USMB Coffee Shop IV

All caught up!
Well, I made the leap yesterday. My trailer is parked up the trail and secured for the winter. I'll be making the long commute in to work four days weekly and for the first few weeks will be stopping at my old digs to feed and water the goats until I can get some shelter put up here. The boys will be moving up next week, but the does will have to wait for the time being.
Of course, our first hard freeze came on Sunday night. I was planning of pressure washing the trailer and flushing the black water tank with fresh water but the hoses were frozen solid. Guess I'll just have that much more to do come springtime. Now I have to settle even more stuff into my small cabin and storage sheds, but that's probably the least of my worries. I'm stressing pretty badly and it's funny that so many people are asking me why I'm not looking for a job closer to where I am now living. Like I need the additional stress of a new job! It does seem strange, knowing that I have no "home" where I've been living for the past 10 1/2 years. I am happy to have changed my address for the last time, though. Now to settle in and weather my first full-time winter here in the woods. Tomorrow I'll be out splitting and stacking more firewood. Gotsa have lotsa that stuff, fer shur!
I am trying to visualize your new abode in the woods all surrounded by stacked wood so you can be warm and cozy, GW. You showed me a pic once, and it was a 2 story cabin. Is that still yours? Or is it now taken over by the partner? I hope that trailer has nice thick walls cuz I shudder to think of you shuddering. However, I myself have always liked small homes cuz they are easier to clean, keep cool and keep warm.
I'm sorry to hear how stressed you are getting with all this heavy work you are doing and no help. Wish I could but each day that passes I feel more creaky and get new pains from a new joint that decided now is a good time to join the party. And you are just too darn far away. :(

Maybe it IS time for you to retire and move further south where you can bring your goats? Montana? Washington? You would be closer then too, lol.
All caught up!
Well, I made the leap yesterday. My trailer is parked up the trail and secured for the winter. I'll be making the long commute in to work four days weekly and for the first few weeks will be stopping at my old digs to feed and water the goats until I can get some shelter put up here. The boys will be moving up next week, but the does will have to wait for the time being.
Of course, our first hard freeze came on Sunday night. I was planning of pressure washing the trailer and flushing the black water tank with fresh water but the hoses were frozen solid. Guess I'll just have that much more to do come springtime. Now I have to settle even more stuff into my small cabin and storage sheds, but that's probably the least of my worries. I'm stressing pretty badly and it's funny that so many people are asking me why I'm not looking for a job closer to where I am now living. Like I need the additional stress of a new job! It does seem strange, knowing that I have no "home" where I've been living for the past 10 1/2 years. I am happy to have changed my address for the last time, though. Now to settle in and weather my first full-time winter here in the woods. Tomorrow I'll be out splitting and stacking more firewood. Gotsa have lotsa that stuff, fer shur!
I am trying to visualize your new abode in the woods all surrounded by stacked wood so you can be warm and cozy, GW. You showed me a pic once, and it was a 2 story cabin. Is that still yours? Or is it now taken over by the partner? I hope that trailer has nice thick walls cuz I shudder to think of you shuddering. However, I myself have always liked small homes cuz they are easier to clean, keep cool and keep warm.
I'm sorry to hear how stressed you are getting with all this heavy work you are doing and no help. Wish I could but each day that passes I feel more creaky and get new pains from a new joint that decided now is a good time to join the party. And you are just too darn far away. :(

Maybe it IS time for you to retire and move further south where you can bring your goats? Montana? Washington? You would be closer then too, lol.

Gracie, I figured you'd understand the stress of moving. You've been through displacement hell this past year.
Yes, I have moved into the two-story cabin. It's still less than 1000 sf, but you'd be surprised how much less house you need when you have to process the heating material yourself. No, the partner is staying in the Anchorage place for now. He has purchased a pretty nice Lexus to replace as a commuter to replace the Jeep Cherokee he broke.
Montana or Washington? Montana's winters are at least as wintery as ours. Washington? No thanks. It is pretty much time for me to retire, and I am now staging my exit. After I settle here, I will work until the mortgage is paid. I've been paying extra so it won't be that long now. I hope that selling milk, meat, and eggs, as well as my homemade goodies will provide enough supplement that I can exist on what I craft with my own hands. I love making things and the only stuff I cannot sell outright will be my mead (alcohol).
It would be so cool if some of us were closer together, but some of the fun here is sharing with people who are so far away.
For now, I'll continue to put up with my stomach upset and nose bleeds. All this will pass and then I'll look for a job closer to home. I do wish my daughter and granddaughters were here, but that's not to be at this time. Guess I'll have to travel at least one more Japan.
All caught up!
Well, I made the leap yesterday. My trailer is parked up the trail and secured for the winter. I'll be making the long commute in to work four days weekly and for the first few weeks will be stopping at my old digs to feed and water the goats until I can get some shelter put up here. The boys will be moving up next week, but the does will have to wait for the time being.
Of course, our first hard freeze came on Sunday night. I was planning of pressure washing the trailer and flushing the black water tank with fresh water but the hoses were frozen solid. Guess I'll just have that much more to do come springtime. Now I have to settle even more stuff into my small cabin and storage sheds, but that's probably the least of my worries. I'm stressing pretty badly and it's funny that so many people are asking me why I'm not looking for a job closer to where I am now living. Like I need the additional stress of a new job! It does seem strange, knowing that I have no "home" where I've been living for the past 10 1/2 years. I am happy to have changed my address for the last time, though. Now to settle in and weather my first full-time winter here in the woods. Tomorrow I'll be out splitting and stacking more firewood. Gotsa have lotsa that stuff, fer shur!
I am trying to visualize your new abode in the woods all surrounded by stacked wood so you can be warm and cozy, GW. You showed me a pic once, and it was a 2 story cabin. Is that still yours? Or is it now taken over by the partner? I hope that trailer has nice thick walls cuz I shudder to think of you shuddering. However, I myself have always liked small homes cuz they are easier to clean, keep cool and keep warm.
I'm sorry to hear how stressed you are getting with all this heavy work you are doing and no help. Wish I could but each day that passes I feel more creaky and get new pains from a new joint that decided now is a good time to join the party. And you are just too darn far away. :(

