USMB Coffee Shop IV

How is Hossfly? Has anyone heard from him since his surgery. Sorry, I haven't been around here much lately and I'm out of the loop. :( I just looked back a few pages, but I couldn't find any info.

Hope everything is going well with him and everyone else!
Yes, but I still want to see old town New Orleans and their Mardi Gras. :)
It's about original buildings that I like to see.
Here in AZ. it's the birdcage theater and original court house in Tombstone.
Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee, I like original sites. :)

I do want to see Fort Morgan near Foley and the Foley Depot & Railroad museum and if the 50's dinner if it's still around with it's soda fountain.
Fort Morgan is about 15 miles from here and the soda fountain and train museum are within walking distance of Doc Hollidays. The museum is about 200 yards from the front door and Stacey's Drug and Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.
Yes, but I still want to see old town New Orleans and their Mardi Gras. :)
It's about original buildings that I like to see.
Here in AZ. it's the birdcage theater and original court house in Tombstone.
Copper Queen hotel in Bisbee, I like original sites. :)

I do want to see Fort Morgan near Foley and the Foley Depot & Railroad museum and if the 50's dinner if it's still around with it's soda fountain.
Fort Morgan is a cool place. It's roughly 15 miles from Doc's but the railway museum is only 200 yards and Stacy's Drug and Olde Time Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.

The red X is Doc's,

View attachment 142156

Well if we can travel we could fly and rent a car.
We would have to stay at a condo or cottage with a kitchen to cook hubbies diet he's on. Maybe stay like on a Fri. thru Sun. and fly back Mon.

Guess where I'll be hanging out most of the time besides the soda fountain and your bar, while we're there?
I had no idea something like that would be so close to Docs. :)
We're one of 2 bars in the down town area.
I don't know what your budget is, but you can spent 3 or 4 hundred a night for a condo on the beach, but if you're anything like me and think of a hotel as nothing more than a place to sleep, there's this a couple miles south of Doc's and 4 or 5 miles north of the beach:[arr]=2017-08-27&aDateRange[dep]=2017-08-28&aCategoryRange=0,1,2,3,4,5&iRoomType=7&sOrderBy=relevance desc&aPartner=&aOverallLiking=1,2,3,4,5&iOffset=0&iLimit=25&iIncludeAll=0&bTopDealsOnly=false&iViewType=0&aPriceRange[to]=0&aPriceRange[from]=0&aPathList=59650&aGeoCode[lng]=-87.683846&aGeoCode[lat]=30.401897&f[255]=1&bIsSeoPage=false&aHotelTestClassifier=&bSharedRooms=false&bIsSitemap=false&rp=&cpt=5965003&iFilterTab=1&

I was looking at this place. It looks nice and is very affordable.
We like it quiet. :)

Have you heard anything about these little cottages?
It looks lovely, plus it's big enough for you and any of your friends who might want to hang out with us there for like lunches and dinners.
Kayaker Haven and Riverside Retreat! - VRBO

Or this place looks nice
Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath Condo located sh... - VRBO
The first place is very close to my partners' place in an area called Bon Secour. It's right on the Bon Secour river. Maybe a 10 to 15 minute drive from Doc's.
The second place is very close to Tanger Outlets (mall), close to Owa, our new amusement park that is partially open for about 3 weeks and 2 miles, maybe 4 minutes from Doc's.

How are you doing Ernie? Healing up well I hope!
There is a kid in my neighborhood who has divined the perfect crime. He rides an off road dirt motorcycle. Not a light on the thing, he rides without a helmet. It has been said that if you don't think it's worth it to protect your head, you're probably right. He has modified his little motorcycle to make the exhaust system unnecessarily loud.

His crime is to coast his motorcycle down the street in front of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate during the wee small hours of the morning, usually around 3:30 am. Then he kick starts it to life, revs the engine and speeds away like a phantom. This wakes me, my dog, my neighbors and their dogs.

While I, like my neighbors, grumbles and tries to fall back to sleep, the dogs are not so easily calmed. They carry on making the human efforts to regain peace nigh on impossible.

It is the perfect crime. He serves his apparent purpose of disturbing the peace (why else would he coast down the hill in silence) while becoming impossible to be punished or caught. We cannot call the cops as he is gone before we can reach the telephone. We cannot prevent him from continuing his reign of din as it happens in the dead of night.

