USMB Coffee Shop IV

Celebrated my birthday today (which is plus or minus a week, yes I am still not saying). In the card from my oldest was a note which said her third child is on the way. Great time with the kiddos, parents, my parents, Veggie Tales, pizza and cake.

Close enough. I put March 4 on the birthday list for saveliberty--with an asterisk--and that's the date we'll celebrate. :)


Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

Sunset over Gallup NM

Celebrated my birthday today (which is plus or minus a week, yes I am still not saying). In the card from my oldest was a note which said her third child is on the way. Great time with the kiddos, parents, my parents, Veggie Tales, pizza and cake.

Happy Birthday and Congratulations!
Great news :)
OK then... I am coming to you directly from South Baldwin Regional Medical Center in beautiful Foley Alabama.
I bid on a few items at a salvage auction in Pensacola and had the winning bid on a waist high wall of glass block. The wall was mortered together pretty damned well. The logical demolition method was diamond saw blades, so I was attacking the wall when it decided that although the blocks didn't want to separate from each other but had no such intimate connection with the floor. The wall fell and I was unable to get clear in time. Roughly 1,500 pounds of glass blloch landed on my legs.
The good news is my right leg is just fine. The bad news is that I have a tibia plateau fracture of my left leg. At this point, it looks like the actual knee joint will be OK but reassembling the Tib/fib junction required screws, plates, wires and a bone graft.
My blood pressure is running quite low since surgery and I am dealing with this without opiate pain medication
My phone is toast as well and I'm out of contact with my facebook people due to facebook being blocked on the hospital network. My partner's mom is here writing down phone numbers and one of my bartenders was here earlier and is now getting me a new phone.
Looks like I'll be here at least until tomorrow.
OK then... I am coming to you directly from South Baldwin Regional Medical Center in beautiful Foley Alabama.
I bid on a few items at a salvage auction in Pensacola and had the winning bid on a waist high wall of glass block. The wall was mortered together pretty damned well. The logical demolition method was diamond saw blades, so I was attacking the wall when it decided that although the blocks didn't want to separate from each other but had no such intimate connection with the floor. The wall fell and I was unable to get clear in time. Roughly 1,500 pounds of glass blloch landed on my legs.
The good news is my right leg is just fine. The bad news is that I have a tibia plateau fracture of my left leg. At this point, it looks like the actual knee joint will be OK but reassembling the Tib/fib junction required screws, plates, wires and a bone graft.
My blood pressure is running quite low since surgery and I am dealing with this without opiate pain medication
My phone is toast as well and I'm out of contact with my facebook people due to facebook being blocked on the hospital network. My partner's mom is here writing down phone numbers and one of my bartenders was here earlier and is now getting me a new phone.
Looks like I'll be here at least until tomorrow.
I'm sorry for what happened to you Ernie. :(
Get well soon! :smiliehug:
OK then... I am coming to you directly from South Baldwin Regional Medical Center in beautiful Foley Alabama.
I bid on a few items at a salvage auction in Pensacola and had the winning bid on a waist high wall of glass block. The wall was mortered together pretty damned well. The logical demolition method was diamond saw blades, so I was attacking the wall when it decided that although the blocks didn't want to separate from each other but had no such intimate connection with the floor. The wall fell and I was unable to get clear in time. Roughly 1,500 pounds of glass blloch landed on my legs.
The good news is my right leg is just fine. The bad news is that I have a tibia plateau fracture of my left leg. At this point, it looks like the actual knee joint will be OK but reassembling the Tib/fib junction required screws, plates, wires and a bone graft.
My blood pressure is running quite low since surgery and I am dealing with this without opiate pain medication
My phone is toast as well and I'm out of contact with my facebook people due to facebook being blocked on the hospital network. My partner's mom is here writing down phone numbers and one of my bartenders was here earlier and is now getting me a new phone.
Looks like I'll be here at least until tomorrow.

OK then... I am coming to you directly from South Baldwin Regional Medical Center in beautiful Foley Alabama.
I bid on a few items at a salvage auction in Pensacola and had the winning bid on a waist high wall of glass block. The wall was mortered together pretty damned well. The logical demolition method was diamond saw blades, so I was attacking the wall when it decided that although the blocks didn't want to separate from each other but had no such intimate connection with the floor. The wall fell and I was unable to get clear in time. Roughly 1,500 pounds of glass blloch landed on my legs.
The good news is my right leg is just fine. The bad news is that I have a tibia plateau fracture of my left leg. At this point, it looks like the actual knee joint will be OK but reassembling the Tib/fib junction required screws, plates, wires and a bone graft.
My blood pressure is running quite low since surgery and I am dealing with this without opiate pain medication
My phone is toast as well and I'm out of contact with my facebook people due to facebook being blocked on the hospital network. My partner's mom is here writing down phone numbers and one of my bartenders was here earlier and is now getting me a new phone.
Looks like I'll be here at least until tomorrow.
That's what happens when you bring a diamond saw blade to a glass block wall fight............ :eusa_whistle:

