USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just got done wrapping my presents for the little one's birthday next week. Unfortunately, I got her a skateboard (she'd been asking for one), but my employer got her a hoverboard a few days ago. I feel as though the skateboard will be superfluous now. :p

Then again, maybe not so much. Two different things.

I'm hoping the skateboard will be good when the hoverboard breaks. :lol:

But seriously they are two different things. You can travel on the hover board, yes, but for the stunts and feel of power that the skate board provides, the hoverboard just doesn't cut it. And I doubt the hoverboard suitable for a child would be anywhere near as fast.
I just got done wrapping my presents for the little one's birthday next week. Unfortunately, I got her a skateboard (she'd been asking for one), but my employer got her a hoverboard a few days ago. I feel as though the skateboard will be superfluous now. :p

Then again, maybe not so much. Two different things.

I'm hoping the skateboard will be good when the hoverboard breaks. :lol:

But seriously they are two different things. You can travel on the hover board, yes, but for the stunts and feel of power that the skate board provides, the hoverboard just doesn't cut it. And I doubt the hoverboard suitable for a child would be anywhere near as fast.

LOL, the little one isn't going to be doing any tricks. She just likes to have things to roll around on occasionally; she already has a scooter and roller blades. Maybe she'll take to a skateboard more than I expect, but even without the hoverboard I figured she would play with the skateboard a lot for a week or two, then just use it around the house if she's allowed or take it outside for a few minutes every once in a while. :p
Sherry's son Michael is graduating High School tonight. The boy is growing up......:)

Oh wow. It just seems like yesterday that he was going to middle school. That's really special.

He is a great kid. In the 2 1/2 years I have known Michael he has grown in so many ways. Sherry has done a wonderful job with him.

He has certainly benefited from having such a great stepdad.:thup:

Two good pieces of news this week. My Mom's MRI came back negative on the cancer moving to the brain...please keep up the good vibes and prayers.:) My daughter announced that she took a pregnancy test, and then another one, and both came back positive. WQ and I are over the moon about becoming grandparents.:thewave:
Sherry's son Michael is graduating High School tonight. The boy is growing up......:)

Oh wow. It just seems like yesterday that he was going to middle school. That's really special.

He is a great kid. In the 2 1/2 years I have known Michael he has grown in so many ways. Sherry has done a wonderful job with him.

He has certainly benefited from having such a great stepdad.:thup:

Two good pieces of news this week. My Mom's MRI came back negative on the cancer moving to the brain...please keep up the good vibes and prayers.:) My daughter announced that she took a pregnancy test, and then another one, and both came back positive. WQ and I are over the moon about becoming grandparents.:thewave:

Such good news on all fronts!!! Those prayers and good vibes will keep coming.
I just got done wrapping my presents for the little one's birthday next week. Unfortunately, I got her a skateboard (she'd been asking for one), but my employer got her a hoverboard a few days ago. I feel as though the skateboard will be superfluous now. :p

Then again, maybe not so much. Two different things.

I'm hoping the skateboard will be good when the hoverboard breaks. :lol:

But seriously they are two different things. You can travel on the hover board, yes, but for the stunts and feel of power that the skate board provides, the hoverboard just doesn't cut it. And I doubt the hoverboard suitable for a child would be anywhere near as fast.

LOL, the little one isn't going to be doing any tricks. She just likes to have things to roll around on occasionally; she already has a scooter and roller blades. Maybe she'll take to a skateboard more than I expect, but even without the hoverboard I figured she would play with the skateboard a lot for a week or two, then just use it around the house if she's allowed or take it outside for a few minutes every once in a while. :p

I was a good roller skater when young and could do the inline skates. But by the time skateboards became popular I figured that wasn't a smart thing to do. My sense of balance hasn't improve with age and they explained to me that folks my age break more easily than the young too. But there's a part of me that sure would have liked to do that.

I've always marveled at this bulldog though:
youtube bulldog on a skateboard - Bing video
Memorial Day weekend and the rhododendrons and peonies are in full bloom. I always thought of peonies as the Las Vegas showgirls of the flower world. Big lucious blooms straining the slender stem, rich with color, yet crawling with ants. Not that Las Vegas showgirls are crawling with ants, but ya never know.

