USMB Coffee Shop IV

Three general contractors, an African American, a Roman Catholic and a Jew, were headed of to a General Contractor's convention when suddenly their car lost control and plunged over a cliff. They were instantly standing before the Pearly Gates and St. Peter himself. Glowering at the three stunned men, St. Peter said "I'm not in the habit of admitting general contractors through the Pearly Gates and into the Kingdom of Heaven."

The three newly dead men winced, suspecting as much after a lifetime of ripping off their customers.

"But the Lord and I are in a bit of a pickle." continued St.Peter. "These poor old gates are wearing out and I thought while you were here, you might provide me with estimates for their repair"

"Well, St.Peter" began the African American contractor "My firm can make the necessary repairs for $5,000."

"Care to itemize your proposal?" asked St. Peter.

"Sure! We'll reset the hinges for $1,500, buff out the gold for another $1,500, install a new lock set for $1,000 and build you a new guard booth for another $1,000"

"You know, St. Peter, these gates are widely admired on Earth" began the Roman Catholic contractor "My company can do the job right for $15,000. We'll also rest the hinges at $1,500. We can repair and replace the gemstones for $3,000. A new guard booth with Wi-Fi and video surveillance for $5,500. We'll leave 10% out for unforeseen contingencies and with whatever is left we can make a generous contribution to Catholic Charities."

"St. Peter. Bubby. You want a nice job?" said the Jewish contractor "I can do it all for $55,000."

"55,000?" exclaimed St. Peter "That's eleven times the low bid! How can I sell that to the Lord?"

"Calm down, bubblila," said the Jewish contractor "We break it down like this. $25,000 goes to you. I put $25,000 in my pocket. Then we hire the colored boy to do the work for $5,000"
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Just got back from Docs office. Took a pic with my cell phone and will try to post it. Meanwhile..what a view! The pic does not do it justice.

Got in to see the doc and she said my blood test results were in....I have RA (duh. No shit?), I am low on Vitamin D (again, duh...there is no sun here cuz its always raining), and my cholesterol is sky high (once again...duh). So I requested a few meds that will kill two birds with one stone (questran)....lowering my cholesterol and a binding agent since I don't have a gall bladder and she complied. to see if I can post this pic I took from the lobby overlooking the mountains and canyon. BRB

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Just got back from Docs office. Took a pic with my cell phone and will try to post it. Meanwhile..what a view! The pic does not do it justice.

Got in to see the doc and she said my blood test results were in....I have RA (duh. No shit?), I am low on Vitamin D (again, duh...there is no sun here cuz its always raining), and my cholesterol is sky high (once again...duh). So I requested a few meds that will kill two birds with one stone (questran)....lowering my cholesterol and a binding agent since I don't have a gall bladder and she complied. to see if I can post this pic I took from the lobby overlooking the mountains and canyon. BRB

One thing you can do that's good for you to bring down the bad cholesterol and maybe even triglycerides if that is a problem is to add some chia seed and/or freshly ground flax seed to your diet. I add both to my morning breakfast smoothie but you can pitch it into salads or sprinkle on veggies or whatever. It usually does the trick. I grind the whole flax seed in a small coffee grinder only as much as I will use and I use it immediately as it loses its punch quickly once it is ground.
Arrived in Rio Rancho a few hours ago, rested, looked at homes online then walked across the parking lot to the Dion's for dinner. Now I'm stuffed.........
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, mom, and family,
CeeCee's baby sister,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, Ridgerunner, and all the others we miss and hope to return.


Just got back from Docs office. Took a pic with my cell phone and will try to post it. Meanwhile..what a view! The pic does not do it justice.

Got in to see the doc and she said my blood test results were in....I have RA (duh. No shit?), I am low on Vitamin D (again, duh...there is no sun here cuz its always raining), and my cholesterol is sky high (once again...duh). So I requested a few meds that will kill two birds with one stone (questran)....lowering my cholesterol and a binding agent since I don't have a gall bladder and she complied. to see if I can post this pic I took from the lobby overlooking the mountains and canyon. BRB

One thing you can do that's good for you to bring down the bad cholesterol and maybe even triglycerides if that is a problem is to add some chia seed and/or freshly ground flax seed to your diet. I add both to my morning breakfast smoothie but you can pitch it into salads or sprinkle on veggies or whatever. It usually does the trick. I grind the whole flax seed in a small coffee grinder only as much as I will use and I use it immediately as it loses its punch quickly once it is ground.
I have heard that but never did it, nor even know what the stuff looks like. Seeds are bad for diverticulus, which I have. Is it really seedy?
Arrived in Rio Rancho a few hours ago, rested, looked at homes online then walked across the parking lot to the Dion's for dinner. Now I'm stuffed.........
Gotta love a nice meal but I sure hate that stuffed feeling after.

