USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm fine, ma!
Just been busy and not particularly eager to discuss politics. Sorry if I've worried you and my siblings.
I think going back to where I left off is too daunting a task for my schedule. I would appreciate it if y'all would give me the Cliff Notes so I don't embarrass myself.
Business is good. Personal life... interesting.
I'm fine, ma!
Just been busy and not particularly eager to discuss politics. Sorry if I've worried you and my siblings.
I think going back to where I left off is too daunting a task for my schedule. I would appreciate it if y'all would give me the Cliff Notes so I don't embarrass myself.
Business is good. Personal life... interesting.
Well, well! Look what the cat drug in then wouldn't eat!
How ya been, Ernie? People been worrying about you.
I'm fine, ma!
Just been busy and not particularly eager to discuss politics. Sorry if I've worried you and my siblings.
I think going back to where I left off is too daunting a task for my schedule. I would appreciate it if y'all would give me the Cliff Notes so I don't embarrass myself.
Business is good. Personal life... interesting.
Well, well! Look what the cat drug in then wouldn't eat!
How ya been, Ernie? People been worrying about you.
Don't y'all worry about me, I'm like a bad penny.
I'm fine, ma!
Just been busy and not particularly eager to discuss politics. Sorry if I've worried you and my siblings.
I think going back to where I left off is too daunting a task for my schedule. I would appreciate it if y'all would give me the Cliff Notes so I don't embarrass myself.
Business is good. Personal life... interesting.

Well we all have become too fond of you not to miss you during an unscheduled prolonged absence Ernie. And the CS is pretty much the same as Doc's--the kind of place you just pick up from where you come in each time.

But hmmm, cliff notes. . .
Let's see. . .
Nothing really new from any of us. Peach and the Mr. aren't 100% back to normal but doing well and getting closer all the time. . .

Mr and Mrs Gracie are still in northern California and presumably plan to stay there through the winter anyway. . .
SFC Ollie has made a reappearance to all of our joy. . .

After a lengthy and somewhat nerve wracking job hunt, Saveliberty recently got on with the U.S. Post Office assigned close to his home. . .

It snowed in Hawaii. . .

There's probably a lot more I'll think up after I fully wake up and have another cup of coffee. Carly the mini doxie insisted I get up before I was really ready this morning. She goes home in six days. I can't imagine what a reunion it is going to be between her and Dana. She is such an agreeable, loving little dog. We will miss her being around, but have never considered her ours, so it won't be really emotionally wrenching to have her go home.
I'm fine, ma!
Just been busy and not particularly eager to discuss politics. Sorry if I've worried you and my siblings.
I think going back to where I left off is too daunting a task for my schedule. I would appreciate it if y'all would give me the Cliff Notes so I don't embarrass myself.
Business is good. Personal life... interesting.
Cliff notes:

He said, she said, they said, we said. :thup:
I just have 29 more little sticker things to go to have enough for a Fissler grill pan free at Albertsons. Retail about $80. I can't wait. Once I learned to grill a steak on the stove and finish in the oven, we don't want our steaks any other way.
if y'all would give me the Cliff Notes


I just have 29 more little sticker things to go to have enough for a Fissler grill pan free at Albertsons. Retail about $80. I can't wait. Once I learned to grill a steak on the stove and finish in the oven, we don't want our steaks any other way.
If I'd known you were doing that I would have accepted the stickers and given them to you then you'd only need about 19. :dunno:
I just have 29 more little sticker things to go to have enough for a Fissler grill pan free at Albertsons. Retail about $80. I can't wait. Once I learned to grill a steak on the stove and finish in the oven, we don't want our steaks any other way.
If I'd known you were doing that I would have accepted the stickers and given them to you then you'd only need about 19. :dunno:

That's okay. We'll get there. :)
After spending a couple of years in El Paso we have to get used to it getting cold (cold for us) all over again. It's that time of year when the sun goes down up here the temps plummet like a rock.......... Granted that during the day when the sun is out 50 degrees feels like 70 to me..... until I get into the shade.......
After spending a couple of years in El Paso we have to get used to it getting cold (cold for us) all over again. It's that time of year when the sun goes down up here the temps plummet like a rock.......... Granted that during the day when the sun is out 50 degrees feels like 70 to me..... until I get into the shade.......

It does do that here. This time of year, once the sun dips below the horizon, the temperature can fall 10-20 degrees in a very short time. Not quite so bad here in the city as it was up on the mountain, but bad enough.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult situation,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

There is that between time of autumn when the trees seem to cling to the last few leaves and the sky and winds seem uncertain what they should be. I think of it as summer hesitating to leave, but soon will give in to the approaching winter that will surely come.
After spending a couple of years in El Paso we have to get used to it getting cold (cold for us) all over again. It's that time of year when the sun goes down up here the temps plummet like a rock.......... Granted that during the day when the sun is out 50 degrees feels like 70 to me..... until I get into the shade.......

It does do that here. This time of year, once the sun dips below the horizon, the temperature can fall 10-20 degrees in a very short time. Not quite so bad here in the city as it was up on the mountain, but bad enough.
I expected it having lived on the foothills up in Trinidad only a few years back.

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