USMB Coffee Shop IV

Got back from Tucson at Drs. Office.
Mr. P will have out patient surgery for a defibrillator and pacemaker on Aug. 17th.
We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. He should be released around 1:00p,m, the same day. :)

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, if he needs it, then glad he'll have it. On the other hand, too bad there is the need.
Still limp a bit, Chris, but not hurting hardly at all. The neuropathy is no longer painful, but the inside of my calf and behind my knee are numb. I guess that means something is reconnecting. The mobility of the knee has improved a lot but not to where it needs to be. Tomorrow at 10:30 I go for my last evaluation. There is some chance I may need a knee replacement, but we shan't worry about that right now.

No one ever replaces their knee with a piano, what a shame....
The sounds in the evening dews and damps of the summer night can be a meditative, almost zen-like experience. The constant drone of crickets with a bass note reminiscent of a dial tone is punctuated by a rhythmic chirp of individual crickets. Occasionally the song of a distant freight train's horn can be heard. Occasionally a car slides along the pavement on its way home or to work on the graveyard shift.

All together, it's a pleasant sound to drift away into sleep. Some folks need some audible distraction. A synthetic sound machine replicating the wind rustling palm fronds or the sound of waves lapping at a beach. Even 'white noise', an amalgam of perceptible sounds drowning out more violent and harsh sounds in a city.

Yes, it's nice to be soothed by sound. My favorite is the cricket's chirp on a warm summer night. They must be encamped hundreds of yards away as they join in their insect chorus lulling me into dreamland.

But last night, last night ...

One cricket took his place right outside my window. He chirped away with a staccato rhythm as loud as the sound of plywood being ripped off a wall. He wooed his cricket sweetheart who must have been down at the end of the block by rubbing his supposedly substantial legs together. He created a din he must have been very proud of, but kept me up for hours.

Ah! Summertime! It giveth and it taketh away.
I don't have a sound machine, but I have oodles of soothing sounds (white noise) saved in my collection at youtube. I also have this website to go to and its a turn off the monitor but keep the pc on, and listen to it all night..which is what I do often. :)

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And this is my youtube collection:
Got back from Tucson at Drs. Office.
Mr. P will have out patient surgery for a defibrillator and pacemaker on Aug. 17th.
We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. He should be released around 1:00p,m, the same day. :)

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, if he needs it, then glad he'll have it. On the other hand, too bad there is the need.

In this case though, the alternative made his getting it a true blessing.
Especially thinking of Hossfly tonight and hope all is well or at least much improved with him.

Good night darlinks,

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Hossfly's knee surgery,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

The beauty in the storm
Well if we can travel we could fly and rent a car.
We would have to stay at a condo or cottage with a kitchen to cook hubbies diet he's on. Maybe stay like on a Fri. thru Sun. and fly back Mon.

Guess where I'll be hanging out most of the time besides the soda fountain and your bar, while we're there?
I had no idea something like that would be so close to Docs. :)
We're one of 2 bars in the down town area.
I don't know what your budget is, but you can spent 3 or 4 hundred a night for a condo on the beach, but if you're anything like me and think of a hotel as nothing more than a place to sleep, there's this a couple miles south of Doc's and 4 or 5 miles north of the beach:[arr]=2017-08-27&aDateRange[dep]=2017-08-28&aCategoryRange=0,1,2,3,4,5&iRoomType=7&sOrderBy=relevance desc&aPartner=&aOverallLiking=1,2,3,4,5&iOffset=0&iLimit=25&iIncludeAll=0&bTopDealsOnly=false&iViewType=0&aPriceRange[to]=0&aPriceRange[from]=0&aPathList=59650&aGeoCode[lng]=-87.683846&aGeoCode[lat]=30.401897&f[255]=1&bIsSeoPage=false&aHotelTestClassifier=&bSharedRooms=false&bIsSitemap=false&rp=&cpt=5965003&iFilterTab=1&

I was looking at this place. It looks nice and is very affordable.
We like it quiet. :)

Have you heard anything about these little cottages?
It looks lovely, plus it's big enough for you and any of your friends who might want to hang out with us there for like lunches and dinners.
Kayaker Haven and Riverside Retreat! - VRBO

Or this place looks nice
Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath Condo located sh... - VRBO
The first place is very close to my partners' place in an area called Bon Secour. It's right on the Bon Secour river. Maybe a 10 to 15 minute drive from Doc's.
The second place is very close to Tanger Outlets (mall), close to Owa, our new amusement park that is partially open for about 3 weeks and 2 miles, maybe 4 minutes from Doc's.

How are you doing Ernie? Healing up well I hope!
Still limp a bit, Chris, but not hurting hardly at all. The neuropathy is no longer painful, but the inside of my calf and behind my knee are numb. I guess that means something is reconnecting. The mobility of the knee has improved a lot but not to where it needs to be. Tomorrow at 10:30 I go for my last evaluation. There is some chance I may need a knee replacement, but we shan't worry about that right now.

Still getting physical therapy?
How is Hossfly? Has anyone heard from him since his surgery. Sorry, I haven't been around here much lately and I'm out of the loop. :( I just looked back a few pages, but I couldn't find any info.