Maybe it IS time for you to retire and move further south where you can bring your goats? Montana? Washington? You would be closer then too, lol.

Gracie, I figured you'd understand the stress of moving. You've been through displacement hell this past year.
Yes, I have moved into the two-story cabin. It's still less than 1000 sf, but you'd be surprised how much less house you need when you have to process the heating material yourself. No, the partner is staying in the Anchorage place for now. He has purchased a pretty nice Lexus to replace as a commuter to replace the Jeep Cherokee he broke.
Montana or Washington? Montana's winters are at least as wintery as ours. Washington? No thanks. It is pretty much time for me to retire, and I am now staging my exit. After I settle here, I will work until the mortgage is paid. I've been paying extra so it won't be that long now. I hope that selling milk, meat, and eggs, as well as my homemade goodies will provide enough supplement that I can exist on what I craft with my own hands. I love making things and the only stuff I cannot sell outright will be my mead (alcohol).
It would be so cool if some of us were closer together, but some of the fun here is sharing with people who are so far away.
For now, I'll continue to put up with my stomach upset and nose bleeds. All this will pass and then I'll look for a job closer to home. I do wish my daughter and granddaughters were here, but that's not to be at this time. Guess I'll have to travel at least one more Japan.
If only I could go back to 10 less years. I would come up there and help. I help around here all the time just to keep from freezing up my joints. It hurts, but I hate just sitting around and like being outside as much as possible.
Is pot legal there? Maybe you could make balms and lotions? CBD oil instead of THC infused? Big market in that if its legal in Alaska. Fresh milk and eggs sound wonderful too.
So if you are in the cabin, are you going to be moving to the trailer then? Is it very far away from each other? Maybe you could bounce between the two during your work week.
I have one move left to do I guess. If it ever happens. I know we cannot stay here indefinetly and I don't want to anyway. If something happened to one of us, housemate flatly refuses to lower the rent where we could afford to stay with just one income. So that means this is just a temporary thing. If the coast ever calls with the unit we are waiting for..we will go there. If I can find a mobile home here that is cheap enough to purchase, we might do that instead. Space rent here is much cheaper than at the coast. And there are mobile homes here anywhere from 2k (major dumps that need work) to 5K (dumps that need work but not as badly) to 20K (pretty nice overall and minor work) but we are unable to do the 20k and are focusing on the 5k or less. Maybe. Depending on if they are willing to carry but if they are paying space rent on an empty manufactured paying it along with rent to own would seem feasible. Alas, most don't think the way I do.
I looked at one yesterday for 7k thinking I could offer 5k with them carry the loan. But I didn't because it was dark, dreary, and worse of stunk really bad. Looked at two last month and both had dog shit still in the living room nobody bothered to pick up. Those were priced at 5k and 7k. We didn't bother to make an offer on either. Plus the space rent was more than we wanted to pay.
So...even though we now have a roof, are warm, have a kitchen we can use (barely) and our own bathroom...its not permanent. So we are still not settled and won't be until we get our own place..either housing back at home with government assistance...or here, with owner carry.

It sucks. But it beats the van and that mushroomy RV.
All caught up!
Well, I made the leap yesterday. My trailer is parked up the trail and secured for the winter. I'll be making the long commute in to work four days weekly and for the first few weeks will be stopping at my old digs to feed and water the goats until I can get some shelter put up here. The boys will be moving up next week, but the does will have to wait for the time being.
Of course, our first hard freeze came on Sunday night. I was planning of pressure washing the trailer and flushing the black water tank with fresh water but the hoses were frozen solid. Guess I'll just have that much more to do come springtime. Now I have to settle even more stuff into my small cabin and storage sheds, but that's probably the least of my worries. I'm stressing pretty badly and it's funny that so many people are asking me why I'm not looking for a job closer to where I am now living. Like I need the additional stress of a new job! It does seem strange, knowing that I have no "home" where I've been living for the past 10 1/2 years. I am happy to have changed my address for the last time, though. Now to settle in and weather my first full-time winter here in the woods. Tomorrow I'll be out splitting and stacking more firewood. Gotsa have lotsa that stuff, fer shur!
I am trying to visualize your new abode in the woods all surrounded by stacked wood so you can be warm and cozy, GW. You showed me a pic once, and it was a 2 story cabin. Is that still yours? Or is it now taken over by the partner? I hope that trailer has nice thick walls cuz I shudder to think of you shuddering. However, I myself have always liked small homes cuz they are easier to clean, keep cool and keep warm.
I'm sorry to hear how stressed you are getting with all this heavy work you are doing and no help. Wish I could but each day that passes I feel more creaky and get new pains from a new joint that decided now is a good time to join the party. And you are just too darn far away. :(

Maybe it IS time for you to retire and move further south where you can bring your goats? Montana? Washington? You would be closer then too, lol.

