USMB Coffee Shop IV

We were approved for the original amount we were thinking about for the house we didn't get, unfortunately I had asked to get approved for the full amount I can borrow but I figure he didn't understand what I meant buy that so he will do that for Monday or Tuesday.
In the mean time the wife has an interview for a state job in Rio Rancho next week, yup a state job, they actually called her back. Also in the mean time the hunt for a house goes on.

Good luck on the job hunt and the house hunt. It just never seems to end, huh?
We were approved for the original amount we were thinking about for the house we didn't get, unfortunately I had asked to get approved for the full amount I can borrow but I figure he didn't understand what I meant buy that so he will do that for Monday or Tuesday.
In the mean time the wife has an interview for a state job in Rio Rancho next week, yup a state job, they actually called her back. Also in the mean time the hunt for a house goes on.

Will you still want to be in the western south valley if Mrs. R is working in Rio Rancho? I personally wouldn't want to battle the traffic both ways on the entire length of Coors Blvd. every day.
We were approved for the original amount we were thinking about for the house we didn't get, unfortunately I had asked to get approved for the full amount I can borrow but I figure he didn't understand what I meant buy that so he will do that for Monday or Tuesday.
In the mean time the wife has an interview for a state job in Rio Rancho next week, yup a state job, they actually called her back. Also in the mean time the hunt for a house goes on.

Will you still want to be in the western south valley if Mrs. R is working in Rio Rancho? I personally wouldn't want to battle the traffic both ways on the entire length of Coors Blvd. every day.
no we're looking primarily in Rio Rancho but also in Albuquerque proper. Supposedly the reverse commute from Albuquerque to Rio Rancho is much, much better than the traffic going from RR to Albuquerque.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, and all the others we miss and hope to return.

High Desert Sunset
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.
Thinking of boedicca tonight and wondering how her dad and brother are.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

The sea turtles are beginning to return to western Caribbean beaches to lay their eggs.

Thank you, hun!

My brother is still in hospital, recovering from surgery - it went very well so we are hopeful.

Dad is in bad shape; we need to move him to a care facility - he's declining fairly rapidly. And I feel like bones - my mother is going nuts. She definitely needs some meds, or something. Perhaps a bottle of scotch.
Today is Earth Day. I remember the first Earth Day in 1970. If there was ever a holiday targeted at Rust Belt towns, it's Earth Day.

As a aforementioned Rust Belt town, East Liverpool, Ohio, at the Crotch of the Tri-State area, we are beggars raqther than choosers where industry and jobs are concerned. The potteries that lined the north bank of the Ohio are gone but for one, Hall China Co. The sewer pipe manufacturer went out of business with the invention of PVC. The massive Crucible Steel mill, four miles up the river in Midland, PA has been crated up and shipped to Indonesia.

When all those businesses shuttered, it left not only a crater in our local economy, but an environmental mess that made Times Square on New Year's Eve look like a pristine bucolic fairyland.

The one new industry here since the fall of the rest is a hazardous waster incinerator. Nestled down in the most populous neighborhood in town is a plant that takes in damn near everything that isn't nuclear and burns it to a crisp in a high tech kiln.

Each Earth Day, the good folks operating the plant invite the citizens of the area to dispose of hazardous household waste, including electronic waste, known as e-waste.

I had two computer towers, and old Dell I bought fourteen years ago, and an Apple G-4 that was at least ten years old. A couple of monitors, a printer, a VHS player/recorder and an old computer speaker. Things that a short fifteen years ago were indispensable luxuries are now a hassle to throw away.

Paraphrasing the great Bob Dylan, 'The times they are becoming quite different'.
Season 3, episode 6 of West Wing.

Is the WH really that way or did Hollyweird take a bunch of license in making a tv show for entertainment?

Anyway...just taking a quick break, then I think I will watch one more episode then call it a night.

Today, I took pics of a couple of wild flowers growing up and down the road. Some are in our front yard. One looks like blue bells...and the other a wild orchid or lily or Iris? no clue....but they were pretty so I snapped some pics along with karma hanging out in the SUNNY back yard since there was no rain today THANKFULLY.




