That view is of the Ohio River looking upstream. The hills in the far background are in Pennsylvania and the slope seen at the right is the tip of the northern panhandle of
West Virginia. The house atop the hill on the left is still there, but the potteries have long since been demolished

This looks to be the foot of Broadway and Second Street. Babb's Island is where the river looks as if it is splitting off to the left while the main channel goes to the right.

Hundreds of dust covered men and women once labored in those potteries and then caroused in the many taverns downtown.
The downtown was once laid out so there would be a bar, then some storefront, then a church, then some more storefront, then a bar. Follow that plan for several blocks until you find the Masonic Temple or a police station. That's my home town.

Foxy, you've often commented on th steepness of the hills around here, particularly whenever I post a photograph of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. This old postcard can give you a better perspective on how steep the hills actually are. Folks hear 'Ohio' and think it's billiard table flat. That's true enough for th counties that string along the south shore of Lake Erie. But here in the upper Ohio River valley, our hills are just too distinctive and familiar to be associated with the rest of the state's topography.

That bottom photo is West Fifth Street and Market, looking east down Fifth. The old Post Office seen far down the street is at the intersection of Fifth and Broadway. This is the main commercial district in town. Back in the 1960s, on a Saturday morning, shoppers would be on the sidewalks three abreast.

Yes, once I saw the photos, all your photos of the Pimplebutt Estate made good sense. I was just surprised that your downtown area seems to be so level--I was expecting something approximating San Francisco. :) Beautiful area though and you really can see three states from where you are.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.
Nosmo, have you been to the Three Rivers area near Pittsburgh? It's nicer than you expect it to be. I was expecting dilapidated old steel mills but found something really pretty.
Pittsburgh is thirty miles away from here. Although if you travelled by the river, it would be forty two miles away. The Pittsburgh airport is a short twenty minute drive up US Route 30.
It's about 6 hours from us. I went there for my son's regatta one year. We were right next to the new Steeler's stadium.

Your son was on a rowing team? So was ours when he was at Wichita State. Traveled to regattas all over the country--took third in nationals in the four man crew. He even was invited to join the Olympic team that year but elected to stay in school. I wonder if he ever wonders 'what if' about that?
One other bit of potential "good news". The wife has had a couple of phone interviews and in about a week they want to do a face to face.......... in Gallup, New Mexico........ So far it's our best, and currently only promising job lead.
A couple of years ago she turned down a job offer there in favor of the El Paso job which turned out to be a toxic disaster.

Oh I didn't see this.

Hmm Gallup. Interesting and, in its own way, beautiful high desert terrain. A small town truly lost in time--it is squarely on the Old Route 66 route and still looks pretty much as it did when Route 66 still existed.

More nationalities/ethnic groups may live there in a smaller space than maybe any place on Earth, but as small towns go, the townsfolk say the crime rate is not as bad as its press though there is a problem. We've always found the people there to be friendly and helpful and never felt unsafe working there, staying overnight there, etc., but we also do watch our backs pretty well. A lot of folks there wouldn't want to live anywhere else. You may choose to rent for awhile to see how it is going to work out though. As I understand it, real estate is not appreciating much there and the unemployment rate is high making for a lot of panhandlers. The cost of living is significantly less than the U.S. average.

But if you guys are the accepting and tolerant types, and I suspect you are, you could be very happy there. Not a lot to do if you don't hunt or hike or enjoy shooting ranges, but interesting side trips in all directions. You're a little over two hours to Albuquerque to do serious shopping or a little under three hours to Flagstaff for the cool mountains there.
Yes, once I saw the photos, all your photos of the Pimplebutt Estate made good sense. I was just surprised that your downtown area seems to be so level--I was expecting something approximating San Francisco. :) Beautiful area though and you really can see three states from where you are.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.
Nosmo, have you been to the Three Rivers area near Pittsburgh? It's nicer than you expect it to be. I was expecting dilapidated old steel mills but found something really pretty.
Pittsburgh is thirty miles away from here. Although if you travelled by the river, it would be forty two miles away. The Pittsburgh airport is a short twenty minute drive up US Route 30.
It's about 6 hours from us. I went there for my son's regatta one year. We were right next to the new Steeler's stadium.

Your son was on a rowing team? So was ours when he was at Wichita State. Traveled to regattas all over the country--took third in nationals in the four man crew. He even was invited to join the Olympic team that year but elected to stay in school. I wonder if he ever wonders 'what if' about that?
Yes, ours was in high school with a big schedule. He also played Lacrosse. That sport won out but he had lots of fun rowing.

