USMB Coffee Shop IV

As the old saying goes, you can lead a dog to suppositories, but you can't make them take one. But, after some of life's hard facts was faced down and a pint or two of hand sanitizer was rubbed in, Daisy's tribulations are over. She has been bathed and pampered and is currently enjoying the warmth of the concrete sidewalk and radiant sunshine. She's back in the pink, so to speak.

A delivery of her favorite dog treats was just made and soon we will try Thompson Park again. I'll pack a pre-moistened washcloth enclosed in a plastic bag just in case of any further digestive distress.
It was a tough day for Daisy the Mutt today. She was constipated. On our daily walk in Thompson Park she was hunched over, taking one step at a time. She was trying hard to go, but nothing was moving the way it should. One of her many fans saw she was in distress and suggested I apply a suppository. So, out to the drug store we went. I found suppositories for children age 2-6.

Folks! I'm here to tell you that you just haven't lived until you give a miniature poodle a suppository! Life's rich pageant is incomplete until that golden moment you hold a little tapered bit of glycerine in your fingers and try to find the target behind curly white fur besmeared by fresh warm fecal matter. Holding her short but incredibly strong tail, complete with the obligatory 'powder puff' aloft, I did find the mark after a half dozen stabs at it. Her tribulations were about to end.

We performed our smelly pas de deux out on the north lawn. I was afraid to do it inside for fear she just might rebel at the notion of such a violation. I left her in her lead outside fearing that, once the fuse was lit, so to speak, the bomb might just go off all of a sudden.

I'm certain everything finally worked it's magic. Then came the clean up. Into the sink she went and everything from the hips back got thoroughly scrubbed. I had gone through enough hand washing and hand sanitizer I probably could have performed brain surgery.

As I write this she I said contentedly curled up by my side. All is forgiven as far as she I saw concerned. But, as Scarlett O'Hara said, tomorrow is another day.

We go across the street to the groomer Wednesday afternoon. My sister-in-law advised me to have the groomer drain Daisy's anal glands. I asked my sister-in-law if she had ever done that to one of her own dogs. She had, and then explained the procedure in lurid, graphic detail. It does not sound like a do-it-yourself kind of thing. I'll leave it to the professionals.

If the constipation continues I would consider changing her diet. When we got the mini doxie Carly in mid March she was seriously overweight and was not eating a good doggie diet--Dana was lovingly feeding her mostly good quality steak and cheese because that is what she liked and would eat eagerly.

So, I put her her on a high quality grain free canned dog food mixed with some high quality grain free kibble. The wet dog food includes some good-for-dogs veggies that add some fiber and the kibble adds more. Not only is she down 3 pounds from an unacceptable 16 pounds, but her coat is glossy, she has boundless energy at age 11, can jump like a young dog, and no issues with pottying, etc. She gets a few high quality low calorie grain free nutritious treats and we keep people food to an absolute minimum. (We aren't strong willed enough to never allow her a taste of what we're having though.)

But assuming everything else is good with Daisy, some dogs are just simply more prone to constipation problems. The vets don't recommend human suppositories though.

Some recommendatons for treating holistically:
  • Psyllium husk powder: 1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily on food. (You can usually get it in the pet stores.)
  • Ground dark green leafy veggies: 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily with food
  • Coconut fiber: 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily on food
  • Canned 100 percent pumpkin: 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily on food
This is some good body art.

Just wait for our first good snow. Albuquerque drivers go a little nuts when the streets are wet, but add a little snow and it is bat shit crazyville. We just make a point to stay until most of the crazies have gotten to where they are going.

I have a warrant for my incarceration in Batshit Crazyville... :alcoholic:

For me it is just a restraining order. :)
It was a tough day for Daisy the Mutt today. She was constipated. On our daily walk in Thompson Park she was hunched over, taking one step at a time. She was trying hard to go, but nothing was moving the way it should. One of her many fans saw she was in distress and suggested I apply a suppository. So, out to the drug store we went. I found suppositories for children age 2-6.

Folks! I'm here to tell you that you just haven't lived until you give a miniature poodle a suppository! Life's rich pageant is incomplete until that golden moment you hold a little tapered bit of glycerine in your fingers and try to find the target behind curly white fur besmeared by fresh warm fecal matter. Holding her short but incredibly strong tail, complete with the obligatory 'powder puff' aloft, I did find the mark after a half dozen stabs at it. Her tribulations were about to end.

