USMB Coffee Shop IV

I got a 96 on my A&P exam. Would have been a 97 if I hadn't changed that one question to the wrong answer, but that's OK. :)

Looking at my grades, I'm at an 81.67 now. With the final worth 15 points, I only need a 56 or better to get an A for the class. I'm a bit worried about being able to get an A on the final, but I'm pretty sure I can swing a 56. :D I'd still feel pretty shitty if I tried on the test and got that bad a grade, but it's nice not to have much pressure for it.

Our weather was nice for the past couple of days. There was light rain, but the temperatures were pretty cool, down into the mid-to-high 60s, I believe. Today, and for the next week or so, we're supposed to be back into the mid-80s, which is more than I like.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, mom, and family,
CeeCee's baby sister,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, Ridgerunner, and all the others we miss and hope to return.

It hasn't decided what its going to be here. Cold, hot? Somewhere inbetween for an hour or a day? Then back to cold? Then hot again? I think that is why my joints are having such a hissy. At home, I could go weeks..even a few months, without a flareup. Here...its constant. I think mainly due to the fluctuations of the weather. I loathe it. Mostly because not a day goes by that I don't hurt and this has been going on since I got here.

However, the only way from not becoming stiff, I have to keep busy. So, I am off to the antique mall today to help the housemate get his new bigger space ready. Which means MAYBE some of this crap in the house will get hauled down there, but I ain't holding my breath.'s a start. I kinda dread going because its upstairs and I don't know what to wear. A coat? A tshirt? Both? And the stairs. Two levels. I don't know how well I will handle that, but I am going to give it a try.

Meanwhile...its supposed to be in the 70's today. Right now, it is 50 and overcast. They said no rain, but I am looking at a light rain right now and whether it clears up or not depends on the wind, I guess.
A roof over your head shouldn't come at such a price, not at our age. I'm still crossing my hooks that you and Mr. G. get into one of the enclaves you have been wishing to inhabit. Close to the ocean, for all of you.
Thanks, GW.
I am in another "mood"....(nice word for depression). Listening to my fav songs just makes me more down because it takes me back to happier times music. Can't sit outside and listen to the creek because the neighbors dogs won't stfu with their barking at me. Want to write or start a blog about homelessness and what it does to a person but have no privacy since MrG is always looking over my shoulder. Too cold to sit in my van. I could go on, but eyeballs look in here for weaponry, so...I will just stop now and head to the group if I feel the further need to whine.
I have broken my resolution to check in at least once a day so when I come back I haven't got a bazillion pages to catch up on. tl;dr Hope everyone's okay.
Grumpy start to the day. There's a new cook at the local diner and breakfast this a.m. was bad. I didn't complain but got her name. If she's cooking again tomorrow I will have to school her by sending it back for another try. We've all been new at one time or other, and this IS downeast Maine so the bar is set pretty low to start with, but geez. Sometimes you just gotta say something. It's not like I can vote with my feet--there is no other place to go for breakfast and a chat with the regulars.
That is normal winter daytime temps for us or maybe just a tad warmer--the kind of weather you wear a sweater or light jacket unless it is windy and you're going to be out in it for some time. But this time of year it feels really chilly though we have been getting into the mid to low 40's almost every night now--warms into the high 60's or low 70's during the day--might get up to low 80's. But as SBiker in Russia and Ringel in the Texas desert point out, our comfort level is pretty much relative to what feels 'normal' to us. Somebody in southeast Asia would no doubt see it all much differently. :)
My friends in Phoenix said daytime temps are in the 90's there already.


Actually Arizonians handle it pretty well though. Those not as acclimated to it will suffer a lot more.

I remember one time when I was still running my biz and driving the state, I was driving into Carlsbad NM. And just about when I saw the 117 degrees f (47.2 celsius) on the bank clock, my car air conditioner froze up. The only way to thaw it fast is to run the heater. Have you ever run your car heater in 117 degree heat?

Another time we were enjoying a holiday in Laughlin NV and thought we would walk from our casino to the one next door maybe 50 yards away. But the temperature that day was closing in on 125 degrees fahrenheit. We were used to 105-110 summertime heat there and you wouldn't think another 10-15 degrees would make that much difference. It does. We decided we wouldn't walk that 50 yards until after the sun went down.
117 F degrees! This is too much even for me! :eek-52:
It's like burning lol :FIREdevil:
All my buddies who went to Viet Nam and made it back alive said it gets up to 100F there with 100% humidity.

N'est pas?

You speak French right ?!
It's true! Some parts of Vietnam are really hot! Luckily for me Ho Chi Minh City is not so hot :biggrin:
(My French is not very good! Pardonne-moi! :D)
Good morning, hope I didn't post already since I've said a few good mornings elsewhere.