Luck finding a great home. Is your wife still looking for work there?
Well I am half way through half life 2 now and I have posted two pictures. The first is of a dark episode where you pass through a town full of monsters, and you can behead them by throwing a circular saw blade at them. The second is where you get to drive a beach buggy along a coast road, and do battle with ant lions that spring up from the sand. You can shoot them with a machine gun mounted on the bonnet, or you can just run them over.

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Just got back from Docs office. Took a pic with my cell phone and will try to post it. Meanwhile..what a view! The pic does not do it justice.

Got in to see the doc and she said my blood test results were in....I have RA (duh. No shit?), I am low on Vitamin D (again, duh...there is no sun here cuz its always raining), and my cholesterol is sky high (once again...duh). So I requested a few meds that will kill two birds with one stone (questran)....lowering my cholesterol and a binding agent since I don't have a gall bladder and she complied. to see if I can post this pic I took from the lobby overlooking the mountains and canyon. BRB

One thing you can do that's good for you to bring down the bad cholesterol and maybe even triglycerides if that is a problem is to add some chia seed and/or freshly ground flax seed to your diet. I add both to my morning breakfast smoothie but you can pitch it into salads or sprinkle on veggies or whatever. It usually does the trick. I grind the whole flax seed in a small coffee grinder only as much as I will use and I use it immediately as it loses its punch quickly once it is ground.
I have heard that but never did it, nor even know what the stuff looks like. Seeds are bad for diverticulus, which I have. Is it really seedy?

Both are tiny little seeds. Most whole foods or health food stores or farmers markets carry them. The ground flax seed I don't think would be a problem with diverticulitis. Not sure about the Chia seeds.
I had to edit my last post of half life 2 and the site crashed in the middle of it. But I finally got there.

I still think half life 2 is the best computer game I have ever played.
Arrived in Rio Rancho a few hours ago, rested, looked at homes online then walked across the parking lot to the Dion's for dinner. Now I'm stuffed.........
Gotta love a nice meal but I sure hate that stuffed feeling after.

Luck finding a great home. Is your wife still looking for work there?
That's what we're here for, a job interview plus looking at houses though we're no longer looking to buy right now. Not finding what we want in our price range that wouldn't require a gut and rebuild which we can't afford right now so we figure we'll rent for a year and build up our available finances then buy.
Good morning, having a bad day because I didn't sleep well. My vitamin D was low also Gracie, doc told me to double the dose I was taking.

My problem is I forget to take it.

Foxfyre ...I sometimes make an almond milk and chia seed type pudding and eat it for breakfast..think I'll do that for tomorrow, it has to sit for a few hours.

Have a great day all!
Good morning, having a bad day because I didn't sleep well. My vitamin D was low also Gracie, doc told me to double the dose I was taking.

My problem is I forget to take it.

Foxfyre ...I sometimes make an almond milk and chia seed type pudding and eat it for breakfast..think I'll do that for tomorrow, it has to sit for a few hours.

Have a great day all!
I take my vitamin D with my meds and other supplements daily. I have one of those weekly pill boxes were I put my weekly meds/vits divided by day and morning/night, helps me remember to take them. The one I have trouble with is taking my daily fiber as ya can't take it with meds, the fiber expands into a gelatinous mass trapping the meds so they can't be absorbed, made that mistake when I first started taking fiber.
That's what I'm going to do..take it when I take my other pills.

It was barely below normal though and I'm wondering if I should double up to 4,000 since I really wasn't taking the 2,000 regularly.
That's what I'm going to do..take it when I take my other pills.

It was barely below normal though and I'm wondering if I should double up to 4,000 since I really wasn't taking the 2,000 regularly.

If it is only a slight deficiency, I'm pretty sure a few extra minutes in the sun should take care of it. At America latitudes, 20 minutes in the sun can generate up to 25,000 units of Vitamin D.

Some common drugs can and do deplete Vitamin D though or impede its absorption: cortisteroids like Prednisone, a lot of weight loss products, some antiseizure drugs, and the cholesterol lowering statins like Questran et al. As many hours as reasonable should be allowed between taking those drugs and your Vitamin D supplement.
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I had to edit my last post of half life 2 and the site crashed in the middle of it. But I finally got there.

I still think half life 2 is the best computer game I have ever played.
One of the best shooting games ever! :D

You play it too esthermoon? I guess I'm going to have to get it. I forgot to ask Dajjal so I'll ask you both--it is a game you can play by yourself on your computer? It isn't an on line group game?
I had to edit my last post of half life 2 and the site crashed in the middle of it. But I finally got there.

I still think half life 2 is the best computer game I have ever played.
One of the best shooting games ever! :D

You play it too esthermoon? I guess I'm going to have to get it. I forgot to ask Dajjal so I'll ask you both--it is a game you can play by yourself on your computer? It isn't an on line group game?
Hi Foxfyre! :bye1:
I did play the game by myself on my pc. I don't know if there's an on line version I played with the PC DVD ROM a friend of mine gave me :)
It was very funny but I got killed all the time :Boom2: :D

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