Karma IN the creek, lol

Creek is behind her. We did a bit of wading today.:)

Love pics of your dog Gracie. :thup:
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.

My stepson is 18 and he's a great kid....but yeah times are different. Social media has not brought young people closer together has separated them in many ways. My stepson is very involved in music and that is basically his social outlet. Without it...I don't know.....but probably not good.

Kids are generally much less involved in things today and definitely more estranged from each other. They are much less willing to risk in social situations than my generation. Frankly, I find it kind of sad...but I guess you can't stop progress.
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.

My stepson is 18 and he's a great kid....but yeah times are different. Social media has not brought young people closer together has separated them in many ways. My stepson is very involved in music and that is basically his social outlet. Without it...I don't know.....but probably not good.

Kids are generally much less involved in things today and definitely more estranged from each other. They are much less willing to risk in social situations than my generation. Frankly, I find it kind of sad...but I guess you can't stop progress.

I went to high school before social media was really a thing, but I wasn't involved in much. Nor were most of the people I hung around with. I didn't need social media to be estranged from most of my peers. :lol:
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.

High school was, in large part, a terrible time for me. I can empathize with the main character's plight, if not her reasons; my issues were much more future-based than hers. But I never went to a high school dance, nor attended a non-mandatory pep rally, I never filled out any sort of Valentine's questionnaire. If I don't count 9th grade (which I completed while still living on Long Island, after which I moved to Florida), the only optional school activity I can remember being involved in was football, which I joined, went to a couple of practices, and quit. So with shows depicting high school students, while I assume a lot of it is unrealistic, I don't know quite what and how much. :lol:

I'm probably going to binge the rest of the show tonight/tomorrow, as it is good, even if outside my experiences. :)
Thinking of boedicca tonight and wondering how her dad and brother are.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

The sea turtles are beginning to return to western Caribbean beaches to lay their eggs.

Thank you, hun!

My brother is still in hospital, recovering from surgery - it went very well so we are hopeful.

Dad is in bad shape; we need to move him to a care facility - he's declining fairly rapidly. And I feel like bones - my mother is going nuts. She definitely needs some meds, or something. Perhaps a bottle of scotch.

Good news re your brother, but so sorry about your dad. And not easy when you have to be the rock for both of your parents.
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.

My stepson is 18 and he's a great kid....but yeah times are different. Social media has not brought young people closer together has separated them in many ways. My stepson is very involved in music and that is basically his social outlet. Without it...I don't know.....but probably not good.

Kids are generally much less involved in things today and definitely more estranged from each other. They are much less willing to risk in social situations than my generation. Frankly, I find it kind of sad...but I guess you can't stop progress.

Drugs/booze, social media, bullies, a more dangerous world, and more mean spirited world. . .all of it are realities these days. Not so much when I was a kid. High school and a close knit community in college was for me was sort of my rescue net and rehab all rolled into one--home life wasn't wonderful at all. In a way maybe that's why I value the Coffee Shop as the only safe haven from a less than friendly and supportive message board world out there.

The CS family has brightened my life more than you probably know. :)
Last edited:
Thinking of boedicca tonight and wondering how her dad and brother are.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

The sea turtles are beginning to return to western Caribbean beaches to lay their eggs.

Thank you, hun!

My brother is still in hospital, recovering from surgery - it went very well so we are hopeful.

Dad is in bad shape; we need to move him to a care facility - he's declining fairly rapidly. And I feel like bones - my mother is going nuts. She definitely needs some meds, or something. Perhaps a bottle of scotch.

Good news re your brother, but so sorry about your dad. And not easy when you have to be the rock for both of your parents.

Thank you! My other siblings are sharing the load. I couldn't imagine handling all of this by myself.
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.

My stepson is 18 and he's a great kid....but yeah times are different. Social media has not brought young people closer together has separated them in many ways. My stepson is very involved in music and that is basically his social outlet. Without it...I don't know.....but probably not good.

