USMB Coffee Shop IV

Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

I like it too but it doesn't really evoke any emotion in me but that is because I don't associate it with anything important I guess. It must be pulling up old feelings from you.
And I just got this in my e-mail. Probably most of you can't relate. And those of us who can are the last of that generation.


1. You had to hang the socks by the toes, not the top.
2. You hung pants by the bottom/cuffs and not the waistband.
3. You had to wasg the clothesline(s) before hanging any clothes. This was done by walking the entire length of each line with a damp cloth around the lines.
4. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang whites with whites and hang them first.
5. You never hung a shirt by the shoulders - always by the tail! What would the neighbors think?
6. Wash day on a Monday! Clothes were not hung on weekend if there was any way to avoid it and absolutely not on Sunday.
7. Sheets and towels were hung on the outside lines to hide the 'unmentionables' in the middle. (perverts & busybodies, y'know!)
8. It didn't matter if it was sub-zero weather... clothes would "freeze-dry."
9. ALWAYS gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes! Pins left on the lines were "tacky"! (Also they would get dirty that would transfer to wet clothes.)
10. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed item.
11. Clothes off of the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket, and ready to be ironed. IRONED??!! Well, that's a whole OTHER subject!
12. Long wooden pole (clothes pole) that was used to push the clotheslines up so that longer items (sheets/bedspreads etc.) didn't brush the ground and get dirty.

And now a POEM..

A clothesline was a news forecast,
to neighbors passing by,
there were no secrets you could keep,
when clothes were hung to dry.

It also was a friendly link,
for neighbors always knew,
if company had stopped on by
to spend a night or two.

For then you'd see the "fancy sheets",
and towels upon the line;
you'd see the "company table cloths"
with intricate designs.

The line announced a baby's birth,
from folks who lived inside,
as brand new infant clothes were hung,
so carefully with pride!

The ages of the children could,
so readily be known,
by watching how the sizes changed,
you'd know how much they'd grown!

It also told when illness struck,
as extra sheets were hung;
then nightclothes, and a bathrobe too,
haphazardly were strung.

It also said, "On vacation now",
when lines hung limp and bare.
It told, "We're back!" when full lines sagged,
with not an inch to spare!

New folks in town were scorned upon,
if wash was dingy and gray,
as neighbors carefully raised their brows,
and looked the other way.

But clotheslines now are of the past,
for dryers make work much less.
Now what goes on inside a home,
is anybody's guess!

I really miss that way of life,
it was a friendly sign,
when neighbors knew each other best
by what hung on the line.
I grew up with clotheslines, it's almost sad to see those empty, unused square and rectangular clothes lines standing as silent sentinels to the past in back yards. I still have a line up specifically to dry the large cotton blankets, comforters and towels, however I do have to run them through the drier for about 15 minutes or they're too stiff, the towels take on a wood rasp quality.
All that works well, as long as you don't live "off grid". Hand washing and hanging to dry are still regular laundry procedures here.
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First fox photo of the year, and I am already worried. The fox tore a new hole in the neighbours patio and climbed down inside. I thought at first it would be trapped, but it managed to climb out. Now I am worried that if it has cubs down that hole they will not be able to climb out. Do foxes think of such things,? I wonder.
If it went through the effort of making a hole, and has already crawled out once, I'd say it's found it's den for the season. I hope the neighbor doesn't feel too badly about the hole.
I have been up since 6am fox watching and I wrote a letter to the next door neighbour telling them about the fox hole in their patio, but since they have not come out to look at it I think they may be away for the holidays.
That will be awkward because the foxes may start having cubs under the patio while the neighbours are away.
Then they may want to fill in the hole trapping the foxes under the patio.
I am going to have to set the alarm for 6am every morning to keep an eye on the foxes.
You call them "cubs" there? Here, we call them "kits".
Greetings, CS!
I've been following things here but have had little time to respond much until now. Sorry to read about Boedie's father and brother. Glad to know that Ernie is on the mend. Hoping the Ringels' move goes smoothly. And I send my best wishes and good vibes to all of y'all.
Things have been well here. Spring is well advanced and we stay at or above freezing, even after dark. It's been in the mid 40s most of the time this past week.
Circumstances for my daughter's mentor, Sachenda, seem dire. The daughter is pulling the girls out of school early and they will be going back to MD to help Sachenda's husband, because Sachenda has been hospitalized for (probably) the last time, and because he has to get back surgery that he's been putting off for years. They'll be there for the best part of three months. We've discussed at least sending the granddaughters up here for a week, or two, to break the tension of having to attend such dire events. Since I've been saving both vacation time and funds for my trip to Japan, I think this will be most do-able. I would go back East if I thought it would do any good, but I know that having "extras" around would only add to the stress. I'll support my daughter as best I can from afar, and welcome the youngsters should they come my way.
Greetings, CS!
I've been following things here but have had little time to respond much until now. Sorry to read about Boedie's father and brother. Glad to know that Ernie is on the mend. Hoping the Ringels' move goes smoothly. And I send my best wishes and good vibes to all of y'all.
Things have been well here. Spring is well advanced and we stay at or above freezing, even after dark. It's been in the mid 40s most of the time this past week.
Circumstances for my daughter's mentor, Sachenda, seem dire. The daughter is pulling the girls out of school early and they will be going back to MD to help Sachenda's husband, because Sachenda has been hospitalized for (probably) the last time, and because he has to get back surgery that he's been putting off for years. They'll be there for the best part of three months. We've discussed at least sending the granddaughters up here for a week, or two, to break the tension of having to attend such dire events. Since I've been saving both vacation time and funds for my trip to Japan, I think this will be most do-able. I would go back East if I thought it would do any good, but I know that having "extras" around would only add to the stress. I'll support my daughter as best I can from afar, and welcome the youngsters should they come my way.

