USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning Chris and everybody.

We had a terrible afternoon and evening yesterday. We had just sat down to eat lunch when our resident mini doxie we are keeping for friend Dana just keeled over - stopped breathing. She had been fine up to that moment. We picked her up, thought maybe something lodged in her throat, did sort of a heimlich maneuver on a dog and she did throw up quite a bit and started breathing but was listless, couldn't stand. Rushed her to the emergency vet and almost $600 later still no clue what was wrong. She is some better this morning but something is hurting her and we can't locate the source of pain when she is moving around. Her regular vet is closed Sundays and probably today being Memorial Day.

Friend Dana remains in Salt Lake City awaiting a heart transplant when one becomes available. She is very depressed and her best friend is certain this dog is the only thing giving her a will to live.

I am really afraid.

Ohhh, that is really upsetting. I'm sorry to hear about this! :(

I hope the little dog will be okay, as well as your friend. Hang in there, sweetie. :smiliehug:

We love Carly, the mini doxie, and would of course grieve if we lost her. But to think our friend's life is also hanging in that balance is terrifying.

How are they both doing today? I hope everything is okay.

Just back from the vet with Carly and she is still moving slowly and isn't at all normally active but is more like herself day by day. The Vet couldn't find anything alarming but wanted to wait a couple of more days before repeating blood work to make sure nothing was dangerously out of whack. She may have to have ultrasounds and things like that to identify an underlying cause that a physical exam will miss. So we are optimistic but still worried. Another episode like that and we could be in the hospital.

As for Dana, she is doing okay though depressed. Still #1 on the list waiting for a heart that never seems to be available. And that seems to be wrong too, to all of us, hoping for a heart to be available for Dana but knowing at the same time that somebody had to die to provide it. :(

Anyhow thanks for asking. This has been a very stressful week so far. It underscores our belief that we can't afford a pet but at the same time it is so important that Carly remain well.
The first week of algebra went well, this second week is going very badly. I'm now worried about the proctored exam, on top of being worried about my A&P proctored exam. If those exams were today, I would fail both pretty miserably. I don't know if I'll be able to remember all of the needed information in the next week, particularly when the house is going to be full of people starting tomorrow night for the little one's birthday.

I had hoped that, after things ended up going well last semester, this semester would work out close to the same. Right now, I think there is little chance of that. I hopefully can do fine in the two classes that don't have proctored exams, but I'm afraid I'll end up forgetting to do some of the work for those while I try to remember all the crap from the algebra and A&P 2.

Best of tonight's fox photos, showing the size of the cub compared with the mother.
The first week of algebra went well, this second week is going very badly. I'm now worried about the proctored exam, on top of being worried about my A&P proctored exam. If those exams were today, I would fail both pretty miserably. I don't know if I'll be able to remember all of the needed information in the next week, particularly when the house is going to be full of people starting tomorrow night for the little one's birthday.

I had hoped that, after things ended up going well last semester, this semester would work out close to the same. Right now, I think there is little chance of that. I hopefully can do fine in the two classes that don't have proctored exams, but I'm afraid I'll end up forgetting to do some of the work for those while I try to remember all the crap from the algebra and A&P 2.

Again just put your head down and get it done. You almost always do better than you expect of yourself.
I came in to ask how the dog is doing and your friend. I hope Carla just had "a moment" and it is nothing serious, and Dana gets what she needs soon..although as you said..someone else has to die to have it happen. :(
Good morning Chris and everybody.

We had a terrible afternoon and evening yesterday. We had just sat down to eat lunch when our resident mini doxie we are keeping for friend Dana just keeled over - stopped breathing. She had been fine up to that moment. We picked her up, thought maybe something lodged in her throat, did sort of a heimlich maneuver on a dog and she did throw up quite a bit and started breathing but was listless, couldn't stand. Rushed her to the emergency vet and almost $600 later still no clue what was wrong. She is some better this morning but something is hurting her and we can't locate the source of pain when she is moving around. Her regular vet is closed Sundays and probably today being Memorial Day.

Friend Dana remains in Salt Lake City awaiting a heart transplant when one becomes available. She is very depressed and her best friend is certain this dog is the only thing giving her a will to live.

