USMB Coffee Shop IV

I didn't realize this summer semester is a somewhat shortened one. It's only 10 weeks long, and unfortunately, I'm going to have 10 proctored tests this time, rather than the 5 I had last semester. My algebra class has 5 and A&P II has 5. I'm going to need to study more in less time. It's only 3 days in, but so far it's taking up a lot more of my days.
It's commencement season and the ceremonies have begun. Here at my alma mater, East Liverpool High School the class of 2017 flipped the tassels on their mortar boards last Friday. At our rival, Beaver Local High, commencement is the day after tomorrow.

My nephew's grade school commencement was Saturday. He moves from elementary to Jr. High school in the autumn. Pomp and circumstance for twelve year olds must be a phenomenon born by proud parents. People my age do not remember any ceremony at all for moving from sixth to seventh grade.

The elementary school band performed for the beaming faces of moms and dads and grandparents. Their rendition of Wind Beneath my Wings on recorders and triangles had all the musicality of a breeze whistling across an empty 7Up can caught on a barbed wire fence, but tears welled in the eyes of the parents none the less.

We all went home and ate cake while the graduate played video games.
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, 007, and all others we hope will return.

View attachment 128175

The best of tonight's photos. I hope for better, but the buggers mostly wait until dusk before showing up.
Awww factor high!
When I am close to a fox den around here, in the wild, they smell a bit like skunk. Do your foxes have any distinctive odor?

I have never got close enough to the foxes to smell them, for one thing I take all my photos through the glass of a closed window. All I know about them is they are riddled with fleas, as they keep scratching.
Not surprising, the fleas. They do have a distinctive odor, and since we don't have skunks here, I recognize the fox smell. Bears also have a distinctive odor, one I pay attention to if I smell it, I assure you. I don't suppose you have bears there?

I would never go out if we had bears. But we do have a lot of foxes and I just saw four new cubs in a garden two doors up. They all ran into a new burrow when a seagull flew over. I am now wondering if the neighbour whose garden they are in will tolerate them. Next door put up with the foxes under their patio last year, but I am not sure the neighbours in the garden two doors up will endure their garden being torn up.
The photographing will be harder too because although I have a powerful zoom lens, the angle of view is limited.
Unbelievable ! I just had a message to disable ad ons that were slowing down my computer, and when I checked it out it was Java that was doing it. I downloaded a java update because I kept getting a promt to do so, but it said java was not compatible with windows 10, so I assumed it just did not work. But all this bloody time it has been slowing down my web activities. Now I have disabled it the web is going much faster.

Edit, I have now deleted Java from my system, and I recommend anyone else who has downloaded it onto windows 10 to do the same.

My computer is web surfing far faster now.
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Unbelievable ! I just had a message to disable ad ons that were slowing down my computer, and when I checked it out it was Java that was doing it. I downloaded a java update because I kept getting a promt to do so, but it said java was not compatible with windows 10, so I assumed it just did not work. But all this bloody time it has been slowing down my web activities. Now I have disabled it the web is going much faster.

Edit, I have now deleted Java from my system, and I recommend anyone else who has downloaded it onto windows 10 to do the same.

My computer is web surfing far faster now.

Too many of the games I play use Java so I don't want to delete it. I'm not having any surfing problems though .

Mama Fox's coat doesn't look all that healthy. I wonder if she is okay?

Most of the adult foxes are a bit mangy. Its a tough life in the wild when you have no vet to treat you.
All the foxes scratch like mad and are obviously riddled with fleas.

Probably so. All the red and gray foxes up on our mountain are so healthy looking with beautiful coats, but different climate and conditions I am sure.
The labor help is done for the day but they're coming back Monday morning to finish up, that way we'll have everything that is left packed up and ready. It isn't cheap but there's no way the wife and I would have been able to do it on our own and not be out until the middle of June..........
I'm exhausted with what I was able to do which was less than I wanted but more than I honestly expected. I am feeling better, actually was able to sleep in my bed last night for the first time in four days and not cough my lungs out. The wife who stepped up while I was incapacitated has a sore back and fell on her butt yesterday so that hurts and she wasn't able to do much today.
Ugh, A&P II is looking like it will be a lot harder than A&P I. I don't yet have any reason to think I can't pass the class, but getting an A as I did last semester is starting to look unlikely.

On the other hand, at least I'm getting re-familiarized with algebra. Hopefully I can deal with that class's proctored exams.
Ugh, A&P II is looking like it will be a lot harder than A&P I. I don't yet have any reason to think I can't pass the class, but getting an A as I did last semester is starting to look unlikely.

On the other hand, at least I'm getting re-familiarized with algebra. Hopefully I can deal with that class's proctored exams.

I bet you'll do better than you think. You generally do.
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Good morning all. Beautiful weather here with temps in low to mid 80's for highs--cool nights in the 50's for good sleeping. It will cool down for awhile next week (70's) and then we may see some low 90's in June. A really cool summer for us so far though.
Got back to Ft Worth yesterday with temp at 98 degrees. Normally that's not bad but the humidity was 67% instead of a normal 40%.

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