USMB Coffee Shop IV

Potatoes are soooo delicious though! :( Potatoes with cheese, bacon, scallions, sour cream - those are potatoes from Heaven!
True but I found eons ago that if I stop eating them then start again they sit in my stomach like lead weights all day long. We've been eating potatoes almost every day with meals for the last two weeks, yesterday I finished off a cheeseburger/potato bake I made three days ago and it left me feeling torpid and heavy for the rest of the evening not to mention I felt that way when I went to bed making sleep problematic. I do feel so much better when I remove potatoes from my diet.

I agree that we all do better if we eliminate things from our diet that make us feel bad.
Occasionally eating rice doesn't affect us as badly and we both like rice, high fiber/low carb breads are our choice though I do love Italian and french breads with scads of butter........... Lots of veggies , salads and soups definitely leave us feeling much better. We're cutting our protein intake by half because honestly at our age we don't need as much as we once did.

What about home fries? They are less fatty and less starchy than baked potatoes I think. I always put a bunch of stuff in my baked potatoes, so they are a lot more unhealthy. They are a treat. I always use real butter too. I can use margarine too, but I don't like to use it when cooking because it seems to evaporate a lot faster than real butter.

Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)
The only thing I regular use algebra for is ratios. But I use basic math - add, subtract, divide, multiply, percentages pretty much daily and I am so grateful I got a good grounding in that.

I've gave up a course of Theory of Probability, when I was student, but it chasing me all my life. Instead of some other areas of algebra... And it seems, I could use it frequently in future, if I want to work with Data Analysis...

Yes, there is a role for it for sure. And I suppose Calculus would be nigh onto impossible to learn without a solid grounding in algebra. As we discussed here awhile back, my engineer son says he rarely ever needs to use either algebra or calculus in his work because the computers do all that for him. But. . .the guys who write the software for those computers sure have to know it.

I think I was in a calculus class in high school. Well, maybe I'm thinking of trigonometry. It was a higher math class beyond geometry or algebra. However, it was at the time I was transitioning from honors student to uncaring dropout, so I barely went to the class. :p
True but I found eons ago that if I stop eating them then start again they sit in my stomach like lead weights all day long. We've been eating potatoes almost every day with meals for the last two weeks, yesterday I finished off a cheeseburger/potato bake I made three days ago and it left me feeling torpid and heavy for the rest of the evening not to mention I felt that way when I went to bed making sleep problematic. I do feel so much better when I remove potatoes from my diet.

I agree that we all do better if we eliminate things from our diet that make us feel bad.
Occasionally eating rice doesn't affect us as badly and we both like rice, high fiber/low carb breads are our choice though I do love Italian and french breads with scads of butter........... Lots of veggies , salads and soups definitely leave us feeling much better. We're cutting our protein intake by half because honestly at our age we don't need as much as we once did.

What about home fries? They are less fatty and less starchy than baked potatoes I think. I always put a bunch of stuff in my baked potatoes, so they are a lot more unhealthy. They are a treat. I always use real butter too. I can use margarine too, but I don't like to use it when cooking because it seems to evaporate a lot faster than real butter.

Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)

True. But butter is one that occurs naturally with a little encouragement from the butter churn. Margarine is manufactured and IMO becomes an artificial food quite different from the ingredients that go into it.
Big hand is on the 19 and the little one is on the eleven. That suppose to mean something?

Sometimes it seemed to me that I caught onto things just a bit slower than others and that was extremely frustrating to me. I wondered at times if I was really slow or stupid, low IQ, all that.

Well my IQ is okay and I can do many things effortlessly that are difficult for others which eventually taught me that we all are given different gifts/talents/abilities or what is generally considered aptitude.

I still remember the first day I managed to tie my own shoes and proudly showed my mother. But rather than complimenting me she told me the shoes were on the wrong feet. :(

And I still remember very well how proud of myself when I first caught on how to read an analog clock. But there was no one to acknowledge the accomplishment. :(

But I suppose most of us overcome such things.

And now there are lots of kids who cannot read an analog clock because they've never had to with most time keeping things being digital. And other accomplishments we all mastered are going by the wayside like learning your multiplication tables or mastering cursive writing.

Good thing? Bad thing? I suppose we'll have to wait and see.
It's a good thing, unless we have massive power and digital information failures. But then, how many of us could tell time using a sun dial, or calculate using a slide rule or abacus?
The only thing I regular use algebra for is ratios. But I use basic math - add, subtract, divide, multiply, percentages pretty much daily and I am so grateful I got a good grounding in that.

