USMB Coffee Shop IV

Got woken up at 2 am by a huge crashing noise. I thought the ceiling had fallen down, but I discovered that a stack of paintings had fallen over and knocked over my easel. I can't understand why it all fell over, unless it was a poltergeist. I tend to think it was probably natural causes as I have never had a poltergeist before. I think the wooden frame of one of my canvases warped until it reached tipping point and it fell over bringing down the rest.
I was really tired last night for some reason and I went to bed and to sleep immediately and forgot to sign off in the Coffee Shop. The vigil list hadn't changed in the last 24 hours though.
Got woken up at 2 am by a huge crashing noise. I thought the ceiling had fallen down, but I discovered that a stack of paintings had fallen over and knocked over my easel. I can't understand why it all fell over, unless it was a poltergeist. I tend to think it was probably natural causes as I have never had a poltergeist before. I think the wooden frame of one of my canvases warped until it reached tipping point and it fell over bringing down the rest.

You're probably right though things like that happen here too. And I prefer to think it is our resident ghost though a friendly one.
I've lived in the Great Lakes region my whole life.

If it gets up to 55, folks around here are in shorts. We're lucky if we see a few weeks in the summer above ninety.

I spent a month out in Vegas one summer, the day I arrived, it was a few degrees below 100, and it didn't dip back below 100 till the day I left 40 some days later. It was the first time I had ever seen on TV, meteorologists telling folks what temperature it was in the shade, and what it was in the sun. :bs1:

In our neck of the woods, during winter, we have crap on our weather reported like "lake effect snow" "lake swells" and "wind chill." In my book, it's easier to "layer" than it is to cool down.

Damn was I glad to see green and get back to sane living conditions again.
I have lived in the Great Lakes area all of my life too. I believe it was in 2012 or thereabouts when we had a 90 degree day in June and it stayed that way all Summer. A couple of days, it got into the hundreds.

By the time October got here I felt like I would positively wilt.

I like it cooler, windows all open wide. That would be about 70 and sunny. :)

Ah yes, the cities do trap their heat.

I remember, Chicago was positively sizzling that summer.

You should have headed on north to the straits of Mackinac. When ever the well to do in Chicago or Detroit have a summer like that, it is where they go. Even in a 100 degree heat down in the industrialized areas in South MI, OH, IN, IL, it is guaranteed to be 15 degrees cooler up there.


M-185: The Only US Highway Where Motor Vehicles Are Banned

My memory is a bit hazy, but I think that is the year my sister and her husband went for the yacht races.

I lived in Chicago in the 70's, was married there and had both of my children there...loved it...even the hot, humid summers and the windchill factor winters....Chicago always has a place in my heart! :)
So, I was thinking about sleeping and sleeping patterns recently. I only require about 5 or 6 hours of sleep. One of my friends says I must be sleep deprived, but I don't feel sleep deprived. I have to say that when I lie my head down, I probably fall asleep within no more than 10 minutes. Then, when I awaken 5 or 6 hours later, even if I try, I can't seem to fall back to sleep, so I get up and start my day!

Do you think everyone requires a full 8 hours? What do you think coffee shoppers?

I require at least 8 hours...anything less and I feel hungover and I don't even drink.
I've lived in the Great Lakes region my whole life.

If it gets up to 55, folks around here are in shorts. We're lucky if we see a few weeks in the summer above ninety.

I spent a month out in Vegas one summer, the day I arrived, it was a few degrees below 100, and it didn't dip back below 100 till the day I left 40 some days later. It was the first time I had ever seen on TV, meteorologists telling folks what temperature it was in the shade, and what it was in the sun. :bs1:

In our neck of the woods, during winter, we have crap on our weather reported like "lake effect snow" "lake swells" and "wind chill." In my book, it's easier to "layer" than it is to cool down.

Damn was I glad to see green and get back to sane living conditions again.
I have lived in the Great Lakes area all of my life too. I believe it was in 2012 or thereabouts when we had a 90 degree day in June and it stayed that way all Summer. A couple of days, it got into the hundreds.

By the time October got here I felt like I would positively wilt.

I like it cooler, windows all open wide. That would be about 70 and sunny. :)

Ah yes, the cities do trap their heat.

