USMB Coffee Shop IV

Wow. Got home a few minutes ago after the little one's soccer practice today. After practice we went out to eat. After we finished eating and started to head home, it was me and the little one in the back seat, my employer in the passenger seat and her boyfriend driving. We were on a 6 lane section of the highway with a grass median in between, with us in the left lane. On the other side, as we were getting close to a light with some turn lanes, we see a guy on a motorcycle wipe out. It was dark, but beyond the sparks flying from the motorcycle sliding along the road, I saw this guy not just slide but tumble his way down the road into the median. We didn't skid as we stopped, but we did have to swerve a bit into the turn lane because of how quickly we put on the brakes and turned into the median. My employer, who is a nurse and was an ER nurse for a number of years, jumped out and ran to go check on the guy, as did her boyfriend. I stayed in the car with the little one and tried to let her know what was going on.

The little one started to cry. She was scared and wanted her mommy. I told her mommy was fine, she was safe, but she needed to go help someone who had an accident. The little one, of course, would not be consoled. Nothing to do but continue to try to calm her and let her know all of us are fine and safe, that only the motorcycle driver is in trouble, and that mommy needs to help because she knows what to do when someone gets hurt. After just a few minutes, my employer and her boyfriend come back to the car and get back in. Apparently the motorcycle driver was pretty much fine, he got back up and tried to get back on his bike (which was pretty well totaled). I find that shocking. I saw his limbs flying about as he tumbled through the air when he crashed. I was certain he at least would have broken bones, if not that he ended up as a pile of pulpous matter splattered across the pavement. We wondered whether he might have been drinking, which tends to leave people a bit less hurt in accidents, or if perhaps he was hurt but wanted to avoid any police intercession. Whatever the case, as his bike was trashed and multiple police cars and an ambulance passed by toward that site as we drove home, it would seem he ended up encountering the police.

That was one extremely lucky motorcyclist.

Back when I worked for very small town hospitals, I wasn't a nurse or medically trained at all, but I was sometimes drafted to help in E.R. when they were short handed. And some of the motorcycle riders they brought in were not at all pretty much okay. Maybe the leathers and helmets they wear nowadays helps a lot, but back then it was horrible.

I used to watch this show about real emergency rooms on a typical night. There was one guy who got in a motorcycle accident, was thrown from the motorcycle and his body hit a big metal sign on the side of the road. It amputated both of his legs and one of his arms. His other arm was like . . . unrecognizable as an arm. He was still alive and conscious when they brought him. I don't know if he ended up living or not, but that was one of the harshest things I've ever seen! Motorcycle accidents are not pretty.

My brother in law in New Jersey is a Doctor in ER and the things he sees are never pretty!

Don't know how anyone in these type of jobs deals with it daily! :(

It is pretty intense, especially in the big cities where you see awful stuff every day. In the small town hospitals not so much, but it is bad enough. Even in radiology it was wrenching hearing the screams of people brought in for a quick X-ray before they would be zipped to emergency surgery. They couldn't give them anything for the pain just before surgery so they poor people just had to suffer. I could handle that in small doses but not on an every day basis I don't think.
Meanwhile on a brighter note it is another bright blue cloudless day in Albuquerque--temperatures to rise to a pleasant mid 70's. It is our regular 42 day so we're looking forward to that.

We sure could use some of that rain Gracie needs to get rid of in California though.
Wow. Got home a few minutes ago after the little one's soccer practice today. After practice we went out to eat. After we finished eating and started to head home, it was me and the little one in the back seat, my employer in the passenger seat and her boyfriend driving. We were on a 6 lane section of the highway with a grass median in between, with us in the left lane. On the other side, as we were getting close to a light with some turn lanes, we see a guy on a motorcycle wipe out. It was dark, but beyond the sparks flying from the motorcycle sliding along the road, I saw this guy not just slide but tumble his way down the road into the median. We didn't skid as we stopped, but we did have to swerve a bit into the turn lane because of how quickly we put on the brakes and turned into the median. My employer, who is a nurse and was an ER nurse for a number of years, jumped out and ran to go check on the guy, as did her boyfriend. I stayed in the car with the little one and tried to let her know what was going on.

