USMB Coffee Shop IV

Does this remind anybody else of Gracie? :) :)

Got a late start but the baseboard is in the office and 2/3ds of the hallway/entry. Was working on the entry when it started raining, had to break down and pull everything into the garage. At least I can now get my office set up which was my primary goal, that's the start to pulling all the office items out of the spare room giving me the room I need to empty out the PackRat storage unit and have them pick it up.
Raining pretty good at our house right now. I'm generally not squeamish about thunder and lightning--I used to be but not any more--but we just had an instantaneous lightning flash and thunder so loud I was surprised it didn't trip the car alarm. I ducked like I haven't in a long time. Like that did any good. :)

But we need the rain so we'll gladly take it.
So, we celebrated my birthday last night at Doc Holliday's. For the second year, I booked a band called Disciples of the Crow out of Mobile AL. They are a great group and we try to have them 4 or 5 times a year.


Yup Tuesday was the day, actually. Folks were asking how old I was and I'm just telling them that I'm oldenough to be President AND Vice President.

Our Siamese mama cat was always trying to figure out how to get what she wanted. In our house in Kansas we had a formal dining area but also a corner eat in combination table/booth in the kitchen. Two benches ran the width of the table in the corner with free standing chairs on the outside. So I would be setting the table placing say the fried chicken in the center. And you wouldn't see the cat on the bench as she stayed below the edge, but you would see that black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook something. Pretty funny.

As Siamese beauty queens go, she wasn't an especially beautiful Siamese cat. But as a great cat she definitely was. Our Siamese Tom, love of her life as she was his, was gorgeous. She was just loving and wonderful. I still remember the night, roughly 2 am she was having a fit, walking on my back, and using a loud Siamese voice until I got up and switched on the light to see what the problem was. Nothing seemed to be amiss, she calmed down and we all went back to sleep.

The next morning when I went out to the car to go to work, the hood was ajar. And under it I found one of the battery cables off. Somebody had been stealing the battery when I switched on the light the night before and that of course spooked the thief or thieves who fled. Somehow that cat knew something was going on out there. Animals can be amazing that way.

Siamese are very intelligent and my favorite breed of cats, though we currently have a mixed misfit of sorts that we love dearly. She is our prima-donna diva and acts it too. I've had a few Siamese and one of these days I'll have another. Seal points are my favorite.

Unique factoids of Siamese are their fur gets darker as they age and their fangs get longer. It's also been reported they can talk, not just meows of regular cats. My mother would always talk to her cats (as do I), and they would 'answer' her in one word responses. There was even a book about the language of Siamese though I don't remember the name of it.
I had a Siamese like that, he would "chat" with me while I went about my business. He would also come hiking. I rigged a backpack with a nice platform but he only rode in it when he was tired. He wander up and down the trail, never letting me out of his sight. What was really cool, this was in Germany. They allowed people to bring their (well-behaved) dogs into pubs and restaurants. I would bring Florian in with me in his backpack and he'd politely climb out and snuggle next to me on the bench. Lots of exclamations. Dogs were common, cats much less so. But Florian was only one of my Siamese over the years. Sometime I'll tell y'all about Hermes and Ichabod. But their tales always bring tears because they end sadly. I have discovered Sphynx cats, though. They are quite endearing, as well.
Your kitty is in there gallantwarrior if you like it. I can't do furry animals. :(
Something I was looking forward to during my recuperation from hip surgery was taking up some pencils and my old sketch book. Somewhere along the line I ran out of time for my art. I was going to work particularly on my cat pictures so I could get an edge on "furriness". Alas, it is not to be, so the sketch book and new pencils have been knocked down behind the bookshelf by the very objects I would have drawn. Bratty cats!
Raining pretty good at our house right now. I'm generally not squeamish about thunder and lightning--I used to be but not any more--but we just had an instantaneous lightning flash and thunder so loud I was surprised it didn't trip the car alarm. I ducked like I haven't in a long time. Like that did any good. :)

But we need the rain so we'll gladly take it.
Yeah, we had one that sounded like it was right outside the open front door....... I jumped........ So did the wife.......
Good rain, stopped, more good rain, now it's drizzling.
I sure hope it rains here soon. I need them to lift the burn ban so I can get on with cleaning up around here. All this slash is a fire hazard.
That damn Tiny Pic. I got the email they were shutting down in 2019 and to safeguard my pics to somewhere else....then 5 hours later..POOF. Tiny Pic is gone! Nothing like giving folks time, eh?? :rolleyes-41:

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