USMB Coffee Shop IV

Back in elementary school they used to serve stewed prunes in the school lunch and I think I was probably the only kid that went back for seconds. I've always loved prunes. I even have my own tree now..
You probably like lima beans also...... I knew right off your were strange...... :D

I may be strange, but that's where I draw the line, at lima beans..:04:

In my opinion everybody should draw the line at lima beans. And their sister butter beans. I hated them as a kid and I still do. I was told as a child I had to eat them and could not leave the table until I did. I hid a lot of them under the dining room rug. :)

I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

What's a cheeseburger without ketchup and "meatloaf" should be smothered in mushroom gravy.

(okay sure, it could be barbequed)

.. but .. we can still be friends... :)


:) I am not much on ketchup but do have a little with french fries, do put it in my meatloaf, and do enjoy a bit on a hamburger or hot dog which I have very infrequently. I keep it on hand though because we have fairly frequent house guests who put it on everything.
I may be strange, but that's where I draw the line, at lima beans..:04:

In my opinion everybody should draw the line at lima beans. And their sister butter beans. I hated them as a kid and I still do. I was told as a child I had to eat them and could not leave the table until I did. I hid a lot of them under the dining room rug. :)

I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

What's a cheeseburger without ketchup and "meatloaf" should be smothered in mushroom gravy.

(okay sure, it could be barbequed)

I have had ground venison in lieu of hamburger. It is very good.
.. but .. we can still be friends... :)


Cheeseburger with mayo, mustard, lettuce and onions. No gravy on meatloaf, but Salisbury Steak with mushroom gravy is great

Oh, as for me, I prefer hamburger with venison. Really tasty

I have had ground venison in lieu of hamburger (which of course is ground beef.) It was very tasty.
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You probably like lima beans also...... I knew right off your were strange...... :D

I may be strange, but that's where I draw the line, at lima beans..:04:

In my opinion everybody should draw the line at lima beans. And their sister butter beans. I hated them as a kid and I still do. I was told as a child I had to eat them and could not leave the table until I did. I hid a lot of them under the dining room rug. :)

I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

What's a cheeseburger without ketchup and "meatloaf" should be smothered in mushroom gravy.

(okay sure, it could be barbequed)

.. but .. we can still be friends... :)


:) I am not much on ketchup but do have a little with french fries, do put it in my meatloaf, and do enjoy a bit on a hamburger or hot dog which I have very infrequently. I keep it on hand though because we have fairly frequent house guests who put it on everything.
Ketchup on a hot dog is un-American, just ask Dirty Harry......... :eusa_whistle:

If you ask me ketchup on a hot dog is one of the most deadly sins one could commit......
I may be strange, but that's where I draw the line, at lima beans..:04:

In my opinion everybody should draw the line at lima beans. And their sister butter beans. I hated them as a kid and I still do. I was told as a child I had to eat them and could not leave the table until I did. I hid a lot of them under the dining room rug. :)

I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

Butter Beans are large dried Limas, usually served on top of cornbread and cooked with ham/salt pork in them.

I like them!

In my part of the world, we top cornbread sometimes with a good hearty soup or stew. If it is topped with beans it has to be pinto beans. My experience with lima and butter beans is that I sure don't want to schluck up my cornbread with them (and therefore render them inedible.) :)
I always found cornbread to be inedible...... :eusa_whistle:

You haven't had my cornbread. :)
I may be strange, but that's where I draw the line, at lima beans..:04:

In my opinion everybody should draw the line at lima beans. And their sister butter beans. I hated them as a kid and I still do. I was told as a child I had to eat them and could not leave the table until I did. I hid a lot of them under the dining room rug. :)

I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

What's a cheeseburger without ketchup and "meatloaf" should be smothered in mushroom gravy.

(okay sure, it could be barbequed)

.. but .. we can still be friends... :)


:) I am not much on ketchup but do have a little with french fries, do put it in my meatloaf, and do enjoy a bit on a hamburger or hot dog which I have very infrequently. I keep it on hand though because we have fairly frequent house guests who put it on everything.
Ketchup on a hot dog is un-American, just ask Dirty Harry......... :eusa_whistle:

If you ask me ketchup on a hot dog is one of the most deadly sins one could commit......

Well I'm going to culinary hell then. Because a dollop of ketchup plus mustard, a bit of relish and fresh onion is about the only thing that makes them edible for me. And even then they are very rare around here (mostly in our effort to eat healthier.) When we do have them, I want mine very very VERY done on the grill or in the toaster oven.

A little more done than this even:
In my opinion everybody should draw the line at lima beans. And their sister butter beans. I hated them as a kid and I still do. I was told as a child I had to eat them and could not leave the table until I did. I hid a lot of them under the dining room rug. :)

I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

Butter Beans are large dried Limas, usually served on top of cornbread and cooked with ham/salt pork in them.

I like them!

In my part of the world, we top cornbread sometimes with a good hearty soup or stew. If it is topped with beans it has to be pinto beans. My experience with lima and butter beans is that I sure don't want to schluck up my cornbread with them (and therefore render them inedible.) :)
I always found cornbread to be inedible...... :eusa_whistle:

You haven't had my cornbread. :)
It wouldn't matter, I hate cornbread no matter how it's made.
I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

Butter Beans are large dried Limas, usually served on top of cornbread and cooked with ham/salt pork in them.

I like them!

In my part of the world, we top cornbread sometimes with a good hearty soup or stew. If it is topped with beans it has to be pinto beans. My experience with lima and butter beans is that I sure don't want to schluck up my cornbread with them (and therefore render them inedible.) :)
I always found cornbread to be inedible...... :eusa_whistle:

You haven't had my cornbread. :)
It wouldn't matter, I hate cornbread no matter how it's made.

