USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have batch of dough rising - will make 4 dozen dinner rolls for Christmas Even dinner in a bit. So, just listening to Christmas Music (currently Ottmar Liebert's "Poets & Angels").

Very happy day chez boe.
Send some my way........

As for Christmas music I'm listening to Bob Rivers.

Just about to pop the first batch into the oven!

I'm diggin' on the Carpenters' Christmas Portrait!

I think I'm gonna puke.......

Awwwwwwww...their Christmas songs are wonderful! PBS played had a Carpenters' Christmas marathon a few years ago that I listened to while decorating the tree. I was drinking a rather festive wine, hence my memories were locked in as being quite favorable. So I bough the CD.

I don't do traditional Christmas songs, I do twisted Christmas songs.........

I like variety. Right now I'm listening to Kenny Burrell's "Have Yourself a Soulful Little Christmas".
47 dinner rolls ready for Christmas Eve (I had to try one to make sure they weren't dangerous. ;) )

There is something magical about a new pick-up truck. Congrats on the decision, 007. Enjoy.
Went over and drove it today, has 54 miles on it, and I can say, unequivocally, that's the it's the nicest vehicle I've ever driven or been in, in my life, it's just unbelievable, the interior is just stunning, but with a $61,610.00 price tag, it should be. Getting real lucky with rebates and sale special that have been applied. Now is the time to buy it for sure. A friend is buying my collector GMC tomorrow morning, and then I'll head over and get the new High Country paid for. We hammered out an acceptable deal today, and I haggled right down to the last $250... :lol:

It's at it's new home... and I'm still in awe... it hasn't sunk in yet... Big Black Dog...

I have batch of dough rising - will make 4 dozen dinner rolls for Christmas Even dinner in a bit. So, just listening to Christmas Music (currently Ottmar Liebert's "Poets & Angels").

Very happy day chez boe.
Send some my way........

As for Christmas music I'm listening to Bob Rivers.

Just about to pop the first batch into the oven!

I'm diggin' on the Carpenters' Christmas Portrait!

I think I'm gonna puke.......

Awwwwwwww...their Christmas songs are wonderful! PBS played had a Carpenters' Christmas marathon a few years ago that I listened to while decorating the tree. I was drinking a rather festive wine, hence my memories were locked in as being quite favorable. So I bough the CD.

Agree. I adored and adore the Carpenters still.
Been wearing a pair of Sketchers relaxed fit leather loafers for about a year and a half, comfortable and fit my extra-wide feet perfectly but they're worn out. No problem, I accidentally forgot I had them (before I started wearing them) a year and a half ago and had ordered another (different) pair of Sketcher's loafers. Been wearing the "new" pair for about a week now and noticed something, a nasty smell. Been trying to figure out where it was coming from as it seemed to follow me everywhere..... Yup the damn "new" (not leather) loafers are making my feet sweat......
That's okay, back up to Albuquerque next week (for me) so we'll stop off at the Sketcher's Outlet in town. I'll wear the nasty ones around the house just in case salesmen, charity seekers or Jehovah's Witnesses show up at the door..........
I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

You should regularly back up all your files. I used to write them to CD's. But now I just save them on a USB stick. Its the work of moments to save all your stuff on a memory stick.
Made chicken, broccoli & pineapple stir-fry for dinner. The wife said that one was a keeper. :thup:


That looks delish!
It was. :thup:

I make mine with a little more sauce though and I use arrowroot instead of corn starch to thicken the sauce.

Basically I threw together:
Half a left over rotisserie chicken or 4 - 6 diced (raw) chicken breasts
A small bag of frozen broccoli florets (thawed)
1 can of pineapple chunks
Half a small onion
2 cloves garlic (crushed)
2 tsp Ginger
Chicken broth
Soy sauce
Sesame oil & peanut oil
2 Tbsp Brown Sugar
Arrowroot (or corn starch if you prefer)

Yellow, red and/or orange sweet papers can also be used if you want, I didn't have any on hand.

Dice chicken, cut thawed broccoli into bite sized pieces, julienne onions and peppers (if used).
Drain pineapple, reserve the liquid.
Add 2 Tbsp peanut oil & 1 Tbsp sesame oil to hot skillet or wok, add crushed garlic and onions, (peppers if being used), cook till onions and peppers are just getting soft then add chicken and broccoli. (if using raw chicken add just the chicken till almost done then add broccoli)
Add powdered ginger, I use about 2 tsp & about a Tbsp of soy sauce, stir together then add pineapple chunks and quick fry all together.
Add reserved pineapple juice from can and 2 cups chicken broth, turn heat down to medium, add brown sugar and mix together.
Mix as much arrowroot or cornstarch you think you need the thicken sauce. Arrowroot will become gel like if too much is used or cooked too quickly without near constant stirring.
Cook on med-low for about 5 minutes and serve over rice of your choice. I use Basmati because it's not as starchy as most, it's also more expensive than most..........