Kids are generally much less involved in things today and definitely more estranged from each other. They are much less willing to risk in social situations than my generation. Frankly, I find it kind of sad...but I guess you can't stop progress.

Drugs/booze, social media, bullies, a more dangerous world, and more mean spirited world. . .all of it. High school and a close knit community in college was for me was sort of my rescue net and rehab all rolled into one--home life wasn't wonderful at all. In a way maybe that's why I value the Coffee Shop as the only safe haven from a less than friendly and supportive message board world out there.

The CS family has brightened my life more than you probably know. :)

I'm glad Foxy. And yeah...the coffee shop is a nice place to hang out. :) Like you i loved high school. I ran cross country....played tennis and basketball.....I wrote a few articles for the school newspaper and I was a member of the drama guild and the literary magazine. I did a ton a stuff with many different groups of people and I had a great time.

I do no generally see as much involvement now as back then....but I could be wrong.
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.
I hated high school. I was not in with the cool kids and was not in with the nerds. I was a loner then just as I am now. Neither group had anything I was interested in. The "hoods" (bad boys and girls and was thusly named by my Dad) were just another group...couldn't bully them because they were not really bullies but you also knew they wouldn't take you shit and you might wind up with a few teeth knocked out if you tried, nor did they go looking for trouble. They just hung out in their own little section of the quad or thumbed their noses at the rules you could not leave the quad during lunch and sat around in the park being all hoody and bad ass, lol. I was welcome in their group but stuck to myself because although I might have fit in with them better...I still had nothing in common with them.
I loathed the jocks and cheerleader types...was not smart enough to hang with the brainy nerds. Only thing left was to enjoy my own company. Which I did.
I have been invited to many reunions and every time I was contacted I said the same thing:
I wasn't interested then...and I haven't changed my mind even now. No thanks.
They finally left me alone after the 40th year reunion.
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.

My stepson is 18 and he's a great kid....but yeah times are different. Social media has not brought young people closer together has separated them in many ways. My stepson is very involved in music and that is basically his social outlet. Without it...I don't know.....but probably not good.

Kids are generally much less involved in things today and definitely more estranged from each other. They are much less willing to risk in social situations than my generation. Frankly, I find it kind of sad...but I guess you can't stop progress.

Drugs/booze, social media, bullies, a more dangerous world, and more mean spirited world. . .all of it. High school and a close knit community in college was for me was sort of my rescue net and rehab all rolled into one--home life wasn't wonderful at all. In a way maybe that's why I value the Coffee Shop as the only safe haven from a less than friendly and supportive message board world out there.

The CS family has brightened my life more than you probably know. :)

I'm glad Foxy. And yeah...the coffee shop is a nice place to hang out. :) Like you i loved high school. I ran cross country....played tennis and basketball.....I wrote a few articles for the school newspaper and I was a member of the drama guild and the literary magazine. I did a ton a stuff with many different groups of people and I had a great time.

I do no generally see as much involvement now as back then....but I could be wrong.

I don't think you are. Music was huge for me then--chorus and band and orchestra. I loved drama and tried out for everything. I was president of the fly tying club, but that's a whole other story. :) But there isn't much that I don't remember fondly. And I wish everybody could have experienced that. I do know kids, most who were there later than me, that did not have a good experience in school, so I can also empathize with Montro.
Thinking of boedicca tonight and wondering how her dad and brother are.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

The sea turtles are beginning to return to western Caribbean beaches to lay their eggs.

Thank you, hun!

My brother is still in hospital, recovering from surgery - it went very well so we are hopeful.

Dad is in bad shape; we need to move him to a care facility - he's declining fairly rapidly. And I feel like bones - my mother is going nuts. She definitely needs some meds, or something. Perhaps a bottle of scotch.

Good news re your brother, but so sorry about your dad. And not easy when you have to be the rock for both of your parents.

Thank you! My other siblings are sharing the load. I couldn't imagine handling all of this by myself.

That is a blessing. Except for Hombre's help, which is a huge blessing, I pretty much have it alone here dealing with my aunt, friend Dana who has no family here, etc. We all do it as an act of love, but it is not easy.

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