We had lots of fun cooking and putting up tents at 5 am too. We loved doing it, really.
One other bit of potential "good news". The wife has had a couple of phone interviews and in about a week they want to do a face to face.......... in Gallup, New Mexico........ So far it's our best, and currently only promising job lead.
A couple of years ago she turned down a job offer there in favor of the El Paso job which turned out to be a toxic disaster.

Oh I didn't see this.

Hmm Gallup. Interesting and, in its own way, beautiful high desert terrain. A small town truly lost in time--it is squarely on the Old Route 66 route and still looks pretty much as it did when Route 66 still existed.

More nationalities/ethnic groups may live there in a smaller space than maybe any place on Earth, but as small towns go, the townsfolk say the crime rate is not as bad as its press though there is a problem. We've always found the people there to be friendly and helpful and never felt unsafe working there, staying overnight there, etc., but we also do watch our backs pretty well. A lot of folks there wouldn't want to live anywhere else. You may choose to rent for awhile to see how it is going to work out though. As I understand it, real estate is not appreciating much there and the unemployment rate is high making for a lot of panhandlers. The cost of living is significantly less than the U.S. average.

But if you guys are the accepting and tolerant types, and I suspect you are, you could be very happy there. Not a lot to do if you don't hunt or hike or enjoy shooting ranges, but interesting side trips in all directions. You're a little over two hours to Albuquerque to do serious shopping or a little under three hours to Flagstaff for the cool mountains there.
Yes, once I saw the photos, all your photos of the Pimplebutt Estate made good sense. I was just surprised that your downtown area seems to be so level--I was expecting something approximating San Francisco. :) Beautiful area though and you really can see three states from where you are.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.
Nosmo, have you been to the Three Rivers area near Pittsburgh? It's nicer than you expect it to be. I was expecting dilapidated old steel mills but found something really pretty.
Pittsburgh is thirty miles away from here. Although if you travelled by the river, it would be forty two miles away. The Pittsburgh airport is a short twenty minute drive up US Route 30.
It's about 6 hours from us. I went there for my son's regatta one year. We were right next to the new Steeler's stadium.

Your son was on a rowing team? So was ours when he was at Wichita State. Traveled to regattas all over the country--took third in nationals in the four man crew. He even was invited to join the Olympic team that year but elected to stay in school. I wonder if he ever wonders 'what if' about that?
Not much in the way of rentals but that's what we may do first. The HR person told the wife the most crime in the area is on the east side so stay to the west if possible. I've already mapped out the distance to Albuquerque and that's not really a problem I also noted when searching for rentals and properties for sale there was a good accumulation of snow in some of the pictures, good thing I have a snow shovel........
Yes........ :D
The main body is solid ash, the "counter top" is white enameled metal. I need to do some work on it though.

I bet is a beautiful crafted piece of furniture and heavier than my Aunt Wanda...
Taken apart (it easily breaks down into 3 pieces) it's very light. I need to rebuild the roll-up door and one of the upper doors is warped so I have to try and undo that.
One other bit of potential "good news". The wife has had a couple of phone interviews and in about a week they want to do a face to face.......... in Gallup, New Mexico........ So far it's our best, and currently only promising job lead.
A couple of years ago she turned down a job offer there in favor of the El Paso job which turned out to be a toxic disaster.

Oh I didn't see this.

Hmm Gallup. Interesting and, in its own way, beautiful high desert terrain. A small town truly lost in time--it is squarely on the Old Route 66 route and still looks pretty much as it did when Route 66 still existed.

More nationalities/ethnic groups may live there in a smaller space than maybe any place on Earth, but as small towns go, the townsfolk say the crime rate is not as bad as its press though there is a problem. We've always found the people there to be friendly and helpful and never felt unsafe working there, staying overnight there, etc., but we also do watch our backs pretty well. A lot of folks there wouldn't want to live anywhere else. You may choose to rent for awhile to see how it is going to work out though. As I understand it, real estate is not appreciating much there and the unemployment rate is high making for a lot of panhandlers. The cost of living is significantly less than the U.S. average.

But if you guys are the accepting and tolerant types, and I suspect you are, you could be very happy there. Not a lot to do if you don't hunt or hike or enjoy shooting ranges, but interesting side trips in all directions. You're a little over two hours to Albuquerque to do serious shopping or a little under three hours to Flagstaff for the cool mountains there.
The Ohio River meanders through a valley featuring steep ravines. When the river bends, and it bends frequently, the hillsides on one bank fall right into the river while on the opposite bank, the river leaves a flat plateau. Downtown is relatively flat running east to west. But the north and south running streets slope steadily toward the river. The downtown plateau is roughly three miles long and a half mile from river bank to the foot of the hill.
Nosmo, have you been to the Three Rivers area near Pittsburgh? It's nicer than you expect it to be. I was expecting dilapidated old steel mills but found something really pretty.
Pittsburgh is thirty miles away from here. Although if you travelled by the river, it would be forty two miles away. The Pittsburgh airport is a short twenty minute drive up US Route 30.
It's about 6 hours from us. I went there for my son's regatta one year. We were right next to the new Steeler's stadium.