We performed our smelly pas de deux out on the north lawn. I was afraid to do it inside for fear she just might rebel at the notion of such a violation. I left her in her lead outside fearing that, once the fuse was lit, so to speak, the bomb might just go off all of a sudden.

I'm certain everything finally worked it's magic. Then came the clean up. Into the sink she went and everything from the hips back got thoroughly scrubbed. I had gone through enough hand washing and hand sanitizer I probably could have performed brain surgery.

As I write this she I said contentedly curled up by my side. All is forgiven as far as she I saw concerned. But, as Scarlett O'Hara said, tomorrow is another day.

We go across the street to the groomer Wednesday afternoon. My sister-in-law advised me to have the groomer drain Daisy's anal glands. I asked my sister-in-law if she had ever done that to one of her own dogs. She had, and then explained the procedure in lurid, graphic detail. It does not sound like a do-it-yourself kind of thing. I'll leave it to the professionals.

If the constipation continues I would consider changing her diet. When we got the mini doxie Carly in mid March she was seriously overweight and was not eating a good doggie diet--Dana was lovingly feeding her mostly good quality steak and cheese because that is what she liked and would eat eagerly.

So, I put her her on a high quality grain free canned dog food mixed with some high quality grain free kibble. The wet dog food includes some good-for-dogs veggies that add some fiber and the kibble adds more. Not only is she down 3 pounds from an unacceptable 16 pounds, but her coat is glossy, she has boundless energy at age 11, can jump like a young dog, and no issues with pottying, etc. She gets a few high quality low calorie grain free nutritious treats and we keep people food to an absolute minimum. (We aren't strong willed enough to never allow her a taste of what we're having though.)

But assuming everything else is good with Daisy, some dogs are just simply more prone to constipation problems. The vets don't recommend human suppositories though.

Some recommendatons for treating holistically:
  • Psyllium husk powder: 1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily on food. (You can usually get it in the pet stores.)
  • Ground dark green leafy veggies: 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily with food
  • Coconut fiber: 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily on food
  • Canned 100 percent pumpkin: 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight 1-2 times daily on food
Thanks for the information Foxy. Daisy's diet is whatever she eats from her dish filled with Pirina Healthy Maturity kibble, four Pedigree Marrowbone minis per day, the occasional mini rice bone or Rachael Ray's made in Soup Bones for dogs and a 10% tax taken on everything I eat excluding salads. Oddly, she never begs for salad.

She has a history typical of poodles, of skin problems. An,sly hot spots during the summertime. The vet recommended a squirt of fish oil on her food dish to remedy her hot spots. But that kept her from eating her food!

For myself, I've never been a big believer in food as medicine. Eat this to avoid getting that, if you eat this, you will get that. I know that at my age, I cannot endulge my appetite as I did as a twenty year old. Hell, I could eat styrofoam and survive at twenty. But I do not shy away from pizza or burgers or the occasional chili dog.
I think you can take us off the list, Foxy. Thank you for leaving us on there for so long. And thank you to everyone that kept us in your prayers. This is home now, I believe, and we have a roof (soon to be a brand new one cuz housemate hired roofers to put on a brand new one..they will be here in October), we have an awesome wall heater, we have a place to shower and cook food and I have semi settled down to being a mountain gal. Health for both of us is the usual with nothing really bad happening (knock on wood), and I get my Dog Fix 3 times a week without having to stress over the welfare of them. So...looking good on this end FINALLY. I hope it continues. And, its not so hot lately. Its 76 degrees right now and I have my window open with a nice breeze whipping by and it sounds like ocean waves.

Meanwhile peach174 , looks like the inlaws will be Bensonites, lol. They declined the roach infested home in Pearce, found out the lady was taking them for a ride along with her chariot of cockroaches, and they found a nice 2 bedroom manufactured home in Benson and will be moving in tomorrow. :)
I'm so happy for you and Mr. G, Gracie!
4 - 33 gal. Trash bags total so far and I now have the chair uncovered.
It's a - ok. but needs to be vacuumed. :)
Still tons of insulation to go.
I am going to use the 10 gal. wet dry vac ,to get all of the stuff on top of everything stored on the shelf's.
4 - 33 gal. Trash bags total so far and I now have the chair uncovered.
It's a - ok. but needs to be vacuumed. :)
Still tons of insulation to go.
I am going to use the 10 gal. wet dry vac ,to get all of the stuff on top of everything stored on the shelf's.