Either way it is tough duty GW. Watching our loved ones grieve is so much harder on us than coping with grief ourselves.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

Greetings, CS!
I've been following things here but have had little time to respond much until now. Sorry to read about Boedie's father and brother. Glad to know that Ernie is on the mend. Hoping the Ringels' move goes smoothly. And I send my best wishes and good vibes to all of y'all.
Things have been well here. Spring is well advanced and we stay at or above freezing, even after dark. It's been in the mid 40s most of the time this past week.
Circumstances for my daughter's mentor, Sachenda, seem dire. The daughter is pulling the girls out of school early and they will be going back to MD to help Sachenda's husband, because Sachenda has been hospitalized for (probably) the last time, and because he has to get back surgery that he's been putting off for years. They'll be there for the best part of three months. We've discussed at least sending the granddaughters up here for a week, or two, to break the tension of having to attend such dire events. Since I've been saving both vacation time and funds for my trip to Japan, I think this will be most do-able. I would go back East if I thought it would do any good, but I know that having "extras" around would only add to the stress. I'll support my daughter as best I can from afar, and welcome the youngsters should they come my way.

Either way it is tough duty GW. Watching our loved ones grieve is so much harder on us than coping with grief ourselves.
Agreed. You feel so helpless. There are no words, nothing you can say or do that will ease the pain of loss. My daughter is a strong gal, though. I'll just keep my phone charged...just in case. Sometimes talking about the situation can help more than we might believe.
Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

I like it too but it doesn't really evoke any emotion in me but that is because I don't associate it with anything important I guess. It must be pulling up old feelings from you.