I mix my arrowroot with enough soy sauce to form a thick "sauce" before adding it to the dish.
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I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

What happened to your computer? :eusa_eh:
I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

What happened to your computer? :eusa_eh:

I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

You should regularly back up all your files. I used to write them to CD's. But now I just save them on a USB stick. Its the work of moments to save all your stuff on a memory stick.

I have some backups on an external hard drive but had not done that in awhile. So some critical current files were lost. Live and learn.
I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

What happened to your computer? :eusa_eh:

I don't know. I have all our electronic stuff protected with heavy duty battery backed up surge protectors and the one protecting my computer threw a hissy fit the other day. I was unaware of anything usual happening and all seemed to be okay. But since then the computer has been running slower and slower, it took forever to load anything, and just as I was about to do a backup, it crashed and then refused to do a backup.

Around the same time our cable, phones, and wifi went out. The serviceman determined the problem was the wall receptacle behind the TV had stopped working. That meant the amplifier on the equipment wasn't working so nothing could work.

Are the two things related? A weird power surge of some sort? No way to tell. The technicians had no clue.

In desperation yesterday, I reinstalled Windows with the stipulation that all my files would be preserved even though they would remove all the applications and those would have to be reinstalled. But alas, it did reinstall Windows but it wiped out all the files along with the applications. I do have some hard copies I was able to make of a few files, thank God, and do have all the older stuff backed up, but didn't have time to do that with all of them. And of course lost all my photos.

And the computer is still running very slow and refuses to install any of the applications I needed to replace. It is too old to spend a lot of money on fixing.

But this is a minor problem compared to what so many of you are facing so I feel a bit guilty even feeling bummed about it. :)
We went back up to Albuquerque today, saw the OB GYN Oncologist at UNM. She's been in this line of work for at least 30 years and is also a surgical oncologist. As to surgery she says not no, hell no, it won't do any good at this point and could even make it worse, the best course of action is chemo NOW!!! She seemed to allude that the original hysterectomy actually made the cancer spread and that the wife should have had close monitoring from the get-go. Finally a doctor who seems to know what is really going on and is straight forward. She also stated that going to MD Anderson in Houston is simply a waste of time and money unless we want a second opinion....... fourth opinion in our case....... so we'll cancel that trip and move forward from here.
She's also the first doctor who didn't beat around the bush and came right out and told us the wife's cancer is Stage 4, the worst stage and the hardest to treat successfully. We will see her local oncologist tomorrow morning and find out when she can start treatment.

I realize you guys probably have more than enough on your plate already......but have you & your wife considered alternate treatments along with chemo?

I did a little digging and found some info about New Mexico on CBD's. This site says the Dept of Health provides CBD's to qualifying patients (whatever that means :dunno:)
CBD Hemp Oil in New Mexico - Is it Legal? | CBD Hemp Oil NM

Also, it is said that kale is good against 'free radicals', plus contains a multitude of good nutrients to build the body's own immune system. As always fresh is best, but nobody here likes the stuff, so I dehydrated then powdered it and add a bit to whatever recipe I think I can get away with, without anyone knowing it, but me of course.
This is a long article, but you can scroll down to find the list of cancer fighting foods.

Top 12 Cancer-Fighting Foods & Other Natural Remedies - Dr. Axe

#8 is seeds & nuts and lists Chia seeds, Flax seeds and Hemp seeds, amongst others. Walmart sells what's called 'Trilogy' seeds that has those 3 together in one package. I suppose you can add it to cooked recipes, but I did read somewhere that 2 of the seeds effects can be heat sensitive and may not be as effective. I add it after cooking or to sprinkle on my salads. It's also supposed to be good for cholesterol

I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

What happened to your computer? :eusa_eh:

I don't know. I have all our electronic stuff protected with heavy duty battery backed up surge protectors and the one protecting my computer threw a hissy fit the other day. I was unaware of anything usual happening and all seemed to be okay. But since then the computer has been running slower and slower, it took forever to load anything, and just as I was about to do a backup, it crashed and then refused to do a backup.

Around the same time our cable, phones, and wifi went out. The serviceman determined the problem was the wall receptacle behind the TV had stopped working. That meant the amplifier on the equipment wasn't working so nothing could work.

Are the two things related? A weird power surge of some sort? No way to tell. The technicians had no clue.

In desperation yesterday, I reinstalled Windows with the stipulation that all my files would be preserved even though they would remove all the applications and those would have to be reinstalled. But alas, it did reinstall Windows but it wiped out all the files along with the applications. I do have some hard copies I was able to make of a few files, thank God, and do have all the older stuff backed up, but didn't have time to do that with all of them. And of course lost all my photos.

And the computer is still running very slow and refuses to install any of the applications I needed to replace. It is too old to spend a lot of money on fixing.

