USMB Coffee Shop IV

Walking along a stretch of the Potomac, which reminded me of a River Thames walk in Berkshire, I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of homesickness. And I feel this has been passed down though the ages since our 'separation'.

Everywhere I go, up and down the north east coast, I see a connection to England.
We don't call it New England for nothing........ :D
If you haven't already visit Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown then up to Mass to the Plymouth Colony.

I'm trying to get down there.......eventually.

I've been to Mass.

And I've been to Plymouth (UK)
I drove for 3 hours today going to Atlanta and back. I need to get a key fob to get access to the hospital system to do a coding project as part of my internship. Unfortunately, I wasn't told that the office would be empty after 5. I got there at about 5:20 and there was no one there. 3 hours of driving, a quarter of a tank of gas, for nothing. I'll have to go back tomorrow. :mad:
Good luck with the project, Montrovant. My sympathies for a long drive. Hope tomorrow is better.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Gracie & Mr. G now homeless again
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Mrs. Ringel and Ringel back in difficult transition, for guidance, and for healing
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

I drove for 3 hours today going to Atlanta and back. I need to get a key fob to get access to the hospital system to do a coding project as part of my internship. Unfortunately, I wasn't told that the office would be empty after 5. I got there at about 5:20 and there was no one there. 3 hours of driving, a quarter of a tank of gas, for nothing. I'll have to go back tomorrow. :mad:

Ugh. That would be super frustrating.
Normally I don't have anything to say, so I post interesting pictures I find on twitter, but today I have news.

A few days ago I had a vivid dream in which I started a new painting. It was a picture of a flock of parrots landing in a tree, and I was working on the underpainting and I can remember what it looked like. All the time I was painting I was saying to myself. " I can do it" and " I am not dead yet".
Usually whenever I think of painting I find loads of reasons why not to bother. The main one being I think most of my stuff was third rate. Also the last painting I attempted ended in failure. I photographed it and posted them in the Arts section of this forum. I was disillusioned by the failure and have not painted since.
In the dream I had answers for all the negative reasons why I could not paint and I thought it might be the spirit world inspiring me through a dream. I know they have inspired me to do paintings in the past because more than one spiritualist medium has told me so.
The long and the short of it is I rang up an art shop today and ordered some canvases for tomorrow. So I have committed myself to getting canvases, and hopefully when I get them I will do some new pictures.
Normally I don't have anything to say, so I post interesting pictures I find on twitter, but today I have news.

A few days ago I had a vivid dream in which I started a new painting. It was a picture of a flock of parrots landing in a tree, and I was working on the underpainting and I can remember what it looked like. All the time I was painting I was saying to myself. " I can do it" and " I am not dead yet".
Usually whenever I think of painting I find loads of reasons why not to bother. The main one being I think most of my stuff was third rate. Also the last painting I attempted ended in failure. I photographed it and posted them in the Arts section of this forum. I was disillusioned by the failure and have not painted since.
In the dream I had answers for all the negative reasons why I could not paint and I thought it might be the spirit world inspiring me through a dream. I know they have inspired me to do paintings in the past because more than one spiritualist medium has told me so.
The long and the short of it is I rang up an art shop today and ordered some canvases for tomorrow. So I have committed myself to getting canvases, and hopefully when I get them I will do some new pictures.

In my opinion the artist, whether doing paintings, prose, sculptures or whatever, is his/her own harshest critic. But the finished product for the artist is less important than the desire/compulsion to produce it. If painting makes you happy, that is the most important thing. I hope you will post your finished product here in the Coffee Shop as well as in the Arts forum. :)
Normally I don't have anything to say, so I post interesting pictures I find on twitter, but today I have news.