I am really afraid.
OH, man! Maybe she's missing Dana too much. I'm sure you and Mr. Foxy are great with her, but some dogs are so attached to their soulmates. How old is she?
The movers were back today, filled the 29 ft tractor trailer and most of the 6 x 12 uhaul tow behind. The carpet guy took care of the small amount of carpeting we had to do and I have a couple coming by tomorrow to help finish the left over packing and clean the house. I'm wasted........... Everything hurts........ We were hoping to get out tomorrow but it looks like we won't be able to leave until Wednesday.
Poor baby!:smiliehug:
Good morning Chris and everybody.

We had a terrible afternoon and evening yesterday. We had just sat down to eat lunch when our resident mini doxie we are keeping for friend Dana just keeled over - stopped breathing. She had been fine up to that moment. We picked her up, thought maybe something lodged in her throat, did sort of a heimlich maneuver on a dog and she did throw up quite a bit and started breathing but was listless, couldn't stand. Rushed her to the emergency vet and almost $600 later still no clue what was wrong. She is some better this morning but something is hurting her and we can't locate the source of pain when she is moving around. Her regular vet is closed Sundays and probably today being Memorial Day.

Friend Dana remains in Salt Lake City awaiting a heart transplant when one becomes available. She is very depressed and her best friend is certain this dog is the only thing giving her a will to live.

I am really afraid.
OH, man! Maybe she's missing Dana too much. I'm sure you and Mr. Foxy are great with her, but some dogs are so attached to their soulmates. How old is she?

No I don't think it is separation anxiety as she is very much attached and at home with us. Which of course is why we get the honor of foster parenting her. She was 11 on May 2. If either Hombre or I or both of us leave the premises though you would think we had been gone a month when we get back she is so overjoyed.

But all positive vibes and thoughts and prayers sent her way (and Dana's way) will be so appreciated.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Foxfyre & Hombre's foster dog Carly for wellness,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, 007, and all others we hope will return.

In order to succeed, our desire to accomplish must be greater than our fear of failure or difficulties.
Just got back from breakfast. That's my favorite meal to eat in a restaurant. It's simple, it's quick, it's inexpensive and, so far in my neck of the woods, completely ignored by pretentious "foodies". No quail egg soufflé or sun dried tomato reduction with raspberry glasse.

Our palette here in the upper Ohio River valley remains unapologetically basic. We like our chicken fried, our steaks grilled and our pork chops stuffed. Everything else must be drowned in gravy. Our salads are dressed with ranch or French.

Plus, we put french fries on everything! Our Primati Bros. sandwiches are nearly famous. Between two hand sliced pieces of Italian bread are your choice of meat (I prefer their roast beef), sweet and sour cole slaw, tomato slices and fresh cut fries. Our also nearly famous steak salad is a generous chef's salad with cubes of mozzarella cheese, again fresh cut fries and a rib eye steak cut into bite sized pieces.

Thus is the extent of Pittsburgh area cuisine. Some cities are know for their barbecue, others for their pizza. Like Louisville, Kentucky with their St. Paul sandwich, Pittsburgh is noted for Primanti Bros.

I've always thought that if I went insane and became a restaurateur, I would have a place called America. My bill of fare would include Philadelphia cheese steaks, Boston clam chowder, New York style pizza, Baltimore crabs smothered in Old Bay seasoning, Cincinnati style chili ladled over spaghetti, Kansas City barbecue (with apologies to my readers from Texas and the Carolinas). And of course massive sandwiches with cole slaw and fries.
The movers were back today, filled the 29 ft tractor trailer and most of the 6 x 12 uhaul tow behind. The carpet guy took care of the small amount of carpeting we had to do and I have a couple coming by tomorrow to help finish the left over packing and clean the house. I'm wasted........... Everything hurts........ We were hoping to get out tomorrow but it looks like we won't be able to leave until Wednesday.

A day's rest would probably be better for you than speed in this case.
Had power nap yesterday, worked wonders. Have the last little bit of items to pack into the vehicles and uhaul trailer today, turn in the keys and head north (hopefully by 10 am this morning). The city trash guys just came by asked them if they could take our trash (normal pick up is Tuesday which was done) they did and it cost me two Gatorades.
Just got back from breakfast. That's my favorite meal to eat in a restaurant. It's simple, it's quick, it's inexpensive and, so far in my neck of the woods, completely ignored by pretentious "foodies". No quail egg soufflé or sun dried tomato reduction with raspberry glasse.