Gracie, I figured you'd understand the stress of moving. You've been through displacement hell this past year.
Yes, I have moved into the two-story cabin. It's still less than 1000 sf, but you'd be surprised how much less house you need when you have to process the heating material yourself. No, the partner is staying in the Anchorage place for now. He has purchased a pretty nice Lexus to replace as a commuter to replace the Jeep Cherokee he broke.
Montana or Washington? Montana's winters are at least as wintery as ours. Washington? No thanks. It is pretty much time for me to retire, and I am now staging my exit. After I settle here, I will work until the mortgage is paid. I've been paying extra so it won't be that long now. I hope that selling milk, meat, and eggs, as well as my homemade goodies will provide enough supplement that I can exist on what I craft with my own hands. I love making things and the only stuff I cannot sell outright will be my mead (alcohol).
It would be so cool if some of us were closer together, but some of the fun here is sharing with people who are so far away.
For now, I'll continue to put up with my stomach upset and nose bleeds. All this will pass and then I'll look for a job closer to home. I do wish my daughter and granddaughters were here, but that's not to be at this time. Guess I'll have to travel at least one more Japan.
If only I could go back to 10 less years. I would come up there and help. I help around here all the time just to keep from freezing up my joints. It hurts, but I hate just sitting around and like being outside as much as possible.
Is pot legal there? Maybe you could make balms and lotions? CBD oil instead of THC infused? Big market in that if its legal in Alaska. Fresh milk and eggs sound wonderful too.
So if you are in the cabin, are you going to be moving to the trailer then? Is it very far away from each other? Maybe you could bounce between the two during your work week.
I have one move left to do I guess. If it ever happens. I know we cannot stay here indefinetly and I don't want to anyway. If something happened to one of us, housemate flatly refuses to lower the rent where we could afford to stay with just one income. So that means this is just a temporary thing. If the coast ever calls with the unit we are waiting for..we will go there. If I can find a mobile home here that is cheap enough to purchase, we might do that instead. Space rent here is much cheaper than at the coast. And there are mobile homes here anywhere from 2k (major dumps that need work) to 5K (dumps that need work but not as badly) to 20K (pretty nice overall and minor work) but we are unable to do the 20k and are focusing on the 5k or less. Maybe. Depending on if they are willing to carry but if they are paying space rent on an empty manufactured paying it along with rent to own would seem feasible. Alas, most don't think the way I do.
I looked at one yesterday for 7k thinking I could offer 5k with them carry the loan. But I didn't because it was dark, dreary, and worse of stunk really bad. Looked at two last month and both had dog shit still in the living room nobody bothered to pick up. Those were priced at 5k and 7k. We didn't bother to make an offer on either. Plus the space rent was more than we wanted to pay.
So...even though we now have a roof, are warm, have a kitchen we can use (barely) and our own bathroom...its not permanent. So we are still not settled and won't be until we get our own place..either housing back at home with government assistance...or here, with owner carry.

It sucks. But it beats the van and that mushroomy RV.
I've been bouncing between the RV and the cabin now since 2007. I love the cabin, I've invested years of sweat equity and cash into this place. (Building out-of-pocket takes as long as a typical mortgage, you just bypass the interest.) The cabin is very comfortable and homey and I'm hoping to clean up and renovate the trailer to sell next Spring for at least enough to get a well put in here. While I have been comfortable in the trailer, and the cabin is small, I still have lots more space in the cabin. I'm still trying to accommodate all the things I had when I lived in a 2400 sf home. All my books, records, and DVD's are packed in boxes. Now, lots of my craft stuff is in boxes, and all of my knick-knacks, etc. are packed away. I used to collect David Winter cottages and Lladro porcelain, among other things.
I miss having stuffs!!! Went to a house blessing on Saturday. It was kinda strange. But, I loved being in a clean and neat home although it was very froo froo and victorian themed. Still, no boxes blocking the path, easy movement from room to room, seeing pretty things like her art and porelain figurines on glass shelves, pretty oriental rugs strewn on the floors, fluffy pillows on the couches, etc. I used to have a nice home too. It killed me to sell it all off. Still kills me thinking about what I used to have. Now all I own will fit in my van although I kept a scant few small things. And of course...ashes of 3 dogs and 1 of which was NOT supposed to die 2 months after we got here. I have lost so much and I am still standing and I wish I wasn't. Going to that house blessing was a blessing and a curse. I have been depressed ever since going because I saw what I used to have myself. way to replace it either. Can't buy and sell here. Thats the only downer. And I don't know how I will survive another fucking year in this place...but I hafta.

