USMB Coffee Shop IV

Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

I like it too but it doesn't really evoke any emotion in me but that is because I don't associate it with anything important I guess. It must be pulling up old feelings from you.

Yeah,jealousy, envy and joy......... I don't have that range and I'm in awe of those who do besides I'm moved by the way he uses his voice in that song, there are others who evoke that kind of feeling in me with just they way they can use their voices. Basically I'm a high baritone, low tenor and I appreciate great vocal rang, other than that there's no personal event that comes to mind in association with that song.
And not just vocals, certain blends and musical solos/riffs touch me emotionally, it's just he way I am.

I rarely feel moved by music because of a specific event. It's usually something about the music or vocals, or combination of those, which does it.

Of course, I tend to fall easily into sadness, so sad songs (in sound, if not lyrics) are what get to me. Kiss From A Rose, however, isn't one of those songs. ;) Not a bad song, just not one that inspires an emotional response for me.

Each person reacts differently to different stimuli and to different aspects of related stimuli, some are moved by artwork, some by dance some by acting, etc, etc. For me it's more of an elation.
Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

I like it too but it doesn't really evoke any emotion in me but that is because I don't associate it with anything important I guess. It must be pulling up old feelings from you.

Yeah,jealousy, envy and joy......... I don't have that range and I'm in awe of those who do besides I'm moved by the way he uses his voice in that song, there are others who evoke that kind of feeling in me with just they way they can use their voices. Basically I'm a high baritone, low tenor and I appreciate great vocal rang, other than that there's no personal event that comes to mind in association with that song.
And not just vocals, certain blends and musical solos/riffs touch me emotionally, it's just he way I am.

I rarely feel moved by music because of a specific event. It's usually something about the music or vocals, or combination of those, which does it.

Of course, I tend to fall easily into sadness, so sad songs (in sound, if not lyrics) are what get to me. Kiss From A Rose, however, isn't one of those songs. ;) Not a bad song, just not one that inspires an emotional response for me.

Each person reacts differently to different stimuli and to different aspects of related stimuli, some are moved by artwork, some by dance some by acting, etc, etc. For me it's more of an elation.

I get depression and anger, mostly. :lol:
Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

I like it too but it doesn't really evoke any emotion in me but that is because I don't associate it with anything important I guess. It must be pulling up old feelings from you.

Yeah,jealousy, envy and joy......... I don't have that range and I'm in awe of those who do besides I'm moved by the way he uses his voice in that song, there are others who evoke that kind of feeling in me with just they way they can use their voices. Basically I'm a high baritone, low tenor and I appreciate great vocal rang, other than that there's no personal event that comes to mind in association with that song.
And not just vocals, certain blends and musical solos/riffs touch me emotionally, it's just he way I am.

I rarely feel moved by music because of a specific event. It's usually something about the music or vocals, or combination of those, which does it.

Of course, I tend to fall easily into sadness, so sad songs (in sound, if not lyrics) are what get to me. Kiss From A Rose, however, isn't one of those songs. ;) Not a bad song, just not one that inspires an emotional response for me.

Each person reacts differently to different stimuli and to different aspects of related stimuli, some are moved by artwork, some by dance some by acting, etc, etc. For me it's more of an elation.

I get depression and anger, mostly. :lol:

Interesting. :dunno:
Don't know why but this song popped into my head this morning. Hadn't heard it in quite a while, it still brings tears to my eyes.

I like it too but it doesn't really evoke any emotion in me but that is because I don't associate it with anything important I guess. It must be pulling up old feelings from you.

Yeah,jealousy, envy and joy......... I don't have that range and I'm in awe of those who do besides I'm moved by the way he uses his voice in that song, there are others who evoke that kind of feeling in me with just they way they can use their voices. Basically I'm a high baritone, low tenor and I appreciate great vocal rang, other than that there's no personal event that comes to mind in association with that song.
And not just vocals, certain blends and musical solos/riffs touch me emotionally, it's just he way I am.

I rarely feel moved by music because of a specific event. It's usually something about the music or vocals, or combination of those, which does it.

Of course, I tend to fall easily into sadness, so sad songs (in sound, if not lyrics) are what get to me. Kiss From A Rose, however, isn't one of those songs. ;) Not a bad song, just not one that inspires an emotional response for me.

Each person reacts differently to different stimuli and to different aspects of related stimuli, some are moved by artwork, some by dance some by acting, etc, etc. For me it's more of an elation.

