USMB Coffee Shop IV

After a couple of years of nagging from Mrs. BBD, I had an appointment with an audiologist yesterday. Mrs. BBD claims my hearing is terrible and I don't hear half of what she is saying. So, I sat through all of the testing and low and behold, my hearing is really very bad. In the near future I will be sporting a hearing aid in both ears. The audiologist says that after I get used to them I will be able to hear an ant peeing 50 yards away. We shall see... Anyway, I suppose at this point I am an official member of the old folks club.

I haven't given in to what Hombre calls his 'earrings' yet, but the day is coming. Everybody in my family has been hard of hearing in their older age so I have almost zero chance of escaping that and I know my hearing is slowily deteriorating. Hombre sometimes remembers to wear his and sometimes not.
Picked up some local made green chili salsa....... When the label says 'hot' it ain't kidding.
I love salsa. I usually check delis in stores for different kinds of fresh stuff. I prefer that over anything that's been cooked. But I even mix them.

Funny that I've never had the green stuff. Is it much different tasting then the regular salsa?

I suppose green chile is an acquired taste, and I can't speak for that grown outside of New Mexico, but Hatch green chile grown in the Mesilla Valley in the southern part of the state, pretty much the only chile used in New Mexico, is considered the world's finest. And I have yet to find anybody who doesn't like it. And yes, it tastes different from red chile and most especially the bottled chile powder that is commercially marketed throughout the country. Green chile is commonly used as a staple here--it is roasted and then peeled and served with all manner of Spanish, Mexican, New Mexican, southwestern cuisine. Whole roasted and peeled green chiles are included in hamburgers, on eggs, just about everything.

Green chile can be as mild as any food is mild or so hot it is inedible to most of us. (We learn to ask the waiter at restaurants how hot the chile is that day. If it is really hot chile, then we request it be served on the side so that we can partake more moderately. Even the milder chile can really have a bite to those not used to the cuisine though.

New Mexico is the only state in the union with an official state question: "Red or Green?" meaning which chile do you want with your order of course. And those who enjoy the special flavor of both will sometimes answer "Christmas" meaning they want both red and green chile on their enchilada.

Every time we go to El Paso, one of our neighbors will ask us to stop in Hatch and bring them some peppers. The guy is a gourmet cook and won't use anything except Hatch peppers.

Hey now....the strong smell of urine is the subway is a selling point. :)


No to wax eloquent or anything, but ewwww yuck!
After a couple of years of nagging from Mrs. BBD, I had an appointment with an audiologist yesterday. Mrs. BBD claims my hearing is terrible and I don't hear half of what she is saying. So, I sat through all of the testing and low and behold, my hearing is really very bad. In the near future I will be sporting a hearing aid in both ears. The audiologist says that after I get used to them I will be able to hear an ant peeing 50 yards away. We shall see... Anyway, I suppose at this point I am an official member of the old folks club.

I haven't given in to what Hombre calls his 'earrings' yet, but the day is coming. Everybody in my family has been hard of hearing in their older age so I have almost zero chance of escaping that and I know my hearing is slowily deteriorating. Hombre sometimes remembers to wear his and sometimes not.
Could you speak up please, I couldn't quite hear you.........
Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride. :dunno:

No way. Just gently introduce her to it.

Our homemake breakfast burrito recipe is to prepare in separate dishes:
-- soft fried potatoes with onion--cut pretty small to fry in a very small amount of oil--season with salt & pepper
-- however much sausage cooked and crumbled
-- bacon fried crisp and crumbled
-- eggs scrambled with salt, pepper, and green chile
-- shredded cheese - we like cheddar in our burritos but any will do
--any of your favorite salsa

spoon some of everything onto a large warm soft flour tortilla, fold it in on all sides into a burrito shape so the contents won't spill out -

Enjoy. Nobody doesn't like this.

Choose milder chile and salsa of course when you are breaking a newbie into the cuisine.
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Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride. :dunno:

No way. Just gently introduce her to it.

Our homemake breakfast burrito recipe is to prepare in separate dishes:
-- soft friend potatoes with onion--cut pretty small to fry in a very small amount of oil--
-- however much sausage cooked and crumbled
-- bacon fried crisp and crumbled
-- eggs scrambled with salt, pepper, and green chile
-- shredded cheese
--any of your favorite salsa

spoon some of everything onto a large warm soft flour tortilla, fold it in on all sides into a burrito shape so the contents won't spill out -

Enjoy. Nobody doesn't like this.