Nice day weatherwise but have a routine dr appointment at 8:00 and I'm always anxious because you never know what they'll throw at you!
I have broken my resolution to check in at least once a day so when I come back I haven't got a bazillion pages to catch up on. tl;dr Hope everyone's okay.
Grumpy start to the day. There's a new cook at the local diner and breakfast this a.m. was bad. I didn't complain but got her name. If she's cooking again tomorrow I will have to school her by sending it back for another try. We've all been new at one time or other, and this IS downeast Maine so the bar is set pretty low to start with, but geez. Sometimes you just gotta say something. It's not like I can vote with my feet--there is no other place to go for breakfast and a chat with the regulars.

Stick to rolls and coffee?
I have broken my resolution to check in at least once a day so when I come back I haven't got a bazillion pages to catch up on. tl;dr Hope everyone's okay.
Grumpy start to the day. There's a new cook at the local diner and breakfast this a.m. was bad. I didn't complain but got her name. If she's cooking again tomorrow I will have to school her by sending it back for another try. We've all been new at one time or other, and this IS downeast Maine so the bar is set pretty low to start with, but geez. Sometimes you just gotta say something. It's not like I can vote with my feet--there is no other place to go for breakfast and a chat with the regulars.

Welcome back OldLady. I got a chuckle out of your post this morning. The Coffee Shop is actually pretty much like your diner--you don't have to catch up on everybody's life story when you come in but you just pick up where you are and sort of catch up on the important stuff via the current dialogue.

I do envy you that small town diner though, bad cook and all. Sometimes you really do want to go where everybody knows your name. :) We have nothing comparable here in the city.

Good morning, hope I didn't post already since I've said a few good mornings elsewhere.

Nice day weatherwise but have a routine dr appointment at 8:00 and I'm always anxious because you never know what they'll throw at you!

I have to go get bloodwork done this morning. That's bad enough.
Good morning, hope I didn't post already since I've said a few good mornings elsewhere.

Nice day weatherwise but have a routine dr appointment at 8:00 and I'm always anxious because you never know what they'll throw at you!

I have to go get bloodwork done this morning. That's bad enough.

I don't mind the needle...I just mind the fasting and then being anxious about any bad results.

Good luck to you!
I have broken my resolution to check in at least once a day so when I come back I haven't got a bazillion pages to catch up on. tl;dr Hope everyone's okay.
Grumpy start to the day. There's a new cook at the local diner and breakfast this a.m. was bad. I didn't complain but got her name. If she's cooking again tomorrow I will have to school her by sending it back for another try. We've all been new at one time or other, and this IS downeast Maine so the bar is set pretty low to start with, but geez. Sometimes you just gotta say something. It's not like I can vote with my feet--there is no other place to go for breakfast and a chat with the regulars.

Stick to rolls and coffee?
Yeah, the coffee was fine. There was that.
I have broken my resolution to check in at least once a day so when I come back I haven't got a bazillion pages to catch up on. tl;dr Hope everyone's okay.
Grumpy start to the day. There's a new cook at the local diner and breakfast this a.m. was bad. I didn't complain but got her name. If she's cooking again tomorrow I will have to school her by sending it back for another try. We've all been new at one time or other, and this IS downeast Maine so the bar is set pretty low to start with, but geez. Sometimes you just gotta say something. It's not like I can vote with my feet--there is no other place to go for breakfast and a chat with the regulars.

Welcome back OldLady. I got a chuckle out of your post this morning. The Coffee Shop is actually pretty much like your diner--you don't have to catch up on everybody's life story when you come in but you just pick up where you are and sort of catch up on the important stuff via the current dialogue.

I do envy you that small town diner though, bad cook and all. Sometimes you really do want to go where everybody knows your name. :) We have nothing comparable here in the city.

Yes, sometimes I get really annoyed at the down side of living in the back of beyond, but then I remember what life was like when I lived in "civilization." It's good you have the Coffee Shop to be your diner, huh?
Though some of you might debate the point, this place has kept me sane a few times. Been isolated across a four lane road on the used lot for over six weeks, until last week. My friends on the other side did nothing to help me by reaching out to visit in person, by phone or even text. I am currently working on other friendships at work with people that seem to care.
Though some of you might debate the point, this place has kept me sane a few times. Been isolated across a four lane road on the used lot for over six weeks, until last week. My friends on the other side did nothing to help me by reaching out to visit in person, by phone or even text. I am currently working on other friendships at work with people that seem to care.

Unless we reveal it, sometimes our friends don't realize we need them or how we need them. Too often we have no way of knowing how important we are to somebody unless they tell us.

But yes, there are long stretches that I have nobody to just banter with or that provide me with a view outside my own somewhat contracted world these days and remind me that there are people who care. And the Coffee Shop does provide that kind of outlet.

