USMB Coffee Shop IV

Wow. Very nice. A whole bunch of us would love to have that building on our property. What's upstairs? Just storage or do you use it for something else?
It's just one big open area upstairs right now, and I have "stuff" stored up there. Lots of room up there...


You can see here that the middle window, which wasn't really a window anyway, just a double pane of glass that the idiot builder stuck in there and used putty to hold it in, it was removed and the window next to it moved over, which spaced them all perfect. In all 6 windows have been removed, and they were all those double panes of glass of varying sizes held in with nothing more than putty...

I like the gambrel roof and the dormers a lot! Lots more headroom than a gable end roof. Is there plumbing in there? It looks as if you could even put a small apartment upstairs.
It is plumbed in with my septic system but there's no water in there. That's coming though. Probably going to drill a hole in floor somewhere in there and pound a sand point down. Yeah it's kinda outlaw but around these backwoods parts, no one really cares and most do it. We have great water here and it's not very far down, and plenty of it.

I've probably been asked more times if I was going to build an apartment up there and rent it out more than anything else about that shop. There really is a lot of room upstairs and would make a very roomy apartment, but after seeing what a couple friends of mine have gone through with rental properties, I wouldn't wish that nightmare on my worst enemy. I have a lot of time to think about what I'll do up there besides simply being a place to pile junk.
I know,exactly what you mean about the perils of rentals. I was the county building inspector until my retirement in May. I often said if I ever went insane and became a landlord I'd rent only one bedroom apartments to 75 year old widows. A two bedroom place invites kid and they tear up properties the way horses tear up pastures.

I love children but I agree they can be destructive. I just shake my head at landlords who allow children when they rent properties, but don't allow a dog or cat. I have found the latter, when properly accommodated, to be the far less destructive of the two. :)
The horror stories I've heard about renters is more related to renters not paying their rent, and then the landlord going through hell trying to get them evicted, let alone collect back rent, and/or pay for damages. I'd never put myself through that.
So, one of my bartenders does chalk drawings around town for store displays,sale prices and such. Every week or so, she'll do a portrait of someone at Doc's. This is my week.
View attachment 138397
Looks like she aged you quite a bit giving you the gray hair. You're skin looks a little green too. Kinda funny choice of colors...
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It's just one big open area upstairs right now, and I have "stuff" stored up there. Lots of room up there...


You can see here that the middle window, which wasn't really a window anyway, just a double pane of glass that the idiot builder stuck in there and used putty to hold it in, it was removed and the window next to it moved over, which spaced them all perfect. In all 6 windows have been removed, and they were all those double panes of glass of varying sizes held in with nothing more than putty...

I like the gambrel roof and the dormers a lot! Lots more headroom than a gable end roof. Is there plumbing in there? It looks as if you could even put a small apartment upstairs.
It is plumbed in with my septic system but there's no water in there. That's coming though. Probably going to drill a hole in floor somewhere in there and pound a sand point down. Yeah it's kinda outlaw but around these backwoods parts, no one really cares and most do it. We have great water here and it's not very far down, and plenty of it.

I've probably been asked more times if I was going to build an apartment up there and rent it out more than anything else about that shop. There really is a lot of room upstairs and would make a very roomy apartment, but after seeing what a couple friends of mine have gone through with rental properties, I wouldn't wish that nightmare on my worst enemy. I have a lot of time to think about what I'll do up there besides simply being a place to pile junk.
I know,exactly what you mean about the perils of rentals. I was the county building inspector until my retirement in May. I often said if I ever went insane and became a landlord I'd rent only one bedroom apartments to 75 year old widows. A two bedroom place invites kid and they tear up properties the way horses tear up pastures.

I love children but I agree they can be destructive. I just shake my head at landlords who allow children when they rent properties, but don't allow a dog or cat. I have found the latter, when properly accommodated, to be the far less destructive of the two. :)
The horror stories I've heard about renters is more related to renters not paying their rent, and then the landlord going through hell trying to get them evicted, let alone collect back rent, and/or pay for damages. I'd never put myself through that.

I agree. I don't have the temperament for it. But people who make their living doing just that seem to have a special aptitude for it. The most successful seem to have just the right mix of compassion and hard ass as I think you would need some of both.
So, one of my bartenders does chalk drawings around town for store displays,sale prices and such. Every week or so, she'll do a portrait of someone at Doc's. This is my week.
View attachment 138397

How super! I would want to frame that.

