USMB Coffee Shop IV

So the replacement computer for the one that died arrived Christmas Eve. Booted up for about five minutes then went black screen. We checked all connections inside and out, ran all the diagnostics possible and ultimately proclaimed it to have a bad mother board or dead hard drive. It was returned to the store yesterday (Wednesday) morning and I ordered another guaranteed to be delivered tomorrow, Friday. It is snowing like crazy here and we have blizzard warnings beginning around midnight tonight up to Saturday morning. I wonder how tough UPS or Fed Ex is????

We need the snow and the mountains should get a lot of it. And maybe still another storm out there? Checked to be sure Dana and Aunt Betty are secure and have enough groceries for the duration. Hope all of the Coffee Shoppers are doing well.
BTW, when we drove up yesterday it was medium to heavy fog all the way to Wagon Wheel then the snow started. Was snowing heavy when we stopped in Moriarty, the pass was heavy snow but the plows and sand trucks had already been out. Once we hit Tramway the snow was behind us still the whole trip there took an additional half hour.
Sobriety is boring. :lol:

NOT if you're the only sober one in the room...…try it, you'll be glad you did :thup:

OMG no, I hate being the only sober person in a room. It's not so bad if the other people are stoned, but if they are drunk, it's usually incredibly annoying. Drunk people suck. :lol:

It is said the best birth control is to work in a daycare......and that's kinda my thinking about drinking.

After I had quit drinking, I would go out with friends but be the only sober one. It was great entertainment to watch everyone being the annoying drunks...and I kept thinking "that USED to be me'. It keeps me sober to this day :lol:

I suppose for somebody paying $1,600 rent plus utilities and maintenance, that would be savings. For people like us it would be extremely expensive plus I like having space for us both to pursue our interests, room to entertain family and friends that we do a lot, space for overnight guests--we have a LOT of those--and we also run a sick ward for family members during times they really should not be alone. But with all of that, our cost of living is less than what she describes with that extended stay hotel room.

Evenso, we have pared down quite a bit, getting rid of lots of stuff. I agree with her that excess clutter is not good for somebody.

:eek: Yeah, but she probably doesn't have 150-year old pictures n stuff. Or sewing machines.

Saturday morning cartoon time!

The thing is, I wonder how many of our younger Coffee Shoppers remember Saturday morning cartoons as being one of the highlights of the weekend? I love them though. :)

I think I may be the youngest (somewhat) regular poster in here, and I certainly watched Saturday morning cartoons. :D

I'm one of the oldest posters here and I've been watching cartoons for over 70 years. The old cartoons from the 30s, 40s and 50s are my favorites.

I was a picky little shit when it came to cartoons. :lol:

How do you feel about Wally Gator?
Woke up this morning to snow. Not a lot yet but it's still coming down, we're in the 4 - 10 inch range.
It's okay though, went to the store and cleaned them out of bread, milk and toilet paper...... Didn't need it but apparently it's what one's supposed to do if a storm is coming. :dunno:
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I suppose for somebody paying $1,600 rent plus utilities and maintenance, that would be savings. For people like us it would be extremely expensive plus I like having space for us both to pursue our interests, room to entertain family and friends that we do a lot, space for overnight guests--we have a LOT of those--and we also run a sick ward for family members during times they really should not be alone. But with all of that, our cost of living is less than what she describes with that extended stay hotel room.

Evenso, we have pared down quite a bit, getting rid of lots of stuff. I agree with her that excess clutter is not good for somebody.

:eek: Yeah, but she probably doesn't have 150-year old pictures n stuff. Or sewing machines.

Saturday morning cartoon time!

The thing is, I wonder how many of our younger Coffee Shoppers remember Saturday morning cartoons as being one of the highlights of the weekend? I love them though. :)

I think I may be the youngest (somewhat) regular poster in here, and I certainly watched Saturday morning cartoons. :D

I'm one of the oldest posters here and I've been watching cartoons for over 70 years. The old cartoons from the 30s, 40s and 50s are my favorites.

I was a picky little shit when it came to cartoons. :lol:

How do you feel about Wally Gator?

Can't place Wally Gator. I am like drifter that I was picky when it came to cartoons. Some I thoroughly enjoyed. Others I barely tolerated until they were over.