Hombre has never quite experienced an on line community like this and doesn't understand what I get out of it. And isn't interested as he does have an outlet with folks in his volunteer work. I can't do a regular volunteer job like he does because one of us has to be on call at all times for when my elderly aunt, my ailing friend Dana, my older sister, etc. need somebody in a hurry or to drive to a doctor's appointment or whatever.
These things are up here today: the pollen count, the temperatures, the clouds. to reveal a 'Chamber of Commerce" blue sky. That list should include my spirits too.

I have an office in City Hall, a building erected by the WPA in Franklin Roosevelt's era. It's a bit draughty and the windows are old steel framed casements affording great leaks of sound from the traffic along West Sixth Street. There's a crazy mosaic tile wainscoting and floor in the restroom. Wearing bifocals while venturing in there I a challenge to your balance. I've been sending out 'drop dead' letters to landlords due to their lack of fire insurance on their rental properties. I'm in the 'S's' and today the phone has been ringing off the hook. It' a good thing.

The spring floods have washed all sorts of debris down the river. I sometimes think everything ever throw over the banks from Pittsburgh comes here to be cleared away. Fallen trees present a hazard to navigation, but the recreational boaters are smart enough to keep their boats off the river until Memorial Day weekend. That doesn't mean that there is the stray half submerged beer cooler ready to tear a hole in a fiberglass hull. Although I have never gone insane and owned a boat myself, I can sympathize. The old saw must be true, the two happiest days for a boat owner are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.

Mom and Pop were not boaters. But they enjoyed borrowing Earl Fitzgerald's camper and hauling it north to Pymatuning Lake that straddles the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line. The camping area there was pleasant enough, but the camping spots made it so you were actually closer to your neighbor at the camp site than if you just pitched a tent in the back yard. Back in 1973, Mom and Pop and my baby brother went to Pymatuning Lake to 'camp'. I stayed home as I had a summer job ad was old enough to take care of myself for at least one week without either burning something down or getting admitted at the hospital.

My brother worked all summer long to buy himself a bicycle. Mowing lawns, delivering the Evening Review, walking dogs and raking gardens finally paid off and he got himself a beautiful three speed bike. There was no real bike rack on the back of Earl's camper, so Pop jerry rigged a rack and secured the bike with the expectation that it would survive the 60 mile trip north on Ohio State route 11. I followed them in my car, a 1964 Ford Falcon m friends had dubbed "The Iron Lung". Mom and Pop and my brother piled into the big old Buick with the camper hitched to the back bumper and Pop's ersatz bike rack holding my brother's pride and joy.

We got to just south of Youngstown when I saw the bike rack wasn't going to make it. Every bump on the pavement loosened the bicycle just enough to make me more concerned for not only the bike, but the front end of the Iron Lung. This game went on for four or five miles until the last straw was placed on the bike rack's back and my brother's precious bicycle was kicking up sparks as the front wheel dragged on the pavement.

I blew the horn, flashed the lights and tried my best to get alongside the Buick to alert Pop to the problem. Finally, he pulled onto the berm of the road where the bike finally sprung free of constraints and careened into the ditch. Of all the unfortunate things that happened along that road trip, the very spot Pop pulled over had been the place a tanker truck loaded with oil had overturned. These were the days before any HAZMAT response would be called to a roadside oil spill and the ditch along with the surrounding area was black with crude. As if Jed Clampett had just fired a shot and stood amazed as Texas Tea bubbled forth.

Now broken and covered with oil, my brother's bicycle was a total wreck. He stood looking at it as his lower lip stuck out and quivered in grief. Mom would not consent to throwing the oil covered bike into the camper as she had spent two afternoon cleaning it with Murphy's Oil Soap. Ironic that it was 'oil soap' cleaning the camper, but actual oil that threatened the interior. We all pitched in and gathered up any stray bicycle parts and tossed it all into the trunk of the Iron Lung. I bade them good luck and took myself and the remains of the bike south to the Big House. The best laid plans of mice and men, the poet once said. No long bicycle excursions for my brother that year.
Well, I'm back from the docs and my vitamin D level was slightly low so he wants me to double my dose of 2,000iu.

Truth is I wasn't really good about taking it every day but will now.

Also, about the coffee shop and forums in general, I'd be depressed without it/them.

I live alone and don't have many friends in Fresno, so being on here is a life saver in a sense.

Glad to have such a nice group on here to talk to. Sometimes I'm not on everyday and that's usually because I'm having a don't feel like talking Day. But those are rare.
Well, I'm back from the docs and my vitamin D level was slightly low so he wants me to double my dose of 2,000iu.

Truth is I wasn't really good about taking it every day but will now.

Also, about the coffee shop and forums in general, I'd be depressed without it/them.

I live alone and don't have many friends in Fresno, so being on here is a life saver in a sense.

Glad to have such a nice group on here to talk to. Sometimes I'm not on everyday and that's usually because I'm having a don't feel like talking Day. But those are rare.


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