Or use it as a scarecrow. :badgrin::banana:

Naw. Ernie is just Ernie and to me he is beautiful. :)

Definitely a person I would like to meet in person at his bar some day.
Yup! Her name is Jessica and sometimes I fire her 6 or 7 times a day and rehire her 7 or 8.

That reminds me Ernie. How was your date the other night? Fun? Okay? Awful?
Not awful at all. I don't know where it's going, and it might be weird dating an employee. She's great people and I expect her to be in my life in some sense for a long time.
It's just one big open area upstairs right now, and I have "stuff" stored up there. Lots of room up there...


You can see here that the middle window, which wasn't really a window anyway, just a double pane of glass that the idiot builder stuck in there and used putty to hold it in, it was removed and the window next to it moved over, which spaced them all perfect. In all 6 windows have been removed, and they were all those double panes of glass of varying sizes held in with nothing more than putty...

I like the gambrel roof and the dormers a lot! Lots more headroom than a gable end roof. Is there plumbing in there? It looks as if you could even put a small apartment upstairs.
It is plumbed in with my septic system but there's no water in there. That's coming though. Probably going to drill a hole in floor somewhere in there and pound a sand point down. Yeah it's kinda outlaw but around these backwoods parts, no one really cares and most do it. We have great water here and it's not very far down, and plenty of it.

I've probably been asked more times if I was going to build an apartment up there and rent it out more than anything else about that shop. There really is a lot of room upstairs and would make a very roomy apartment, but after seeing what a couple friends of mine have gone through with rental properties, I wouldn't wish that nightmare on my worst enemy. I have a lot of time to think about what I'll do up there besides simply being a place to pile junk.
I know,exactly what you mean about the perils of rentals. I was the county building inspector until my retirement in May. I often said if I ever went insane and became a landlord I'd rent only one bedroom apartments to 75 year old widows. A two bedroom place invites kid and they tear up properties the way horses tear up pastures.

I love children but I agree they can be destructive. I just shake my head at landlords who allow children when they rent properties, but don't allow a dog or cat. I have found the latter, when properly accommodated, to be the far less destructive of the two. :)
The horror stories I've heard about renters is more related to renters not paying their rent, and then the landlord going through hell trying to get them evicted, let alone collect back rent, and/or pay for damages. I'd never put myself through that.
The one time I had to evict a tenant, he was gone in 12 hours. I had given him 48 hours or I was calling the police and report him for selling crack out of my house. He left a lot of stuff that wouldn't fit in his car. I got 2 TVs a lab quality gram scale and pots and pans.
Milk... Butter... No way! I've just prepared a casserole of salad, to eat it for some days.
6 boiled eggs. Three packages of crab sticks. 2 tins of corn. 2 onions and a pack of mayo. All products are cutted and mixed. After the several hours in refrigerator it would be excellent. Tomorrow my breakfast would be tasty! :)
OK, that does look interesting, I might have to try it. How much is a pack of mayo?

A small pack. Just on your taste. And two onions may be too wicked for you - use it carefully. Children usually eat this salad without onions...
Onions are a vegetable in my book, not just something for flavor. I love onions! How many grams in you pack of mayo and the crab sticks? I might halve your recipe, though, since I'll be eating it alone.

Рецепт: Салатик из крабовых палочек на

200 g crab sticks, 5 boiled eggs, 1 tin of corn, 1 onion, 150-200 g of mayo. It easily lives in refrigerator for a 1-2 days and becomes more tasty :)))

There are some else tasty types of salads, you could make and enjoy :) Olivie, salad with cabbage and green peas, and with red/white beans and croutons... But I intend to make salad from tomatoes, onion and garlic this evening. All this salads are with mayo.
Wow. Very nice. A whole bunch of us would love to have that building on our property. What's upstairs? Just storage or do you use it for something else?
It's just one big open area upstairs right now, and I have "stuff" stored up there. Lots of room up there...


You can see here that the middle window, which wasn't really a window anyway, just a double pane of glass that the idiot builder stuck in there and used putty to hold it in, it was removed and the window next to it moved over, which spaced them all perfect. In all 6 windows have been removed, and they were all those double panes of glass of varying sizes held in with nothing more than putty...