Quite a big mess!
Especially thinking of Hossfly tonight and hope all is well or at least much improved with him.

Good night darlinks,

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Hossfly's knee surgery,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

The moon is full tonight, so please keep any howling to a reasonable level. The August moon is the holly moon or corn moon or moon of encirclement. It is time to think of health and wellness and correspondences.

Well..I have news of the inlaws. Wanna hear? :D

I know I should not be grinning, but..its hard to be sympathetic, especially when they refused us a roof until we could find our own. Now, they are roofless. They got the mobile home, but can't live in it yet. No money to turn on the power. Nothing like living in a metal box with no electric, no swamp cooler (which it has), no beds, no anything and no money until next month. They called today complaining about not having any money and hinting. I ignored it and said what they said to me "oh, thats so sad".
Now they know what it feels like to have nothing and no place to feel safe.
Fort Morgan is about 15 miles from here and the soda fountain and train museum are within walking distance of Doc Hollidays. The museum is about 200 yards from the front door and Stacey's Drug and Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.
Fort Morgan is a cool place. It's roughly 15 miles from Doc's but the railway museum is only 200 yards and Stacy's Drug and Olde Time Soda Fountain is another 100 yards.

The red X is Doc's,

View attachment 142156

Well if we can travel we could fly and rent a car.
We would have to stay at a condo or cottage with a kitchen to cook hubbies diet he's on. Maybe stay like on a Fri. thru Sun. and fly back Mon.

Guess where I'll be hanging out most of the time besides the soda fountain and your bar, while we're there?
I had no idea something like that would be so close to Docs. :)
We're one of 2 bars in the down town area.
I don't know what your budget is, but you can spent 3 or 4 hundred a night for a condo on the beach, but if you're anything like me and think of a hotel as nothing more than a place to sleep, there's this a couple miles south of Doc's and 4 or 5 miles north of the beach:[arr]=2017-08-27&aDateRange[dep]=2017-08-28&aCategoryRange=0,1,2,3,4,5&iRoomType=7&sOrderBy=relevance desc&aPartner=&aOverallLiking=1,2,3,4,5&iOffset=0&iLimit=25&iIncludeAll=0&bTopDealsOnly=false&iViewType=0&aPriceRange[to]=0&aPriceRange[from]=0&aPathList=59650&aGeoCode[lng]=-87.683846&aGeoCode[lat]=30.401897&f[255]=1&bIsSeoPage=false&aHotelTestClassifier=&bSharedRooms=false&bIsSitemap=false&rp=&cpt=5965003&iFilterTab=1&

I was looking at this place. It looks nice and is very affordable.
We like it quiet. :)

Have you heard anything about these little cottages?
It looks lovely, plus it's big enough for you and any of your friends who might want to hang out with us there for like lunches and dinners.
Kayaker Haven and Riverside Retreat! - VRBO

Or this place looks nice
Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath Condo located sh... - VRBO
The first place is very close to my partners' place in an area called Bon Secour. It's right on the Bon Secour river. Maybe a 10 to 15 minute drive from Doc's.
The second place is very close to Tanger Outlets (mall), close to Owa, our new amusement park that is partially open for about 3 weeks and 2 miles, maybe 4 minutes from Doc's.

Ernie, how big is that amusement part going to be?

Oh and Ernie S., do you know about the underground tunnel here in Foley?

Did you know that Foley, Alabama has a secret tunnel under the city – watch the [video] and see why [old photographs] – Alabama Pioneers

peach174 you don't want a place overlooking the gulf?? Nothing better than sitting on the balcony, listening to the waves, the seagulls, and watching the dolphins.
How big? Well, they have about 600 acres. There is a LOT of construction going on. A couple friends will have their brewery on site with a beer garden/pub. I believe there will be an entertainment venue and more rides and attractions.
The project is owned by the Porch Creek tribe and they have billions to play with here. There is talk of a casino in a couple years too.

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