USMB Coffee Shop IV

Thinking of boedicca tonight and wondering how her dad and brother are.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

The sea turtles are beginning to return to western Caribbean beaches to lay their eggs.

Thank you, hun!

My brother is still in hospital, recovering from surgery - it went very well so we are hopeful.

Dad is in bad shape; we need to move him to a care facility - he's declining fairly rapidly. And I feel like bones - my mother is going nuts. She definitely needs some meds, or something. Perhaps a bottle of scotch.

Good news re your brother, but so sorry about your dad. And not easy when you have to be the rock for both of your parents.

Thank you! My other siblings are sharing the load. I couldn't imagine handling all of this by myself.

That is a blessing. Except for Hombre's help, which is a huge blessing, I pretty much have it alone here dealing with my aunt, friend Dana who has no family here, etc. We all do it as an act of love, but it is not easy.

Well, things went way down hill last night. Dad is back in the hospital. And my brother has relapsed, so still there as well. Going to hospital later this am for meeting with family and doctor. Not sure what is going to happen.

Sincere best wishes to all.
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893

That is normal winter daytime temps for us or maybe just a tad warmer--the kind of weather you wear a sweater or light jacket unless it is windy and you're going to be out in it for some time. But this time of year it feels really chilly though we have been getting into the mid to low 40's almost every night now--warms into the high 60's or low 70's during the day--might get up to low 80's. But as SBiker in Russia and Ringel in the Texas desert point out, our comfort level is pretty much relative to what feels 'normal' to us. Somebody in southeast Asia would no doubt see it all much differently. :)
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893

That is normal winter daytime temps for us or maybe just a tad warmer--the kind of weather you wear a sweater or light jacket unless it is windy and you're going to be out in it for some time. But this time of year it feels really chilly though we have been getting into the mid to low 40's almost every night now--warms into the high 60's or low 70's during the day--might get up to low 80's. But as SBiker in Russia and Ringel in the Texas desert point out, our comfort level is pretty much relative to what feels 'normal' to us. Somebody in southeast Asia would no doubt see it all much differently. :)
You're roughly 1600 ft higher up than we are so naturally you'll have lower temps, when I go up to Fort Stanton the elevation difference is roughly 2500 ft with temps being about 20 degrees cooler up there not to mention that the air is thinner so I can't really exert myself too much without the risk of passing out.
The homeowner assisted, which sometimes means the job takes longer. In this case it was a big help and we got all three out roots and all in two hours. They have a nice mess which they want to clean up for cost savings. $86.76 worth of damage.
Thinking of boedicca tonight and wondering how her dad and brother are.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca's dad and brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we miss and hope to return.

The sea turtles are beginning to return to western Caribbean beaches to lay their eggs.

Thank you, hun!

My brother is still in hospital, recovering from surgery - it went very well so we are hopeful.

Dad is in bad shape; we need to move him to a care facility - he's declining fairly rapidly. And I feel like bones - my mother is going nuts. She definitely needs some meds, or something. Perhaps a bottle of scotch.

Good news re your brother, but so sorry about your dad. And not easy when you have to be the rock for both of your parents.

Thank you! My other siblings are sharing the load. I couldn't imagine handling all of this by myself.

That is a blessing. Except for Hombre's help, which is a huge blessing, I pretty much have it alone here dealing with my aunt, friend Dana who has no family here, etc. We all do it as an act of love, but it is not easy.

Well, things went way down hill last night. Dad is back in the hospital. And my brother has relapsed, so still there as well. Going to hospital later this am for meeting with family and doctor. Not sure what is going to happen.
My most positive thoughts and hopes to you, your dad, and your brother. I certainly hope that the most advantageous outcome is the one that comes to you all.
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
Nah, you are acclimated to cooler temperatures, like we Alaskans. It's been above freezing, in the mid-40s to low 50s daily now for over two weeks. I love these temperatures! 70F is really about as hot as I want, so places like Ringel's high desert, or Foxy's NM mountains are way too much for me to comfortably endure.
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893
Nah! Just right!
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p
I'm watching that today. It is pretty good. Not sure how they'll get many seasons out of it but the acting is good.
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p
I'm watching that today. It is pretty good. Not sure how they'll get many seasons out of it but the acting is good.

I don't think there can be more than the 1 season.
Gizmo did a disappearing act again this evening, didn't come home for dinner........ Finally the little shit shows up in the back yard about fifteen minutes ago, if I wasn't so glad to see him I woulda kick his little butt........
Your dog, right ??
When my cat does not show up after a while then I have to go looking for him.

He is trained to come running when I call his name.

So he is a good cat.

He just gets lost sometimes.

When he gets lost he hunkers down under a bush and hides and waits for me to come get him.

He knows I can find anything on this Earth or underwater as well.

He is a smart kitty.
Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893

That is normal winter daytime temps for us or maybe just a tad warmer--the kind of weather you wear a sweater or light jacket unless it is windy and you're going to be out in it for some time. But this time of year it feels really chilly though we have been getting into the mid to low 40's almost every night now--warms into the high 60's or low 70's during the day--might get up to low 80's. But as SBiker in Russia and Ringel in the Texas desert point out, our comfort level is pretty much relative to what feels 'normal' to us. Somebody in southeast Asia would no doubt see it all much differently. :)
You're roughly 1600 ft higher up than we are so naturally you'll have lower temps, when I go up to Fort Stanton the elevation difference is roughly 2500 ft with temps being about 20 degrees cooler up there not to mention that the air is thinner so I can't really exert myself too much without the risk of passing out.
El Paso is a fokking desert so what do you expect there?

Frosty the Snowman ?!
Good morning everyone, hope all are well. Went for a day trip yesterday, the weather was nice and relatively cool, didn't even have to turn on the swamp cooler yesterday when we returned home and is cool this morning.

Hola, amigo! Cool day is really good for travelling. As for me, I prefer a bit cool weather...
Well, cool here is a relative term as we're in the high desert. Yesterday was in the 70s with a cool wind, last night got down into the 50s but we're warming back up again starting this afternoon, upper 80s to low 90s.

Here is about 9C (48F) and I don't close the window, because it's comfortable for me... Especially to sleep with such fresh air... Maybe it's because I'm too fat to enjoy higher temperatures :)))
9C! Too cold! View attachment 122893

That is normal winter daytime temps for us or maybe just a tad warmer--the kind of weather you wear a sweater or light jacket unless it is windy and you're going to be out in it for some time. But this time of year it feels really chilly though we have been getting into the mid to low 40's almost every night now--warms into the high 60's or low 70's during the day--might get up to low 80's. But as SBiker in Russia and Ringel in the Texas desert point out, our comfort level is pretty much relative to what feels 'normal' to us. Somebody in southeast Asia would no doubt see it all much differently. :)
My friends in Phoenix said daytime temps are in the 90's there already.

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