I remember, Chicago was positively sizzling that summer.

You should have headed on north to the straits of Mackinac. When ever the well to do in Chicago or Detroit have a summer like that, it is where they go. Even in a 100 degree heat down in the industrialized areas in South MI, OH, IN, IL, it is guaranteed to be 15 degrees cooler up there.


M-185: The Only US Highway Where Motor Vehicles Are Banned

My memory is a bit hazy, but I think that is the year my sister and her husband went for the yacht races.

I lived in Chicago in the 70's, was married there and had both of my children there...loved it...even the hot, humid summers and the windchill factor winters....Chicago always has a place in my heart! :)
I love it there too! We go every chance we get, it's about 4 1/2 hrs. from us.
It's high spring here in the Crotch of the Tri-State area. The dogwoods are in bloom showing off their white or pink or dramatic re blossoms. The crab apple trees are strutting their stuff and every other tree, save the oaks and catalpas are pretty much leafed out. The squirrels have come down from their arboreal nests, much to the delight of Daisy the Mutt. They both have resumed their game of gather food, get chased back up the tree.

Since I last told you stories I have changed jobs. No longer with the county, I am now the city housing inspector.
That means I won't have to ply the county roads. Rather, I am confined to the city limits. That's great! There's a pizza shop in Salem I'll miss, but I'm home everyday for lunch and to air out Daisy. The working conditions are better by an order of magnitude, but the money is the same.

Meanwhile, at the Big House Mom is getting along just fine. She is having the place insulated. She also got a new, highly efficient water heater. The house will, no doubt, be not only warmer next winter, but quieter and less dusty. The ductwork from the furnace was just cleaned and the seams along its length sealed from leaks.

Spr9ng weather has been typical. Rain mainly in the evening and early morning, partly cloudy and mid to upper 60s through the day. With the twilight coming later, we have more time to get out and enjoy the climate. Our daily walks have extended to 7:30 pm. Just four months ago, it was full dark by 5:30. I can't complain.

As soon as I get this new job tamped down to a more manageable pace, I'll be back to tell you more tall tales from the Ohio River valley.

Congrats on the new job, Nosmo even if it was a lateral move financially. We all get to the point that certain dynamics of the job become as important or more important than the money.

I walked away from a job that paid very very well simply because, due to a buy out, the work environment had become oppressive and intolerable.

I hesitated to reopen my old business because I just couldn't relish driving the entire state of New Mexico--we are the 5th largest state in land area--plus forays into Texas, Arizona, and Nevada any more. But we set it up that we would work only in the metro area with a very occasional emergency run to other places if absolutely necessary. Our clients agreed and it was great for several more years until we completely retired.

Enjoying the circumstances of our work can be so much more important than the money.
I've lived in the Great Lakes region my whole life.

If it gets up to 55, folks around here are in shorts. We're lucky if we see a few weeks in the summer above ninety.

I spent a month out in Vegas one summer, the day I arrived, it was a few degrees below 100, and it didn't dip back below 100 till the day I left 40 some days later. It was the first time I had ever seen on TV, meteorologists telling folks what temperature it was in the shade, and what it was in the sun. :bs1:

In our neck of the woods, during winter, we have crap on our weather reported like "lake effect snow" "lake swells" and "wind chill." In my book, it's easier to "layer" than it is to cool down.

Damn was I glad to see green and get back to sane living conditions again.
I have lived in the Great Lakes area all of my life too. I believe it was in 2012 or thereabouts when we had a 90 degree day in June and it stayed that way all Summer. A couple of days, it got into the hundreds.

By the time October got here I felt like I would positively wilt.

I like it cooler, windows all open wide. That would be about 70 and sunny. :)

Ah yes, the cities do trap their heat.

I remember, Chicago was positively sizzling that summer.

You should have headed on north to the straits of Mackinac. When ever the well to do in Chicago or Detroit have a summer like that, it is where they go. Even in a 100 degree heat down in the industrialized areas in South MI, OH, IN, IL, it is guaranteed to be 15 degrees cooler up there.


M-185: The Only US Highway Where Motor Vehicles Are Banned

My memory is a bit hazy, but I think that is the year my sister and her husband went for the yacht races.

