USMB Coffee Shop IV

Merry Christmas everyone.
And a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Your young children are virtuously vibrating in anticipation tonight. Young lovers are gazing longingly into each other’s eyes.

Women are wiping their brows as they baste that turkey one more time. Men are slapping each other’s backs as they offer each other some Christmas cheer.

It is a glorious time of year filled with the seeds of memories and the trees of memory heavy with their sweet fruit.

There will be young parents up passed midnight arranging Santa’s pagentry for their wee bairn to find on the morning to come.

And folks will flock to church tonight to be told a story they have all heard before. But that story is indeed the greatest story ever told.

The story of a young couple who could not find a room for the night. A mother giving birth in a barn. Shepards coming into a village that night enticed by an unusual star. And kings paying homage to a newborn laying in swaddling clothes among the sheep and cattle.

Who but the King of Kings could merit such adoration and respectful awe?

So we tell that story every year and it strikes a chord deep within our souls and we are warmed and affirmed.

Merry Christmas everybody! Let us hope that the story and the warmth and the glory of it all bouys us for another 2000 years!
Well Boys and Girls I just received the most wonderful Christmas Present a man like me could receive... My Son and DIL are expecting... I am ecstatic...

Life is good...

Congratulations to you and to them. Better start looking into baseball gear and/or tea sets & Barbie dolls Grandpa cause you'll be expected to participate :thup:
One last minute observation on Christmas...

I was watching football with my brother Sunday afternoon.

Of course there were plenty of automobile commercials. Being the holidays, many of these commercials featured folks running in their pajamas out to their driveways where a shiny new car was presented. A big red bow sits atop this magnificent gift.

Now, I don’t know of anyone ever getting a new car as a Christmas gift. Further, i’ve never met anyone who gave or received a car for Christmas. And no one I know has ever heard of cars as stocking stuffers.

Are we being sold a fantasy, or are there somewhere in this bountiful land people so extravagant?

Just thinking out loud I guess.
I probably won't be here tomorrow at least until late--much preparation for Christmas lunch/dinner etc. and a bunch at the house all day. There is no change in the vigil list and I will now say good nght darlinks. I really do love you guys.


The St. Felipe de Neri Church decked out in Christmas Eve luminarias was established in 1706 coinciding with the founding of Albuquerque. The original building was destroyed and the current building built in 1793 is one of the oldest surviving buildings in Old Town Albuquerque. It is a favorite destination of visitors to the city and is home to the oldest active church congregation in the United States having held services continually since its founding.
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One last minute observation on Christmas...

I was watching football with my brother Sunday afternoon.

Of course there were plenty of automobile commercials. Being the holidays, many of these commercials featured folks running in their pajamas out to their driveways where a shiny new car was presented. A big red bow sits atop this magnificent gift.

Now, I don’t know of anyone ever getting a new car as a Christmas gift. Further, i’ve never met anyone who gave or received a car for Christmas. And no one I know has ever heard of cars as stocking stuffers.

Are we being sold a fantasy, or are there somewhere in this bountiful land people so extravagant?

Just thinking out loud I guess.

We had a large red bow at our dealership for such occasions. It was used several times. Now a days you have a lot of paperwork to sign before getting a car, so surprising someone with a car is pretty tough. It does happen though.
Had two get togethers Sunday, so I already have old person utopia with several belts, slippers and the like. A little light on long sleeve shirts,
The little one made me go to sleep at 9pm last night because, according to the Air Force or possibly NORAD, Santa would be here between 8 and 10 pm. She woke us up at about 1am to get a drink, and I may have gotten up once more because of my reflux. She woke me up in the morning at 7am, and I was still tired. :p

She tore through her presents, hardly taking the time to look at one before moving on to the next. She actually wanted to play with the thing my mom got for her when she got done...until she found out there was 1 more surprise present left to go, which turned out to be a new iphone 6. That has, of course, become the thing she's focused on.

I got a bunch of things for moving out; pots and pans, silverware, a George Foreman grill, set of bathroom towels and mats, etc. I'm supposed to be moving out this year, probably around May when the little one gets done with the school year.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday!
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The little one made me go to sleep at 9pm last night because, according to the Air Force or possibly NORAD, Santa would be here between 8 and 10 pm. She woke us up at about 1am to get a drink, and I may have gotten up once more because of my reflux. She woke me up in the morning at 7am, and I was still tired. :p

She tore through her presents, hardly taking the time to look at one before moving on to the next. She actually wanted to play with the thing my mom got for her when she got done...until she found out there was 1 more surprise present left to go, which turned out to be a new iphone 6. That has, of course, become the thing she's focused on.

I got a bunch of things for moving out; pots and pans, silverware, a George Foreman grill, set of bathroom towels and mats, etc. I'm supposed to be moving out this year, probably around May when the little one gets done with the school year.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday!

Dude, I am already tearing up a bit thinking about your departure.
The little one made me go to sleep at 9pm last night because, according to the Air Force or possibly NORAD, Santa would be here between 8 and 10 pm. She woke us up at about 1am to get a drink, and I may have gotten up once more because of my reflux. She woke me up in the morning at 7am, and I was still tired. :p

She tore through her presents, hardly taking the time to look at one before moving on to the next. She actually wanted to play with the thing my mom got for her when she got done...until she found out there was 1 more surprise present left to go, which turned out to be a new iphone 6. That has, of course, become the thing she's focused on.

I got a bunch of things for moving out; pots and pans, silverware, a George Foreman grill, set of bathroom towels and mats, etc. I'm supposed to be moving out this year, probably around May when the little one gets done with the school year.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday!

Dude, I am already tearing up a bit thinking about your departure.

I haven't had to pay my own bills for a decade now (not counting the car insurance I've been paying for for the last year), or go to a normal job. Most of my life, actually, I've been able to work from home: 10 years as a nanny, and more than 9 years that I did data entry from home. So I will have to get used to both being away from the little one quite a bit and having a normal kind of job and normal responsibilities. I plan on rooming with the little one's father, so at least I should see her at least on most weekends and some holidays; I won't be away from her completely. We'll see how things go with the regular job, although living with a roommate and having a little money still in the bank should allow me to get by OK even if I can't find a decent job and have to take whatever minimum wage style job I can find. Assuming I pass this last lingering class I still have to finish, I'll at least have my associate's, so I am hopeful that at the worst, I can find a slightly better than MW job even if it's completely outside my field of study. I've been doing some preliminary looking, but I'm fairly limited in my choices at the moment because I need to be home from about 2:30PM-6:pM on weekdays.

I don't really have any idea how the little one is going to take it. If I'd left this month, as originally planned, I think it might have been pretty hard on her. However, since we've extended things until possibly as far from now as May, I think she's going to have enough time to get used to the idea and it won't be as much of a problem for her. And it's not as if I'm moving back to Florida or anything like that; I should be within a 30 minute drive of the house or so, and it's possible that she and her mom may move closer to where I'm going in the not-too-distant future. My biggest fear about leaving, as far as the little one goes, has been that I'd end up too far away to be able to see her.

I'm also leaving the pets here, which means no more cat, if you want something to be sad about, save. :p

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