USMB Coffee Shop IV

Speaking of bikes mine's on order, should be getting it any day now.


I just have to watch out for trees.......
Better safe than sorry for sure. I have done my share of driving in heavy fog and it is white knuckle driving for sure.
HATE fog on a motorcycle, your glasses fog, windshield fogs up, you fog up. You start to shiver. You're worried about rear-ending some fool running with no headlights ahead of you, and very worried about being rear-ended by the truck driver who's well past the end of his attention span.

I would definitely be at least nervous about having to trust other drivers if I was riding a motorcycle.
You trust other drivers when you're in a car?

Well, no, but it is much more scary on a motorcycle. I've never driven one but I have been ridden on them before, and it is kind of scary to say the least. I remember my first time on a bike, and I didn't realize that you have to lean INTO the turn. It was my natural instinct to try to move away from the concrete coming at my face. :D

Oh bless you my child. I did the exact same thing many years ago when Hombre took me for a ride on a motorcycle. He is still talking about it. :)

Ah, but those of us who love the wind in our face and the spectacular views of the sky and nature moving along the landscapes, love riding and watching without a cage around us that severely limit the view.
We have many motorcycle clubs around here.
We have the cops one, the business ones, the private club ones like the Eagles.
They ride just for enjoyment.
They all go on runs for charities and fund raisers.
You definitely need to get bitten by the bug, in order to really enjoy the freedom they give.
It's not everyone's cup of tea, so to speak. :)
Third morning in a row we have thick fog here. That's going to not be good. These little country highways aren't the safest thing to drive when the fog is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I'll have to wait until the fog starts to thin at least. It's 650 miles from here to Wall, S.D., and even at 75 miles an hour once I hit the interstate, that's a good 9 hour drive, so if I have to wait for fog, it'll be evening before I hit Wall. I'd like to take off super early like before it even gets light. Will have to see how it goes.

Better safe than sorry for sure. I have done my share of driving in heavy fog and it is white knuckle driving for sure.
HATE fog on a motorcycle, your glasses fog, windshield fogs up, you fog up. You start to shiver. You're worried about rear-ending some fool running with no headlights ahead of you, and very worried about being rear-ended by the truck driver who's well past the end of his attention span.

I would definitely be at least nervous about having to trust other drivers if I was riding a motorcycle.

Cars will pull out in front of bikes and cut you up for a pastime if you let them. I used to speed down the outside lane on the motor ways and get ahead of bunches of traffic. But I got two speeding tickets in a couple of months so I tried to do the speed limit of 70 mph using the middle lane . But that meant following lorries and twice in a couple of days another lorry behind me tail gated me and nearly pushed me into the lorry in front. I am sure they did it deliberately and they though it amusing, in spite of the danger they put me in.
I had the power to blast out of the gap and get away. But after it happened twice I figured lorry drivers will kill you if you let them, so I went back to speeding past lorries, and slowed down to the speed limit when the road was clear.
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Hello, je voudrais dire quelques mots / i will like to say a few words that I wish all the courage to the Texans. It is horrible the images we saw on TV.:(
We have also seen heroes of the brave people who are ready to lose their lives to help others.

And those who rescued animals are heroes also.

Third morning in a row we have thick fog here. That's going to not be good. These little country highways aren't the safest thing to drive when the fog is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I'll have to wait until the fog starts to thin at least. It's 650 miles from here to Wall, S.D., and even at 75 miles an hour once I hit the interstate, that's a good 9 hour drive, so if I have to wait for fog, it'll be evening before I hit Wall. I'd like to take off super early like before it even gets light. Will have to see how it goes.

Better safe than sorry for sure. I have done my share of driving in heavy fog and it is white knuckle driving for sure.
HATE fog on a motorcycle, your glasses fog, windshield fogs up, you fog up. You start to shiver. You're worried about rear-ending some fool running with no headlights ahead of you, and very worried about being rear-ended by the truck driver who's well past the end of his attention span.

I would definitely be at least nervous about having to trust other drivers if I was riding a motorcycle.
You trust other drivers when you're in a car?

Well, no, but it is much more scary on a motorcycle. I've never driven one but I have been ridden on them before, and it is kind of scary to say the least. I remember my first time on a bike, and I didn't realize that you have to lean INTO the turn. It was my natural instinct to try to move away from the concrete coming at my face. :D
Actually a rider shouldn't lean at all. Neither person should. Sounds weird but that's the way it is. The bike will do the leaning and you should just keep in line with the lean of the bike.

And in a panic evasion maneuver, you actually give the handle bars a little push in the opposite direction you want to go, because that pushes the bike down in the direction you do want to go, and gives you the ability to quickly turn. Takes some getting used to but, if you try it a few times you'll see it how it works. Those are the kinds of things you learn if you take a riding class. I had to take a class at MacDill AFB to be able to ride on base. I found it most useful.
Hello, je voudrais dire quelques mots / i will like to say a few words that I wish all the courage to the Texans. It is horrible the images we saw on TV.:(
We have also seen heroes of the brave people who are ready to lose their lives to help others.