Hope ya get better soon. :thup:
OK then... I am coming to you directly from South Baldwin Regional Medical Center in beautiful Foley Alabama.
I bid on a few items at a salvage auction in Pensacola and had the winning bid on a waist high wall of glass block. The wall was mortered together pretty damned well. The logical demolition method was diamond saw blades, so I was attacking the wall when it decided that although the blocks didn't want to separate from each other but had no such intimate connection with the floor. The wall fell and I was unable to get clear in time. Roughly 1,500 pounds of glass blloch landed on my legs.
The good news is my right leg is just fine. The bad news is that I have a tibia plateau fracture of my left leg. At this point, it looks like the actual knee joint will be OK but reassembling the Tib/fib junction required screws, plates, wires and a bone graft.
My blood pressure is running quite low since surgery and I am dealing with this without opiate pain medication
My phone is toast as well and I'm out of contact with my facebook people due to facebook being blocked on the hospital network. My partner's mom is here writing down phone numbers and one of my bartenders was here earlier and is now getting me a new phone.
Looks like I'll be here at least until tomorrow.

Oh my gosh Ernie. So sorry. You're definitely back on the list. I've been hoping you would take some time off and rest up, but I sure didn't want you to do it this way.
Next weekend Daylight Saving Time begins. We 'Spring forward' an hour. The meterlogical first day of Spring, the vernal equinox both pale in comparison to Daylight Saving time. Why? Because there is,a tangible benefit! An extra hour of light in the evening means Spring is really gonna come.

An irregular row of daffodils planted in the yard of my neighbor I can see from the kitchen window is up about five inches. That irregular row has driven me insane for twenty five years, but that's not my yard and I cannot go over there with my garden trowel and straighten it up. My own tulips continue to sprout upward in spite of freezing temperatures this weekend.

Easter Pagaent on the Hillside practice starts in less than two hours. It's still chilly out there, but I don't doubt we will be stomping around on that slope trying to get it right for at least one more year.

So, here I am. Showered and shaved and dressed for rehearsal and killing some time in the Coffee Shop.

Ernie! Sorry to hear about that busted up leg! Sounds as if you will be taking it a bit slower for a while. Get well soon!
OK then... I am coming to you directly from South Baldwin Regional Medical Center in beautiful Foley Alabama.
I bid on a few items at a salvage auction in Pensacola and had the winning bid on a waist high wall of glass block. The wall was mortered together pretty damned well. The logical demolition method was diamond saw blades, so I was attacking the wall when it decided that although the blocks didn't want to separate from each other but had no such intimate connection with the floor. The wall fell and I was unable to get clear in time. Roughly 1,500 pounds of glass blloch landed on my legs.
The good news is my right leg is just fine. The bad news is that I have a tibia plateau fracture of my left leg. At this point, it looks like the actual knee joint will be OK but reassembling the Tib/fib junction required screws, plates, wires and a bone graft.
My blood pressure is running quite low since surgery and I am dealing with this without opiate pain medication
My phone is toast as well and I'm out of contact with my facebook people due to facebook being blocked on the hospital network. My partner's mom is here writing down phone numbers and one of my bartenders was here earlier and is now getting me a new phone.
Looks like I'll be here at least until tomorrow.

Don't push yourself during recovery before your body is ready. I know that will be difficult for you with the business. Maybe consider some sort of temporary light-weight mobility scooter to get you back in action without overdoing it on your poor leg.

Next weekend Daylight Saving Time begins. We 'Spring forward' an hour. The meterlogical first day of Spring, the vernal equinox both pale in comparison to Daylight Saving time. Why? Because there is,a tangible benefit! An extra hour of light in the evening means Spring is really gonna come.

An irregular row of daffodils planted in the yard of my neighbor I can see from the kitchen window is up about five inches. That irregular row has driven me insane for twenty five years, but that's not my yard and I cannot go over there with my garden trowel and straighten it up. My own tulips continue to sprout upward in spite of freezing temperatures this weekend.

Easter Pagaent on the Hillside practice starts in less than two hours. It's still chilly out there, but I don't doubt we will be stomping around on that slope trying to get it right for at least one more year.

So, here I am. Showered and shaved and dressed for rehearsal and killing some time in the Coffee Shop.

Ernie! Sorry to hear about that busted up leg! Sounds as if you will be taking it a bit slower for a while. Get well soon!

I had to smile when you described that crooked row of daffodils. Hombre's mild OCD kicks in at things like that too. :)

I have always hated daylight savings time I think because our kids were little in West Texas right on the western edge of the central time zone. And it is difficult to convince kids that it is bedtime when the sun is still up. But I've always thought that if they would just set the time and leave it set all year it would be better. And our state legislature is voting on that very thing. But do we want to be the only state in the union that does that?

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