USMB Coffee Shop IV

The movers were back today, filled the 29 ft tractor trailer and most of the 6 x 12 uhaul tow behind. The carpet guy took care of the small amount of carpeting we had to do and I have a couple coming by tomorrow to help finish the left over packing and clean the house. I'm wasted........... Everything hurts........ We were hoping to get out tomorrow but it looks like we won't be able to leave until Wednesday.

A day's rest would probably be better for you than speed in this case.
Had power nap yesterday, worked wonders. Have the last little bit of items to pack into the vehicles and uhaul trailer today, turn in the keys and head north (hopefully by 10 am this morning). The city trash guys just came by asked them if they could take our trash (normal pick up is Tuesday which was done) they did and it cost me two Gatorades.

Safe travels and uneventful process please.
We were shooting for a 10 am departure time didn't hit the road until 1:30 pm. had to switch out the electrical connector cable from the truck to the trailer when we made it to TorC. It's a Uhaul part that provides electrical to the trailer for the running lights, turn signals and brakes to work, when the Uhaul guy hooked me up he neglected to properly secure the cable up high so it was dragging on the pavement until one of the wires wore completely through. Two minutes and the TorC guy had the new cable on and we were back on the road. Finally got to Alb at 7ish, in a rain storm however the rain had stopped by the time we reached the house where the property manager left the house key hidden for us. We unloaded what we could while we were able to still move, took showers then went to bed.
Welcome home! (hopefully for a long, long time):woohoo:
Do a little, rest for a while, do a little, rest for a while. Much of it is being out of shape but some of it is we're now 1500 feet higher up than we were in El Paso. The wife just went in to lay down, feeling a little light headed.

Roughly the same or just a little lower elevation than Colorado Springs though. You'll acclimate very quickly. Be sure you guys are staying hydrated though. Sometimes you don't notice you're dehydrated until you start feeling bad.
Yeah, I'm filling up with caffeine and alcohol........ That should work, right?

The cats were spooked last night but quickly started to acclimate to the new house especially now that we have some of our stuff unloaded and unpacked. the kitchen window is one of those planter windows, guess where Giz has been spending a lot of his time....... :lol:
The cats were spooked last night but quickly started to acclimate to the new house especially now that we have some of our stuff unloaded and unpacked. the kitchen window is one of those planter windows, guess where Giz has been spending a lot of his time....... :lol:

Albuquerque is a pretty good climate for critters I think. Few ticks or fleas to worry about and in most parts of town you'll rarely ever see a mosquito or even a house fly. We keep our front door standing wide open if it isn't too cold or too hot outside, and I don't need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of flies who have gotten in the house.
I find myself in unfamiliar territory today. It seems my employer feels I make twice what I should. I promptly gathered my stuff and left. Got a lot of landscaping to do, an employment interview in the morning and my unemployment forms all filled out and turned in. Will stop in another place and drop off a resume and fill out an application while I am still spiffed up.
I find myself in unfamiliar territory today. It seems my employer feels I make twice what I should. I promptly gathered my stuff and left. Got a lot of landscaping to do, an employment interview in the morning and my unemployment forms all filled out and turned in. Will stop in another place and drop off a resume and fill out an application while I am still spiffed up.

Wow Save. You haven't been here a lot lately so didn't know what is going on with you. But that is pretty significant news. We'll certainly direct some of those positive vibes your way.
The cats were spooked last night but quickly started to acclimate to the new house especially now that we have some of our stuff unloaded and unpacked. the kitchen window is one of those planter windows, guess where Giz has been spending a lot of his time....... :lol:

Oh speaking of the kitty cats, Albuquerque has some rather weird and stringent licensing requirements for cats and dogs, so be careful to keep them close if you let them out of the house before you get that taken care of. I have heard the fines for violations are pretty bad.
I find myself in unfamiliar territory today. It seems my employer feels I make twice what I should. I promptly gathered my stuff and left. Got a lot of landscaping to do, an employment interview in the morning and my unemployment forms all filled out and turned in. Will stop in another place and drop off a resume and fill out an application while I am still spiffed up.

Wow Save. You haven't been here a lot lately so didn't know what is going on with you. But that is pretty significant news. We'll certainly direct some of those positive vibes your way.

Seems to be the big topic at my house... :lol:
Realized we hadn't eaten since breakfast which was a McScummle's breakfast, hey when there's nothing in the house and it's fast.......
However we just finished off some 5Guys, now I'm stuffed. :D
Realized we hadn't eaten since breakfast which was a McScummle's breakfast, hey when there's nothing in the house and it's fast.......
However we just finished off some 5Guys, now I'm stuffed. :D

Oh yeah. 5Guys is so much more nutritious than McScummies. :) Good burgers though.
I find myself in unfamiliar territory today. It seems my employer feels I make twice what I should. I promptly gathered my stuff and left. Got a lot of landscaping to do, an employment interview in the morning and my unemployment forms all filled out and turned in. Will stop in another place and drop off a resume and fill out an application while I am still spiffed up.

