USMB Coffee Shop IV

It has been snowing all day in Albuquerque without any breaks and it continues to snow. Moderate at times but mostly light snow so we're not getting a lot of accumulation--maybe 2 to 3 inches--but this is not normal Albuquerque weather.
It's been raining here. Probably not normal Albuquerque weather, either. Sure as heck isn't normal Alaskan weather, not in January.
It was like 84 here today. :auiqs.jpg:

At least it's not freezing and cooled off tonight. :04:

We had a family get-together today.
Gray as gray can be here the last three days. Light rain the for two days. Must be something like a day in winter above the Arctic Circle.
So it's raining in Michigan and Alaska and snowing In Albuquerque. Did somebody flip the world over last night or something?
So it's raining in Michigan and Alaska and snowing In Albuquerque. Did somebody flip the world over last night or something?

And it's NOT raining, snowing or blowing in Washington.....go figure. We've had sunny days these past few days, but still cold....always makes me want for spring
Hi all, hope everyone had a great New Years. This Friday they put the shunt in the wife to start chemo then start the chemo next week. Since it's a new year we will have to pay insurance deductibles which will be a minimum of $3500 so I'm checking out every charitable organization that provides financial help with deductibles and co pays plus considering starting a GoFundMe page for the wife. The first 6 months of chemo will cost a total of $20K, thank God insurance will cover most of it.
Hi all, hope everyone had a great New Years. This Friday they put the shunt in the wife to start chemo then start the chemo next week. Since it's a new year we will have to pay insurance deductibles which will be a minimum of $3500 so I'm checking out every charitable organization that provides financial help with deductibles and co pays plus considering starting a GoFundMe page for the wife. The first 6 months of chemo will cost a total of $20K, thank God insurance will cover most of it.
Seems like a stressful way to start the year, Ringel. Let's all pull for you and the Mrs and bring in 2020 with much better news and lots less stress. In the meantime, you are both in my thoughts. Good luck with the funding, too.
Back with the weather report from the so-called Frozen North. It's up to 36F and the sun isn't even risen yet. It's been alternating between rain and wet, heavy snow all night and it's more like late March than the beginning of January. There were about two feet of snow on the roof, which has all sloughed off and made nice piles of icy snow along the sides of the house. The warmer temps are welcome, it's the soggy side-effects that make life challenging.
Clearing up the Christmas stuff today. While pretty, it does make quite a clutter. I won't claim to be the tidiest person around, but I do dislike extreme clutter and not being able to move things to clean.
Well, I'll check back later. It seems a little slow here right now.
Hi all, hope everyone had a great New Years. This Friday they put the shunt in the wife to start chemo then start the chemo next week. Since it's a new year we will have to pay insurance deductibles which will be a minimum of $3500 so I'm checking out every charitable organization that provides financial help with deductibles and co pays plus considering starting a GoFundMe page for the wife. The first 6 months of chemo will cost a total of $20K, thank God insurance will cover most of it.

If you do start a GFM, please be sure to post it to the board here :thup:
Hi all, hope everyone had a great New Years. This Friday they put the shunt in the wife to start chemo then start the chemo next week. Since it's a new year we will have to pay insurance deductibles which will be a minimum of $3500 so I'm checking out every charitable organization that provides financial help with deductibles and co pays plus considering starting a GoFundMe page for the wife. The first 6 months of chemo will cost a total of $20K, thank God insurance will cover most of it.

By all means go for whatever resources are available. Will the treatments be in Roswell?
Hi all, hope everyone had a great New Years. This Friday they put the shunt in the wife to start chemo then start the chemo next week. Since it's a new year we will have to pay insurance deductibles which will be a minimum of $3500 so I'm checking out every charitable organization that provides financial help with deductibles and co pays plus considering starting a GoFundMe page for the wife. The first 6 months of chemo will cost a total of $20K, thank God insurance will cover most of it.

By all means go for whatever resources are available. Will the treatments be in Roswell?
Yes, for now.
Yikes! So, it's time to rack my two batches of mead, moving them into new carboys (fermentation vessels). The first one I have dubbed "Gingerbread Cyser", based using apple juice (instead of water), honey, and the typical spices used making gingerbread. Of course, I need to function briefly as a syphon pump and usually get a taste of the product. While still harsh, it is mellowing into a tasty brew. It'll make great Christmas presents for those deserving in 2019. The second batch is a tried and true "Tripleberry" featuring blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. I'll be taking a sample of that to the brew shop where I buy my supplies. A sample will get me a 10% discount. Later this week, I'll be starting a batch of dry mead, basically honey and water. This will be my first batch using my own well water...woo-hoo!
Here it is 2019! And on this day, my first official interaction was buying my license plates (a sticker applied to the old physical plate). I had to sign and date my application at the BMV and I got the date right first shot out of the box!

A small triumph but it showed me that all the neuro-synapses were firing properly.

It's a good things no we don't us the Chinese calendar! I might have signed and dated it Year of the Horse and been very embarrassed!
Here it is 2019! And on this day, my first official interaction was buying my license plates (a sticker applied to the old physical plate). I had to sign and date my application at the BMV and I got the date right first shot out of the box!

A small triumph but it showed me that all the neuro-synapses were firing properly.

It's a good things no we don't us the Chinese calendar! I might have signed and dated it Year of the Horse and been very embarrassed!