But this is a minor problem compared to what so many of you are facing so I feel a bit guilty even feeling bummed about it. :)
A power surge would have fried your computer and it wouldn't work at all unless it was only strong enough to damage the motherboard controllers or even one or more of your CPUs. More likely the hard drive is dying and it's just coincidental that both occurred at the same time. Hard drives are cheap and easy to install but not knowing if that's what it is the diagnostics could be expensive.
We went back up to Albuquerque today, saw the OB GYN Oncologist at UNM. She's been in this line of work for at least 30 years and is also a surgical oncologist. As to surgery she says not no, hell no, it won't do any good at this point and could even make it worse, the best course of action is chemo NOW!!! She seemed to allude that the original hysterectomy actually made the cancer spread and that the wife should have had close monitoring from the get-go. Finally a doctor who seems to know what is really going on and is straight forward. She also stated that going to MD Anderson in Houston is simply a waste of time and money unless we want a second opinion....... fourth opinion in our case....... so we'll cancel that trip and move forward from here.
She's also the first doctor who didn't beat around the bush and came right out and told us the wife's cancer is Stage 4, the worst stage and the hardest to treat successfully. We will see her local oncologist tomorrow morning and find out when she can start treatment.

I realize you guys probably have more than enough on your plate already......but have you & your wife considered alternate treatments along with chemo?

I did a little digging and found some info about New Mexico on CBD's. This site says the Dept of Health provides CBD's to qualifying patients (whatever that means :dunno:)
CBD Hemp Oil in New Mexico - Is it Legal? | CBD Hemp Oil NM

Also, it is said that kale is good against 'free radicals', plus contains a multitude of good nutrients to build the body's own immune system. As always fresh is best, but nobody here likes the stuff, so I dehydrated then powdered it and add a bit to whatever recipe I think I can get away with, without anyone knowing it, but me of course.
This is a long article, but you can scroll down to find the list of cancer fighting foods.

Top 12 Cancer-Fighting Foods & Other Natural Remedies - Dr. Axe

#8 is seeds & nuts and lists Chia seeds, Flax seeds and Hemp seeds, amongst others. Walmart sells what's called 'Trilogy' seeds that has those 3 together in one package. I suppose you can add it to cooked recipes, but I did read somewhere that 2 of the seeds effects can be heat sensitive and may not be as effective. I add it after cooking or to sprinkle on my salads. It's also supposed to be good for cholesterol

Thanks we'll keep all that in mind.
I am wondering what happened to my sign off post last night? I worked really hard on it and it just isn't here. :( I don't know if it was just before they did maintenance at USMB last night or if it is related to my desktop computer crashing through the floor here. It is barely running now so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one that will be delivered December 26. We sure didn't need that expense this month but I have to have a computer and it isn't fair to ask Hombre to give up his.

Our little ASUS laptops suffice for little stuff like message board posting but they won't run the heavier duty software as efficiently as a good PC will plus the 15" screen is a pain sometimes when I'm used to multi-tasking on a 27" monitor. The only way to get it up and running at all was to reinstall windows and that was supposed to retain all my files. It wiped them all out. Hundreds of irreplaceable photos, manuscripts, etc.

But oh well, enough whining. It is almost Christmas. Our Texas kid and family arrive tomorrow and we're pretty well ready for a great time. So onnward we go.

What happened to your computer? :eusa_eh:

I don't know. I have all our electronic stuff protected with heavy duty battery backed up surge protectors and the one protecting my computer threw a hissy fit the other day. I was unaware of anything usual happening and all seemed to be okay. But since then the computer has been running slower and slower, it took forever to load anything, and just as I was about to do a backup, it crashed and then refused to do a backup.

Around the same time our cable, phones, and wifi went out. The serviceman determined the problem was the wall receptacle behind the TV had stopped working. That meant the amplifier on the equipment wasn't working so nothing could work.

Are the two things related? A weird power surge of some sort? No way to tell. The technicians had no clue.

In desperation yesterday, I reinstalled Windows with the stipulation that all my files would be preserved even though they would remove all the applications and those would have to be reinstalled. But alas, it did reinstall Windows but it wiped out all the files along with the applications. I do have some hard copies I was able to make of a few files, thank God, and do have all the older stuff backed up, but didn't have time to do that with all of them. And of course lost all my photos.

And the computer is still running very slow and refuses to install any of the applications I needed to replace. It is too old to spend a lot of money on fixing.

But this is a minor problem compared to what so many of you are facing so I feel a bit guilty even feeling bummed about it. :)
A power surge would have fried your computer and it wouldn't work at all unless it was only strong enough to damage the motherboard controllers or even one or more of your CPUs. More likely the hard drive is dying and it's just coincidental that both occurred at the same time. Hard drives are cheap and easy to install but not knowing if that's what it is the diagnostics could be expensive.

I know. It was an inexpensive computer to begin with and has some age on it so I won't go to the expense to try to fix it since my own efforts did enough damage it isn't worth resurrecting now. The new one is on its way and should be here Wednesday. And I start all over to build the files and will just shrug off what I lost. And oh well.

I am going to need to rebuild the contact base for our Coffee Shoppers though; i.e. the means to contact you all to regroup somewhere should USMB one day decide to close up shop. I'm pretty sure I didn't have a lot of that information backed up. :(

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