Wow Save. You haven't been here a lot lately so didn't know what is going on with you. But that is pretty significant news. We'll certainly direct some of those positive vibes your way.

Seems to be the big topic at my house... :lol:

I suppose so. I quit my last paying job because the management made it impossible for me to stay there. So I went back into business for myself and finished out my professional career that way. Have never regretted it.

But there were some stressful times in there too so I can imagine it is being discussed at your house too. :)
There's a neighborhood bar less than a quarter mile from the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. A simple concrete block building painted tan. It sits caddie corner from a site that once occupied a commercial greenhouse.

It's been a bar forever in my memory. The owner was also a barber and his shop was in a little addition on the north side. I got my hair cut there a few times when I was a kid.

The bar itself was your typical neighborhood bar. It seated about thirty. Too small for weddings. Football weekends with the Buckeyes every Saturday and the Steelers on Sunday.

And so that bar went from my Cub Scout days to my senior year in college. But that was the year that bar became haunted, for me at least.

Jim Vorkonovich, not his real name, was a rambunctious guy. He had a manner of leadership about him. He was the coiner of slang. He was well read and curious. He never hesitated to end a bar fight, but I can't remember him starting one.

Vork owned his own bar in Liverpool before he turned twenty five. He called it The Place and all my high school friends, now graduated and off creating their early adult memories, hung out there. The music was Little Feat, Neil Young, the Allman Brothers and Led Zepplin. A foosball table was constantly slamming out of rhythm with the stereo system.

Vork would come to Columbus for weekend visits. I'd call the others in the ELHS diaspora and warn them that Vork was coming for the weekend. Vork never came empty handed, but he usually brought Kessler's whiskey.

"Ya gotta drink it before the air gets to it! It'll go bad!" Vork said as he put the bottle on the table. We all charged our glasses and began Vork's Lost Weekend or Dear Lord! Never Again!

Vork came to late Monday afternoon complaining about the crustiness of his eyes. Crustaceans he called them.

Weekends like that are not to be repeated. Vork brought mind and attitude stimulants above and beyond that rot gut Kessler's. All the former Potters endulged and our dogs were let loose. Cry havoc.

We laughed and cried. We fought and sought love. We were bloodied and we were healing. How on God's earth we were not arrested is a miracle of modern law enforcement.

My senior year and graduation at the end of Winter Quarter. That's what the weekend cost me. I had to take Autumn Quarter to graduate.

Meanwhile, back in Liverpool, Vork had lost the lease at The Place and took a job tending bar down the street from Pimplebutt. Vork ran a reasonably tight ship and the bar's reputation as a nice neighborhood place was in tact.

One easy Tuesday night as Vork was closing up someone, and I still don't know who these 37 years later, walked in and took a seat at the bar. There were three of my high school buddies there drinking half price beers and shooting pool.

Christopher Walken and Robert DeNiro played Russian roulette in The Deer Hunter. If you remember the plot, three steel workers from Clariton, PA went to Vietnam. They all got back, but they were all damaged. The movie was actually filmed not twenty miles from East Liverpool. Needless to say, it was a popular movie for everyone I grew up with.

Vork kept a .45 behind the bar. I never saw it come out, but it was said he only brought it out when he was counting the night's receipts.

"Hey Vork! Sum Mao!" called the stranger snapping off the line quoting the Vietnamese referee in the Russian roulette scene.

At that, without further consideration, Vork put the pistol to his head and put out the Big Light right there behind the bar. There were no services, his body was cremated and his only tribute are the fleeting memories we carry.

And that's why that bar is haunted to me, and always will be.
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There's a neighborhood bar less than a quarter mile from the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. A simple concrete block building painted tan. It sits caddie corner from a site that once occupied a commercial greenhouse.

It's been a bar forever in my memory. The owner was also a barber and his shop was in a little addition on the north side. I got my hair cut there a few times when I was a kid.

The bar itself was your typical neighborhood bar. It seated about thirty. Too small for weddings. Football weekends with the Buckeyes every Saturday and the Steelers on Sunday.

And so that bar went from my Cub Scout days to my senior year in college. But that was the year that bar became haunted, for me at least.

Jim Vorkonovich, not his real name, was a rambunctious guy. He had a manner of leadership about him. He was the coiner of slang. He was well read and curious. He never hesitated to end a bar fight, but I can't remember him starting one.

Vork owned his own bar in Liverpool before he turned twenty five. He called it The Place and all my high school friends, now graduated and off creating their early adult memories, hung out there. The music was Little Feat, Neil Young, the Allman Brothers and Led Zepplin. A foosball table was constantly slamming out of rhythm with the stereo system.

Vork would come to Columbus for weekend visits. I'd call the others in the ELHS diaspora and warn them that Vork was coming for the weekend. Vork never came empty handed, but he usually brought Kessler's whiskey.

"Ya gotta drink it before the air gets to it! It'll go bad!" Vork said as he put the bottle on the table. We all charged our glasses and began Vork's Lost Weekend or Dear Lord! Never Again!

Vork came to late Monday afternoon complaining about the crustiness of his eyes. Crustaceans he called them.