I felt the same way about Saturday afternnoon double feature westerns at the movies. Roy Rogers, Lash Larue, Audie Murphy, Hopalong Cassidy. . .woo hoo! Gene Autry, Randolph Scott, Clayton Moore. . .yuck.
Woke up this morning to snow. Not a lot yet but it's still coming down, we're in the 4 - 10 inch range.
It's okay though, went to the store and cleaned them out of bread, milk and toilet paper...... Didn't need it but apparently it's what one's supposed to do if a storm is coming. :dunno:
Rained half of yesterday, then snowed....Then froze overnight....Need to clear mom's stoop and walkway before packing up to make the annual migration west.
Sobriety is boring. :lol:

NOT if you're the only sober one in the room...…try it, you'll be glad you did :thup:

OMG no, I hate being the only sober person in a room. It's not so bad if the other people are stoned, but if they are drunk, it's usually incredibly annoying. Drunk people suck. :lol:

It is said the best birth control is to work in a daycare......and that's kinda my thinking about drinking.

After I had quit drinking, I would go out with friends but be the only sober one. It was great entertainment to watch everyone being the annoying drunks...and I kept thinking "that USED to be me'. It keeps me sober to this day :lol:

I've always been the sober one. I've been drunk once in my life, when I was 13 or so, and decided I didn't like alcohol. Since then it's been many years of friends drinking and me being annoyed. :p
Sobriety is boring. :lol:

NOT if you're the only sober one in the room...…try it, you'll be glad you did :thup:

OMG no, I hate being the only sober person in a room. It's not so bad if the other people are stoned, but if they are drunk, it's usually incredibly annoying. Drunk people suck. :lol:

It is said the best birth control is to work in a daycare......and that's kinda my thinking about drinking.

After I had quit drinking, I would go out with friends but be the only sober one. It was great entertainment to watch everyone being the annoying drunks...and I kept thinking "that USED to be me'. It keeps me sober to this day :lol:

I've always been the sober one. I've been drunk once in my life, when I was 13 or so, and decided I didn't like alcohol. Since then it's been many years of friends drinking and me being annoyed. :p

We used to party hard and while I've never been falling down drunk or to the point I couldn't remember the next day, I can't say that I've not been under the influence a number of times. But the parties seemed pretty normal and just folks having fun. Until one night I decided not to drink and was absolutely horrified at the 'fun' I was witnessing. :) I was pretty much on the wagon after that and these days Hombre and I don't drink at all. We are not uncomfortable and don't feel left out when others enjoy their wine or margaritas or whatever, but neither of us likes to be around drunks any more. Were we like that when we drank? Almost certainly we were. But we are in no position to judge anybody.

I could relate to Drifter's post yesterday though. When you are the only sober one, it is pretty boring. :)
See what I mean above. The angel and the clouds below and behind her are unfinished. But it is just a mess and I don't know if I can finish it well enough to bother.

Still doesn't look like a mess to me.
Thanks, but the angel did not work so I painted it out. What I am left with is a cloudscape that has no meaning.
Which is disappointing, as an angel in the sun was one of my visions.
Sobriety is boring. :lol:

NOT if you're the only sober one in the room...…try it, you'll be glad you did :thup:

OMG no, I hate being the only sober person in a room. It's not so bad if the other people are stoned, but if they are drunk, it's usually incredibly annoying. Drunk people suck. :lol:

It is said the best birth control is to work in a daycare......and that's kinda my thinking about drinking.

After I had quit drinking, I would go out with friends but be the only sober one. It was great entertainment to watch everyone being the annoying drunks...and I kept thinking "that USED to be me'. It keeps me sober to this day :lol:

I've always been the sober one. I've been drunk once in my life, when I was 13 or so, and decided I didn't like alcohol. Since then it's been many years of friends drinking and me being annoyed. :p

We used to party hard and while I've never been falling down drunk or to the point I couldn't remember the next day, I can't say that I've not been under the influence a number of times. But the parties seemed pretty normal and just folks having fun. Until one night I decided not to drink and was absolutely horrified at the 'fun' I was witnessing. :) I was pretty much on the wagon after that and these days Hombre and I don't drink at all. We are not uncomfortable and don't feel left out when others enjoy their wine or margaritas or whatever, but neither of us likes to be around drunks any more. Were we like that when we drank? Almost certainly we were. But we are in no position to judge anybody.

I could relate to Drifter's post yesterday though. When you are the only sober one, it is pretty boring. :)

I have been near falling down drunk, gotten sick all over myself (ewww) and I've also driven 40 miles home, thru night construction on the hwy and not remembered how I got there until weeks later and that scared the crap right out of me enough to quit. I know I've pushed my limits and it's a miracle I wasn't in prison or dead. Now I may have a Margarita when we go out for Mexican food, or a glass of wine or champagne at New Years, but that's about it.