I lived in Chicago in the 70's, was married there and had both of my children there...loved it...even the hot, humid summers and the windchill factor winters....Chicago always has a place in my heart! :)

The farthest north we have lived has been north central Kansas and one long summer in West Virginia. But I remember trips to Chicago fondly as a kid traveling with the high school band and church groups. We haven't been back as adults except to touch down at the airport.
I spent a few days in Chicago in the loop on Michigan avenue two years ago.

I was watching my three youngest grandsons in Illinois for a week while their parents took a trip. They live a 5 hour drive from Chicago and as a thank you for watching the boys, they took me to the Westin Hotel on Michigan ave for a long was great!

My grandparents are also buried in Rosehill Cemetery there so I also got to visit their "graves"... not actually graves and they aren't buried, but in the big mausoleum in a drawer type thingy...can't remember what they're called.
I spent a few days in Chicago in the loop on Michigan avenue two years ago.

I was watching my three youngest grandsons in Illinois for a week while their parents took a trip. They live a 5 hour drive from Chicago and as a thank you for watching the boys, they took me to the Westin Hotel on Michigan ave for a long was great!

My grandparents are also buried in Rosehill Cemetery there so I also got to visit their "graves"... not actually graves and they aren't buried, but in the big mausoleum in a drawer type thingy...can't remember what they're called.

I don't remember the name of the hotels but we stayed in ones overlooking Lake Michigan. We saw all the sights--went out on the lake in big boats--got caught out there in a big thunderstorm once and it got really rough. I think I was the only one on the boat who didn't get sea sick--I was loving it. They hated me. :)

That was back in the days when there weren't drugs and so much meanness so we kids had 11 o'clock curfews that we were expected to be back at the hotel, but otherwise were given a free rein to explore on our own without adult chaperones. We went everywhere on the subway system, took a wild taxicab ride, with as many kids as we could cram into it, to the huge wrap around wide screen cinerama that none of us kids from New Mexico had seen. It was great.
So, I was thinking about sleeping and sleeping patterns recently. I only require about 5 or 6 hours of sleep. One of my friends says I must be sleep deprived, but I don't feel sleep deprived. I have to say that when I lie my head down, I probably fall asleep within no more than 10 minutes. Then, when I awaken 5 or 6 hours later, even if I try, I can't seem to fall back to sleep, so I get up and start my day!

Do you think everyone requires a full 8 hours? What do you think coffee shoppers?

If you feel good and aren't sleepy or tired, I wouldn't worry about it. I am convinced that we all aren't identical in that respect. Some people just need more sleep than others.

I'm not really worried about it. I just think it's interesting that doctors say we need 8 hours when apparently not all of us do need 8 hours.
I was really tired last night for some reason and I went to bed and to sleep immediately and forgot to sign off in the Coffee Shop. The vigil list hadn't changed in the last 24 hours though.

Try to stay healthy peeps. Do we count pops, leaks or minor swelling?
I've lived in the Great Lakes region my whole life.

If it gets up to 55, folks around here are in shorts. We're lucky if we see a few weeks in the summer above ninety.

I spent a month out in Vegas one summer, the day I arrived, it was a few degrees below 100, and it didn't dip back below 100 till the day I left 40 some days later. It was the first time I had ever seen on TV, meteorologists telling folks what temperature it was in the shade, and what it was in the sun. :bs1:

In our neck of the woods, during winter, we have crap on our weather reported like "lake effect snow" "lake swells" and "wind chill." In my book, it's easier to "layer" than it is to cool down.

Damn was I glad to see green and get back to sane living conditions again.
I have lived in the Great Lakes area all of my life too. I believe it was in 2012 or thereabouts when we had a 90 degree day in June and it stayed that way all Summer. A couple of days, it got into the hundreds.

By the time October got here I felt like I would positively wilt.

I like it cooler, windows all open wide. That would be about 70 and sunny. :)

Ah yes, the cities do trap their heat.

I remember, Chicago was positively sizzling that summer.

You should have headed on north to the straits of Mackinac. When ever the well to do in Chicago or Detroit have a summer like that, it is where they go. Even in a 100 degree heat down in the industrialized areas in South MI, OH, IN, IL, it is guaranteed to be 15 degrees cooler up there.


