USMB Coffee Shop IV

You mean there's an alternative to catalogs and leaves??!! When did this happen? :dunno:

There's always corn cobs, so I've heard......
All used up......
You mean there's an alternative to catalogs and leaves??!! When did this happen? :dunno:

There's always corn cobs, so I've heard......

Us old country boys use snowballs when we go hunting. Try it, you'll like it.

Oh hail NO, are you crazy???

Amazingly it doesn't feel the cold. True story.

I'll take your word for it...
You mean there's an alternative to catalogs and leaves??!! When did this happen? :dunno:

There's always corn cobs, so I've heard......

Us old country boys use snowballs when we go hunting. Try it, you'll like it.

Oh hail NO, are you crazy???

Amazingly it doesn't feel the cold. True story.
Then you wouldn't mind an icicle enema.......
You mean there's an alternative to catalogs and leaves??!! When did this happen? :dunno:

There's always corn cobs, so I've heard......

Us old country boys use snowballs when we go hunting. Try it, you'll like it.

Oh hail NO, are you crazy???

Amazingly it doesn't feel the cold. True story.
Then you wouldn't mind an icicle enema.......

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!


Bad shoulder--might be arthritis or in my case adhesive capsulitis or 'frozen shoulder' syndrome. I can use my left shoulder/arm just fine with some limitations and some pain now and then. Have had cortisone shots and physical therapy but oh well. Could be worse.

But the hemp oil does help. Keeps in inflammation down in my shoulder and in my back that significantly eases the pain without resorting to pain killers with a lot of unwanted side effects.
I was trolling in Walgreen's the other day for some kind of knee brace when I saw these patches you put over areas that ache, some were huge, others just large, and still others, small enough to fit around your ring finger. I wonder if a medium sized one the size that would fit over a shoulder blade and then some would benefit your shoulder's inflammation, Foxfyre. I bet it would. They didn't have one that would give range to movement on a knee that I could tell, but I could envision one of those fitting over a shoulder before I knew you had paint there. Some of them last for 12 hours, but heck, you can't take it with you, so you might as well buy some comfort, I was thinking if that ever happened to me. Other helpers might be to seal around windows and doors where cold air can seep in and make your inflamed parts uncomfortable and turn the heater up a couple of notches if the stuffy feeling you get from too-warm rooms is less bad than the comfort warmth brings sometimes to the aches of arthritis in the wintertime. Also might want to change from 60-watt light to 75 or even 100 for the cheer to the soul that bright lights have been shown scientifically to people who get cheerless in the dark of long nights of wintertime. In fact, some people can shelve their antidepressants if they simply turn more lights on in the house. Hope this helps:

Bad shoulder--might be arthritis or in my case adhesive capsulitis or 'frozen shoulder' syndrome. I can use my left shoulder/arm just fine with some limitations and some pain now and then. Have had cortisone shots and physical therapy but oh well. Could be worse.

But the hemp oil does help. Keeps in inflammation down in my shoulder and in my back that significantly eases the pain without resorting to pain killers with a lot of unwanted side effects.
I was trolling in Walgreen's the other day for some kind of knee brace when I saw these patches you put over areas that ache, some were huge, others just large, and still others, small enough to fit around your ring finger. I wonder if a medium sized one the size that would fit over a shoulder blade and then some would benefit your shoulder's inflammation, Foxfyre. I bet it would. They didn't have one that would give range to movement on a knee that I could tell, but I could envision one of those fitting over a shoulder before I knew you had paint there. Some of them last for 12 hours, but heck, you can't take it with you, so you might as well buy some comfort, I was thinking if that ever happened to me. Other helpers might be to seal around windows and doors where cold air can seep in and make your inflamed parts uncomfortable and turn the heater up a couple of notches if the stuffy feeling you get from too-warm rooms is less bad than the comfort warmth brings sometimes to the aches of arthritis in the wintertime. Also might want to change from 60-watt light to 75 or even 100 for the cheer to the soul that bright lights have been shown scientifically to people who get cheerless in the dark of long nights of wintertime. In fact, some people can shelve their antidepressants if they simply turn more lights on in the house. Hope this helps:

Thanks for the suggestion but I have tried pretty much everything including the lidocaine patches but they didn't really help much. And I don't like taking any kind of medicine that I don't really need.

They don't really know what causes adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder syndrome) and there is no known treatment for it that works for everybody. I personally just classify it as one of those auto immune things until they come up with something better. It does limit some use of my left arm but not to the level I would call handicapping. Like I can't reach up to a high shelf or reach far out to the left with it, but nothing that is any serious problem. And the pain is minimal compared to what it once was and it doesn't hurt more much more often than it does. I could continue to get the cortisone shots but figure we don't need that expense for no more benefit than I get from them and no telling what else that does to my body. I still do physical therapy pretty regularly with it to ensure it doesn't get worse but after several years now, I am resigned to living with it.
Have you talked to your doctor about writing a prescription to purchase orthopedic shoes? My wife and I did about 25 years ago and lower back pain went away. The doctor can direct you to an orthopedic shoe store where you pick out any style shoe and then you step in a box that looks like Etch-A-Sketch and stand in it to make a mold. Then they make a pair of insoles from the mold and put it into the shoe you picked . The results are amazing. Medicare will pay all or part of the cost for the insoles. If you try to go back to regular shoes you will notice the difference immediately.

Thanks for the tip and if it comes to it, I'll consider that. But for now I do very well with a good walking or running shoe or any other with proper arch support that gives me good posture. As opposed to my beloved soft sole Minnetonka moccasins that I prefer to wear around the house. :) If I'm up doing housework or cooking or something else that has me on my feet for some time, my back will be killing me if I'm wearing those moccasins. Switch to good shoes and I am much better. A daily hemp oil capsule (little or no thc) and an occasional ibuprophen or naproxen keeps me up and running very nicely.

I do recommend the hemp oil. When I remember to take it I need very little pain med if any at all.

Just came on here, and saw this.....coincidence.

I bought some hemp oil today from the health shop. I shall take it daily off a spoon.

Just make sure it isn't the potent stuff with a lot of thc. I order capsules on line (through Amazon) and they contain little or no thc--certainly too small an amount to affect a drug test--but it does seem to significantly reduce the pain level without the downsides of the NSAIDS.

What is thc?

I've developed problems with my shoulder.

THC is the ingredient in cannabis that makes you high.
CBD is the oil from cannabis where the THC is get the same benefits without the high.
I HIGHLY recommend Arnicare. Has the Arnica plant in it...which soothes soreness. It works. Trust me. I use it on my ankles, shoulders, hips,toes, wrists due to rhuematoid arthritis. I sleep well. Oh, and it works great for muscle spasms..which I have been getting lately in my legs which are EXTREMELY painful. Soon as I massage that stuff in...its gone.

arnicare - Google Search

Arnicare Pain Relieving Cream | Arnicare for Pain Relief and Bruising

T-Relief works very well too. ^
And now I have to go finish lunch preparation for our weekly luncheon and a movie with Aunt Betty and Dana. Plus the Cowboys play in the late playoff game today.

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