See? I'm all whiney and fucked up the convo. :(
I miss having stuffs!!! Went to a house blessing on Saturday. It was kinda strange. But, I loved being in a clean and neat home although it was very froo froo and victorian themed. Still, no boxes blocking the path, easy movement from room to room, seeing pretty things like her art and porelain figurines on glass shelves, pretty oriental rugs strewn on the floors, fluffy pillows on the couches, etc. I used to have a nice home too. It killed me to sell it all off. Still kills me thinking about what I used to have. Now all I own will fit in my van although I kept a scant few small things. And of course...ashes of 3 dogs and 1 of which was NOT supposed to die 2 months after we got here. I have lost so much and I am still standing and I wish I wasn't. Going to that house blessing was a blessing and a curse. I have been depressed ever since going because I saw what I used to have myself. way to replace it either. Can't buy and sell here. Thats the only downer. And I don't know how I will survive another fucking year in this place...but I hafta.

See? I'm all whiney and fucked up the convo. :(
I have never considered you whiney or fucked up, Gracie. I'm still clinging to so much, although it's packed in boxes and piled in my storage shed. At least I have a storage shed, hey? I wish you were closer, we could do a house blessing together. As it is, my house is blessed with my four-leggers (currently four cats and one small dog) and the spirits that inhabit the woods around me. I'm not so much depressed as I am stressed out. Of course, you know what having to move on from an accustomed place/routine means. I am blessed because I have a place of my own to come to and to stay in. Your situation is much less pleasant, to say the least. Winters of white need not be unpleasant, I assure you of that. They may require a bit more work, but you are right, that keeps us younger in some weird way.
I am more concerned about my critters. Until I stabilize, they will have a bit more stress, too. It will be better when I have my entire fur-fam in one place. It's just too bad my partner cannot recognize how important it is that the goats are here with me, regardless of the challenges "here" represents. My friend, Glen, who has been my landlord for these many years, will not see the animals suffer, regardless of his desire to be a farmer. He's a great guy. But I need to honor my word and move one. He needs to move on, too. He's ready to retire and has inherited a great place in Oregon. His GF is pushing him to move South.
You know you would always be welcome here. Even if we were to end up a bunch of tired, old, whiney f'oks, you'd be welcome. OK, as long as you can play Cribbage, I guess....
lol, I don't know how to play cribbage. But I can play canasta, poker (weird games though...not the standard texas hold'em or 5 card stud and it has to be penny poker so nobody gets pissed at losing too much money, lol). And I like critters, of course you already know that. Don't know goats, but I could be alittle help maybe. MrG is afraid of Alaska and the cold. He is always cold. I have to keep us separated cuz he is always freezing and I am always burning up with his infernal heater going. I reckon if anything happened to would be where I would head towards if you still had room for me. I have no more critters nor will get any. I'll just spoil yours. But, I'll probably kick before MrG, so don't make room for my toothbrush anytime soon.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Autumn in Michigan
Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride.:dunno:
Two spices I've been using more of lately and that is cumin and cayenne pepper. I like both. Paprika is another one. As a single guy that rarely eats out, if you don't want meals to get boring, the simple fact of the matter is you learn to cook new things. I've found youtube is a great place to find new recipes. I found the Gyro recipe I made on there. Actually what I'll do is watch a bunch of vids and then combine the best of what I've seen that looks good to me.
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Autumn in Michigan
I think you can take my brother in law off the list, Foxy. He seems to be much better now, and was even doing better when I recently was out there. He's been out and about lately even up in the mountains hunting so, thank you for the mentions though.
All caught up!
Well, I made the leap yesterday. My trailer is parked up the trail and secured for the winter. I'll be making the long commute in to work four days weekly and for the first few weeks will be stopping at my old digs to feed and water the goats until I can get some shelter put up here. The boys will be moving up next week, but the does will have to wait for the time being.
Of course, our first hard freeze came on Sunday night. I was planning of pressure washing the trailer and flushing the black water tank with fresh water but the hoses were frozen solid. Guess I'll just have that much more to do come springtime. Now I have to settle even more stuff into my small cabin and storage sheds, but that's probably the least of my worries. I'm stressing pretty badly and it's funny that so many people are asking me why I'm not looking for a job closer to where I am now living. Like I need the additional stress of a new job! It does seem strange, knowing that I have no "home" where I've been living for the past 10 1/2 years. I am happy to have changed my address for the last time, though. Now to settle in and weather my first full-time winter here in the woods. Tomorrow I'll be out splitting and stacking more firewood. Gotsa have lotsa that stuff, fer shur!
I am trying to visualize your new abode in the woods all surrounded by stacked wood so you can be warm and cozy, GW. You showed me a pic once, and it was a 2 story cabin. Is that still yours? Or is it now taken over by the partner? I hope that trailer has nice thick walls cuz I shudder to think of you shuddering. However, I myself have always liked small homes cuz they are easier to clean, keep cool and keep warm.
I'm sorry to hear how stressed you are getting with all this heavy work you are doing and no help. Wish I could but each day that passes I feel more creaky and get new pains from a new joint that decided now is a good time to join the party. And you are just too darn far away. :(

Maybe it IS time for you to retire and move further south where you can bring your goats? Montana? Washington? You would be closer then too, lol.

