USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's been kind of chilly here lately. We had a couple of beautiful days last week (one day it was 80!), but now it almost feels like winter again. It's early yet though. It will probably warm up a bit, but it's only 39 right now. Brr! I want it to be in the 60s anyways!!

I agree with Sbiker re your new Avi, Chris--very pretty. The setting is a bit unusual for a glamour shot though. :)

Speaking privately, I could be very glad, being at place of man, who made this shot :)
Good morning everyone, Ive kind of not been on as much lately and won't for a few more days, busy after coming back from the coast, plus blood work tomorrow and drs appt on Wednesday...routine but I hate it.

I've also been binge watching Netflix some, lol....right now I'm watching an old English Series..."Green Wing"...cracks me up! Think it's from 2004.

Besides my middle sister and her having to put her dog down, there is concern with my baby sister who is very sick real diagnosis yet...not fatal and not cancer but pretty bad....don't want to post her medical info though on a public forum....she's 15 years younger than me, she'll be 51 next month!

She's also the furthest in distance from me....New Jersey.

So sorry CeeCee. Unless you object, I will put her on the vigil list.

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Just texted with her and her Epstein Barr Virus is gone so they can hopefully give her more tests to see why her neutrophils are so very very low.
The first thought was autoimmune hepatitis which is rare and chronic and involves taking prednisone for a long time.

Right now she's got to be very careful around any germs, she's almost like the boy in the bubble...she has 3 kids and 2 are still at home and in school.
Her husband is a dr in ER so she's getting some preferential treatment in that she gets to see some specialists after hours ...
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Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! 11.gif
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
It's all in what you're used to, when we first moved down here we were walking around in shorts and t-shirts when the temps hit the mid 50s while the natives were wearing winter coats. After two years we now find it cool when it gets down to 70 and chilly when it drops to the 50s.
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893
Of course, you're dealing with jungle heat and humidity year round.
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893

No, it's the temperature, when people usually cancel to wear hats. I don't decide to walk at street in shirt and jacket without sweater, but having opened window with this air, mixed with internal is comfortable for me :)
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893
Of course, you're dealing with jungle heat and humidity year round.

And with a tonns of mosquitoes.... Brrr, I still remember one of nights at sea some years agains... In about five o'clock AM I was forced to swim in cold water without chances to warm, to save my skin from a hordes of blood-sucking parasites, when the wind suddenly stopped....
Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893
Of course, you're dealing with jungle heat and humidity year round.

And with a tonns of mosquitoes.... Brrr, I still remember one of nights at sea some years agains... In about five o'clock AM I was forced to swim in cold water without chances to warm, to save my skin from a hordes of blood-sucking parasites, when the wind suddenly stopped....

Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893
Of course, you're dealing with jungle heat and humidity year round.

And with a tonns of mosquitoes.... Brrr, I still remember one of nights at sea some years agains... In about five o'clock AM I was forced to swim in cold water without chances to warm, to save my skin from a hordes of blood-sucking parasites, when the wind suddenly stopped....


Terrific monster... At least, bears usually give you a chance to survive...
Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893
Of course, you're dealing with jungle heat and humidity year round.

And with a tonns of mosquitoes.... Brrr, I still remember one of nights at sea some years agains... In about five o'clock AM I was forced to swim in cold water without chances to warm, to save my skin from a hordes of blood-sucking parasites, when the wind suddenly stopped....

Now I can imagine all sorts of perils at sea--leaks in the boat, storms, sharks, iceburgs, etc. But never in a million years would I have thought mosquitos to be a problem on the ocean.
Right now it's 64F (18C) out, with a nice breeze. I'm considering changing into sweat pants, socks and house shoes......... :lol:
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893
Of course, you're dealing with jungle heat and humidity year round.

And with a tonns of mosquitoes.... Brrr, I still remember one of nights at sea some years agains... In about five o'clock AM I was forced to swim in cold water without chances to warm, to save my skin from a hordes of blood-sucking parasites, when the wind suddenly stopped....

Now I can imagine all sorts of perils at sea--leaks in the boat, storms, sharks, iceburgs, etc. But never in a million years would I have thought mosquitos to be a problem on the ocean.

A key word - on the OCEAN. Some meters from coast - and you don't have anyone, but if you just cross the surf line...
Just got back from removing six Spirea in a down sizing project. Now off to remove three Mugo Pines on steroids (7'+) I am not sure of their root structure, but expect a small war before its over.
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p

High school was a great time for me--good friends, great music, sock hops in the gymnasium, all kinds of interest clubs, great community spirit, and visions of a future ripe with opportunity and possibilities. There was alcohol but most of us ignored it. Drugs were not an issue then. I worked as a copy girl at the Santa Fe New Mexican where I was privileged to meet Tony Hillerman who was the city editor--I would later work as a reporter with him as editor. College was even better.

Times are very different now.
I hated high school. I was not in with the cool kids and was not in with the nerds. I was a loner then just as I am now. Neither group had anything I was interested in. The "hoods" (bad boys and girls and was thusly named by my Dad) were just another group...couldn't bully them because they were not really bullies but you also knew they wouldn't take you shit and you might wind up with a few teeth knocked out if you tried, nor did they go looking for trouble. They just hung out in their own little section of the quad or thumbed their noses at the rules you could not leave the quad during lunch and sat around in the park being all hoody and bad ass, lol. I was welcome in their group but stuck to myself because although I might have fit in with them better...I still had nothing in common with them.
I loathed the jocks and cheerleader types...was not smart enough to hang with the brainy nerds. Only thing left was to enjoy my own company. Which I did.
I have been invited to many reunions and every time I was contacted I said the same thing:
I wasn't interested then...and I haven't changed my mind even now. No thanks.
They finally left me alone after the 40th year reunion.
That's so much like my high school experience except I had two other friends a lot like me.

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