USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mmm, mmm, good! Just got in from working outside, feeding, watering, yanno...stuff. The house is redolent with the smell of that slow cooking pork.
Partner made it up the drive just fine. When things melt like this, the snow packs down, getting firmer.
The goats all got extra rations and my does and kids got fresh apples. I usually buy them greens (kale and spinach) when the local super market marks down their produce stock. No such luck right now, so apples it is.
It's getting too dark to work outside, so I think we're in for the night. Partner got a dominoes game for Christmas, maybe we'll have to alternate with Cribbage?
"Redolent"... GOOD WORK, pard. I hadn't heard that one before. Had to look it up.

I love Cribbage. Wish I had someone around here to play that with. Back in the day when I lived in Montana they'd have Cribbage tournaments. Loads of fun. 15-2, 15-4 and there ain't no more... :113:

When I was a kid, my Dad and a buddy of his would play cribbage atleast once a week and it drove me NUTS....Mainly cause they'd argue, call each other choice names....then the counting :blowup: When I knew they'd get together, I left
How the hell do the forum adverts know I am interested in the London exhibition of Burne Jones.? I looked him up on google, and now I am targeted with adds here.
How the hell do the forum adverts know I am interested in the London exhibition of Burne Jones.? I looked him up on google, and now I am targeted with adds here.

That kind of stuff has been going on for awhile now...….all of your online activity is being tracked so that you see advertisements or suggested sites or??? that are tailored to your interests based on your activity. Things you see are not necessarily the same as what I or anyone else sees. Something to do with algorithms.

It can get really kinda creepy
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Goodbye 2018. You have had your good points but for many of us, you were a particularly stressful year. So we bid you adieu with some thanks and a few good riddances and look forward to blessings in a brand new year ahead. Hello. . .
Our winter weather is a mixed bag....If & when we do get snow, it's usually not until Jan/Feb. and usually lasts only a day or two before melting. Though some years it's snowed as early as November and some years we don't get any snow. We can get just a few sprinkles or up to nearly a foot.

About 5 or so years ago, it had snowed in my area every month from November to May...… didn't always last long or barely cover the road or grass, but flakes did show up.

I'm kinda hoping for no snow at all this year.....I've got too much work outside to do

Ours is too. It may freeze a time or 3..or not..

Could be 82 on Christmas..Hopefully cooler.

I ain't mad, I love where I'm from.

Snow? Have not seen since I was Utah. :eek:

Tubing down a mountainside lot of cousins in a chain-tube thing.

Marion, roughly where ARE you from?
Our winter weather is a mixed bag....If & when we do get snow, it's usually not until Jan/Feb. and usually lasts only a day or two before melting. Though some years it's snowed as early as November and some years we don't get any snow. We can get just a few sprinkles or up to nearly a foot.

About 5 or so years ago, it had snowed in my area every month from November to May...… didn't always last long or barely cover the road or grass, but flakes did show up.

I'm kinda hoping for no snow at all this year.....I've got too much work outside to do

Ours is too. It may freeze a time or 3..or not..

Could be 82 on Christmas..Hopefully cooler.

I ain't mad, I love where I'm from.

Snow? Have not seen since I was Utah. :eek:

Tubing down a mountainside lot of cousins in a chain-tube thing.

Marion, roughly where ARE you from?

Our winter weather is a mixed bag....If & when we do get snow, it's usually not until Jan/Feb. and usually lasts only a day or two before melting. Though some years it's snowed as early as November and some years we don't get any snow. We can get just a few sprinkles or up to nearly a foot.

About 5 or so years ago, it had snowed in my area every month from November to May...… didn't always last long or barely cover the road or grass, but flakes did show up.

I'm kinda hoping for no snow at all this year.....I've got too much work outside to do

Ours is too. It may freeze a time or 3..or not..

Could be 82 on Christmas..Hopefully cooler.

I ain't mad, I love where I'm from.

Snow? Have not seen since I was Utah. :eek:

Tubing down a mountainside lot of cousins in a chain-tube thing.

Marion, roughly where ARE you from?

Roughly. lol.
Our winter weather is a mixed bag....If & when we do get snow, it's usually not until Jan/Feb. and usually lasts only a day or two before melting. Though some years it's snowed as early as November and some years we don't get any snow. We can get just a few sprinkles or up to nearly a foot.

About 5 or so years ago, it had snowed in my area every month from November to May...… didn't always last long or barely cover the road or grass, but flakes did show up.

I'm kinda hoping for no snow at all this year.....I've got too much work outside to do

Ours is too. It may freeze a time or 3..or not..

Could be 82 on Christmas..Hopefully cooler.

I ain't mad, I love where I'm from.

Snow? Have not seen since I was Utah. :eek:

Tubing down a mountainside lot of cousins in a chain-tube thing.

Marion, roughly where ARE you from?


Ah. Well you're in good company with our other Coffee Shoppers who live there as well as nearby in Georgia and Alabama. I still remember the episode of "Golden Girls? when their flight was cancelled or something and they were stranded on Christmas Eve. And then Sophia looked out and announced it was snowing. Wet and wimpy it was but it was snowing.

That was decades ago. Funny how things like that get stuck in the memory banks.
Happy New Year's Day.

ET: ninth time.

Ben Hur: 4th

Can't take Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

And Dr Zhivago. :102:

Dr. Zhivago is an extremely well done and in many ways a beautiful film. But I don't choose it to watch because for me it is a real downer and it does't really end. It just stops. That bothers me in a way I have not been able to fully articulate.

I want movies that leave me feeling satisfied with the results even if the movie itself isn't a cheerful or happy movie.
How the hell do the forum adverts know I am interested in the London exhibition of Burne Jones.? I looked him up on google, and now I am targeted with adds here.
You're lucky. For some strange reason, Google seems to think I need a date, Chinese, Russian, Japanese girls popping up all over the place! But apparently, I seem to still need little blue pills? I can only laugh my ass off...
Happy New Year's Day.

ET: ninth time.

Ben Hur: 4th

Can't take Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

And Dr Zhivago. :102:

Dr. Zhivago is an extremely well done and in many ways a beautiful film. But I don't choose it to watch because for me it is a real downer and it does't really end. It just stops. That bothers me in a way I have not been able to fully articulate.

I want movies that leave me feeling satisfied with the results even if the movie itself isn't a cheerful or happy movie.

It's just that the powers-that-be show these films when they've run out of all programming options. Hoping it will shut us up.
Happy New Year, all y'all! Beautiful sunrise this morning (it's 10:10 am), the wind is up. It's already 32 degrees and expected to be warmer. I just hope we can drop at least one of these big spruce trees. I need firewood and one of these bad boys will provide at least a few weeks worth of warmth.
The older dog learned how to jump the fence of her goat pen last night. Amazing what they'll do when the fireworks started. She spent a comfortable night tied up to the (padded) bench under the front porch. Partner just gave her breakfast and a drink of water.
I have to make some significant changes in my life this year, health issues demand it be done. My daughter is trying to bully me the way she bullies her friends into doing what's best for them. I'm already well aware of what I need to do and how I should best do it, but she insists on being a pest. After losing her "stepmother" last summer, she's pretty leary about losing anyone else. On one hand, I don't blame her, on the other, I want to be left alone.
Well, I raise a glass to one and all with hopes that the best will come to each of you this coming year. Good health and happiness!
It has been snowing all day in Albuquerque without any breaks and it continues to snow. Moderate at times but mostly light snow so we're not getting a lot of accumulation--maybe 2 to 3 inches--but this is not normal Albuquerque weather.

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