Gracie, I figured you'd understand the stress of moving. You've been through displacement hell this past year.
Yes, I have moved into the two-story cabin. It's still less than 1000 sf, but you'd be surprised how much less house you need when you have to process the heating material yourself. No, the partner is staying in the Anchorage place for now. He has purchased a pretty nice Lexus to replace as a commuter to replace the Jeep Cherokee he broke.
Montana or Washington? Montana's winters are at least as wintery as ours. Washington? No thanks. It is pretty much time for me to retire, and I am now staging my exit. After I settle here, I will work until the mortgage is paid. I've been paying extra so it won't be that long now. I hope that selling milk, meat, and eggs, as well as my homemade goodies will provide enough supplement that I can exist on what I craft with my own hands. I love making things and the only stuff I cannot sell outright will be my mead (alcohol).
It would be so cool if some of us were closer together, but some of the fun here is sharing with people who are so far away.
For now, I'll continue to put up with my stomach upset and nose bleeds. All this will pass and then I'll look for a job closer to home. I do wish my daughter and granddaughters were here, but that's not to be at this time. Guess I'll have to travel at least one more Japan.
If only I could go back to 10 less years. I would come up there and help. I help around here all the time just to keep from freezing up my joints. It hurts, but I hate just sitting around and like being outside as much as possible.
Is pot legal there? Maybe you could make balms and lotions? CBD oil instead of THC infused? Big market in that if its legal in Alaska. Fresh milk and eggs sound wonderful too.
So if you are in the cabin, are you going to be moving to the trailer then? Is it very far away from each other? Maybe you could bounce between the two during your work week.
I have one move left to do I guess. If it ever happens. I know we cannot stay here indefinetly and I don't want to anyway. If something happened to one of us, housemate flatly refuses to lower the rent where we could afford to stay with just one income. So that means this is just a temporary thing. If the coast ever calls with the unit we are waiting for..we will go there. If I can find a mobile home here that is cheap enough to purchase, we might do that instead. Space rent here is much cheaper than at the coast. And there are mobile homes here anywhere from 2k (major dumps that need work) to 5K (dumps that need work but not as badly) to 20K (pretty nice overall and minor work) but we are unable to do the 20k and are focusing on the 5k or less. Maybe. Depending on if they are willing to carry but if they are paying space rent on an empty manufactured paying it along with rent to own would seem feasible. Alas, most don't think the way I do.
I looked at one yesterday for 7k thinking I could offer 5k with them carry the loan. But I didn't because it was dark, dreary, and worse of stunk really bad. Looked at two last month and both had dog shit still in the living room nobody bothered to pick up. Those were priced at 5k and 7k. We didn't bother to make an offer on either. Plus the space rent was more than we wanted to pay.
So...even though we now have a roof, are warm, have a kitchen we can use (barely) and our own bathroom...its not permanent. So we are still not settled and won't be until we get our own place..either housing back at home with government assistance...or here, with owner carry.

It sucks. But it beats the van and that mushroomy RV.
I've been bouncing between the RV and the cabin now since 2007. I love the cabin, I've invested years of sweat equity and cash into this place. (Building out-of-pocket takes as long as a typical mortgage, you just bypass the interest.) The cabin is very comfortable and homey and I'm hoping to clean up and renovate the trailer to sell next Spring for at least enough to get a well put in here. While I have been comfortable in the trailer, and the cabin is small, I still have lots more space in the cabin. I'm still trying to accommodate all the things I had when I lived in a 2400 sf home. All my books, records, and DVD's are packed in boxes. Now, lots of my craft stuff is in boxes, and all of my knick-knacks, etc. are packed away. I used to collect David Winter cottages and Lladro porcelain, among other things.
My house is pretty small too, GW, maybe 850 sq ft. Looks real small on the outside but much roomier when you get inside. Only one small bedroom, a smaller than usual living room, decent sized kitchen though, big bathroom with the washer and dryer in there, and a nice sized dining room / office. It's all I need though, it's just me, and I don't need or want anything bigger. The shop is a different story. That's a three bay, two story building that just underwent a $10,000 renovation, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I spend most of my time out there because that's where all my toys are at, toys being tools. Like you I like to be making, fixing something. I constantly have a project going on, or two or three. I just really enjoy being able to do what I do. Life is good.

Just had all the ground around my lilac bush all grubbed out by my electrician buddy that has a backhoe on his trencher, so now I have a massive mess to clean up and level out. I started it the other day and immediately got a blister. I took a little time off while it rained much of last week and need to get back at it now. Going to put the plow on the front of my John Deere lawn tractor and see if I can push the dirt with that. I know it's got the power to do it, I'll have to see if it has the traction.