I've gave up a course of Theory of Probability, when I was student, but it chasing me all my life. Instead of some other areas of algebra... And it seems, I could use it frequently in future, if I want to work with Data Analysis...

Yes, there is a role for it for sure. And I suppose Calculus would be nigh onto impossible to learn without a solid grounding in algebra. As we discussed here awhile back, my engineer son says he rarely ever needs to use either algebra or calculus in his work because the computers do all that for him. But. . .the guys who write the software for those computers sure have to know it.

I think I was in a calculus class in high school. Well, maybe I'm thinking of trigonometry. It was a higher math class beyond geometry or algebra. However, it was at the time I was transitioning from honors student to uncaring dropout, so I barely went to the class. :p
Depending on you career choice, trigonometry might be a better choice than calculus. I've used trig extensively working with AC electric. DC electric is more appropriate to DC electric, however.
I agree that we all do better if we eliminate things from our diet that make us feel bad.
Occasionally eating rice doesn't affect us as badly and we both like rice, high fiber/low carb breads are our choice though I do love Italian and french breads with scads of butter........... Lots of veggies , salads and soups definitely leave us feeling much better. We're cutting our protein intake by half because honestly at our age we don't need as much as we once did.

What about home fries? They are less fatty and less starchy than baked potatoes I think. I always put a bunch of stuff in my baked potatoes, so they are a lot more unhealthy. They are a treat. I always use real butter too. I can use margarine too, but I don't like to use it when cooking because it seems to evaporate a lot faster than real butter.

Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)

True. But butter is one that occurs naturally with a little encouragement from the butter churn. Margarine is manufactured and IMO becomes an artificial food quite different from the ingredients that go into it.
Margerine is chemical crap. Butter is better, IMHO. I can make butter from goat's milk, but need a centrifuge to separate enough milk fat to do so. Cow's milk separates milk fat better and leaves more to make butter. I use unsalted butter, personally. I can add my own salt, if needed.
The great July funk is over...
My foot is feeling much better, so good, in fact that I have put away the boot with the rocking sole that they gave me and am wearing my work boots. I can't quite get the left foot in my good cowboy boots yet, but I'm close. The boot caused my knee to snap straight sometimes, usually on uneven surfaces. It was getting to the point where I was having more pain than less 4 months into this.
The funk:
Yesterday would have been my son's 45th birthday. It always gets to me. Those of you that have seen a photo of me, know I have a rather epic beard, think ZZ Top, Popcorn Sutton, or Uncle Sy. The last time my chin saw the light of day was on Ben's 1st birthday. We were having a party for him that day, and I figured that the summer shave would be appropriate. I came out of the bathroom with a naked chin and Ben freaked out. That was 44 years ago yesterday.
Soooooo, yesterday, I was sitting at the bar at Doc's and a 20 something guy with maybe 20 whiskers total in his beard and mustache asked, "How long have you had that beard?" I about lost it. Any other day, I'm fine. I probably get the question a couple times a week. It only bothers me 2 days a year.
The funk is over:
Today is my daughter's 35th birthday. No beard stories associated with her.
The only thing I regular use algebra for is ratios. But I use basic math - add, subtract, divide, multiply, percentages pretty much daily and I am so grateful I got a good grounding in that.

I've gave up a course of Theory of Probability, when I was student, but it chasing me all my life. Instead of some other areas of algebra... And it seems, I could use it frequently in future, if I want to work with Data Analysis...

Yes, there is a role for it for sure. And I suppose Calculus would be nigh onto impossible to learn without a solid grounding in algebra. As we discussed here awhile back, my engineer son says he rarely ever needs to use either algebra or calculus in his work because the computers do all that for him. But. . .the guys who write the software for those computers sure have to know it.

I think I was in a calculus class in high school. Well, maybe I'm thinking of trigonometry. It was a higher math class beyond geometry or algebra. However, it was at the time I was transitioning from honors student to uncaring dropout, so I barely went to the class. :p
Depending on you career choice, trigonometry might be a better choice than calculus. I've used trig extensively working with AC electric. DC electric is more appropriate to DC electric, however.

I don't plan to use trig or calculus. Neither is likely to be important in a health information technology career. And I'm old enough that I don't know if I'll do any more career changes after this. :)
Occasionally eating rice doesn't affect us as badly and we both like rice, high fiber/low carb breads are our choice though I do love Italian and french breads with scads of butter........... Lots of veggies , salads and soups definitely leave us feeling much better. We're cutting our protein intake by half because honestly at our age we don't need as much as we once did.