Hope everything is going well with him and everyone else!

No. Alas no news since the day before the surgery. Some concern as they were not able to give him the normal meds for pain control and the surgery he had is one of the most painful ever. So keep sending those prayers and positive vibes folks.

Always good to see you too Chris. I miss you when you aren't around. :)

Hope everything is okay with him. :(
Just got back from running errands and just in time too....... If I had been out any longer I might have gone postal on these clueless, distracted morons. They are everywhere today, on the roads, in the stores, etc......... Thankfully we weren't in a high crime area, we'd be looking at nothing but easy marks being accosted around every corner.........
There must be something in the air. It's been nuts up here, too. Or maybe the snowbirds finally made it up and are now clogging our roads with those monster condos on wheels they seem to favor. Of course, the statewide season of road destruction has reached its peak frenzy because they're trying to get their "repairs" finished before the snow flies.
Just got back from running errands and just in time too....... If I had been out any longer I might have gone postal on these clueless, distracted morons. They are everywhere today, on the roads, in the stores, etc......... Thankfully we weren't in a high crime area, we'd be looking at nothing but easy marks being accosted around every corner.........
There must be something in the air. It's been nuts up here, too. Or maybe the snowbirds finally made it up and are now clogging our roads with those monster condos on wheels they seem to favor. Of course, the statewide season of road destruction has reached its peak frenzy because they're trying to get their "repairs" finished before the snow flies.

I don't know. Doesn't sound like something new to me. I see these kinds of people every single day, unfortunately.
Well..I have news of the inlaws. Wanna hear? :D

I know I should not be grinning, but..its hard to be sympathetic, especially when they refused us a roof until we could find our own. Now, they are roofless. They got the mobile home, but can't live in it yet. No money to turn on the power. Nothing like living in a metal box with no electric, no swamp cooler (which it has), no beds, no anything and no money until next month. They called today complaining about not having any money and hinting. I ignored it and said what they said to me "oh, thats so sad".
Now they know what it feels like to have nothing and no place to feel safe.
Karma has a way of making its existence known, doesn't it?
You and Mr. G getting settled in for the winter? I suspect you'll have snow if you're in the mountains.
My Kindle appears to be dying. It started resetting itself yesterday (which has happened before), but did not want to finish loading after the reset. It was caught in a loop of restarting, beginning to load, and freezing. I eventually got it to work by plugging it into my PC. We took the little one to karate, and it started resetting itself again. This time it went to a completely black screen, which I've never seen before. Then, when it did eventually go back to normal, it moved on to a completely white screen. At this point, it seems as though I need to plug the Kindle into my PC almost every time I want to turn it on. Once I have it on, it works fine, but after I turn it off, turning it back on is an issue.

I went on ebay and bought a Kobo reader. Apparently they are made by Barnes & Nobles. The one I got is new, but an older version. It will require me to convert all of my mobi files into epub files, so I'm doing that on the second PC right now. It comes with 100 "classics," such as Pride & Prejudice, loaded on it; I'm curious what those books will be. It has less memory than my Kindle keyboard, but 1GB should be plenty of space, and it can take an SD card to expand the memory.

Mostly I'm just hoping that it will not cause issues when I load my books onto it, that the screen is as easy to read as the Kindle, that it is relatively comfortable to use, and that the battery doesn't drain super fast. I don't need extra features in an ereader. It only cost $27, so if it works well and I can use it for as long as I have my Kindle (just over 6 years), it will be great.

Luckily I still have a bunch of paper books if I continue to have ereader problems. :)
My Kindle appears to be dying. It started resetting itself yesterday (which has happened before), but did not want to finish loading after the reset. It was caught in a loop of restarting, beginning to load, and freezing. I eventually got it to work by plugging it into my PC. We took the little one to karate, and it started resetting itself again. This time it went to a completely black screen, which I've never seen before. Then, when it did eventually go back to normal, it moved on to a completely white screen. At this point, it seems as though I need to plug the Kindle into my PC almost every time I want to turn it on. Once I have it on, it works fine, but after I turn it off, turning it back on is an issue.

I went on ebay and bought a Kobo reader. Apparently they are made by Barnes & Nobles. The one I got is new, but an older version. It will require me to convert all of my mobi files into epub files, so I'm doing that on the second PC right now. It comes with 100 "classics," such as Pride & Prejudice, loaded on it; I'm curious what those books will be. It has less memory than my Kindle keyboard, but 1GB should be plenty of space, and it can take an SD card to expand the memory.

Mostly I'm just hoping that it will not cause issues when I load my books onto it, that the screen is as easy to read as the Kindle, that it is relatively comfortable to use, and that the battery doesn't drain super fast. I don't need extra features in an ereader. It only cost $27, so if it works well and I can use it for as long as I have my Kindle (just over 6 years), it will be great.

Luckily I still have a bunch of paper books if I continue to have ereader problems. :)

I think my laptop may be dying. A few times now when I've turned it on, it has lines going across the screen, as if my monitor is ready to kick the bucket, then it clears up and will be fine, but when I go to turn it on again, same thing happens. Could be time to invest in a new laptop. :dunno:

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