It was COLD here last night, into the mid 30s. They were predicting some frost, so I had to bring my pepper plant in. The oregano and the thyme, I left outside because those are pretty hearty plants. The pepper plant is not very hearty though. It has very delicate looking leaves, not to mention there are peppers growing on it. It is still feeling pretty cold outside, so I will put it out this afternoon before I leave for work and maybe have to bring it in again tonight. I am just concerned that it won't get enough sunlight in the house, so I am trying to extend it's life for as long as I can. I am going to keep it inside when it gets cold permanently though, and will fertilize it and keep it in front of the sunniest window, but I only get a couple of hours of sun in here during the day, so I don't know that will be enough. :(
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Autumn in Michigan
I think you can take my brother in law off the list, Foxy. He seems to be much better now, and was even doing better when I recently was out there. He's been out and about lately even up in the mountains hunting so, thank you for the mentions though.

I'm always thrilled to take somebody off the list because the reason they were on there is no longer a problem. :)
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It was COLD here last night, into the mid 30s. They were predicting some frost, so I had to bring my pepper plant in. The oregano and the thyme, I left outside because those are pretty hearty plants. The pepper plant is not very hearty though. It has very delicate looking leaves, not to mention there are peppers growing on it. It is still feeling pretty cold outside, so I will put it out this afternoon before I leave for work and maybe have to bring it in again tonight. I am just concerned that it won't get enough sunlight in the house, so I am trying to extend it's life for as long as I can. I am going to keep it inside when it gets cold permanently though, and will fertilize it and keep it in front of the sunniest window, but I only get a couple of hours of sun in here during the day, so I don't know that will be enough. :(

Do you harvest your oregano and thyme plants? I'm considering an indoor herb garden as I have a window that gets quite a bit of sun.
All caught up!
Well, I made the leap yesterday. My trailer is parked up the trail and secured for the winter. I'll be making the long commute in to work four days weekly and for the first few weeks will be stopping at my old digs to feed and water the goats until I can get some shelter put up here. The boys will be moving up next week, but the does will have to wait for the time being.
Of course, our first hard freeze came on Sunday night. I was planning of pressure washing the trailer and flushing the black water tank with fresh water but the hoses were frozen solid. Guess I'll just have that much more to do come springtime. Now I have to settle even more stuff into my small cabin and storage sheds, but that's probably the least of my worries. I'm stressing pretty badly and it's funny that so many people are asking me why I'm not looking for a job closer to where I am now living. Like I need the additional stress of a new job! It does seem strange, knowing that I have no "home" where I've been living for the past 10 1/2 years. I am happy to have changed my address for the last time, though. Now to settle in and weather my first full-time winter here in the woods. Tomorrow I'll be out splitting and stacking more firewood. Gotsa have lotsa that stuff, fer shur!
I am trying to visualize your new abode in the woods all surrounded by stacked wood so you can be warm and cozy, GW. You showed me a pic once, and it was a 2 story cabin. Is that still yours? Or is it now taken over by the partner? I hope that trailer has nice thick walls cuz I shudder to think of you shuddering. However, I myself have always liked small homes cuz they are easier to clean, keep cool and keep warm.
I'm sorry to hear how stressed you are getting with all this heavy work you are doing and no help. Wish I could but each day that passes I feel more creaky and get new pains from a new joint that decided now is a good time to join the party. And you are just too darn far away. :(

Maybe it IS time for you to retire and move further south where you can bring your goats? Montana? Washington? You would be closer then too, lol.

Gracie, I figured you'd understand the stress of moving. You've been through displacement hell this past year.
Yes, I have moved into the two-story cabin. It's still less than 1000 sf, but you'd be surprised how much less house you need when you have to process the heating material yourself. No, the partner is staying in the Anchorage place for now. He has purchased a pretty nice Lexus to replace as a commuter to replace the Jeep Cherokee he broke.
Montana or Washington? Montana's winters are at least as wintery as ours. Washington? No thanks. It is pretty much time for me to retire, and I am now staging my exit. After I settle here, I will work until the mortgage is paid. I've been paying extra so it won't be that long now. I hope that selling milk, meat, and eggs, as well as my homemade goodies will provide enough supplement that I can exist on what I craft with my own hands. I love making things and the only stuff I cannot sell outright will be my mead (alcohol).
It would be so cool if some of us were closer together, but some of the fun here is sharing with people who are so far away.
For now, I'll continue to put up with my stomach upset and nose bleeds. All this will pass and then I'll look for a job closer to home. I do wish my daughter and granddaughters were here, but that's not to be at this time. Guess I'll have to travel at least one more Japan.
If only I could go back to 10 less years. I would come up there and help. I help around here all the time just to keep from freezing up my joints. It hurts, but I hate just sitting around and like being outside as much as possible.
Is pot legal there? Maybe you could make balms and lotions? CBD oil instead of THC infused? Big market in that if its legal in Alaska. Fresh milk and eggs sound wonderful too.
So if you are in the cabin, are you going to be moving to the trailer then? Is it very far away from each other? Maybe you could bounce between the two during your work week.
I have one move left to do I guess. If it ever happens. I know we cannot stay here indefinetly and I don't want to anyway. If something happened to one of us, housemate flatly refuses to lower the rent where we could afford to stay with just one income. So that means this is just a temporary thing. If the coast ever calls with the unit we are waiting for..we will go there. If I can find a mobile home here that is cheap enough to purchase, we might do that instead. Space rent here is much cheaper than at the coast. And there are mobile homes here anywhere from 2k (major dumps that need work) to 5K (dumps that need work but not as badly) to 20K (pretty nice overall and minor work) but we are unable to do the 20k and are focusing on the 5k or less. Maybe. Depending on if they are willing to carry but if they are paying space rent on an empty manufactured paying it along with rent to own would seem feasible. Alas, most don't think the way I do.
I looked at one yesterday for 7k thinking I could offer 5k with them carry the loan. But I didn't because it was dark, dreary, and worse of stunk really bad. Looked at two last month and both had dog shit still in the living room nobody bothered to pick up. Those were priced at 5k and 7k. We didn't bother to make an offer on either. Plus the space rent was more than we wanted to pay.
So...even though we now have a roof, are warm, have a kitchen we can use (barely) and our own bathroom...its not permanent. So we are still not settled and won't be until we get our own place..either housing back at home with government assistance...or here, with owner carry.