Choose milder chile and salsa of course when you are breaking a newbie into the cuisine.
She will eat the mild salsa but if there is a molecule of cumin anywhere with in ten feet she'll burp it all day long..........
Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride. :dunno:

Your wife is correct. Spicy and cumin = bad. ;)

I don't use cumin in my southwestern or Mediterranean culinary creations, but it is a staple in a lot of commercial chile powders. It has some significant medicinal value however both taken internally and applied externally.
Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride. :dunno:

No way. Just gently introduce her to it.

Our homemake breakfast burrito recipe is to prepare in separate dishes:
-- soft friend potatoes with onion--cut pretty small to fry in a very small amount of oil--
-- however much sausage cooked and crumbled
-- bacon fried crisp and crumbled
-- eggs scrambled with salt, pepper, and green chile
-- shredded cheese
--any of your favorite salsa

spoon some of everything onto a large warm soft flour tortilla, fold it in on all sides into a burrito shape so the contents won't spill out -

Enjoy. Nobody doesn't like this.

Choose milder chile and salsa of course when you are breaking a newbie into the cuisine.
She will eat the mild salsa but if there is a molecule of cumin anywhere with in ten feet she'll burp it all day long..........

I suspect that might be the ingredient some of the Mexican restaurants around here use that strongly disagrees with me. El Pinto in particular. Have gotten violently ill the last two times I've eaten there, but nobody else in my party did. So it was something that disagrees with just me.
Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride. :dunno:

No way. Just gently introduce her to it.

Our homemake breakfast burrito recipe is to prepare in separate dishes:
-- soft fried potatoes with onion--cut pretty small to fry in a very small amount of oil--season with salt & pepper
-- however much sausage cooked and crumbled
-- bacon fried crisp and crumbled
-- eggs scrambled with salt, pepper, and green chile
-- shredded cheese - we like cheddar in our burritos but any will do
--any of your favorite salsa

spoon some of everything onto a large warm soft flour tortilla, fold it in on all sides into a burrito shape so the contents won't spill out -

Enjoy. Nobody doesn't like this.

Choose milder chile and salsa of course when you are breaking a newbie into the cuisine.

Yeah.....if I'm eating all of those ingredients, I don't like it. :D

I don't like salsa. I don't like most cheeses. I'm not certain, but I don't think I like chile. Potatoes, onion (as long as it's not too much), sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, those are all good. Although I might prefer this without the eggs. :D
Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride. :dunno:

No way. Just gently introduce her to it.

Our homemake breakfast burrito recipe is to prepare in separate dishes:
-- soft fried potatoes with onion--cut pretty small to fry in a very small amount of oil--season with salt & pepper
-- however much sausage cooked and crumbled
-- bacon fried crisp and crumbled
-- eggs scrambled with salt, pepper, and green chile
-- shredded cheese - we like cheddar in our burritos but any will do
--any of your favorite salsa

spoon some of everything onto a large warm soft flour tortilla, fold it in on all sides into a burrito shape so the contents won't spill out -

Enjoy. Nobody doesn't like this.

Choose milder chile and salsa of course when you are breaking a newbie into the cuisine.

Yeah.....if I'm eating all of those ingredients, I don't like it. :D

I don't like salsa. I don't like most cheeses. I'm not certain, but I don't think I like chile. Potatoes, onion (as long as it's not too much), sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, those are all good. Although I might prefer this without the eggs. :D
This might just have to go on my bucket list........


The 28 Pound Sandwich: 35 different types of bacon, ham, salami, sausage, prosciutto and other meats. :thup:
Got back from the skin wounds doc.
Mr. P is healing nicely and goes back again on Friday. Beats the heck out of 3 weeks everyday ,changing bandages and meds.
He has an appt. at the bone doc Thursday. We hope to get rid of that air cast for good. :)
Good for Mr. P...and for you, too, Peach! Glad things are going well for you guys.
Just looking at a recipe for green chili and beef burritos........

Too bad the wife doesn't like spicy or cumin. Maybe it's time to trade her in for a New Mexican bride. :dunno:

No way. Just gently introduce her to it.

Our homemake breakfast burrito recipe is to prepare in separate dishes:
-- soft fried potatoes with onion--cut pretty small to fry in a very small amount of oil--season with salt & pepper
-- however much sausage cooked and crumbled
-- bacon fried crisp and crumbled
-- eggs scrambled with salt, pepper, and green chile
-- shredded cheese - we like cheddar in our burritos but any will do
--any of your favorite salsa

spoon some of everything onto a large warm soft flour tortilla, fold it in on all sides into a burrito shape so the contents won't spill out -

Enjoy. Nobody doesn't like this.

