USMB Coffee Shop IV

Last Christmas, I got the little one a necklace with her name on it written in cursive. She was at her dad's on Christmas Eve and came home Christmas Day. One of the presents she brought home was a necklace from her Nanna; the same necklace with her name on it, although the one I got her was gold and the one Nanna got her was silver.

Today the little one got to open a present early. It was a skateboard from her Nanna. The exact same skateboard I got her, except the one from Nanna is pink and the one from me is purple.


Oh shoot Montro. I know you are disappointed. But maybe with two skateboards she will have something to do with a friend?

I mentioned that to her as well; now when she has a play date, they can both skateboard.

It's still disappointing, though. At least this time, the little one has been asking for a skateboard for her birthday. At Christmas, it was just a freaky coincidence; the little one hadn't asked for a necklace with her name (not that I remember, anyway), and I never discussed it with her Nanna, it just happened that we both picked the same one as a good gift.

Hopefully it won't happen again this upcoming Christmas. :p
Last Christmas, I got the little one a necklace with her name on it written in cursive. She was at her dad's on Christmas Eve and came home Christmas Day. One of the presents she brought home was a necklace from her Nanna; the same necklace with her name on it, although the one I got her was gold and the one Nanna got her was silver.

Today the little one got to open a present early. It was a skateboard from her Nanna. The exact same skateboard I got her, except the one from Nanna is pink and the one from me is purple.

You missed your calling. Maybe you should enlist as a foster-nanna?
Well, this is going to be interesting. Housemate has two big cherry trees in the back yard and they are all dropping off from ripeness. So..MrGracie and I went out and gathered a big bucket full and tomorrow..HE said HE is going to make a cherry pie. :disbelief:

Just make sure he washes his hands first! :up:
Might not be a bad idea to make sure he pits those cherries first, too.
MrG made his FIRST cherry pie from the cherries we got off the tree. Turned out GREAT! Took a pic of it:)

I forgot the name of the cherries...but they are really dark DARK red. And very sweet straight off the stem. I did the pitting, he did the rest. Only thing he didn't make was the dough. We had to use another pie shell and cut it in strips cuz the store didn't have any flat dough...just pre shaped. We got 'nilla ice cream to eat it with, too. *Slurp*
Tonight my thoughts are with Dana, the surgical team, and the family whose loved one cared enough to donate that heart. Prayers and positive vibes from our night owls will be much appreciated.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Foxfyre & Hombre's foster dog Carly for wellness,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend receiving a heart transplant tonight.)
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, 007, and all others we hope will return.

Hello all!!!

Damn, the weather coming more interesting than politics...
The SNOW. 2nd of June. In Moscow!!! When the snow was at 1st of May, in year of Chernobyl, it was unusual... But in June!!!

So, before it we have a great hurricane here - a lots of broken trees, roofs and turned trash containers... ALso a lots of broken cars (by fallen trees). The hurricane came to Moscow from west, broken the pyramid, got a roof from government building (yes, stop to talk, let's work!) and also got a crux from Novodevichiy monastery - I think, God doesn't approves of transfer to Church property an Isaakievsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg... Priests became too impudent and scary, taking in property an objects of culture like hungry worms... So, now, 4th f June - a cold like in early April, I'm sitting and drinking hot coffee instead of cold beer - what would be more annoying?
Or maybe hot tea? I know recipe of Soviet tea, Dajjal would be chocked. Because it prepared in teapot or another container already sweet. :) During Soviet time it was a good drink in trains with this type of glasses:

But outside the trains people usually drink tea from faceted glasses without coaster. It was a "worker style" or "business style" :))) At home people, offcourse, preferred a cups...
Last Christmas, I got the little one a necklace with her name on it written in cursive. She was at her dad's on Christmas Eve and came home Christmas Day. One of the presents she brought home was a necklace from her Nanna; the same necklace with her name on it, although the one I got her was gold and the one Nanna got her was silver.

Today the little one got to open a present early. It was a skateboard from her Nanna. The exact same skateboard I got her, except the one from Nanna is pink and the one from me is purple.


Oh shoot Montro. I know you are disappointed. But maybe with two skateboards she will have something to do with a friend?

I mentioned that to her as well; now when she has a play date, they can both skateboard.

It's still disappointing, though. At least this time, the little one has been asking for a skateboard for her birthday. At Christmas, it was just a freaky coincidence; the little one hadn't asked for a necklace with her name (not that I remember, anyway), and I never discussed it with her Nanna, it just happened that we both picked the same one as a good gift.

Hopefully it won't happen again this upcoming Christmas. :p

What a coincidence. You will have to ask her what she is planning on getting so that it doesn't happen again.
Hello all!!!

Damn, the weather coming more interesting than politics...
The SNOW. 2nd of June. In Moscow!!! When the snow was at 1st of May, in year of Chernobyl, it was unusual... But in June!!!

So, before it we have a great hurricane here - a lots of broken trees, roofs and turned trash containers... ALso a lots of broken cars (by fallen trees). The hurricane came to Moscow from west, broken the pyramid, got a roof from government building (yes, stop to talk, let's work!) and also got a crux from Novodevichiy monastery - I think, God doesn't approves of transfer to Church property an Isaakievsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg... Priests became too impudent and scary, taking in property an objects of culture like hungry worms... So, now, 4th f June - a cold like in early April, I'm sitting and drinking hot coffee instead of cold beer - what would be more annoying?

That is terrible. Here I am complaining about the rain, but snow??? Yuck.
Hello all!!!

Damn, the weather coming more interesting than politics...
The SNOW. 2nd of June. In Moscow!!! When the snow was at 1st of May, in year of Chernobyl, it was unusual... But in June!!!

So, before it we have a great hurricane here - a lots of broken trees, roofs and turned trash containers... ALso a lots of broken cars (by fallen trees). The hurricane came to Moscow from west, broken the pyramid, got a roof from government building (yes, stop to talk, let's work!) and also got a crux from Novodevichiy monastery - I think, God doesn't approves of transfer to Church property an Isaakievsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg... Priests became too impudent and scary, taking in property an objects of culture like hungry worms... So, now, 4th f June - a cold like in early April, I'm sitting and drinking hot coffee instead of cold beer - what would be more annoying?

Wow. We are having unusually mild weather for what is often our hottest month here, but snow in June? I just looked and your low temps this month are supposed to be around 55f - 13c. Very weird. Hope you came through the bad storm unscathed though.

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