Our palette here in the upper Ohio River valley remains unapologetically basic. We like our chicken fried, our steaks grilled and our pork chops stuffed. Everything else must be drowned in gravy. Our salads are dressed with ranch or French.

Plus, we put french fries on everything! Our Primati Bros. sandwiches are nearly famous. Between two hand sliced pieces of Italian bread are your choice of meat (I prefer their roast beef), sweet and sour cole slaw, tomato slices and fresh cut fries. Our also nearly famous steak salad is a generous chef's salad with cubes of mozzarella cheese, again fresh cut fries and a rib eye steak cut into bite sized pieces.

Thus is the extent of Pittsburgh area cuisine. Some cities are know for their barbecue, others for their pizza. Like Louisville, Kentucky with their St. Paul sandwich, Pittsburgh is noted for Primanti Bros.

I've always thought that if I went insane and became a restaurateur, I would have a place called America. My bill of fare would include Philadelphia cheese steaks, Boston clam chowder, New York style pizza, Baltimore crabs smothered in Old Bay seasoning, Cincinnati style chili ladled over spaghetti, Kansas City barbecue (with apologies to my readers from Texas and the Carolinas). And of course massive sandwiches with cole slaw and fries.

Such wonderful word pictures. But you left out the southwestern cuisine in your American restaurant.

Out here in New Mexico the 'everyday' cuisine will is pretty standard. Sandwich menus do come with various forms of fries, as do steak menus, bbq menus, prime rib menus, etc. etc. etc., but almost everything has a green chili option--burgers, clubs, reubens etc. Even most McDonalds offer a green chili cheeseburger. Salsa and choriso is served with scrambled eggs--do you want toast or tortillas with that? The better places offer a choice of flour or corn or blue corn tortillas.

Burritos and enchiladas are staples on almost every menu and the question is red or green? (chili). Or if you want both you just order Christmas. Even pizza places usually offer some form of local flavor. The house salad may be pretty uninspired or mundane, but everybody takes pride in their salsa. Dessert is only an afterthought but sopapillas served with honey are the standard in the traditional cuisine places and stuffed sopapillas are on most menus as an entre.

If the restaurant features their "Mexican" food over all other cuisine, crispy tortilla chips and salsa go on the table automatically immediately after the server taking your order.

There are restaurants in which the southwestern, New Mexican, Mexican, Spanish cuisine is absent, but these will usually be Asian or quite pricey. You mentioned everything smothered in gravy--that would be the east side which is basically little Texas--but here in the heart of New Mexico, there isn't that much gravy to be found. Maybe on a chicken fried steak and possibly on mashed potatoes.
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The movers were back today, filled the 29 ft tractor trailer and most of the 6 x 12 uhaul tow behind. The carpet guy took care of the small amount of carpeting we had to do and I have a couple coming by tomorrow to help finish the left over packing and clean the house. I'm wasted........... Everything hurts........ We were hoping to get out tomorrow but it looks like we won't be able to leave until Wednesday.

A day's rest would probably be better for you than speed in this case.
Had power nap yesterday, worked wonders. Have the last little bit of items to pack into the vehicles and uhaul trailer today, turn in the keys and head north (hopefully by 10 am this morning). The city trash guys just came by asked them if they could take our trash (normal pick up is Tuesday which was done) they did and it cost me two Gatorades.

Safe travels and uneventful process please.
Morning all!
Stop by to say we are both doing well, but have been busy.
Just this waiting is getting to us.
June 8th seems like forever, to see what they will do or not do for him. :smile:

So happy to see you here though Peach. I know you've been reading in now and then but we miss your more active presence too.

I can appreciate the waiting. It takes forever to see a specialist around here for our own issues which so far have not been so serious as yours and Mr. P's. And we are doing the waiting game with friend Dana to get a new heart that has been wearing on all of us.

Hooray ! the landlords mowed the lawn, and the fox family came out in daylight to inspect it. I got some good pictures.

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