Weekends like that are not to be repeated. Vork brought mind and attitude stimulants above and beyond that rot gut Kessler's. All the former Potters endulged and our dogs were let loose. Cry havoc.

We laughed and cried. We fought and sought love. We were bloodied and we were healing. How on God's earth we were not arrested is a miracle of modern law enforcement.

My senior year and graduation at the end of Winter Quarter. That's what the weekend cost me. I had to take Autumn Quarter to graduate.

Meanwhile, back in Liverpool, Vork had lost the lease at The Place and took a job tending bar down the street from Pimplebutt. Vork ran a reasonably tight ship and the bar's reputation as a nice neighborhood place was in tact.

One easy Tuesday night as Vork was closing up someone, and I still don't know who these 37 years later, walked in and took a seat at the bar. There were three of my high school buddies there drinking half price beers and shooting pool.

Christopher Walken and Robert DeNiro played Russian roulette in The Deer Hunter. If you remember the plot, three steel workers from Clariton, PA went to Vietnam. They all got back, but they were all damaged. The movie was actually filmed not twenty miles from East Liverpool. Needless to say, it was a popular movie for everyone I grew up with.

Vork kept a .45 behind the bar. I never saw it come out, but it was said he only brought it out when he was counting the night's receipts.

"Hey Vork! Sum Mao!" called the stranger snapping off the line quoting the Vietnamese referee in the Russian roulette scene.

At that, without further consideration, Vork put the pistol to his head and put out the Big Light right there behind the bar. There were no services, his body was cremated and his only tribute are the fleeting memories we carry.

And that's why that bar is haunted to me, and always will be.

I can see why. :( But he has now been memorialized in your anthology. I hope you know how much of a treat your sharing these with us has been for me.
Especially thinking of boedicca tonight. . .and sending extra prayers and positive vibes with GW's daughter as she goes to her dying friend. And strength to the Ringels in the midst of their difficult move.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Foxfyre & Hombre's foster dog Carly for wellness,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, 007, and all others we hope will return.

No matter how savage the storms, they all do pass.
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I'm pooped. Might go to bed earlier tonight than I usually do. I went up and helped a friend of mine....the lady with the pit bull I did not room with and instead took this one. The apartment under her house is now empty and she wants us to take it. But...I have to pass. Not due to the pit bull either. She lives in a pretty rough neighborhood and the room is nice but very dark. And she has too many dogs. Who woulda thunk I would ever say that???

Anyway..I met the pit today. She "forgot" to lock the gate and as I was bending down petting her little dogs (6 of them), something was licking the hell out of my elbow and upper arm. It finally dawned on me that all 6 were in front of me...and none of them can reach my upper arm! I looked back....and I was being ATTACKED with a very wet tongue and a butt waggling furiously. The pit was overjoyed he had company, lol. I was pleasantly surprised. I am going back this Sunday with another friend to visit, and I am eager to meet Gizmo again and get to know him. But I still ain't moving in. I don't wanna move twice. Soon as home calls...we are outta here. to stay where we are. :)
Especially thinking of boedicca tonight. . .and sending extra prayers and positive vibes with GW's daughter as she goes to her dying friend. And strength to the Ringels in the midst of their difficult move.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Foxfyre & Hombre's foster dog Carly for wellness,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, 007, and all others we hope will return.

No matter how savage the storms, they all do pass.

Ohhhhhh love that pic!
The cats were spooked last night but quickly started to acclimate to the new house especially now that we have some of our stuff unloaded and unpacked. the kitchen window is one of those planter windows, guess where Giz has been spending a lot of his time....... :lol:
In your built-in cat observation post. What a great place to put a bird feeder in view.
I find myself in unfamiliar territory today. It seems my employer feels I make twice what I should. I promptly gathered my stuff and left. Got a lot of landscaping to do, an employment interview in the morning and my unemployment forms all filled out and turned in. Will stop in another place and drop off a resume and fill out an application while I am still spiffed up.
Good luck, Save!
Especially thinking of boedicca tonight. . .and sending extra prayers and positive vibes with GW's daughter as she goes to her dying friend. And strength to the Ringels in the midst of their difficult move.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Foxfyre & Hombre's foster dog Carly for wellness,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, 007, and all others we hope will return.

No matter how savage the storms, they all do pass.
Thank you for the special call out, Foxy. The girls made it to Maryland, albeit not uneventfully. They caught a "hop" from Kadena to Eilsen AFB in Fairbanks on a KC135 military refueling plane. While not exactly commercial, first class accommodations, the price was right. They were ensconced in orange webbed slings and furnished with their own personal O2 masks and parachutes. When the A-10s came in to suck "nectar" from their flying flower, the girls were allowed to go down with the guy operating the refueling equipment and watch him "feed" those little planes. They waited almost 24 hours for the only flight from FBK to BWI (Baltimore). My daughter has taken on a tough task, and her daughters will be there to learn family responsibility, caring, and compassion.
Looks like the granddaughters will be coming here mid-July, or so.

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