Your son was on a rowing team? So was ours when he was at Wichita State. Traveled to regattas all over the country--took third in nationals in the four man crew. He even was invited to join the Olympic team that year but elected to stay in school. I wonder if he ever wonders 'what if' about that?
Not much in the way of rentals but that's what we may do first. The HR person told the wife the most crime in the area is on the east side so stay to the west if possible. I've already mapped out the distance to Albuquerque and that's not really a problem I also noted when searching for rentals and properties for sale there was a good accumulation of snow in some of the pictures, good thing I have a snow shovel........

For sure. The elevation there is about a 1000 feet higher than the Albuquerque average elevation and you are very close to the continental divide so there is quite a bit more rain and snow there than what we get in Albuquerque. But you don't usually get really extreme cold in the winter or 100 heat in the summer either--low humidity--pleasant climate.
Haven't been on for a while, been too upset and depressed. Tuesday morning I let Gizmo out as usual and we ran errands taking most of the day, when we got home there was no sign of Gizmo. Wednesday still no Gizmo, Thursday report him lost on PetLink (he has a microchip), make up posters and get some out talk to neighbors. Friday expand the poster placing area talk to a few more people then last night/early morning have a long heart to heart with God. This morning I open the back curtains and who's looking at me wanting to come in? Yup it's Giz!!!! Looks like he's been roughing it and he obviously got into it with someone/something as he's missing the tip of his right ear, he's bedraggled with matted fur and briars interlacing his tail but he's alive and he's HOME!!!!!!!

I wondered what was going on. We could have kept vigil with you, but I understand. And so glad you had a happy ending here.
We're going to have to take him in to the vet now to get him thoroughly checked out.
Oh what a great ending to that story! :)
So far so good but he might be more injured than we can see. It appears he got into a fight then found a place to hide and try to recover for a few days then finally decided to come home. We'll let him rest today and take him in tomorrow. The vet we go to is open seven days a week.
Cat bites and cat fights can result in some pretty nasty infections. I'd take him in, stat!
Our vet was working today so we went ahead and took Giz in, the main reason was Giz's belly had been shaved.......... The vet thinks Giz got trapped in one of the feral cat traps that is part of the feral cat program here in El Paso. They apparently didn't scan him to see if he had a microchip, looked and didn't see balls so thought he was a female and were prepping him for spaying and discovered his pecker at which time they most likely scanned him then and dropped him off here. His torn ear had already been treated and he was fine else-wise. :thup:
On another point we had taken Jasper in on Thursday for his annual check up and labs, he does NOT have FeLV or FIV so Monday he goes in for his FeLV shot.
Our vet was working today so we went ahead and took Giz in, the main reason was Giz's belly had been shaved.......... The vet thinks Giz got trapped in one of the feral cat traps that is part of the feral cat program here in El Paso. They apparently didn't scan him to see if he had a microchip, looked and didn't see balls so thought he was a female and were prepping him for spaying and discovered his pecker at which time they most likely scanned him then and dropped him off here. His torn ear had already been treated and he was fine else-wise. :thup:
On another point we had taken Jasper in on Thursday for his annual check up and labs, he does NOT have FeLV or FIV so Monday he goes in for his FeLV shot.
You really know how to take care of them. You're a good pet owner.

Do you only have cats?
Our vet was working today so we went ahead and took Giz in, the main reason was Giz's belly had been shaved.......... The vet thinks Giz got trapped in one of the feral cat traps that is part of the feral cat program here in El Paso. They apparently didn't scan him to see if he had a microchip, looked and didn't see balls so thought he was a female and were prepping him for spaying and discovered his pecker at which time they most likely scanned him then and dropped him off here. His torn ear had already been treated and he was fine else-wise. :thup:
On another point we had taken Jasper in on Thursday for his annual check up and labs, he does NOT have FeLV or FIV so Monday he goes in for his FeLV shot.
You really know how to take care of them. You're a good pet owner.

Do you only have cats?
Yup, only cats, neither the wife or I are dog people. Doesn't mean we hate dogs we don't mind them as long as they like others children are only visiting for a few minutes........ :D

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