Funny or happy drunks aren't too bad, those that just like to have a good time. Then there's the sloppy slobbers that want to cry on your shoulder & tell you their life story. They aren't too bad as long as it doesn't last long & either they leave or pass out. But the worst are the mean drunks that only want to start trouble and that's when I've had enough.

Luckily I don't spend that much time with drinkers anymore or I'd probably not have the tolerance or patience to put up with it at all. The older I get, the less I have (tolerance & patience or idiocy that is)
See what I mean above. The angel and the clouds below and behind her are unfinished. But it is just a mess and I don't know if I can finish it well enough to bother.

Still doesn't look like a mess to me.
Thanks, but the angel did not work so I painted it out. What I am left with is a cloudscape that has no meaning.
Which is disappointing, as an angel in the sun was one of my visions.

Give yourself a bit of time and you'll figure out how to get what you want. Just don't give up on it :thup:
NOT if you're the only sober one in the room...…try it, you'll be glad you did :thup:

OMG no, I hate being the only sober person in a room. It's not so bad if the other people are stoned, but if they are drunk, it's usually incredibly annoying. Drunk people suck. :lol:

It is said the best birth control is to work in a daycare......and that's kinda my thinking about drinking.

After I had quit drinking, I would go out with friends but be the only sober one. It was great entertainment to watch everyone being the annoying drunks...and I kept thinking "that USED to be me'. It keeps me sober to this day :lol:

I've always been the sober one. I've been drunk once in my life, when I was 13 or so, and decided I didn't like alcohol. Since then it's been many years of friends drinking and me being annoyed. :p

We used to party hard and while I've never been falling down drunk or to the point I couldn't remember the next day, I can't say that I've not been under the influence a number of times. But the parties seemed pretty normal and just folks having fun. Until one night I decided not to drink and was absolutely horrified at the 'fun' I was witnessing. :) I was pretty much on the wagon after that and these days Hombre and I don't drink at all. We are not uncomfortable and don't feel left out when others enjoy their wine or margaritas or whatever, but neither of us likes to be around drunks any more. Were we like that when we drank? Almost certainly we were. But we are in no position to judge anybody.

I could relate to Drifter's post yesterday though. When you are the only sober one, it is pretty boring. :)

I have been near falling down drunk, gotten sick all over myself (ewww) and I've also driven 40 miles home, thru night construction on the hwy and not remembered how I got there until weeks later and that scared the crap right out of me enough to quit. I know I've pushed my limits and it's a miracle I wasn't in prison or dead. Now I may have a Margarita when we go out for Mexican food, or a glass of wine or champagne at New Years, but that's about it.

Funny or happy drunks aren't too bad, those that just like to have a good time. Then there's the sloppy slobbers that want to cry on your shoulder & tell you their life story. They aren't too bad as long as it doesn't last long & either they leave or pass out. But the worst are the mean drunks that only want to start trouble and that's when I've had enough.

Luckily I don't spend that much time with drinkers anymore or I'd probably not have the tolerance or patience to put up with it at all. The older I get, the less I have (tolerance & patience or idiocy that is)

I once rode home a few miles from a pub, and when I got off my motorbike I was so drunk I fell over.
Its funny to look back on but was dangerous and stupid.
I have not had a drink for over five years now and I never want to get drunk again.
See what I mean above. The angel and the clouds below and behind her are unfinished. But it is just a mess and I don't know if I can finish it well enough to bother.

Still doesn't look like a mess to me.
Thanks, but the angel did not work so I painted it out. What I am left with is a cloudscape that has no meaning.
Which is disappointing, as an angel in the sun was one of my visions.

Give yourself a bit of time and you'll figure out how to get what you want. Just don't give up on it :thup:

Yes, I have taken a break from painting as if I can't paint an easy composition how will I do a more difficult picture that was my other vision. Its of a group of figures standing in a woodland with the sun streaming through the trees behind them. I was going to paint angels with wings, but I have decided against wings, and will just paint a group of ladies in long white dresses. I may have stopped painting for a while but have not given up yet.

Hmmm... very odd... maybe the board, or this thread, has reached it's limit on image data... IDK...
How's this 007

View attachment 237144

View attachment 237145
I have an old Kelly single bladed ax head.
Well a salesman talked me into getting a fibre optic upgrade to my internet. It will be much faster and I will have unlimited access. So I could watch films on the internet. If I can find any.
There are a combination of paid subscription and free services. YouTube has lot's of older movies but you have to hunt for them.
Here are a few free ones, well at least here in the US. movies online&utm_content=notfound&cmpid=HMI_google_search_c_0_0_NB_268505765181_0_0_0_0_1396997167_51952151461_watch movies online|e_kwd-89955100&utm_id=go_1396997167_51952151461_268505765181_kwd-89955100_c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3JrmzujA3wIVA8ZkCh2_jgTPEAAYASAAEgK6O_D_BwE

Dailymotion (headquartered in France)

Here's a list of 2018 legal free movie sites.