The little one started to cry. She was scared and wanted her mommy. I told her mommy was fine, she was safe, but she needed to go help someone who had an accident. The little one, of course, would not be consoled. Nothing to do but continue to try to calm her and let her know all of us are fine and safe, that only the motorcycle driver is in trouble, and that mommy needs to help because she knows what to do when someone gets hurt. After just a few minutes, my employer and her boyfriend come back to the car and get back in. Apparently the motorcycle driver was pretty much fine, he got back up and tried to get back on his bike (which was pretty well totaled). I find that shocking. I saw his limbs flying about as he tumbled through the air when he crashed. I was certain he at least would have broken bones, if not that he ended up as a pile of pulpous matter splattered across the pavement. We wondered whether he might have been drinking, which tends to leave people a bit less hurt in accidents, or if perhaps he was hurt but wanted to avoid any police intercession. Whatever the case, as his bike was trashed and multiple police cars and an ambulance passed by toward that site as we drove home, it would seem he ended up encountering the police.

That was one extremely lucky motorcyclist.

Back when I worked for very small town hospitals, I wasn't a nurse or medically trained at all, but I was sometimes drafted to help in E.R. when they were short handed. And some of the motorcycle riders they brought in were not at all pretty much okay. Maybe the leathers and helmets they wear nowadays helps a lot, but back then it was horrible.

I wasn't expecting bad road rash for this guy. He didn't slide so much as tumble uncontrollably. The bike certainly did some sliding, but the man I thought was going to be broken rather than scraped. He was lucky to have gotten off with what seems to have been no more than minor injuries. I imagine it's in large part because he didn't hit anything.
Had my chiro visit yesterday, he was able to get a couple areas in the upper back and neck to move. I slept for the first time in months without pain and tingling in my forearms and hands. Slept for 9 hours straight, it was wonderful!
Meanwhile on a brighter note it is another bright blue cloudless day in Albuquerque--temperatures to rise to a pleasant mid 70's. It is our regular 42 day so we're looking forward to that.

We sure could use some of that rain Gracie needs to get rid of in California though.

I'll be happy to trade weather forecasts.... :deal:

After several days of rain/clouds we finally got a couple of hours of sunshine but only a couple. My newly-transplanted tomato young'uns were starting to develop mildew on the soil. I hope I nipped it in the bud. However the forecast for the next several days goes: rain, followed by rain, but then a day of rain, and then, at last, rain. Can't grow no tomatoes like that. :mad:
Meanwhile on a brighter note it is another bright blue cloudless day in Albuquerque--temperatures to rise to a pleasant mid 70's. It is our regular 42 day so we're looking forward to that.

We sure could use some of that rain Gracie needs to get rid of in California though.

I'll be happy to trade weather forecasts.... :deal:

After several days of rain/clouds we finally got a couple of hours of sunshine but only a couple. My newly-transplanted tomato young'uns were starting to develop mildew on the soil. I hope I nipped it in the bud. However the forecast for the next several days goes: rain, followed by rain, but then a day of rain, and then, at last, rain. Can't grow no tomatoes like that. :mad:

We don't have that problem. But we don't put out the tomato young-uns until Mother's Day as we can be reasonably certain we are past any chance of a freeze by then.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

Sunset over Charlotte
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

Sunset over Charlotte

Season 3, episode 6 of West Wing.

Is the WH really that way or did Hollyweird take a bunch of license in making a tv show for entertainment?

Anyway...just taking a quick break, then I think I will watch one more episode then call it a night.

Today, I took pics of a couple of wild flowers growing up and down the road. Some are in our front yard. One looks like blue bells...and the other a wild orchid or lily or Iris? no clue....but they were pretty so I snapped some pics along with karma hanging out in the SUNNY back yard since there was no rain today THANKFULLY.




Karma IN the creek, lol

Creek is behind her. We did a bit of wading today.:)
Season 3, episode 6 of West Wing.