What about home fries? They are less fatty and less starchy than baked potatoes I think. I always put a bunch of stuff in my baked potatoes, so they are a lot more unhealthy. They are a treat. I always use real butter too. I can use margarine too, but I don't like to use it when cooking because it seems to evaporate a lot faster than real butter.

Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)

True. But butter is one that occurs naturally with a little encouragement from the butter churn. Margarine is manufactured and IMO becomes an artificial food quite different from the ingredients that go into it.
Margerine is chemical crap. Butter is better, IMHO. I can make butter from goat's milk, but need a centrifuge to separate enough milk fat to do so. Cow's milk separates milk fat better and leaves more to make butter. I use unsalted butter, personally. I can add my own salt, if needed.
I had a girlfriend in college who said the one luxury she would never deny herself was real butter rather than margarine. I agreed with her and have not bought margarine since. My brother is the same way with real maple syrup.

I have switched to skim milk. In my ever closing dotage I find skim easier and more pleasant to drink than 2%. Also I have switched from standard frankfurters to Nathan's simply for the taste and nostalgia for my frequent visits to Mew York City.
The only thing I regular use algebra for is ratios. But I use basic math - add, subtract, divide, multiply, percentages pretty much daily and I am so grateful I got a good grounding in that.

I've gave up a course of Theory of Probability, when I was student, but it chasing me all my life. Instead of some other areas of algebra... And it seems, I could use it frequently in future, if I want to work with Data Analysis...

Yes, there is a role for it for sure. And I suppose Calculus would be nigh onto impossible to learn without a solid grounding in algebra. As we discussed here awhile back, my engineer son says he rarely ever needs to use either algebra or calculus in his work because the computers do all that for him. But. . .the guys who write the software for those computers sure have to know it.

I think I was in a calculus class in high school. Well, maybe I'm thinking of trigonometry. It was a higher math class beyond geometry or algebra. However, it was at the time I was transitioning from honors student to uncaring dropout, so I barely went to the class. :p
Depending on you career choice, trigonometry might be a better choice than calculus. I've used trig extensively working with AC electric. DC electric is more appropriate to DC electric, however.

Ah, do you mean using trigonometry to understand oscillations with condensers and inductances? Did you use Laplas transform for non-harmonic signals, to calculate circuits... Misunderstandable mathematics, but simple algorithm, as I remember from student years :))
Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)
The only thing I regular use algebra for is ratios. But I use basic math - add, subtract, divide, multiply, percentages pretty much daily and I am so grateful I got a good grounding in that.

I've gave up a course of Theory of Probability, when I was student, but it chasing me all my life. Instead of some other areas of algebra... And it seems, I could use it frequently in future, if I want to work with Data Analysis...

Yes, there is a role for it for sure. And I suppose Calculus would be nigh onto impossible to learn without a solid grounding in algebra. As we discussed here awhile back, my engineer son says he rarely ever needs to use either algebra or calculus in his work because the computers do all that for him. But. . .the guys who write the software for those computers sure have to know it.

I think I was in a calculus class in high school. Well, maybe I'm thinking of trigonometry. It was a higher math class beyond geometry or algebra. However, it was at the time I was transitioning from honors student to uncaring dropout, so I barely went to the class. :p
Depending on you career choice, trigonometry might be a better choice than calculus. I've used trig extensively working with AC electric. DC electric is more appropriate to DC electric, however.

I don't plan to use trig or calculus. Neither is likely to be important in a health information technology career. And I'm old enough that I don't know if I'll do any more career changes after this. :)

Who knows, what could be in future? Will you stay in your opinion, if new crypto-money could be mined, solving a trig equations? :)
What about home fries? They are less fatty and less starchy than baked potatoes I think. I always put a bunch of stuff in my baked potatoes, so they are a lot more unhealthy. They are a treat. I always use real butter too. I can use margarine too, but I don't like to use it when cooking because it seems to evaporate a lot faster than real butter.

Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)

True. But butter is one that occurs naturally with a little encouragement from the butter churn. Margarine is manufactured and IMO becomes an artificial food quite different from the ingredients that go into it.
Margerine is chemical crap. Butter is better, IMHO. I can make butter from goat's milk, but need a centrifuge to separate enough milk fat to do so. Cow's milk separates milk fat better and leaves more to make butter. I use unsalted butter, personally. I can add my own salt, if needed.
I had a girlfriend in college who said the one luxury she would never deny herself was real butter rather than margarine. I agreed with her and have not bought margarine since. My brother is the same way with real maple syrup.