What compels him?
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How is Hossfly? Has anyone heard from him since his surgery. Sorry, I haven't been around here much lately and I'm out of the loop. :( I just looked back a few pages, but I couldn't find any info.

Hope everything is going well with him and everyone else!

No. Alas no news since the day before the surgery. Some concern as they were not able to give him the normal meds for pain control and the surgery he had is one of the most painful ever. So keep sending those prayers and positive vibes folks.

Always good to see you too Chris. I miss you when you aren't around. :)
There is a kid in my neighborhood who has divined the perfect crime. He rides an off road dirt motorcycle. No a light on the thing, he rides without a helmet. It has been said that if you don't think it's worth it to protect your head, you're probably right. He has modified his little motorcycle to make the exhaust system unnecessarily loud.

His crime is to coast his motorcycle down the street in front of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate during the wee small hours of the morning, usually around 3:30 am. Then he kick starts it to life, revs the engine and speeds away like a phantom. This wakes me, my dog, my neighbors and their dogs.

While I, like my neighbors, grumbles and tries to fall back to sleep, the dogs are not so easily calmed. They carry on making the human efforts to regain peace nigh on impossible.

It is the perfect crime. He serves his apparent purpose of disturbing the peace (why else would he coast down the hill in silence) while becoming impossible to be punished or caught. We cannot call the cops as he is gone before we can reach the telephone. We cannot prevent him from continuing his reign of din as it happens in the dead of night.

What compels him?

I think what compels those who behave like that is a cruel mean streak a mile wide coupled with a warped sense of humor. If you don't have a neighborhood watch program that could be enlisted, if you and your neighbors wanted to invest a bit in some webcams--they aren't really expensive--or motion activated trail cameras and set up strategically along your street, one or more will get a photo of this kid, a face shot, maybe the tag number if he has licensed the bike, etc. And then you have some ammo to request the police to intervene.

It is amazing what those little cameras can catch.
Not sure what caused my last two paychecks to finally show up today. Really not worth the time to figure it out. On to the the overtime issue most likely with the federal government. Hopefully they share information with the IRS and he gets an audit too. :)
Got back from Tucson at Drs. Office.
Mr. P will have out patient surgery for a defibrillator and pacemaker on Aug. 17th.
We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. He should be released around 1:00p,m, the same day. :)
Got back from Tucson at Drs. Office.
Mr. P will have out patient surgery for a defibrillator and pacemaker on Aug. 17th.
We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. He should be released around 1:00p,m, the same day. :)

Now he just needs to have a swift recovery from surgery, and then you keeping him from overdoing things once that happens. ;)
Got back from Tucson at Drs. Office.
Mr. P will have out patient surgery for a defibrillator and pacemaker on Aug. 17th.
We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. He should be released around 1:00p,m, the same day. :)
Want me to send the inlaws over to help? :D
Fort Morgan is about 15 miles from here and the soda fountain and train museum are within walking distance of Doc Hollidays. The museum is about 200 yards from the front door and Stacey's Drug and Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.
Fort Morgan is a cool place. It's roughly 15 miles from Doc's but the railway museum is only 200 yards and Stacy's Drug and Olde Time Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.

The red X is Doc's,

View attachment 142156

Well if we can travel we could fly and rent a car.
We would have to stay at a condo or cottage with a kitchen to cook hubbies diet he's on. Maybe stay like on a Fri. thru Sun. and fly back Mon.

Guess where I'll be hanging out most of the time besides the soda fountain and your bar, while we're there?
I had no idea something like that would be so close to Docs. :)
We're one of 2 bars in the down town area.
I don't know what your budget is, but you can spent 3 or 4 hundred a night for a condo on the beach, but if you're anything like me and think of a hotel as nothing more than a place to sleep, there's this a couple miles south of Doc's and 4 or 5 miles north of the beach:[arr]=2017-08-27&aDateRange[dep]=2017-08-28&aCategoryRange=0,1,2,3,4,5&iRoomType=7&sOrderBy=relevance desc&aPartner=&aOverallLiking=1,2,3,4,5&iOffset=0&iLimit=25&iIncludeAll=0&bTopDealsOnly=false&iViewType=0&aPriceRange[to]=0&aPriceRange[from]=0&aPathList=59650&aGeoCode[lng]=-87.683846&aGeoCode[lat]=30.401897&f[255]=1&bIsSeoPage=false&aHotelTestClassifier=&bSharedRooms=false&bIsSitemap=false&rp=&cpt=5965003&iFilterTab=1&