Is the WH really that way or did Hollyweird take a bunch of license in making a tv show for entertainment?

Anyway...just taking a quick break, then I think I will watch one more episode then call it a night.

Today, I took pics of a couple of wild flowers growing up and down the road. Some are in our front yard. One looks like blue bells...and the other a wild orchid or lily or Iris? no clue....but they were pretty so I snapped some pics along with karma hanging out in the SUNNY back yard since there was no rain today THANKFULLY.




Karma IN the creek, lol

Creek is behind her. We did a bit of wading today.:)

Great pics! Karma looks like she's having a great time. :)

I think the first flower is a purple iris. The others are called blue bells I think. Beautiful!
Good morning everyone...great pics Gracie, looks like a nice place to live.

Nice Friday weatherwise here, upper 70's and tomorrow 80's an that will be the trend til we reach 105 in a couple months.

I'm feeling sad because my sister in Colorado is sad because she had to put her dog down on Monday. :(
Good morning everyone...great pics Gracie, looks like a nice place to live.

Nice Friday weatherwise here, upper 70's and tomorrow 80's an that will be the trend til we reach 105 in a couple months.

I'm feeling sad because my sister in Colorado is sad because she had to put her dog down on Monday. :(

Happy belated Ceecee :)
Wasn't sure of the exact date.
Season 3, episode 6 of West Wing.

Is the WH really that way or did Hollyweird take a bunch of license in making a tv show for entertainment?

Anyway...just taking a quick break, then I think I will watch one more episode then call it a night.

Today, I took pics of a couple of wild flowers growing up and down the road. Some are in our front yard. One looks like blue bells...and the other a wild orchid or lily or Iris? no clue....but they were pretty so I snapped some pics along with karma hanging out in the SUNNY back yard since there was no rain today THANKFULLY.




Karma IN the creek, lol

Creek is behind her. We did a bit of wading today.:)
Hollywood. :)

This is the best description I could find:
The TV West Wing

This has some tidbits:
Mindhole Blowers: 20 Facts About "The West Wing" That Will Make You Stand There In Your Wrongness
4. The Oval Office used in “The West Wing” was the same Oval Office used in the movies Dave and The American President (also written by Aaron Sorkin).

Good morning everyone...great pics Gracie, looks like a nice place to live.

Nice Friday weatherwise here, upper 70's and tomorrow 80's an that will be the trend til we reach 105 in a couple months.

I'm feeling sad because my sister in Colorado is sad because she had to put her dog down on Monday. :(

Yes the terrible price we so often pay for all that love from our fur friends is having to put them down when it is time. And even though it is an act of love, we all know how much it hurts.

The 70's and low 80's are common for us too this time of year but our normal daytime highs in the summer are usually mid to high 90's. We have few, if any, 100 degree days and I don't remember getting to 105 ever. In Kansas now and then, yes, and there it was brutal because it was always accompanied by high humidity.
Season 3, episode 6 of West Wing.

Is the WH really that way or did Hollyweird take a bunch of license in making a tv show for entertainment?

Anyway...just taking a quick break, then I think I will watch one more episode then call it a night.

Today, I took pics of a couple of wild flowers growing up and down the road. Some are in our front yard. One looks like blue bells...and the other a wild orchid or lily or Iris? no clue....but they were pretty so I snapped some pics along with karma hanging out in the SUNNY back yard since there was no rain today THANKFULLY.




Karma IN the creek, lol

Creek is behind her. We did a bit of wading today.:)
Great pictures Gracie! felice.gif
I am still musing on whether to stay here.

Sorry about your sisters dog, CeeCee. I know how that feels. We lost Moki in October. Now its just Karma.
We were approved for the original amount we were thinking about for the house we didn't get, unfortunately I had asked to get approved for the full amount I can borrow but I figure he didn't understand what I meant buy that so he will do that for Monday or Tuesday.
In the mean time the wife has an interview for a state job in Rio Rancho next week, yup a state job, they actually called her back. Also in the mean time the hunt for a house goes on.

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