Top 14 Free Movie Download Websites | Completely Legal In 2018
More UK oriented ones.

Top ten ways to watch films online (legally)


10 Live TV Streaming Sites To Watch Live Channels Legally

Thanks a lot for those links, I have saved them all to my favorites.
OMG no, I hate being the only sober person in a room. It's not so bad if the other people are stoned, but if they are drunk, it's usually incredibly annoying. Drunk people suck. :lol:

It is said the best birth control is to work in a daycare......and that's kinda my thinking about drinking.

After I had quit drinking, I would go out with friends but be the only sober one. It was great entertainment to watch everyone being the annoying drunks...and I kept thinking "that USED to be me'. It keeps me sober to this day :lol:

I've always been the sober one. I've been drunk once in my life, when I was 13 or so, and decided I didn't like alcohol. Since then it's been many years of friends drinking and me being annoyed. :p

We used to party hard and while I've never been falling down drunk or to the point I couldn't remember the next day, I can't say that I've not been under the influence a number of times. But the parties seemed pretty normal and just folks having fun. Until one night I decided not to drink and was absolutely horrified at the 'fun' I was witnessing. :) I was pretty much on the wagon after that and these days Hombre and I don't drink at all. We are not uncomfortable and don't feel left out when others enjoy their wine or margaritas or whatever, but neither of us likes to be around drunks any more. Were we like that when we drank? Almost certainly we were. But we are in no position to judge anybody.

I could relate to Drifter's post yesterday though. When you are the only sober one, it is pretty boring. :)

I have been near falling down drunk, gotten sick all over myself (ewww) and I've also driven 40 miles home, thru night construction on the hwy and not remembered how I got there until weeks later and that scared the crap right out of me enough to quit. I know I've pushed my limits and it's a miracle I wasn't in prison or dead. Now I may have a Margarita when we go out for Mexican food, or a glass of wine or champagne at New Years, but that's about it.

Funny or happy drunks aren't too bad, those that just like to have a good time. Then there's the sloppy slobbers that want to cry on your shoulder & tell you their life story. They aren't too bad as long as it doesn't last long & either they leave or pass out. But the worst are the mean drunks that only want to start trouble and that's when I've had enough.

Luckily I don't spend that much time with drinkers anymore or I'd probably not have the tolerance or patience to put up with it at all. The older I get, the less I have (tolerance & patience or idiocy that is)

I once rode home a few miles from a pub, and when I got off my motorbike I was so drunk I fell over.
Its funny to look back on but was dangerous and stupid.
I have not had a drink for over five years now and I never want to get drunk again.

I do agree what I did back then was dangerous & stupid. It is hypocritical of me, but I won't let anyone drive if they are impaired. I have even hounded my kids to no end about the dangers, and told them to never ever drink & drive and if they have to, call me, call a taxi, call someone to come get them.. I don't care when, where or how......if they call me I'll either come myself or I'll find someone to get them.
And I've also used scare showing them severely wrecked cars and told them that I don't want to get THAT call and they don't want to be responsible for anyone else getting THAT call, or the lifetime of guilt they'd have to live with...….just because they didn't call for a ride.

Hmmm... very odd... maybe the board, or this thread, has reached it's limit on image data... IDK...
How's this 007

View attachment 237144

View attachment 237145
I have an old Kelly single bladed ax head.

I was channel surfing during a halftime last night and I watched about 10 minutes of an ax throwing championship. They were using single blade ax heads. It is a boring sport for me.
They usually have ax throwing games at Renaissance fairs, pay a couple of bucks and try to win a prize. I musta looked like a sucker to the "barker"........ his mistake. I'm terrible with knife throwing but I can take the wings off a fly in flight with an ax...... :D

Hmmm... very odd... maybe the board, or this thread, has reached it's limit on image data... IDK...
How's this 007

View attachment 237144

View attachment 237145
I have an old Kelly single bladed ax head.

I was channel surfing during a halftime last night and I watched about 10 minutes of an ax throwing championship. They were using single blade ax heads. It is a boring sport for me.

I agree the sport went downhill when they wouldn't allow people to be the target anymore...….something about safety rules or some such :badgrin:

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