USMB Coffee Shop IV

Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.

I did briefly work for a manufacturing firm in Amarillo. My first clue that there might be a problem is that the boss sent me to his psychiatrist for an intelligence test to see if I was smart enough to work for him. I soon found out that he went to the psychiatrist for anger management. (It wasn't helping.) Needless to say, it was a positively miserable place to work. I stuck it out for a couple of months because I knew we were short termers there, but yes, everybody was afraid of the boss.
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How is your new job working out Save? Apart from the normal stress of having to learn a lot of new stuff. . .

Not on the job yet. Was cleared 11/22 for background and drug test, but they didn't tell me that until today. I have 300 streets and roads total to memorize which route they are on. In some cases one side of the street is one route and the other is not.

It's doable. Hombre and I once had a motor newspaper route throwing 200 newspapers every morning and evening involving well over 300 addresses--a second job for us as we both had full time jobs. I had the houses where I threw the papers memorized in no time. At least you know you have the job.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult work situation,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

There are few things that are unchanging in our lives whether times are good or times or bad. Bad times are bad but we can take comfort that they too can and will change.


Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.

Yes, I worked for a man who ran a family business, and he used his sons and daughters as cheap labour. He bullied everyone, and in the end I walked out of the job after eight years. I went back to talk to his daughter and he tried to hit me. He did not succeed in hitting me but he refused to give me a reference.
Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.

I did briefly work for a manufacturing firm in Amarillo. My first clue that there might be a problem is that the boss sent me to his psychiatrist for an intelligence test to see if I was smart enough to work for him. I soon found out that he went to the psychiatrist for anger management. (It wasn't helping.) Needless to say, it was a positively miserable place to work. I stuck it out for a couple of months because I knew we were short termers there, but yes, everybody was afraid of the boss.

I was sent to one for a job as well. Turns out I was smarter, by a fair amount. Did not get the job, but to this day I have the highest score on record for that employer. The boss told my dad that just a couple of years ago.
Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.
No. And no one who has ever worked for me has been afraid of me. I treat worthy employees with great kindness and respect. I know that the most important thing to an employee is to feel appreciated. Same goes for marriages or relationships of any kind. One way to make someone you like or love feel appreciated is to listen to them and to look at them while doing so. This conveys the message that what is being said is important to the other. This builds trust and loyalty.
Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.

Yes, the dealership and even the wife is included (she works there). Well, I wasn't afraid and that had something to do with my leaving. Really he is insecure.
I have learned in the past never to work anywhere a husband and a wife are working. You basically wind up with two bosses and even if only one of them is upset with you the other one will not be on your side either. So, I don't like those odds. Of course, there are exceptions but I haven't personally experienced any.
Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.

Yes, the dealership and even the wife is included (she works there). Well, I wasn't afraid and that had something to do with my leaving. Really he is insecure.
I have learned in the past never to work anywhere a husband and a wife are working. You basically wind up with two bosses and even if only one of them is upset with you the other one will not be on your side either. So, I don't like those odds. Of course, there are exceptions but I haven't personally experienced any.

It can work out in a family business, but too often it is as you describe--the outsider will always be the outsider and it is really difficult to treat you own kin just like everybody else.
I forgot there is an operating "coffee shop" here, sort of like Smartie's Bar/Grille on another forum.

So I just finished my dinner of potato pancakes, and now I am finishing my fortified wine spritzer.
Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.

Yes, I worked for a man who ran a family business, and he used his sons and daughters as cheap labour. He bullied everyone, and in the end I walked out of the job after eight years. I went back to talk to his daughter and he tried to hit me. He did not succeed in hitting me but he refused to give me a reference.
Eight years is a long time to stick with a fokked up company.

Eight days should have shown you the handwriting on the wall.
On a warm, sunny December day, when the to-do list is too long - the best thing to-do is go fishing.

Luckily the fish didn't interrupt the 'fishing' with any catching...

IMGP0003 (1024x761) - Copy.jpg

and then a friend came by to say hello...he's a much better fisherman than I am.

IMGP0005 (1024x998)_edited - Copy.jpg

He came along side the kayak and surfaced about 20' away. I was so intent on watching quietly that I missed the photo op.
On a warm, sunny December day, when the to-do list is too long - the best thing to-do is go fishing.

Luckily the fish didn't interrupt the 'fishing' with any catching...

View attachment 164131

and then a friend came by to say hello...he's a much better fisherman than I am.

View attachment 164132

He came along side the kayak and surfaced about 20' away. I was so intent on watching quietly that I missed the photo op.
Can't tell what it is. Dolphin? Porpoise? Orca?
Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.
No. And no one who has ever worked for me has been afraid of me. I treat worthy employees with great kindness and respect. I know that the most important thing to an employee is to feel appreciated. Same goes for marriages or relationships of any kind. One way to make someone you like or love feel appreciated is to listen to them and to look at them while doing so. This conveys the message that what is being said is important to the other. This builds trust and loyalty.
I take the Patton approach;
"They'll lose their fear of the Germans, I only hope to God they never lose their fear of me........."
On a warm, sunny December day, when the to-do list is too long - the best thing to-do is go fishing.

Luckily the fish didn't interrupt the 'fishing' with any catching...

View attachment 164131

and then a friend came by to say hello...he's a much better fisherman than I am.

View attachment 164132

He came along side the kayak and surfaced about 20' away. I was so intent on watching quietly that I missed the photo op.
Can't tell what it is. Dolphin? Porpoise? Orca?

Hopefully not a great white. :)
Has anyone ever worked at a job where everyone is afraid of the boss.

Yes, I worked for a man who ran a family business, and he used his sons and daughters as cheap labour. He bullied everyone, and in the end I walked out of the job after eight years. I went back to talk to his daughter and he tried to hit me. He did not succeed in hitting me but he refused to give me a reference.
Eight years is a long time to stick with a fokked up company.

Eight days should have shown you the handwriting on the wall.

Sometimes it isn't so easy to walk away. Especially if you have to have the job. The last job I had where I worked for somebody else was often unpleasant because the vice president/part owner that I answered to directly had such a miserable management style. His office was next to mine--his desk not 30 feet from mine--but instead of calling me in to discuss something or walking over to my office to tell me something, he sent me really ugly, insulting e-mails. I put up with it because it wasn't constant and I did love the work and I was making really great money--all commission.

But, when the company sold to a husband/wife combo, I had my boss and the new owner's wife to contend with and it became an intolerable situation. After a few months of that, I reached the 'take this job and shove it' stage, walked out, and I've never looked back. Restarted up our old business. Didn't make as much money but it was low stress, pleasant, and I happily lived out my working career until I was ready to fully retire.

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