As this is currently the Year of the Dog until Feb 5th when it becomes the Year of the Pig, Earth Pig to be exact I can understand your embarrassment. :D

But to be perfectly honest I've done similar when writing out a check and somehow put my birthdate instead or filling out a form & put my old address, that I haven't lived at in 20 years :eek:
Checking in.
It's been snowing here a fair amount, we've gotten about 10 inches this last week, or so. Seems like every time I get my trails packed down it snows another couple of inches and I have to slog through it, again. The temps have been in the teens, mostly, but are predicted to rise close to 40 over the next couple of days.
I've been getting out and visiting a bit over the holidays. My brother-by-another-mother, with whom I usually spend Christmas, took a big hit at home from the earthquake. One corner of his house dropped about a cinder block and a half and the whole place is tipped to the side. It isn't totaled but will take some extensive repair work to set it right again. Also, everywhere you go there are cracks and chips. A couple of businesses have still not re-opened and there are some schools that will also not be repaired until later in the year.
I finally broke down and visited the doctor. Living with pain is exhausting and I'm tired of limping about like a zombie. So far, the neurologist confirmed that the tingling and numbness in my hands is carpal tunnel but he saw no indication of permanent damage. I'm wearing wrist braces most of the time and will have a cortisone injection in a few weeks. I've dealt with carpal tunnel before it is definitely something I can overcome.
The hip is another matter entirely. Xrays indicate "significant" arthritis. I'll see an orthopedist this coming Thursday and hope to set up a pain management program. There's on other issue, but I will wait until it has been positively identified before making it any bigger. Just cross your hooks.
Ain't is great, a bunch of old folks discussing their aches and pains. I am now part of the tribe.
Awww....I love having you as part of the OldFolks Tribe! You might not be thrilled about it, but misery loves company! :D
Tumeric. Eat it. Lots of it. Put it in everything. And it helps that it tastes good, lol. My RA is really acting up this past month due to the stress..and cold weather doesn't help. But so far, I am not completely disabled. I like to think the Tumeric helps.

Hugs and more hugs!
Regarding Gracie; the UK Sky News sent a British journalist up to Paradise, to survey the devastating aftermath, and give a report on it. We saw on our TV's all the burnt out cars, and remnants of houses sticking up all around the area. He made an interesting observation that, it took months if not years to destroy a city like Raqqa, yet nature needed only two and a half hours to reduce a sizeable town like Paradise to virtually nothing.

Will it all be rebuilt?
Checking in.
It's been snowing here a fair amount, we've gotten about 10 inches this last week, or so. Seems like every time I get my trails packed down it snows another couple of inches and I have to slog through it, again. The temps have been in the teens, mostly, but are predicted to rise close to 40 over the next couple of days.
I've been getting out and visiting a bit over the holidays. My brother-by-another-mother, with whom I usually spend Christmas, took a big hit at home from the earthquake. One corner of his house dropped about a cinder block and a half and the whole place is tipped to the side. It isn't totaled but will take some extensive repair work to set it right again. Also, everywhere you go there are cracks and chips. A couple of businesses have still not re-opened and there are some schools that will also not be repaired until later in the year.
I finally broke down and visited the doctor. Living with pain is exhausting and I'm tired of limping about like a zombie. So far, the neurologist confirmed that the tingling and numbness in my hands is carpal tunnel but he saw no indication of permanent damage. I'm wearing wrist braces most of the time and will have a cortisone injection in a few weeks. I've dealt with carpal tunnel before it is definitely something I can overcome.
The hip is another matter entirely. Xrays indicate "significant" arthritis. I'll see an orthopedist this coming Thursday and hope to set up a pain management program. There's on other issue, but I will wait until it has been positively identified before making it any bigger. Just cross your hooks.
Ain't is great, a bunch of old folks discussing their aches and pains. I am now part of the tribe.
Awww....I love having you as part of the OldFolks Tribe! You might not be thrilled about it, but misery loves company! :D
Tumeric. Eat it. Lots of it. Put it in everything. And it helps that it tastes good, lol. My RA is really acting up this past month due to the stress..and cold weather doesn't help. But so far, I am not completely disabled. I like to think the Tumeric helps.

Hugs and more hugs!
Thanks, Gracie, and many warm hugs back atcha!
Yup, I'll be adding turmeric to my dietary regimen, also garlic. Garlic is supposed to be helpful with the blood pressure issue, too. And, since no one can get close enough, I'll avoid colds and flu! LOL. I always liked "Mork and Mindy" because the aliens aged backwards. Somehow, that seems a lot more fair then getting old and realizing all the time and energy you wasted getting there!
I'm off to the orthopedist, I'll be back to visit again later.
Happy New Year to you, Mr. G, and Anne.
Regarding Gracie; the UK Sky News sent a British journalist up to Paradise, to survey the devastating aftermath, and give a report on it. We saw on our TV's all the burnt out cars, and remnants of houses sticking up all around the area. He made an interesting observation that, it took months if not years to destroy a city like Raqqa, yet nature needed only two and a half hours to reduce a sizeable town like Paradise to virtually nothing.

Will it all be rebuilt?

Well probably most of the homeowners and businesses were insured and the owners still own the land that the structures were sitting on. So probably some, maybe a lot, of them will choose to rebuild instead of starting all over somewhere else and leaving behind land of no little value to anybody but them. Those who lost loved ones or who were especially traumatized might not consider that an option for them.

Of course photos and memorabilia and items especially cherished by the owners can never be replaced when they are destroyed by something like that.

As an aside, that may or may not be relative to the people of Paradise,. . .

Hombre (my hubby) was an all lines general insurance adjuster qualified to work complicated and major losses. And he was on the front lines to work the Los Alamos Cerro Grande fire in 2000 that took out more than 400 homes. A lot of those homes were pretty mundane, once government housing dating back to the 1940's and 50's before Los Alamos, once a closed high security government community, was opened up to be just like any other town. The homeowners did rebuild and were able to rebuild with much nicer homes than the ones that were destroyed. So the folks whose homes were spared were actually a little miffed that they didn't get in on that insurance bonanza too.

There was no loss of life in Los Alamos though--there was time for people to get out. Many died in Paradise.

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