A few days ago I had a vivid dream in which I started a new painting. It was a picture of a flock of parrots landing in a tree, and I was working on the underpainting and I can remember what it looked like. All the time I was painting I was saying to myself. " I can do it" and " I am not dead yet".
Usually whenever I think of painting I find loads of reasons why not to bother. The main one being I think most of my stuff was third rate. Also the last painting I attempted ended in failure. I photographed it and posted them in the Arts section of this forum. I was disillusioned by the failure and have not painted since.
In the dream I had answers for all the negative reasons why I could not paint and I thought it might be the spirit world inspiring me through a dream. I know they have inspired me to do paintings in the past because more than one spiritualist medium has told me so.
The long and the short of it is I rang up an art shop today and ordered some canvases for tomorrow. So I have committed myself to getting canvases, and hopefully when I get them I will do some new pictures.

In my opinion the artist, whether doing paintings, prose, sculptures or whatever, is his/her own harshest critic. But the finished product for the artist is less important than the desire/compulsion to produce it. If painting makes you happy, that is the most important thing. I hope you will post your finished product here in the Coffee Shop as well as in the Arts forum. :)

Thanks, It does not make me happy to paint, it is always a struggle. But at least some of my paintings were a success. Actually I am more successful than Van Gogh, because he only sold one painting in his lifetime.
I have sold several, one for £400 one for £350 and another for £250 as well as some smaller works. I will post the one I sold for £350 to save you from visiting the arts forum. It currently hangs in a public building, although I do not know where,
and I have not seen it since I sold it many years ago. It is entitled 'the eclipse'
Normally I don't have anything to say, so I post interesting pictures I find on twitter, but today I have news.

A few days ago I had a vivid dream in which I started a new painting. It was a picture of a flock of parrots landing in a tree, and I was working on the underpainting and I can remember what it looked like. All the time I was painting I was saying to myself. " I can do it" and " I am not dead yet".
Usually whenever I think of painting I find loads of reasons why not to bother. The main one being I think most of my stuff was third rate. Also the last painting I attempted ended in failure. I photographed it and posted them in the Arts section of this forum. I was disillusioned by the failure and have not painted since.
In the dream I had answers for all the negative reasons why I could not paint and I thought it might be the spirit world inspiring me through a dream. I know they have inspired me to do paintings in the past because more than one spiritualist medium has told me so.
The long and the short of it is I rang up an art shop today and ordered some canvases for tomorrow. So I have committed myself to getting canvases, and hopefully when I get them I will do some new pictures.

In my opinion the artist, whether doing paintings, prose, sculptures or whatever, is his/her own harshest critic. But the finished product for the artist is less important than the desire/compulsion to produce it. If painting makes you happy, that is the most important thing. I hope you will post your finished product here in the Coffee Shop as well as in the Arts forum. :)

Thanks, It does not make me happy to paint, it is always a struggle. But at least some of my paintings were a success. Actually I am more successful than Van Gogh, because he only sold one painting in his lifetime.
I have sold several, one for £400 one for £350 and another for £250 as well as some smaller works. I will post the one I sold for £350 to save you from visiting the arts forum. It currently hangs in a public building, although I do not know where,View attachment 230082 and I have not seen it since I sold it many years ago. It is entitled 'the eclipse'

And I love it. I would hang that in my home in a heartbeat.

But why do it if you don't enjoy doing it?
Normally I don't have anything to say, so I post interesting pictures I find on twitter, but today I have news.

A few days ago I had a vivid dream in which I started a new painting. It was a picture of a flock of parrots landing in a tree, and I was working on the underpainting and I can remember what it looked like. All the time I was painting I was saying to myself. " I can do it" and " I am not dead yet".
Usually whenever I think of painting I find loads of reasons why not to bother. The main one being I think most of my stuff was third rate. Also the last painting I attempted ended in failure. I photographed it and posted them in the Arts section of this forum. I was disillusioned by the failure and have not painted since.
In the dream I had answers for all the negative reasons why I could not paint and I thought it might be the spirit world inspiring me through a dream. I know they have inspired me to do paintings in the past because more than one spiritualist medium has told me so.
The long and the short of it is I rang up an art shop today and ordered some canvases for tomorrow. So I have committed myself to getting canvases, and hopefully when I get them I will do some new pictures.