I was looking at this place. It looks nice and is very affordable.
We like it quiet. :)

Have you heard anything about these little cottages?
It looks lovely, plus it's big enough for you and any of your friends who might want to hang out with us there for like lunches and dinners.
Kayaker Haven and Riverside Retreat! - VRBO

Or this place looks nice
Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath Condo located sh... - VRBO
The first place is very close to my partners' place in an area called Bon Secour. It's right on the Bon Secour river. Maybe a 10 to 15 minute drive from Doc's.
The second place is very close to Tanger Outlets (mall), close to Owa, our new amusement park that is partially open for about 3 weeks and 2 miles, maybe 4 minutes from Doc's.

How are you doing Ernie? Healing up well I hope!
Still limp a bit, Chris, but not hurting hardly at all. The neuropathy is no longer painful, but the inside of my calf and behind my knee are numb. I guess that means something is reconnecting. The mobility of the knee has improved a lot but not to where it needs to be. Tomorrow at 10:30 I go for my last evaluation. There is some chance I may need a knee replacement, but we shan't worry about that right now.
Got back from Tucson at Drs. Office.
Mr. P will have out patient surgery for a defibrillator and pacemaker on Aug. 17th.
We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. He should be released around 1:00p,m, the same day. :)

Now he just needs to have a swift recovery from surgery, and then you keeping him from overdoing things once that happens. ;)

Right, like he does it now with overdoing things. :)
He outweighs me by 90 pounds and is 10 inches taller. I can't stop him from doing what and when he wants to do things.
One thing he has done so far is stick to the diet I have him on, he tried cheating while in town like he always did before , :) but he started putting on a few pounds again and decided he needs to stay on it.
The sounds in the evening dews and damps of the summer night can be a meditative, almost zen-like experience. The constant drone of crickets with a bass note reminiscent of a dial tone is punctuated by a rhythmic chirp of individual crickets. Occasionally the song of a distant freight train's horn can be heard. Occasionally a car slides along the pavement on its way home or to work on the graveyard shift.

All together, it's a pleasant sound to drift away into sleep. Some folks need some audible distraction. A synthetic sound machine replicating the wind rustling palm fronds or the sound of waves lapping at a beach. Even 'white noise', an amalgam of perceptible sounds drowning out more violent and harsh sounds in a city.

Yes, it's nice to be soothed by sound. My favorite is the cricket's chirp on a warm summer night. They must be encamped hundreds of yards away as they join in their insect chorus lulling me into dreamland.

But last night, last night ...

One cricket took his place right outside my window. He chirped away with a staccato rhythm as loud as the sound of plywood being ripped off a wall. He wooed his cricket sweetheart who must have been down at the end of the block by rubbing his supposedly substantial legs together. He created a din he must have been very proud of, but kept me up for hours.

Ah! Summertime! It giveth and it taketh away.
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The sounds in the evening dews and damps of the summer night can be a meditative, almost zen-like experience. The constant drone of crickets with a bass note reminiscent of a dial tone is punctuated by a rhythmic chirp of individual crickets. Occasionally the song of a distant freight train's horn can be heard. Occasionally a car slides along the pavement on its way home or to work on the graveyard shift.

All together, it's a pleasant sound to drift away into sleep. Some folks need some audible distraction. A synthetic sound machine replicating the wind rustling palm fronds or the sound of waves lapping at a beach. Even 'white noise', an amalgam of perceptible sounds drowning out more violent and harsh sounds in a city.

Yes, it's nice to be soothed by sound. My favorite is the cricket's chirp on a warm summer night. They must be encamped hundreds of yards away as they join in their insect chorus lulling me into dreamland.

But last night, last night ...

One cricket took his place right outside my window. He chirped away with a staccato rhythm as loud as the sound of plywood being ripped off a wall. He wooed his cricket sweetheart who must have been down at the end of the block by rubbing his supposedly substantial legs together. He created a din he must have been very proud of, but kept me up for hours.

Ah! Summertime! It giveth and it taketh away.

I agree. One cricket close by can raise my blood pressure 10 points. The only worst thing were the cicadas up on the mountain when one would happen to get in the house. One cicada can drown out 100 crickets.

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