USMB Coffee Shop IV

Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)

Breakfast for me is almost always a bold of cold cereal and milk. :)
I finally found my Nature's Path Heritage Flakes up here so I'm happy now. Sometimes I mix vanilla yogurt with Nature Valley Pecan Bars for breakfast.

I'm not too picky about my cereal. I don't like them all, but I will eat quite a few. I don't worry about all natural or organic or anything like that. I just want tasty. :)
Most cereal eaters would compare it to eating cardboard because it doesn't have the high sugar content, I think it's more than sweet enough.
High humidity has my sinuses working overtime not to mention it's time to eliminate potatoes from our diet again. We've been eating far too many and we both feel like super heavy sludge dragging ourselves across the floor......

We tolerate potatoes okay but it is amazing how often we go a whole day without them.

The Irish are shaking their heads.
I have discovered using a sledge hammer usually reduces the number of possible fixes to replacement.
The only thing I regular use algebra for is ratios. But I use basic math - add, subtract, divide, multiply, percentages pretty much daily and I am so grateful I got a good grounding in that.

I've gave up a course of Theory of Probability, when I was student, but it chasing me all my life. Instead of some other areas of algebra... And it seems, I could use it frequently in future, if I want to work with Data Analysis...

Yes, there is a role for it for sure. And I suppose Calculus would be nigh onto impossible to learn without a solid grounding in algebra. As we discussed here awhile back, my engineer son says he rarely ever needs to use either algebra or calculus in his work because the computers do all that for him. But. . .the guys who write the software for those computers sure have to know it.

I think I was in a calculus class in high school. Well, maybe I'm thinking of trigonometry. It was a higher math class beyond geometry or algebra. However, it was at the time I was transitioning from honors student to uncaring dropout, so I barely went to the class. :p
Depending on you career choice, trigonometry might be a better choice than calculus. I've used trig extensively working with AC electric. DC electric is more appropriate to DC electric, however.

I don't plan to use trig or calculus. Neither is likely to be important in a health information technology career. And I'm old enough that I don't know if I'll do any more career changes after this. :)
I never thought I'd need trig, either. But, as I mentioned, both AC and DC electric rely on figuring out circuits and power using "threes". I've used geometry extensively because I was a construction draftsman for a while, and I still make my own drawings when needed. I still recall showing my partner how to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle when he was trying to lay out a welding project.
Best of luck in your chosen career in health information. What exactly does health information technology entail?
What about home fries? They are less fatty and less starchy than baked potatoes I think. I always put a bunch of stuff in my baked potatoes, so they are a lot more unhealthy. They are a treat. I always use real butter too. I can use margarine too, but I don't like to use it when cooking because it seems to evaporate a lot faster than real butter.

Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)

True. But butter is one that occurs naturally with a little encouragement from the butter churn. Margarine is manufactured and IMO becomes an artificial food quite different from the ingredients that go into it.
Margerine is chemical crap. Butter is better, IMHO. I can make butter from goat's milk, but need a centrifuge to separate enough milk fat to do so. Cow's milk separates milk fat better and leaves more to make butter. I use unsalted butter, personally. I can add my own salt, if needed.
I had a girlfriend in college who said the one luxury she would never deny herself was real butter rather than margarine. I agreed with her and have not bought margarine since. My brother is the same way with real maple syrup.

I have switched to skim milk. In my ever closing dotage I find skim easier and more pleasant to drink than 2%. Also I have switched from standard frankfurters to Nathan's simply for the taste and nostalgia for my frequent visits to Mew York City.
I agree about the butter. Hell, if you're gonna die anyway, why not enjoy the trip. Butter is better than any chemical substitute. Do you remember when margarine came with a color pellet that you broke and mashed into the mess?
I drink whole goat's milk, when I drink milk. I prefer milk processed into yogurt or cheese. If I can ever find a decent culture, I'll start making kefir again, too. If you're having difficulty with regular milk, you might try goat milk.
Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)
OK, that does look interesting, I might have to try it. How much is a pack of mayo?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

Thinking about Hossfly and his impending knee surgery or has he already had it? Hoping he will check in soon.