In my opinion the artist, whether doing paintings, prose, sculptures or whatever, is his/her own harshest critic. But the finished product for the artist is less important than the desire/compulsion to produce it. If painting makes you happy, that is the most important thing. I hope you will post your finished product here in the Coffee Shop as well as in the Arts forum. :)

Thanks, It does not make me happy to paint, it is always a struggle. But at least some of my paintings were a success. Actually I am more successful than Van Gogh, because he only sold one painting in his lifetime.
I have sold several, one for £400 one for £350 and another for £250 as well as some smaller works. I will post the one I sold for £350 to save you from visiting the arts forum. It currently hangs in a public building, although I do not know where,View attachment 230082 and I have not seen it since I sold it many years ago. It is entitled 'the eclipse'

Oh my gosh...…..that is beautiful. Don't sell yourself short, you are very talented.
Normally I don't have anything to say, so I post interesting pictures I find on twitter, but today I have news.

A few days ago I had a vivid dream in which I started a new painting. It was a picture of a flock of parrots landing in a tree, and I was working on the underpainting and I can remember what it looked like. All the time I was painting I was saying to myself. " I can do it" and " I am not dead yet".
Usually whenever I think of painting I find loads of reasons why not to bother. The main one being I think most of my stuff was third rate. Also the last painting I attempted ended in failure. I photographed it and posted them in the Arts section of this forum. I was disillusioned by the failure and have not painted since.
In the dream I had answers for all the negative reasons why I could not paint and I thought it might be the spirit world inspiring me through a dream. I know they have inspired me to do paintings in the past because more than one spiritualist medium has told me so.
The long and the short of it is I rang up an art shop today and ordered some canvases for tomorrow. So I have committed myself to getting canvases, and hopefully when I get them I will do some new pictures.

In my opinion the artist, whether doing paintings, prose, sculptures or whatever, is his/her own harshest critic. But the finished product for the artist is less important than the desire/compulsion to produce it. If painting makes you happy, that is the most important thing. I hope you will post your finished product here in the Coffee Shop as well as in the Arts forum. :)

Thanks, It does not make me happy to paint, it is always a struggle. But at least some of my paintings were a success. Actually I am more successful than Van Gogh, because he only sold one painting in his lifetime.
I have sold several, one for £400 one for £350 and another for £250 as well as some smaller works. I will post the one I sold for £350 to save you from visiting the arts forum. It currently hangs in a public building, although I do not know where,View attachment 230082 and I have not seen it since I sold it many years ago. It is entitled 'the eclipse'

And I love it. I would hang that in my home in a heartbeat.

But why do it if you don't enjoy doing it?
Because doing it is the only way to get paintings. I remember thinking, 50 years ago, I would give my life for a room full of masterpieces. But you cannot just had over your soul for finished pictures, you have to do them yourself, and it can be a struggle to get anything you are satisfied with.
Damma Yamma ! I was trying to paint some pictures using Windows 10 paint program, but it is very limited compared with the Metacreations painter 5.5. So I loaded that program onto my windows 10 computer, but the stupid things says. Not enough memory to run the program. That's a bloody lie, and a nuisance. Because it means I will have to use an old windows 98 computer which will run painter 5. It is so much better than paint its another world, but my old computer is not as smooth to use, has a smaller screen, and the mouse pointer sticks.
Damma Yamma ! I was trying to paint some pictures using Windows 10 paint program, but it is very limited compared with the Metacreations painter 5.5. So I loaded that program onto my windows 10 computer, but the stupid things says. Not enough memory to run the program. That's a bloody lie, and a nuisance. Because it means I will have to use an old windows 98 computer which will run painter 5. It is so much better than paint its another world, but my old computer is not as smooth to use, has a smaller screen, and the mouse pointer sticks.

I'm sure that's really frustrating but I wouldn't know how to use either. :)

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