I could never refuse Lady Foxfyre's cornbread .... :eusa_angel:
Butter Beans are large dried Limas, usually served on top of cornbread and cooked with ham/salt pork in them.

I like them!

In my part of the world, we top cornbread sometimes with a good hearty soup or stew. If it is topped with beans it has to be pinto beans. My experience with lima and butter beans is that I sure don't want to schluck up my cornbread with them (and therefore render them inedible.) :)
I always found cornbread to be inedible...... :eusa_whistle:

You haven't had my cornbread. :)
It wouldn't matter, I hate cornbread no matter how it's made.

I could never refuse Lady Foxfyre's cornbread .... :eusa_angel:
You're a better man than I Gunga Din........

Cornbread is gritty and dry, takes a pound of butter just to eat one serving......... I hate gritty and I'm not a teen something any more so that's waaaaay too much butter for one serving......
In my part of the world, we top cornbread sometimes with a good hearty soup or stew. If it is topped with beans it has to be pinto beans. My experience with lima and butter beans is that I sure don't want to schluck up my cornbread with them (and therefore render them inedible.) :)
I always found cornbread to be inedible...... :eusa_whistle:

You haven't had my cornbread. :)
It wouldn't matter, I hate cornbread no matter how it's made.

I could never refuse Lady Foxfyre's cornbread .... :eusa_angel:
You're a better man than I Gunga Din........

Cornbread is gritty and dry, takes a pound of butter just to eat one serving......... I hate gritty and I'm not a teen something any more so that's waaaaay too much butter for one serving......

Well, I usually drench it in chili but I've had cornbread that's moist and gritty free..
I always found cornbread to be inedible...... :eusa_whistle:

You haven't had my cornbread. :)
It wouldn't matter, I hate cornbread no matter how it's made.

I could never refuse Lady Foxfyre's cornbread .... :eusa_angel:
You're a better man than I Gunga Din........

Cornbread is gritty and dry, takes a pound of butter just to eat one serving......... I hate gritty and I'm not a teen something any more so that's waaaaay too much butter for one serving......

Well, I usually drench it in chili but I've had cornbread that's moist and gritty free..
Then it wasn't cornbread..... :eusa_whistle:
You haven't had my cornbread. :)
It wouldn't matter, I hate cornbread no matter how it's made.

I could never refuse Lady Foxfyre's cornbread .... :eusa_angel:
You're a better man than I Gunga Din........

Cornbread is gritty and dry, takes a pound of butter just to eat one serving......... I hate gritty and I'm not a teen something any more so that's waaaaay too much butter for one serving......

Well, I usually drench it in chili but I've had cornbread that's moist and gritty free..
Then it wasn't cornbread..... :eusa_whistle:

Eat the Cornbread dang it .. !!!


How are you with corn on the cob with butter and such?

(side note)
I had boss, a brilliant fellow but everytime he ate/drank a corn related product he got kinda nutty, sometimes rather intense. Just drinking a coke with corn syrup in it would set him off. Thank God we/he finally figured out that problem.
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It wouldn't matter, I hate cornbread no matter how it's made.

I could never refuse Lady Foxfyre's cornbread .... :eusa_angel:
You're a better man than I Gunga Din........

Cornbread is gritty and dry, takes a pound of butter just to eat one serving......... I hate gritty and I'm not a teen something any more so that's waaaaay too much butter for one serving......

Well, I usually drench it in chili but I've had cornbread that's moist and gritty free..
Then it wasn't cornbread..... :eusa_whistle:

Eat the Cornbread dang it .. !!!


How are you with corn on the cob with butter and such?

(side note)
I had boss, a brilliant fellow but everytime he ate/drank a corn related product he got kinda nutty, sometimes rather intense. Just drinking a coke with corn syrup in it would set him off. Thank God we/he finally figured out that problem.

And all this time I thought the wife's problems were hormones........ No more corn for her........
I may be strange, but that's where I draw the line, at lima beans..:04:

In my opinion everybody should draw the line at lima beans. And their sister butter beans. I hated them as a kid and I still do. I was told as a child I had to eat them and could not leave the table until I did. I hid a lot of them under the dining room rug. :)

I don't think I've ever had butter beans, but my parents were much the same about food. You have to eat what's provided and not leave the table until you do. I didn't like lima's, but Dad suggested adding ketchup to change the flavor. He didn't understand I wasn't a big fan of ketchup either, but it did help to improve the flavor of the lima's. But I've never eaten them since and hubs never liked them either, yet we both enjoy other types of beans. And anytime we have ham, it's assured ham & bean soup with cornbread will be in the near future.

IMO, ketchup only belongs on French fries and meatloaf.

Butter Beans are large dried Limas, usually served on top of cornbread and cooked with ham/salt pork in them.

I like them!

In my part of the world, we top cornbread sometimes with a good hearty soup or stew. If it is topped with beans it has to be pinto beans. My experience with lima and butter beans is that I sure don't want to schluck up my cornbread with them (and therefore render them inedible.) :)
I always found cornbread to be inedible...... :eusa_whistle:

talk about a heathen...….:rolleyes:

Plain cornbread is good, better if made with creamed corn mixed in and best with bacon.

Mix up the ingredients & pour into a cast iron skillet & bake till golden brown.....good stuff. But I prefer the beans on the side. I don't want anything to interfere with my cornbread dripping with butter.

btw....guess what we had for supper tonight????? Hamburger steaks with home fries with a dish of ketchup and a dish of tartar sauce....I couldn't resist after the conversation last night. I had to have me some fries!!!

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