Don't forget to check out that full buck moon tonight before bedtime if you have clear skies.


Going to my 1st pre-op today at 1:30 C.T.
Heart doctor check 7/12
Final pre-op 7/18
Get butchered 7/28

You will be in our prayers for a quick recovery.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
And for our job hunters.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

Some things need no words.

Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)
OK, that does look interesting, I might have to try it. How much is a pack of mayo?

A small pack. Just on your taste. And two onions may be too wicked for you - use it carefully. Children usually eat this salad without onions...
Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)

True. But butter is one that occurs naturally with a little encouragement from the butter churn. Margarine is manufactured and IMO becomes an artificial food quite different from the ingredients that go into it.
Margerine is chemical crap. Butter is better, IMHO. I can make butter from goat's milk, but need a centrifuge to separate enough milk fat to do so. Cow's milk separates milk fat better and leaves more to make butter. I use unsalted butter, personally. I can add my own salt, if needed.
I had a girlfriend in college who said the one luxury she would never deny herself was real butter rather than margarine. I agreed with her and have not bought margarine since. My brother is the same way with real maple syrup.

I have switched to skim milk. In my ever closing dotage I find skim easier and more pleasant to drink than 2%. Also I have switched from standard frankfurters to Nathan's simply for the taste and nostalgia for my frequent visits to Mew York City.
I agree about the butter. Hell, if you're gonna die anyway, why not enjoy the trip. Butter is better than any chemical substitute. Do you remember when margarine came with a color pellet that you broke and mashed into the mess?
I drink whole goat's milk, when I drink milk. I prefer milk processed into yogurt or cheese. If I can ever find a decent culture, I'll start making kefir again, too. If you're having difficulty with regular milk, you might try goat milk.
I don't remember uncolored margarine but I remember whole milk in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers and delivered to a little metal box on the back porch. Pop would pour off the cream for coffee or Wheatina.

I saw goat's milk in the dairy case at $4.00 a quart! Folks make goat's milk fudge at the holidays as a great treat.
I've gave up a course of Theory of Probability, when I was student, but it chasing me all my life. Instead of some other areas of algebra... And it seems, I could use it frequently in future, if I want to work with Data Analysis...

Yes, there is a role for it for sure. And I suppose Calculus would be nigh onto impossible to learn without a solid grounding in algebra. As we discussed here awhile back, my engineer son says he rarely ever needs to use either algebra or calculus in his work because the computers do all that for him. But. . .the guys who write the software for those computers sure have to know it.

I think I was in a calculus class in high school. Well, maybe I'm thinking of trigonometry. It was a higher math class beyond geometry or algebra. However, it was at the time I was transitioning from honors student to uncaring dropout, so I barely went to the class. :p
Depending on you career choice, trigonometry might be a better choice than calculus. I've used trig extensively working with AC electric. DC electric is more appropriate to DC electric, however.

I don't plan to use trig or calculus. Neither is likely to be important in a health information technology career. And I'm old enough that I don't know if I'll do any more career changes after this. :)
I never thought I'd need trig, either. But, as I mentioned, both AC and DC electric rely on figuring out circuits and power using "threes". I've used geometry extensively because I was a construction draftsman for a while, and I still make my own drawings when needed. I still recall showing my partner how to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle when he was trying to lay out a welding project.
Best of luck in your chosen career in health information. What exactly does health information technology entail?

HIT is the clerical side of healthcare. Basically, dealing with medical records.
Real butter is real food. Margarine is a chemical compound that I doubt the body even recognizes as food or uses inefficiently in place of food. Many naturopaths hold the opinion that the unstable polysaturated fat in margarine contributes to cancer, heart disease, and inflammation including autoimmune diseases.

While I take such information with a grain of salt, we nevertheless use butter at our house.