And those who rescued animals are heroes also.

Bonjour Dalia. Nous aimons vos mots quand vous arrêtez ici.

It warms the heart too that so many care about the poor people of Houston and others who did not escape the terrible flooding. Today we heard that animal shelters as far east as New Jersey are accepting all the animals that had been in area animal shelters to make room for all the rescued dogs, cats, horses, and whatever that people will be looking for.
Better safe than sorry for sure. I have done my share of driving in heavy fog and it is white knuckle driving for sure.
HATE fog on a motorcycle, your glasses fog, windshield fogs up, you fog up. You start to shiver. You're worried about rear-ending some fool running with no headlights ahead of you, and very worried about being rear-ended by the truck driver who's well past the end of his attention span.

I would definitely be at least nervous about having to trust other drivers if I was riding a motorcycle.
You trust other drivers when you're in a car?

Well, no, but it is much more scary on a motorcycle. I've never driven one but I have been ridden on them before, and it is kind of scary to say the least. I remember my first time on a bike, and I didn't realize that you have to lean INTO the turn. It was my natural instinct to try to move away from the concrete coming at my face. :D
Actually a rider shouldn't lean at all. Neither person should. Sounds weird but that's the way it is. The bike will do the leaning and you should just keep in line with the lean of the bike.

And in a panic evasion maneuver, you actually give the handle bars a little push in the opposite direction you want to go, because that pushes the bike down in the direction you do want to go, and gives you the ability to quickly turn. Takes some getting used to but, if you try it a few times you'll see it how it works. Those are the kinds of things you learn if you take a riding class. I had to take a class at MacDill AFB to be able to ride on base. I found it most useful.

I'm sure that is true and I probably would have learned that if I anybody had ever been able to get me on another one. :)
Ran to the grocery store, the wife texted..... Get cinnamon rolls, I want something sweet.......... I decided to have one when I got home...... Now I'm gonna have to drink two diet sodas to counteract all that sugar........... :eusa_whistle:
I went back into my office a few hours ago, sat in my nice comfy office chair, leaned back and closed my eyes for a minute....... Woke up about ten minutes ago.
The storm has left the gulf coast but incredible hardship and suffering remains in its wake, the water is still rising in places, and there is another storm possibly developing in the Gulf. So keep those prayers, positive vibes, and contributions going folks.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Hossfly's knee rehab,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty in difficult transition, his daughter, and for his brother-in-law and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, , SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Better safe than sorry for sure. I have done my share of driving in heavy fog and it is white knuckle driving for sure.
HATE fog on a motorcycle, your glasses fog, windshield fogs up, you fog up. You start to shiver. You're worried about rear-ending some fool running with no headlights ahead of you, and very worried about being rear-ended by the truck driver who's well past the end of his attention span.

I would definitely be at least nervous about having to trust other drivers if I was riding a motorcycle.
You trust other drivers when you're in a car?

Well, no, but it is much more scary on a motorcycle. I've never driven one but I have been ridden on them before, and it is kind of scary to say the least. I remember my first time on a bike, and I didn't realize that you have to lean INTO the turn. It was my natural instinct to try to move away from the concrete coming at my face. :D
Actually a rider shouldn't lean at all. Neither person should. Sounds weird but that's the way it is. The bike will do the leaning and you should just keep in line with the lean of the bike.

And in a panic evasion maneuver, you actually give the handle bars a little push in the opposite direction you want to go, because that pushes the bike down in the direction you do want to go, and gives you the ability to quickly turn. Takes some getting used to but, if you try it a few times you'll see it how it works. Those are the kinds of things you learn if you take a riding class. I had to take a class at MacDill AFB to be able to ride on base. I found it most useful.
I was a great bitch seat rider. I went with the bike, not leaning into the turn to "help" it or compensating if I "felt" it was leaning to far.

Be One With The Bike, grasshopper. :)
.....I keep missing you when you post.
How the heck are you doing? Been thinking of you lately and I have no clue why except because I like you? Or is something from the universe tapping on my head cuz I'm feeling I need to holler attcha to see how you are just for general purposes? the heck are you? All ok?

I don't know why the call feature is not calling you?
Well, I had to go to your profile, cut and then paste your name and now it works. Just typing it in...nada.
Is the board hiccupping?
Hello, je voudrais dire quelques mots / i will like to say a few words that I wish all the courage to the Texans. It is horrible the images we saw on TV.:(
We have also seen heroes of the brave people who are ready to lose their lives to help others.

And those who rescued animals are heroes also.

Bonjour Dalia. Nous aimons vos mots quand vous arrêtez ici.

It warms the heart too that so many care about the poor people of Houston and others who did not escape the terrible flooding. Today we heard that animal shelters as far east as New Jersey are accepting all the animals that had been in area animal shelters to make room for all the rescued dogs, cats, horses, and whatever that people will be looking for.