Mr. Mullins, the man who sold us the Big House back in 1966, grew peonies semi-commercially on the grounds there. He had a massive garden of them that took more maintenance than necessary. Pop dug up two dozen of them and transplanted them closer to the house. The rest of the garden was eventually overrun by pea vines and served as the out of bounds line for our makeshift football field. The southeast corner of the peony bed was third base for our baseball diamond.

On Memorial Day weekend Mr. Mullins would cut hundreds of blooms for sale to local flower shops and eventually as decorations in local cemeteries. They used to call Memorial Day Decoration Day and Mr. Mullins' peonies served well as decorations

But peonies are not the point of this holiday. We are obliged to mark the day for its intended purpose. And that obligation is one welcome to every freedom loving American. It is a solemn obligation. We must honor the sacrifice and service of those who have given what Lincoln called the last full measure of their devotion. We could not be the Americans we are today without the service of those brave men and women, the best we could offer up from our society.

Thank you all, and may God bless you and our nation.
I just got done wrapping my presents for the little one's birthday next week. Unfortunately, I got her a skateboard (she'd been asking for one), but my employer got her a hoverboard a few days ago. I feel as though the skateboard will be superfluous now. :p

Then again, maybe not so much. Two different things.

I'm hoping the skateboard will be good when the hoverboard breaks. :lol:

But seriously they are two different things. You can travel on the hover board, yes, but for the stunts and feel of power that the skate board provides, the hoverboard just doesn't cut it. And I doubt the hoverboard suitable for a child would be anywhere near as fast.

LOL, the little one isn't going to be doing any tricks. She just likes to have things to roll around on occasionally; she already has a scooter and roller blades. Maybe she'll take to a skateboard more than I expect, but even without the hoverboard I figured she would play with the skateboard a lot for a week or two, then just use it around the house if she's allowed or take it outside for a few minutes every once in a while. :p

I was a good roller skater when young and could do the inline skates. But by the time skateboards became popular I figured that wasn't a smart thing to do. My sense of balance hasn't improve with age and they explained to me that folks my age break more easily than the young too. But there's a part of me that sure would have liked to do that.

I've always marveled at this bulldog though:
youtube bulldog on a skateboard - Bing video

I've seen that dog before.

So save doesn't feel like his people are under-represented.....

Finally. FINALLY have Internet. Place that was supposed to, never showed. So, made my own hotspot for wifi, and I am good to go. Yay! The withdrawal was quite painful.
Sherry's son Michael is graduating High School tonight. The boy is growing up......:)

Oh wow. It just seems like yesterday that he was going to middle school. That's really special.

He is a great kid. In the 2 1/2 years I have known Michael he has grown in so many ways. Sherry has done a wonderful job with him.

He has certainly benefited from having such a great stepdad.:thup:

Two good pieces of news this week. My Mom's MRI came back negative on the cancer moving to the brain...please keep up the good vibes and prayers.:) My daughter announced that she took a pregnancy test, and then another one, and both came back positive. WQ and I are over the moon about becoming grandparents.:thewave:
Congratulations on all counts! Best good vibes still coming your way from up here in the "frozen" North.
Peeking in to say hi! Hi! :)

Finally. FINALLY have Internet. Place that was supposed to, never showed. So, made my own hotspot for wifi, and I am good to go. Yay! The withdrawal was quite painful.

So happy you're back!!! Trust the move went well though no doubt exhausting as it is for all of us. The Ringels will be testifying to that before too much longer I am sure. But you were a missed person Ms Kat. :)
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We were diagnosed the same year with Hepatitis C... R.I.P. Gregg Allman...

Music World Reacts to Death of Gregg Allman

Seems we are losing so many of the icons of the entertainment world lately. And because I don't keep up with modern music, movies, drama/comedy TV shows much these days, nobody is taking their places.