It sucks. But it beats the van and that mushroomy RV.
I've been bouncing between the RV and the cabin now since 2007. I love the cabin, I've invested years of sweat equity and cash into this place. (Building out-of-pocket takes as long as a typical mortgage, you just bypass the interest.) The cabin is very comfortable and homey and I'm hoping to clean up and renovate the trailer to sell next Spring for at least enough to get a well put in here. While I have been comfortable in the trailer, and the cabin is small, I still have lots more space in the cabin. I'm still trying to accommodate all the things I had when I lived in a 2400 sf home. All my books, records, and DVD's are packed in boxes. Now, lots of my craft stuff is in boxes, and all of my knick-knacks, etc. are packed away. I used to collect David Winter cottages and Lladro porcelain, among other things.
My house is pretty small too, GW, maybe 850 sq ft. Looks real small on the outside but much roomier when you get inside. Only one small bedroom, a smaller than usual living room, decent sized kitchen though, big bathroom with the washer and dryer in there, and a nice sized dining room / office. It's all I need though, it's just me, and I don't need or want anything bigger. The shop is a different story. That's a three bay, two story building that just underwent a $10,000 renovation, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I spend most of my time out there because that's where all my toys are at, toys being tools. Like you I like to be making, fixing something. I constantly have a project going on, or two or three. I just really enjoy being able to do what I do. Life is good.

Just had all the ground around my lilac bush all grubbed out by my electrician buddy that has a backhoe on his trencher, so now I have a massive mess to clean up and level out. I started it the other day and immediately got a blister. I took a little time off while it rained much of last week and need to get back at it now. Going to put the plow on the front of my John Deere lawn tractor and see if I can push the dirt with that. I know it's got the power to do it, I'll have to see if it has the traction.


I see a patch of stirred up dirt like that and I immediately think vegetable garden. :)
It was COLD here last night, into the mid 30s. They were predicting some frost, so I had to bring my pepper plant in. The oregano and the thyme, I left outside because those are pretty hearty plants. The pepper plant is not very hearty though. It has very delicate looking leaves, not to mention there are peppers growing on it. It is still feeling pretty cold outside, so I will put it out this afternoon before I leave for work and maybe have to bring it in again tonight. I am just concerned that it won't get enough sunlight in the house, so I am trying to extend it's life for as long as I can. I am going to keep it inside when it gets cold permanently though, and will fertilize it and keep it in front of the sunniest window, but I only get a couple of hours of sun in here during the day, so I don't know that will be enough. :(

Do you harvest your oregano and thyme plants? I'm considering an indoor herb garden as I have a window that gets quite a bit of sun.

I am going to pick some and hang it to dry and then jar it. I will try to bring them inside when it gets really cold, but I don't know if they will survive the winter. It is a hit or miss kind of thing in a house like mine, which doesn't get a whole lot of sun. That is great in the summer but bad in the winter. In the summer, if I keep the windows closed and the blinds drawn, it is like the AC is on. It is at least 10 degrees colder in my house than outside. There are a lot of big old trees around me, and that's why I don't get a lot of sunlight here. I live right next to a conservation area.
lol, I don't know how to play cribbage. But I can play canasta, poker (weird games though...not the standard texas hold'em or 5 card stud and it has to be penny poker so nobody gets pissed at losing too much money, lol). And I like critters, of course you already know that. Don't know goats, but I could be alittle help maybe. MrG is afraid of Alaska and the cold. He is always cold. I have to keep us separated cuz he is always freezing and I am always burning up with his infernal heater going. I reckon if anything happened to would be where I would head towards if you still had room for me. I have no more critters nor will get any. I'll just spoil yours. But, I'll probably kick before MrG, so don't make room for my toothbrush anytime soon.


Cribbage is pretty easy to learn. :)
I am trying to visualize your new abode in the woods all surrounded by stacked wood so you can be warm and cozy, GW. You showed me a pic once, and it was a 2 story cabin. Is that still yours? Or is it now taken over by the partner? I hope that trailer has nice thick walls cuz I shudder to think of you shuddering. However, I myself have always liked small homes cuz they are easier to clean, keep cool and keep warm.
I'm sorry to hear how stressed you are getting with all this heavy work you are doing and no help. Wish I could but each day that passes I feel more creaky and get new pains from a new joint that decided now is a good time to join the party. And you are just too darn far away. :(

Maybe it IS time for you to retire and move further south where you can bring your goats? Montana? Washington? You would be closer then too, lol.