I have switched to skim milk. In my ever closing dotage I find skim easier and more pleasant to drink than 2%. Also I have switched from standard frankfurters to Nathan's simply for the taste and nostalgia for my frequent visits to Mew York City.
I was that way until about five years ago when I started mixing my own canola oil, 2 sticks of softened butter and one cup pure canola oil. Have to keep it in the fridge when not in use though.
Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)

Breakfast for me is almost always a bold of cold cereal and milk. :)
Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)

Breakfast for me is almost always a bold of cold cereal and milk. :)

I've tried it a week before :) Now is the time to change food...
The great July funk is over...
My foot is feeling much better, so good, in fact that I have put away the boot with the rocking sole that they gave me and am wearing my work boots. I can't quite get the left foot in my good cowboy boots yet, but I'm close. The boot caused my knee to snap straight sometimes, usually on uneven surfaces. It was getting to the point where I was having more pain than less 4 months into this.
The funk:
Yesterday would have been my son's 45th birthday. It always gets to me. Those of you that have seen a photo of me, know I have a rather epic beard, think ZZ Top, Popcorn Sutton, or Uncle Sy. The last time my chin saw the light of day was on Ben's 1st birthday. We were having a party for him that day, and I figured that the summer shave would be appropriate. I came out of the bathroom with a naked chin and Ben freaked out. That was 44 years ago yesterday.
Soooooo, yesterday, I was sitting at the bar at Doc's and a 20 something guy with maybe 20 whiskers total in his beard and mustache asked, "How long have you had that beard?" I about lost it. Any other day, I'm fine. I probably get the question a couple times a week. It only bothers me 2 days a year.
The funk is over:
Today is my daughter's 35th birthday. No beard stories associated with her.

It's a good thing Ernie :)
You are dealing with the grief.
We all deal with it in our own ways.
High humidity has my sinuses working overtime not to mention it's time to eliminate potatoes from our diet again. We've been eating far too many and we both feel like super heavy sludge dragging ourselves across the floor......

Potatoes are soooo delicious though! :( Potatoes with cheese, bacon, scallions, sour cream - those are potatoes from Heaven!
True but I found eons ago that if I stop eating them then start again they sit in my stomach like lead weights all day long. We've been eating potatoes almost every day with meals for the last two weeks, yesterday I finished off a cheeseburger/potato bake I made three days ago and it left me feeling torpid and heavy for the rest of the evening not to mention I felt that way when I went to bed making sleep problematic. I do feel so much better when I remove potatoes from my diet.

I agree that we all do better if we eliminate things from our diet that make us feel bad.
Occasionally eating rice doesn't affect us as badly and we both like rice, high fiber/low carb breads are our choice though I do love Italian and french breads with scads of butter........... Lots of veggies , salads and soups definitely leave us feeling much better. We're cutting our protein intake by half because honestly at our age we don't need as much as we once did.

What about home fries? They are less fatty and less starchy than baked potatoes I think. I always put a bunch of stuff in my baked potatoes, so they are a lot more unhealthy. They are a treat. I always use real butter too. I can use margarine too, but I don't like to use it when cooking because it seems to evaporate a lot faster than real butter.

I found some packets of baked french fry seasoning at Sprouts. You only use a little of the seasoning from a packet with each batch of potatoes for a couple of people. Toss the seasoning with a small amount of olive oil and coat the potatoes and then bake until the potatoes are done. They are slightly crispy and pretty good.
I use extra virgin olive oil sparingly on everything now, so home fried potoes with onions, no salt and added seasonings make it delicious.
Just as good as if butter or bacon grease was used, just healthier.
Both of us feel better and healthier on this high protein, low fat ,very low sugar , low salt diet.

I used Buffalo steak seasoning on the above recipe.
It was very tasty.
Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)

Breakfast for me is almost always a bold of cold cereal and milk. :)
I finally found my Nature's Path Heritage Flakes up here so I'm happy now. Sometimes I mix vanilla yogurt with Nature Valley Pecan Bars for breakfast.
Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)

Breakfast for me is almost always a bold of cold cereal and milk. :)
I finally found my Nature's Path Heritage Flakes up here so I'm happy now. Sometimes I mix vanilla yogurt with Nature Valley Pecan Bars for breakfast.

I'm not too picky about my cereal. I don't like them all, but I will eat quite a few. I don't worry about all natural or organic or anything like that. I just want tasty. :)

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