Hep C is one of those weird infections, most common to baby boomers. It is estimated 1 in 30 baby boomers have it and the risk is higher to those born between 1945 and 1965. It is treatable and in most cases curable so those who know they have it are usually more fortunate than those who don't. Untreated it is a silent killer as it is mostly non symptomatic until most of the damage is done.
Peeking in to say hi! Hi! :)


And good morning Chris. Been missing you here too so hope that life is good for you.

Same old, same old. :) Hope things are going well for you too, Foxy!

Are you still working two jobs? I have been curious about your medical transcription job. When I did that years ago it was via using a dictaphone--the doctors recorded their report on a hand held recorder and then the small cassette tape could be placed in the dictaphone and I transcribed it on a self correcting electric typewriter. A foot pedal controlled the speed of the recorded voice. That was just before the computer age though.

I would imagine with computers it would be a lot faster and more comprehensive and you really could work from anywhere. But how do you get the reports to transcribe?
Memorial Day weekend and the rhododendrons and peonies are in full bloom. I always thought of peonies as the Las Vegas showgirls of the flower world. Big lucious blooms straining the slender stem, rich with color, yet crawling with ants. Not that Las Vegas showgirls are crawling with ants, but ya never know.

Mr. Mullins, the man who sold us the Big House back in 1966, grew peonies semi-commercially on the grounds there. He had a massive garden of them that took more maintenance than necessary. Pop dug up two dozen of them and transplanted them closer to the house. The rest of the garden was eventually overrun by pea vines and served as the out of bounds line for our makeshift football field. The southeast corner of the peony bed was third base for our baseball diamond.

On Memorial Day weekend Mr. Mullins would cut hundreds of blooms for sale to local flower shops and eventually as decorations in local cemeteries. They used to call Memorial Day Decoration Day and Mr. Mullins' peonies served well as decorations

But peonies are not the point of this holiday. We are obliged to mark the day for its intended purpose. And that obligation is one welcome to every freedom loving American. It is a solemn obligation. We must honor the sacrifice and service of those who have given what Lincoln called the last full measure of their devotion. We could not be the Americans we are today without the service of those brave men and women, the best we could offer up from our society.

Thank you all, and may God bless you and our nation.

My 90-year old aunt will be coming over for lunch as has become a recent Sunday ustom. Since my uncle died in September--they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary the same month--she finally admitted that she isn't dealing with the grief as well as she thought. Being alone is harder for her than she thought.

But we will have lunch and then take her to the cemetery where her husband and her only child, a daughter, are interred so the graves can be decorated. He was a WWII Navy pilot and a remarkable person. As was the daughter who died of a sudden deadly illness about 8 years ago. She had been living in Albuquerque the last 5 years of her life with the intention of taking care of her mom and step dad. Alas it was not to be.
Finally. FINALLY have Internet. Place that was supposed to, never showed. So, made my own hotspot for wifi, and I am good to go. Yay! The withdrawal was quite painful.

I'm impressed you knew how to do that. I wouldn't know how to even start.
Peeking in to say hi! Hi! :)


And good morning Chris. Been missing you here too so hope that life is good for you.

Same old, same old. :) Hope things are going well for you too, Foxy!

Are you still working two jobs? I have been curious about your medical transcription job. When I did that years ago it was via using a dictaphone--the doctors recorded their report on a hand held recorder and then the small cassette tape could be placed in the dictaphone and I transcribed it on a self correcting electric typewriter. A foot pedal controlled the speed of the recorded voice. That was just before the computer age though.

I would imagine with computers it would be a lot faster and more comprehensive and you really could work from anywhere. But how do you get the reports to transcribe?

Yup, it's all done on the computer now. I even punch a time clock online. Each place has their own transcription platform software. So, I just log in and the work is there. I use a foot pedal to play, fast forward, or rewind (just like always). It is basically the same the thing though. The doctor records the information and you type it out in the appropriate format. It's more convenient because you don't have to use tapes though, nor do you have to print anything (or at least not on my end). I used to work for a company that used tapes and I had to print all the documents. That just got to be too much. They don't pay you for printing it, only for typing it! Lol.

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