Gracie, I figured you'd understand the stress of moving. You've been through displacement hell this past year.
Yes, I have moved into the two-story cabin. It's still less than 1000 sf, but you'd be surprised how much less house you need when you have to process the heating material yourself. No, the partner is staying in the Anchorage place for now. He has purchased a pretty nice Lexus to replace as a commuter to replace the Jeep Cherokee he broke.
Montana or Washington? Montana's winters are at least as wintery as ours. Washington? No thanks. It is pretty much time for me to retire, and I am now staging my exit. After I settle here, I will work until the mortgage is paid. I've been paying extra so it won't be that long now. I hope that selling milk, meat, and eggs, as well as my homemade goodies will provide enough supplement that I can exist on what I craft with my own hands. I love making things and the only stuff I cannot sell outright will be my mead (alcohol).
It would be so cool if some of us were closer together, but some of the fun here is sharing with people who are so far away.
For now, I'll continue to put up with my stomach upset and nose bleeds. All this will pass and then I'll look for a job closer to home. I do wish my daughter and granddaughters were here, but that's not to be at this time. Guess I'll have to travel at least one more Japan.
If only I could go back to 10 less years. I would come up there and help. I help around here all the time just to keep from freezing up my joints. It hurts, but I hate just sitting around and like being outside as much as possible.
Is pot legal there? Maybe you could make balms and lotions? CBD oil instead of THC infused? Big market in that if its legal in Alaska. Fresh milk and eggs sound wonderful too.
So if you are in the cabin, are you going to be moving to the trailer then? Is it very far away from each other? Maybe you could bounce between the two during your work week.
I have one move left to do I guess. If it ever happens. I know we cannot stay here indefinetly and I don't want to anyway. If something happened to one of us, housemate flatly refuses to lower the rent where we could afford to stay with just one income. So that means this is just a temporary thing. If the coast ever calls with the unit we are waiting for..we will go there. If I can find a mobile home here that is cheap enough to purchase, we might do that instead. Space rent here is much cheaper than at the coast. And there are mobile homes here anywhere from 2k (major dumps that need work) to 5K (dumps that need work but not as badly) to 20K (pretty nice overall and minor work) but we are unable to do the 20k and are focusing on the 5k or less. Maybe. Depending on if they are willing to carry but if they are paying space rent on an empty manufactured paying it along with rent to own would seem feasible. Alas, most don't think the way I do.
I looked at one yesterday for 7k thinking I could offer 5k with them carry the loan. But I didn't because it was dark, dreary, and worse of stunk really bad. Looked at two last month and both had dog shit still in the living room nobody bothered to pick up. Those were priced at 5k and 7k. We didn't bother to make an offer on either. Plus the space rent was more than we wanted to pay.
So...even though we now have a roof, are warm, have a kitchen we can use (barely) and our own bathroom...its not permanent. So we are still not settled and won't be until we get our own place..either housing back at home with government assistance...or here, with owner carry.

It sucks. But it beats the van and that mushroomy RV.
I've been bouncing between the RV and the cabin now since 2007. I love the cabin, I've invested years of sweat equity and cash into this place. (Building out-of-pocket takes as long as a typical mortgage, you just bypass the interest.) The cabin is very comfortable and homey and I'm hoping to clean up and renovate the trailer to sell next Spring for at least enough to get a well put in here. While I have been comfortable in the trailer, and the cabin is small, I still have lots more space in the cabin. I'm still trying to accommodate all the things I had when I lived in a 2400 sf home. All my books, records, and DVD's are packed in boxes. Now, lots of my craft stuff is in boxes, and all of my knick-knacks, etc. are packed away. I used to collect David Winter cottages and Lladro porcelain, among other things.
My house is pretty small too, GW, maybe 850 sq ft. Looks real small on the outside but much roomier when you get inside. Only one small bedroom, a smaller than usual living room, decent sized kitchen though, big bathroom with the washer and dryer in there, and a nice sized dining room / office. It's all I need though, it's just me, and I don't need or want anything bigger. The shop is a different story. That's a three bay, two story building that just underwent a $10,000 renovation, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I spend most of my time out there because that's where all my toys are at, toys being tools. Like you I like to be making, fixing something. I constantly have a project going on, or two or three. I just really enjoy being able to do what I do. Life is good.

Just had all the ground around my lilac bush all grubbed out by my electrician buddy that has a backhoe on his trencher, so now I have a massive mess to clean up and level out. I started it the other day and immediately got a blister. I took a little time off while it rained much of last week and need to get back at it now. Going to put the plow on the front of my John Deere lawn tractor and see if I can push the dirt with that. I know it's got the power to do it, I'll have to see if it has the traction.


I see a patch of stirred up dirt like that and I immediately think vegetable garden. :)
Ya know, there was a garden in the yard here when I moved in, and there is some nice black dirt in there and I did plant a garden for a few years, but my favorite thing to grow, tomatoes, get some sort of blight/mold on them, every darn time, so I gave up.

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