Hello, thank you Foxfire:) when i was a teenager I experienced the loss of all my property my apartment burned I had just time to take my cat Gazou in my arms a big orange cat like this one
(I love cats :) ) and my purse containing my important papers and that's it. But I had my family and friends who were there for me. This folks in Texas their families perhaps lived there too? They all, have all lost ? It's awful to find yourself overnight in a different environment that what happen to me. after the lost of all the little things of everyday life. I found myself at my parents but I wanted to find my freedom as an teenager it changed the course of my life if I may say so. I can only imagine all this people who have lost everything even if their lives are more importantly it's natural.
Reconstructing their homes is an ordeal, but we saw that people got together to help them and achieve a solidarity that they need at the moment.
OMG! I just clicked a link on Dark Horizons about the Stranger Things creators. They want people to turn off smoothing on their TVs. Apparently there is a setting on many TVs called something like TruMotion, or Smooth Motion, things like that, which creates a horrible motion effect on TV and film, and makes it appear as though it were shot with video. I've noticed it many times, and tried to point it out to the people whose TVs I've seen it on, but I never actually knew the cause. It was just "that weird moving thing" that happened on some TVs. Now I know, it's not just me! :lol:
OMG! I just clicked a link on Dark Horizons about the Stranger Things creators. They want people to turn off smoothing on their TVs. Apparently there is a setting on many TVs called something like TruMotion, or Smooth Motion, things like that, which creates a horrible motion effect on TV and film, and makes it appear as though it were shot with video. I've noticed it many times, and tried to point it out to the people whose TVs I've seen it on, but I never actually knew the cause. It was just "that weird moving thing" that happened on some TVs. Now I know, it's not just me! :lol:
No, it's really just you........ :eusa_whistle:
The new hard drive for the wife's old computer (which she wanted back by the way) came in yesterday. Installed it (that was the easy part), plugged it back in, tossed in the Win 10 media creation tool I had burned to a disc and.......... nothing.........
Tried it a couple more times and nothing so I popped in a Linux disc, loaded without any problem, okay it's the Win 10 disc, re-burned it, still nothing. Direct called Microsoft tech support and was hung up on twice after being told immediately it was a hardware problem, third time after about ten minutes the tech told me it was a hardware problem that a different tech could help me out with at a cost since it was old unsupported hardware........ BULL!!! I told him where to stuff it and tried a different route, load one of the old Win 7s then upgrade.
While it was installing I decided to look (for about the seventh time) at the online Microsoft instruction for burning the Win 10 disc, the instructions which were not completely clear and suddenly I figured out what the instructions were telling me to do. I actually had to run the creation tool on the computer I had downloaded it to and it would get to a page that asked if I wanted to load it on that computer or a different computer. Select different computer and it downloaded the actual ISO and let me burn it to disc....... put it in the laptop and amazingly it worked.
Of course once Win 10 was loaded I couldn't find my WiFi password cheat sheet and took a while to figure out how to find it on another computer which pissed me off then I couldn't find the thumb drive with all her files on it then I couldn't find her copy of Office (both were under my nose but under other items) so by this time I was PISSED!!!!!!
Finally I had everything transferred over, all the programs downloaded and installed and the computer configured plus all the bloatware gone, etc.
Did I mention that I'm not really fond of Windows 10........
The new hard drive for the wife's old computer (which she wanted back by the way) came in yesterday. Installed it (that was the easy part), plugged it back in, tossed in the Win 10 media creation tool I had burned to a disc and.......... nothing.........
Tried it a couple more times and nothing so I popped in a Linux disc, loaded without any problem, okay it's the Win 10 disc, re-burned it, still nothing. Direct called Microsoft tech support and was hung up on twice after being told immediately it was a hardware problem, third time after about ten minutes the tech told me it was a hardware problem that a different tech could help me out with at a cost since it was old unsupported hardware........ BULL!!! I told him where to stuff it and tried a different route, load one of the old Win 7s then upgrade.
While it was installing I decided to look (for about the seventh time) at the online Microsoft instruction for burning the Win 10 disc, the instructions which were not completely clear and suddenly I figured out what the instructions were telling me to do. I actually had to run the creation tool on the computer I had downloaded it to and it would get to a page that asked if I wanted to load it on that computer or a different computer. Select different computer and it downloaded the actual ISO and let me burn it to disc....... put it in the laptop and amazingly it worked.
Of course once Win 10 was loaded I couldn't find my WiFi password cheat sheet and took a while to figure out how to find it on another computer which pissed me off then I couldn't find the thumb drive with all her files on it then I couldn't find her copy of Office (both were under my nose but under other items) so by this time I was PISSED!!!!!!
Finally I had everything transferred over, all the programs downloaded and installed and the computer configured plus all the bloatware gone, etc.
Did I mention that I'm not really fond of Windows 10........

When it rains, it pours, particularly with computer issues. :p

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