USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well Boys and Girls today marks my 6 month anniversary of being back in Hawaii... I have no regrets at all... My relationship with my first wife is and has been really exceptional... Seems that our 13 year break from each other has made us appreciate what we had at one time... Now I am not going to say it has all been strawberries and shortcake, but when there is an issue it seems to be laughable and is soon forgotten... I love living here in Hawaii and do value the beauty and weather...

Medically I have been poked and prodded and pictures have been taken where no man has ever been before... I have a whole flock of Doctors that are taking better care of me than I have ever been taken care of... I am being treated for my Hepatitis C for the third time and in my fourth month I am undetectable of the Hep C Virus... It is not a 100% positive that the virus is gone as they will not say the word cured until 3 months post treatment... My Diabetes numbers are better that they have been in 10 years... I have lost some weight but need to lose quite a bit more... I am deliberately exercising more than I ever have with the exception of Basic Training...

I have been blessed and I know it... I have to keep my head squared away because when bad things happen most generally it is because of my Cranium Rectalitis...

My daughter and SIL, 2 Grandkids (boys 12 and 6) will be here at Christmas for about 10 days... Can't wait...

Thank you all for the shits and giggles...

Sounds great Ridgerunner, and thanks for giving us assurance that there are still happy endings which are much my favorite sort. :)
Sitting here in the Dodge dealership finally getting the passenger side airbag replaced....... The company that originally made the bags had gone out of business due to massive recalls but finally someone else started making em.
In the waiting room was this really cute 20 something eye candy then she came up to a guy (she apparently knew) sitting almost next to me and opened her mouth........ What came out was non stop junior high teeny-bopper........ :doubt:
Sitting here in the Dodge dealership finally getting the passenger side airbag replaced....... The company that originally made the bags had gone out of business due to massive recalls but finally someone else started making em.
In the waiting room was this really cute 20 something eye candy then she came up to a guy (she apparently knew) sitting almost next to me and opened her mouth........ What came out was non stop junior high teeny-bopper........ :doubt:

Tell me she didn't have tattoos.

Got back from Tucson.
Doc says Mr. P's broken leg bone is over 75% healed.
No more air cast or brace.
He can wear shoes again. :biggrin:
Doc says he can ride his Can Am again, he is one very happy camper.
It also means we can go to our halloween party next Friday with our friend.
I'll see if I can get picks and load them up for you all to see.
Tell me she didn't have tattoos.

Hoss don't get me started on Tattoos... I am not a puritan by any means, and a strategically placed tat can be attractive and yes even sexy on the right woman... I can't imagine some of these young ladies that have the massive amounts of tats in their golden years...
Sitting here in the Dodge dealership finally getting the passenger side airbag replaced....... The company that originally made the bags had gone out of business due to massive recalls but finally someone else started making em.
In the waiting room was this really cute 20 something eye candy then she came up to a guy (she apparently knew) sitting almost next to me and opened her mouth........ What came out was non stop junior high teeny-bopper........ :doubt:

Tell me she didn't have tattoos.
Yeah, a few.........
Sitting here in the Dodge dealership finally getting the passenger side airbag replaced....... The company that originally made the bags had gone out of business due to massive recalls but finally someone else started making em.
In the waiting room was this really cute 20 something eye candy then she came up to a guy (she apparently knew) sitting almost next to me and opened her mouth........ What came out was non stop junior high teeny-bopper........ :doubt:

Tell me she didn't have tattoos.
Yeah, a few.........

This girl doesn't even need clothes. Just shoes.


Got back from Tucson.
Doc says Mr. P's broken leg bone is over 75% healed.
No more air cast or brace.
He can wear shoes again. :biggrin:
Doc says he can ride his Can Am again, he is one very happy camper.
It also means we can go to our halloween party next Friday with our friend.
I'll see if I can get picks and load them up for you all to see.

Hooray, hooray!!! And let's hope it is now clear sailing for you two for quite some time to come.
Sitting here in the Dodge dealership finally getting the passenger side airbag replaced....... The company that originally made the bags had gone out of business due to massive recalls but finally someone else started making em.
In the waiting room was this really cute 20 something eye candy then she came up to a guy (she apparently knew) sitting almost next to me and opened her mouth........ What came out was non stop junior high teeny-bopper........ :doubt:

Tell me she didn't have tattoos.
Yeah, a few.........

This girl doesn't even need clothes. Just shoes.

Well heck. She could just have some tattooed on and she's good to go. :)
While I'm thinking about it, ya'll set your alarms to remember to go out for the best fall meteor display tomorrow night. The Orionid Meteor Shower peaks and will be visible over most of the U.S. on October 20th unless you have cloud cover though we will have meteors through the weekend--best visibility is usually between midnight and dawn. Factoid: this is caused by debris from Haley's Comet that we haven't seen since 1986 but we pass through its orbit every year. We will be able to see the actual comet again in 2061. I seriously doubt I'll still be around for that, but hey, you never know.

Best viewing regions:
On a side note I have a large collection of natural disaster movies, and in several folks are out watching meteor showers or comets or such and they observe an anomaly that creates a doomsday situation for Planet Earth unless some brilliant scientist figures out a way to save us all. On the bright side, they almost always do. :)
Actually I am ambivalent about tattoos. I have never wanted one but some people just seem like they are supposed to have them while others not so much. Much like many other things.
I just realized that Post 55052 didn't make any sense because I must have not hit the send button on the post that was supposed to have preceded it. Ridgerunner picked up on where I was going with it though. The Orionid Meteor shower, best such show of the autumn, peaks tomorrow night and continues through the weekend. Visible from most of the U.S. if there isn't cloud cover.

Areas predicted best for viewing it and it is best seen between midnight and dawn.

Factoid: the meteor shower is debris from Haley's comet that has been out of sight since the 1980's and won't reappear until something like 2060 something. But we pass through its orbit every year.
Actually I am ambivalent about tattoos. I have never wanted one but some people just seem like they are supposed to have them while others not so much. Much like many other things.
First, thanks for the heads up on the meteor shower tomorrow night.

On tattoos:

A few months back I dug out my old high school year books. Anyone considering a tattoo would be well advised to seek out an older relative and take a good look at what we considered fashionable so many years ago.

Forty, fifty years ago, our sense of fashion was, shall we be generous and say, questionable. Plaid bell bottom trousers, heavy doses of polyester, platform shoes not unlike those worn by Ruby Keeler a few decades before and hairdos that eschewed both barber shops and combs were all the rage. We dressed as if there were no lights in our closets. Our styles were as commendable as those worn by washed up golf pros.

All those clothes are now either haunting vintage boutiques, enriching the soil of landfills or stuck in Goodwill Store limbo. We rediscovered hair styles that suggest hygiene. Fashion was disposable.

But a tattoo must be shown to St. Peter. They are indelible, permanent and will be regretted once the wearer enters a nursing home. That rosebud on the breast will become a long stemmed rose. That Woody the Woodpecker with a cigar will devolve from the emblem of a badass back to the cartoon from which it sprang. In the case of a tattoo, fashion is not disposable.
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Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Autumn in New England
On a side note I have a large collection of natural disaster movies, and in several folks are out watching meteor showers or comets or such and they observe an anomaly that creates a doomsday situation for Planet Earth unless some brilliant scientist figures out a way to save us all. On the bright side, they almost always do. :)

It said on twitter that a meteor the size of a bus flew past the earth last night. It was well within the orbit of the moon which is very close in astronomical terms.

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