I like the gambrel roof and the dormers a lot! Lots more headroom than a gable end roof. Is there plumbing in there? It looks as if you could even put a small apartment upstairs.
It is plumbed in with my septic system but there's no water in there. That's coming though. Probably going to drill a hole in floor somewhere in there and pound a sand point down. Yeah it's kinda outlaw but around these backwoods parts, no one really cares and most do it. We have great water here and it's not very far down, and plenty of it.

I've probably been asked more times if I was going to build an apartment up there and rent it out more than anything else about that shop. There really is a lot of room upstairs and would make a very roomy apartment, but after seeing what a couple friends of mine have gone through with rental properties, I wouldn't wish that nightmare on my worst enemy. I have a lot of time to think about what I'll do up there besides simply being a place to pile junk.
I know,exactly what you mean about the perils of rentals. I was the county building inspector until my retirement in May. I often said if I ever went insane and became a landlord I'd rent only one bedroom apartments to 75 year old widows. A two bedroom place invites kid and they tear up properties the way horses tear up pastures.

I love children but I agree they can be destructive. I just shake my head at landlords who allow children when they rent properties, but don't allow a dog or cat. I have found the latter, when properly accommodated, to be the far less destructive of the two. :)
I agree about the animals. Unfortunately, the law is on the side of child owners. Well behaved, well raised children aren't usually the problem, just as well trained pets are not problems. It's those people who have pets and children they are either unwilling to or incapable of training properly who destroy properties.
Yesterday I pulled the trailer out of the garage for the last time. I'll still be here until the end of summer. I want to have the trailer moved and parked in Willow before the snow flies. Now I have the Herculean task of cleaning the garage and stable here before I go. I have to finish hanging the poultry netting and the cat "yard" will be finished, allowing the cats access to out-of-doors (kinda).
The tiny kitten slept all night on my shoulder, briefly waking when I readjusted my position. He'd nuzzle my hair and ear and then settle back down with his tiny, little purr motor running smoothly. He's almost ready to go to his new home, I think.
My daughter called yesterday. Sachenda's been in hospice for several days now. She's being given the maximum morphine and another pain killer possible but nothing is helping her pain. The drugs knock her out for a few minutes and then she wakes again, screaming in pain. My daughter has been fending off well-meaning relatives and neighbors, and has had to get pretty tough with a few. She's now taking over duties to plan for Sachenda's funeral. Sachenda's husband is a total mess and not functioning fully right now. Everyone is hoping she passes soon, her pain is so intense. I think the worst in all this mess is that Sachenda's husband is questioning his faith. He's always been a good churchman and unshakable in his belief. While I might be crossing a line here, I do ask that those of you who are like mind help him with your prayers. Others like myself, I'd hope you all can understand and send your best wishes to help a good person through some very tough times.
It's amazing what we take for granted how often we use both arms for many tasks........ Taking a shower is now a painful chore........
Yesterday I pulled the trailer out of the garage for the last time. I'll still be here until the end of summer. I want to have the trailer moved and parked in Willow before the snow flies. Now I have the Herculean task of cleaning the garage and stable here before I go. I have to finish hanging the poultry netting and the cat "yard" will be finished, allowing the cats access to out-of-doors (kinda).
The tiny kitten slept all night on my shoulder, briefly waking when I readjusted my position. He'd nuzzle my hair and ear and then settle back down with his tiny, little purr motor running smoothly. He's almost ready to go to his new home, I think.
My daughter called yesterday. Sachenda's been in hospice for several days now. She's being given the maximum morphine and another pain killer possible but nothing is helping her pain. The drugs knock her out for a few minutes and then she wakes again, screaming in pain. My daughter has been fending off well-meaning relatives and neighbors, and has had to get pretty tough with a few. She's now taking over duties to plan for Sachenda's funeral. Sachenda's husband is a total mess and not functioning fully right now. Everyone is hoping she passes soon, her pain is so intense. I think the worst in all this mess is that Sachenda's husband is questioning his faith. He's always been a good churchman and unshakable in his belief. While I might be crossing a line here, I do ask that those of you who are like mind help him with your prayers. Others like myself, I'd hope you all can understand and send your best wishes to help a good person through some very tough times.

Will do right now.
It's so hard on loved ones when they suffer in pain like that.
I had to watch that with my grandma when she broke her hip at 92 ys. Old.
Nothing helped with the pain.

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