Yeah,jealousy, envy and joy......... I don't have that range and I'm in awe of those who do besides I'm moved by the way he uses his voice in that song, there are others who evoke that kind of feeling in me with just they way they can use their voices. Basically I'm a high baritone, low tenor and I appreciate great vocal rang, other than that there's no personal event that comes to mind in association with that song.
And not just vocals, certain blends and musical solos/riffs touch me emotionally, it's just he way I am.
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Greetings, CS!
I've been following things here but have had little time to respond much until now. Sorry to read about Boedie's father and brother. Glad to know that Ernie is on the mend. Hoping the Ringels' move goes smoothly. And I send my best wishes and good vibes to all of y'all.
Things have been well here. Spring is well advanced and we stay at or above freezing, even after dark. It's been in the mid 40s most of the time this past week.
Circumstances for my daughter's mentor, Sachenda, seem dire. The daughter is pulling the girls out of school early and they will be going back to MD to help Sachenda's husband, because Sachenda has been hospitalized for (probably) the last time, and because he has to get back surgery that he's been putting off for years. They'll be there for the best part of three months. We've discussed at least sending the granddaughters up here for a week, or two, to break the tension of having to attend such dire events. Since I've been saving both vacation time and funds for my trip to Japan, I think this will be most do-able. I would go back East if I thought it would do any good, but I know that having "extras" around would only add to the stress. I'll support my daughter as best I can from afar, and welcome the youngsters should they come my way.
Our prayers are on the way.
Greetings, CS!
I've been following things here but have had little time to respond much until now. Sorry to read about Boedie's father and brother. Glad to know that Ernie is on the mend. Hoping the Ringels' move goes smoothly. And I send my best wishes and good vibes to all of y'all.
Things have been well here. Spring is well advanced and we stay at or above freezing, even after dark. It's been in the mid 40s most of the time this past week.
Circumstances for my daughter's mentor, Sachenda, seem dire. The daughter is pulling the girls out of school early and they will be going back to MD to help Sachenda's husband, because Sachenda has been hospitalized for (probably) the last time, and because he has to get back surgery that he's been putting off for years. They'll be there for the best part of three months. We've discussed at least sending the granddaughters up here for a week, or two, to break the tension of having to attend such dire events. Since I've been saving both vacation time and funds for my trip to Japan, I think this will be most do-able. I would go back East if I thought it would do any good, but I know that having "extras" around would only add to the stress. I'll support my daughter as best I can from afar, and welcome the youngsters should they come my way.
Our prayers are on the way.
Thank you! They are appreciated.
It's snowing. It's melting as soon as it hits the ground, but a few miles north, where I'm headed this afternoon, they've gotten an inch or two of accumulation.
Poor man's fertilizer.
Easter Sunday it was 73.
I'll be mowing the Third time this month, fifth time this season.
Have any of you noticed more honey bees this spring?
I mentioned this at the office and a couple other people noticed same thing...that would be awesome.
Hmm...according to Google they are on the come back. :)
Greetings, CS!
I've been following things here but have had little time to respond much until now. Sorry to read about Boedie's father and brother. Glad to know that Ernie is on the mend. Hoping the Ringels' move goes smoothly. And I send my best wishes and good vibes to all of y'all.
Things have been well here. Spring is well advanced and we stay at or above freezing, even after dark. It's been in the mid 40s most of the time this past week.
Circumstances for my daughter's mentor, Sachenda, seem dire. The daughter is pulling the girls out of school early and they will be going back to MD to help Sachenda's husband, because Sachenda has been hospitalized for (probably) the last time, and because he has to get back surgery that he's been putting off for years. They'll be there for the best part of three months. We've discussed at least sending the granddaughters up here for a week, or two, to break the tension of having to attend such dire events. Since I've been saving both vacation time and funds for my trip to Japan, I think this will be most do-able. I would go back East if I thought it would do any good, but I know that having "extras" around would only add to the stress. I'll support my daughter as best I can from afar, and welcome the youngsters should they come my way.

I politely disagree with your assessment that visiting would add more stress. It might to you, but they will not see it that way. No excuses, go visit.
I'll be mowing the Third time this month, fifth time this season.
Have any of you noticed more honey bees this spring?
I mentioned this at the office and a couple other people noticed same thing...that would be awesome.
Hmm...according to Google they are on the come back. :)

Our temps here have not allowed for mowing until just this week.
Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

I like it too but it doesn't really evoke any emotion in me but that is because I don't associate it with anything important I guess. It must be pulling up old feelings from you.

Yeah,jealousy, envy and joy......... I don't have that range and I'm in awe of those who do besides I'm moved by the way he uses his voice in that song, there are others who evoke that kind of feeling in me with just they way they can use their voices. Basically I'm a high baritone, low tenor and I appreciate great vocal rang, other than that there's no personal event that comes to mind in association with that song.
And not just vocals, certain blends and musical solos/riffs touch me emotionally, it's just he way I am.

I rarely feel moved by music because of a specific event. It's usually something about the music or vocals, or combination of those, which does it.

Of course, I tend to fall easily into sadness, so sad songs (in sound, if not lyrics) are what get to me. Kiss From A Rose, however, isn't one of those songs. ;) Not a bad song, just not one that inspires an emotional response for me.
For a really up-lifting feel good song, I highly recommend "Rubber Ducky" sang by Ernie of the Muppets. Listening to this song will make you feel good all day long!

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