I am hopeless in that I do cry with elation--seeing the ocean or the Grand Canyon for the first time, seeing a moving performance, watching my kids running a great cross country race, super market openings, things like that.
I'm back! Did ya miss me? :)

Spent Easter and my grandsons birthday in Monterey, drove home in rain and fog and horrid traffic this morning on my birthday....but I made it!

Think I'll just relax and unpack tomorrow.... at home up on here.

Of course you were missed CeeCee. I miss all our Coffee Shop family when they are away, but am also happy for those who are away doing good stuff.
I'm back! Did ya miss me? :)

Spent Easter and my grandsons birthday in Monterey, drove home in rain and fog and horrid traffic this morning on my birthday....but I made it!

Think I'll just relax and unpack tomorrow.... at home up on here.



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Speaking of birthdays I have birth dates (or at least what they tell me are their birthdates) for:

Sherry, Nosmo's Daisy, Nosmo, GallantWarrior, SFC Ollie, Ringel, Dajjal, BigBlackDog, 007, Spoonman, Ernie S, ChrisL, Peach174, Foxfyre, Montrovant, Gracie, WelfareQueen, Hossfly, Kat, AgainSheila, Pogo, and dates that may or may not be the actual birthdates for Divine Wind and Saveliberty,

If you aren't on that list so far and wouldn't mind us including you, I would like to have your birthdates. The Xenforo software has no provision to pull up and publish the birthdates daily like the old VBulletin did.
I'm back! Did ya miss me? :)

Spent Easter and my grandsons birthday in Monterey, drove home in rain and fog and horrid traffic this morning on my birthday....but I made it!

Think I'll just relax and unpack tomorrow.... at home up on here.

Happy Birthday! :) Hope I haven't missed anybody else's B-day. I haven't been posting much lately.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return

Baikal Lake is a rift lake in the south of Siberia which contains roughly 20% of the world's unfrozen surface freshwater – the greatest and deepest in the world by volume. It is 1,642 meters deep and among the clearest of all lakes. At 25 million years old, it is also thought to be the world's oldest lake. It is home to the world's only fresh water seal. Covered with heavy ice for the winter, the ice is now beginning to break up and the lake will be ice free by the end of May.
Speaking of birthdays I have birth dates (or at least what they tell me are their birthdates) for:

Sherry, Nosmo's Daisy, Nosmo, GallantWarrior, SFC Ollie, Ringel, Dajjal, BigBlackDog, 007, Spoonman, Ernie S, ChrisL, Peach174, Foxfyre, Montrovant, Gracie, WelfareQueen, Hossfly, Kat, AgainSheila, Pogo, and dates that may or may not be the actual birthdates for Divine Wind and Saveliberty,

If you aren't on that list so far and wouldn't mind us including you, I would like to have your birthdates. The Xenforo software has no provision to pull up and publish the birthdates daily like the old VBulletin did.

Ah, no. I dislike my birthdays, nothing against anyone here at all.
Yesterday was Tax Day. If you have not already paid your taxes by now somebody from the IRS will be coming to your house today to cut the plugs off of all of your electrical appliances. Taxes not paid, no TV, coffee or radio. Hope you're not on the IRS Hit list! LOL.
Speaking of birthdays I have birth dates (or at least what they tell me are their birthdates) for:

Sherry, Nosmo's Daisy, Nosmo, GallantWarrior, SFC Ollie, Ringel, Dajjal, BigBlackDog, 007, Spoonman, Ernie S, ChrisL, Peach174, Foxfyre, Montrovant, Gracie, WelfareQueen, Hossfly, Kat, AgainSheila, Pogo, and dates that may or may not be the actual birthdates for Divine Wind and Saveliberty,

If you aren't on that list so far and wouldn't mind us including you, I would like to have your birthdates. The Xenforo software has no provision to pull up and publish the birthdates daily like the old VBulletin did.

Ah, no. I dislike my birthdays, nothing against anyone here at all.

That's why we have an arbitrary date set for yours. :)
Yesterday was Tax Day. If you have not already paid your taxes by now somebody from the IRS will be coming to your house today to cut the plugs off of all of your electrical appliances. Taxes not paid, no TV, coffee or radio. Hope you're not on the IRS Hit list! LOL.

I did our taxes on Monday. Nothing like waiting until pretty much the last day. But it is never as difficult to do as the dreading doing it warrants.
Wait...isn't it Cee Cee's grandson's bday and not hers?.... :dunno:

The 16th was oldest grandson's bday. Mine was the 18th and my son's is tomorrow.

The 16th is also Hombre's (my hubby) birthday, but he almost never checks in here so I didn't acknowledge it. But now I have yours on the list. :) And a belated:



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