M-185: The Only US Highway Where Motor Vehicles Are Banned

My memory is a bit hazy, but I think that is the year my sister and her husband went for the yacht races.

I lived in Chicago in the 70's, was married there and had both of my children there...loved it...even the hot, humid summers and the windchill factor winters....Chicago always has a place in my heart! :)
I love it there too! We go every chance we get, it's about 4 1/2 hrs. from us.

My first wife's family regularly sails in the Port Huron to Mackinaw race. I am about fours from Chicago.
I just got done with my 4th A&P exam. I went and looked at one of the questions I changed my answer on; I started with the correct answer and changed it to a wrong one. :( I hate when I do that!

Still, overall I feel pretty good about it. If I end up with an A, I'll only need to get a C on the final to have an A for the class. I've got 3 exams and a paper left in the next week, then I'll be done with the semester and off for 2 and a half weeks or so before the summer semester begins. I may already have an A in my English Comp class, as I said, I might not need to do all that well on the A&P final to get an A in that class, I got an A in my Computer Applications class, and while I'm only at 63 points in my Medical Terminology class, the final is worth 35 points and I expect I'll be able to get at least the B I need on that to have an A for the class. A good first full semester, assuming I don't completely botch the A&P final. :)
I just got done with my 4th A&P exam. I went and looked at one of the questions I changed my answer on; I started with the correct answer and changed it to a wrong one. :( I hate when I do that!

Still, overall I feel pretty good about it. If I end up with an A, I'll only need to get a C on the final to have an A for the class. I've got 3 exams and a paper left in the next week, then I'll be done with the semester and off for 2 and a half weeks or so before the summer semester begins. I may already have an A in my English Comp class, as I said, I might not need to do all that well on the A&P final to get an A in that class, I got an A in my Computer Applications class, and while I'm only at 63 points in my Medical Terminology class, the final is worth 35 points and I expect I'll be able to get at least the B I need on that to have an A for the class. A good first full semester, assuming I don't completely botch the A&P final. :)

Don't take speed before the final...
Still on West Wing. But I am now kind of wandering between episodes. Hell, I have 4 more seasons to go. Or rather, 3 and a half with about 24 episodes each. Should tide me over for another week.:lol:

I have started watching 13 Reasons Why, a recent Netflix show about a high school girl's suicide. It's pretty good so far, but high school was nothing like what the show portrays for me. Of course, that's true of pretty much every show or movie about high school. :p
I'm watching that today. It is pretty good. Not sure how they'll get many seasons out of it but the acting is good.

I don't think there can be more than the 1 season.
Sure there are many seasons: Winter, Breakup, and Road Construction.
When my cat does not show up after a while then I have to go looking for him.

He is trained to come running when I call his name.

So he is a good cat.

He just gets lost sometimes.

When he gets lost he hunkers down under a bush and hides and waits for me to come get him.

He knows I can find anything on this Earth or underwater as well.

He is a smart kitty.
Dogs' sense of smell will bring them fairly reliably back home. Cats? I'm not so sure. When I was hunting with hounds, if one ran off or got "lost", we usually found the dog waiting for us back at the trailer when we returned in the evening. Only hound I ever knew not to make it back was fairly old and probably died doing what she loved doing best. We never saw her again.
Cats? I don't think their sense of smell is that well developed, and they are a lot more capable of surviving on their own. They are also prey for other, larger predators.
I just got done with my 4th A&P exam. I went and looked at one of the questions I changed my answer on; I started with the correct answer and changed it to a wrong one. :( I hate when I do that!

Still, overall I feel pretty good about it. If I end up with an A, I'll only need to get a C on the final to have an A for the class. I've got 3 exams and a paper left in the next week, then I'll be done with the semester and off for 2 and a half weeks or so before the summer semester begins. I may already have an A in my English Comp class, as I said, I might not need to do all that well on the A&P final to get an A in that class, I got an A in my Computer Applications class, and while I'm only at 63 points in my Medical Terminology class, the final is worth 35 points and I expect I'll be able to get at least the B I need on that to have an A for the class. A good first full semester, assuming I don't completely botch the A&P final. :)

If I was a betting woman--actually I am :) --I would bet that you're going to do just fine.

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