Well, it's all chemicals and compounds. Some just occur naturally, others don't. ;)

True. But butter is one that occurs naturally with a little encouragement from the butter churn. Margarine is manufactured and IMO becomes an artificial food quite different from the ingredients that go into it.
Margerine is chemical crap. Butter is better, IMHO. I can make butter from goat's milk, but need a centrifuge to separate enough milk fat to do so. Cow's milk separates milk fat better and leaves more to make butter. I use unsalted butter, personally. I can add my own salt, if needed.
I had a girlfriend in college who said the one luxury she would never deny herself was real butter rather than margarine. I agreed with her and have not bought margarine since. My brother is the same way with real maple syrup.

I have switched to skim milk. In my ever closing dotage I find skim easier and more pleasant to drink than 2%. Also I have switched from standard frankfurters to Nathan's simply for the taste and nostalgia for my frequent visits to Mew York City.
I agree about the butter. Hell, if you're gonna die anyway, why not enjoy the trip. Butter is better than any chemical substitute. Do you remember when margarine came with a color pellet that you broke and mashed into the mess?
I drink whole goat's milk, when I drink milk. I prefer milk processed into yogurt or cheese. If I can ever find a decent culture, I'll start making kefir again, too. If you're having difficulty with regular milk, you might try goat milk.
During WWII, butter was rationed but margarine wasn't. Margarine was white and it came with an orange capsule that you squeezed till it broke and you used your fingers to squish the mixture till it turned yellow. My grand parents had milk cows so we had real butter. Meat was rationed except liver and fish. Liver on Tuesdays and fish on Fridays was the norm. Tires were rationed and once my mother had a blowout and it took a month till the tire came to the dealer. Them were the Good Ol' Days.
Just got a call from Docs office.
His MUGA reading is at 23.4.
Not good ,he has regressed from being in mid 30's.
I take him in to the Docs on Fri. at 8:30 a. m.
It means he needs a pump a defibrillator put in.
After the surgery he should feel much better and with more energy.
Just got a call from Docs office.
His MUGA reading is at 23.4.
Not good ,he has regressed from being in mid 30's.
I take him in to the Docs on Fri. at 8:30 a. m.
It means he needs a pump a defibrillator put in.
After the surgery he should feel much better and with more energy.

At least there is a plan.
In my continuing efforts to make lemonade from my unemployment, I am going to do something I have wanted to attempt for a long time. Seems this Sunday they are giving the MENSA test an hour and a half from my home. Normally $60 bucks, it is half price this month, so I decided to take the test. Not sure what to do if I pass. Do you put it on a resume? About the only thing I would possibly do with it is tell anonymous people on a message board, then people could deny I did it.

Just got a call from Docs office.
His MUGA reading is at 23.4.
Not good ,he has regressed from being in mid 30's.
I take him in to the Docs on Fri. at 8:30 a. m.
It means he needs a pump a defibrillator put in.
After the surgery he should feel much better and with more energy.

Well shoot. Hoped for a better report. But now we'll hope for a super successful remedy.
In my continuing efforts to make lemonade from my unemployment, I am going to do something I have wanted to attempt for a long time. Seems this Sunday they are giving the MENSA test an hour and a half from my home. Normally $60 bucks, it is half price this month, so I decided to take the test. Not sure what to do if I pass. Do you put it on a resume? About the only thing I would possibly do with it is tell anonymous people on a message board, then people could deny I did it.


I'm sure it's valuable information on a resume. It's if you're on honors roll in College or Phi Theta Kappa. You are intelligent and I am sure an employer will appreciate your genius.
Just got a call from Docs office.
His MUGA reading is at 23.4.
Not good ,he has regressed from being in mid 30's.
I take him in to the Docs on Fri. at 8:30 a. m.
It means he needs a pump a defibrillator put in.
After the surgery he should feel much better and with more energy.

Well shoot. Hoped for a better report. But now we'll hope for a super successful remedy.

Yes, it's been a long seven months.
He had the test done Thursday and did not receive a call till today.
Thing of it is, he just had to rebel (like always- at least once when serious & more often when not so serious) and stopped wearing the vest Fri. - till today. When he talked to his heart docs assistant she was able to talk him back into it, at least till friday.
Stubborn German! :biggrin:

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