USMB Coffee Shop IV

There is something magical about a new pick-up truck.

Especially when it is a Chevy... :thup:
Mmmm...maybe. I recently made a convert out of Ford guy. He just traded his old Ford 350 for a nice Dodge 2500. After borrowing my Dodge to haul his forklift and trailer back to town, he was that impressed with the Dodge's performance. I used to have a nice Chevy but since my first Dodge, that's been it for me.
We went back up to Albuquerque today, saw the OB GYN Oncologist at UNM. She's been in this line of work for at least 30 years and is also a surgical oncologist. As to surgery she says not no, hell no, it won't do any good at this point and could even make it worse, the best course of action is chemo NOW!!! She seemed to allude that the original hysterectomy actually made the cancer spread and that the wife should have had close monitoring from the get-go. Finally a doctor who seems to know what is really going on and is straight forward. She also stated that going to MD Anderson in Houston is simply a waste of time and money unless we want a second opinion....... fourth opinion in our case....... so we'll cancel that trip and move forward from here.
She's also the first doctor who didn't beat around the bush and came right out and told us the wife's cancer is Stage 4, the worst stage and the hardest to treat successfully. We will see her local oncologist tomorrow morning and find out when she can start treatment.
Truth and honesty is often difficult for people, especially when the truth is so hard for the recipient of the news. Glad you found a doctor capable of doing the hard thing. I hope that treatment helps your wife. Best of luck and all the good wishes, hopes, and vibes I can generate coming your and Mrs. R's way.
Made chicken, broccoli & pineapple stir-fry for dinner. The wife said that one was a keeper. :thup:

Tasty! I make something similar only I use red, green, and yellow peppers instead of broccoli. Am planning a batch for my lunches this week.
Belated Merry Christmas, y'all! Naturally, I've been busy or distracted or I would have been here sooner.
I sure hope Mrs. Ringel finds some relief for her afflictions.
Dajjal, go with your instincts, they are the best resource you have and your instincts seem quite lovely when expressed in pictures.
Congratulations to Ridgerunner and 007 on their respective "babies". Will this be your first grandbaby, Ridge?
There are so many others who I wish all the best for the coming year.
Love y'all and miss you when I'm not able to get here to visit.
I'm glad that the turning of the year has come once again. We are gaining daylight and I can use all the daylight I can get. It's been a struggle to get home and take care of my critters before I have to turn on the headlamp to get things done. With the generator in the shop (warranty work) I am unable to access my well and the fresh water there. So, I'm back to tinkering water and rotating buckets into the house to thaw. Critters get access to fresh, drinkable water once a day, twice on weekends. Everyone is hanging in there, though.
So much going on, hardly time to deal with it all...
I finally gave up and took my physical complaints to the doctor. Now I have a slew of appointments with specialists to determine treatment and/or diagnosis. I start with a neurologist this coming Friday and continue with an orthopedist on the 3rd of Jan. Yup, I finally capitulated to the constant pain I've been dealing with these past couple of years. So far, the hip appears to be osteoarthritis.
Guess I'll go for a little now. Take care of yourselves and keep your powder dry!
Mrs. BBD is in the kitchen baking Christmas cookies. She won’t let me in there and says that at this point she doesn’t need any “quality control”, advice, or suggestions from me. She wants me to go find something to do outside far away from the kitchen. What’s a fella to do???

Better late than never:

That looks pretty interesting so far, Dajjal. The colors are so warm, yet the presentation is subdued and subtle. Keep it up, you still have more to do, I sense.

Thanks, I decided to paint out the angel because I could not finish it well enough. So now it will just be a cloudscape with the sun. I hope to do better with my next effort.
Are you planning anything for the foreground?
Congratulations to Ridgerunner and 007 on their respective "babies". Will this be your first grandbaby, Ridge?

Thanks GW... Actually I have 4 Grandkids all ready... But we need a Power Forward for the team... My Daughter has 2 sons, ages 7 and 13... Son has 2 step daughters, ages 6 and 11...
While I am praying for the standard model of healthy with 10 fingers and 10 toes, I am leaning towards a male child... Our particular branch of the family tree is getting weak with no one to carry on the family surname... What will be, will be...

Life is good...
Only 364 shopping days left until Christmas!
We have new rules for gifts for next year. We agreed between the younger sister and I and her husband, since we're the only immediate family we have around here, that next year we're to give only one vintage gift, an antique, a collectible. That way it doesn't have to be personal, or something that person needs, because buying gifts has become such a pain. I like the idea. I can get creative with that since I hit auctions full of the stuff all Spring, Summer and Fall. I have a good eye for antiques.

At an auction last summer I bought two old vintage "embossed" axes. One the handle was broken off and the second wasn't in very good shape. I gave like $15 for one and $20 for the other. Well, I cut the old handles off and cleaned them up and the Black Raven axe head brought $300 on ebay, and the A. Tredway & Sons brought $350. That's what I call a great "flip." Wish I could do that once a week. I'll surely be keeping my eyes peeled for old axes at auctions from now on, since I often see many old yard and hand tools.

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Hmmm... all I see in my post is two pic icons with red x's... but when I hit "EDIT" I see the pictures... weird...

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