Choose milder chile and salsa of course when you are breaking a newbie into the cuisine.

Yeah.....if I'm eating all of those ingredients, I don't like it. :D

I don't like salsa. I don't like most cheeses. I'm not certain, but I don't think I like chile. Potatoes, onion (as long as it's not too much), sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, those are all good. Although I might prefer this without the eggs. :D
This might just have to go on my bucket list........


The 28 Pound Sandwich: 35 different types of bacon, ham, salami, sausage, prosciutto and other meats. :thup:
Holy Cow! That looks positively yummy, but how do you get your mouth around it?
Well, October has handed in its two week notice. The month that brings the last balmy days will soon be replaced by chilly, rainy November. November with Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving and the modern holidays of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The unofficial yet oddly official kickoff to the Christmas shopping season. Oy!

There was a discernible nip in the air today. Though sunny, the wind was from the north and temperatures struggled to break the sixty degree mark. The autumn color has yet to peak, unusual for mid October. Since the leaves have yet to fully change color, they have also failed to fall from the trees.

That sweet aroma of wet leaves decaying mixed with the pungent smell of piles of leaves smoldering is missing from this time of year. But, then again, there are lots of aromas missing around here. The smell of coal furnaces in every home is gone. The acidic odors or steel mills is also gone. The sulfuric smell of coke plants no longer fouls the air. Exhaust from diesel locomotives has replaced the smell of coal fired trains.

They say your memory is in your nose. I say my olfactory memory bank is no longer as overloaded as it was in my long gone youth.
I love the smell of Fall. Of course, each season has it's own particular smell, and color. We've moved beyond that soft, butter-yellow of Fall and have now entered the more stark pink and shades of gray of early Winter. Not too long and we'll be looking at a more typical black, gray and white season. Well, except that pink alpine glow.
I wouldn't go anywhere NYC if I were paid millions of dollars. Too many people.

I've been to NYC often enough to know I don't need to go there again in this lifetime. I even took my daughter there for New Years Eve 1994. What an experience that was. We ended up a few blocks away from where the ball drops, standing next to grandparents with their grandson who were also there for the first time for NYE. Biggest difference between them and us, they were from Brooklyn. They'd never been to Times Square for NYE!!
After a couple of years of nagging from Mrs. BBD, I had an appointment with an audiologist yesterday. Mrs. BBD claims my hearing is terrible and I don't hear half of what she is saying. So, I sat through all of the testing and low and behold, my hearing is really very bad. In the near future I will be sporting a hearing aid in both ears. The audiologist says that after I get used to them I will be able to hear an ant peeing 50 yards away. We shall see... Anyway, I suppose at this point I am an official member of the old folks club.
Yeah, like who wants to listen to ants peeing:puke:
I wouldn't go anywhere NYC if I were paid millions of dollars. Too many people.


New York City is on my bucket list of places I would like to visit before I die though. I have never been anywhere in the northeast. Our son will be performing at Kennedy Center next spring and is pretty excited about that. Wish we could be there.
That might provide incentive to go visit. If you do go, there are some great museums, and of course the shows on Broadway. I surprised that world-class Broadway shows were juxtaposed with porn shops and the like, though. World class restaurants are side-by-side with hole-in-the wall greasy spoon diners, too. Broadway and environs are amazing in their special way. There's just too damned many people! It's like hanging out in an ant hill.
All caught up!
Well, I made the leap yesterday. My trailer is parked up the trail and secured for the winter. I'll be making the long commute in to work four days weekly and for the first few weeks will be stopping at my old digs to feed and water the goats until I can get some shelter put up here. The boys will be moving up next week, but the does will have to wait for the time being.
Of course, our first hard freeze came on Sunday night. I was planning of pressure washing the trailer and flushing the black water tank with fresh water but the hoses were frozen solid. Guess I'll just have that much more to do come springtime. Now I have to settle even more stuff into my small cabin and storage sheds, but that's probably the least of my worries. I'm stressing pretty badly and it's funny that so many people are asking me why I'm not looking for a job closer to where I am now living. Like I need the additional stress of a new job! It does seem strange, knowing that I have no "home" where I've been living for the past 10 1/2 years. I am happy to have changed my address for the last time, though. Now to settle in and weather my first full-time winter here in the woods. Tomorrow I'll be out splitting and stacking more firewood. Gotsa have lotsa that stuff, fer shur!

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