USMB Coffee Shop IV

All my painted rocks are gone! Anne took every one, to put in her little mall space up in Magalia she still have stuff in. I told her to keep the money they fetch and apply it to the electric bill here cuz its high due to the horrible heat. She said that is a great deal and I am pleased cuz at least I am contributing the best I can to the bills here. So..that means I hafta get to painting some more. She said to paint A LOT. So...I plan to do that.:)
Your rocks are super cool, Gracie. I'll buy one and pay postage. Of course, I'd probably prefer one with a kitty, if that were possible
Saw the doc today, not great news but not horrible news either. The spots on the lungs have stabilized but there was some growth on the kidney and spleen but the worst news was a new small mass has been detected on her liver. Basically the doc said we now know there is a "clone" in her system that is resistant to the chemo she was getting and the new oral treatment should take care of it. If the growth was in only one spot the doc could have specifically targeted it with radiation but since it's in multiple spots that's currently out of the question.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Prayers up, Ringel! Best of luck and hope that new treatment works.
Busy day and I'm bushed. In addition to dealing with banks, loan officers, the FMLA people, and applying for short-term disability for the partner, I had to go pay two months worth of electric bills to get the electricity turned back on at his place. That was totally uncalled for! I had a long talk with both his physical therapist and his doctor, too. The therapist wants me to come in early Monday so she can show me how to take the partner "walkies", help him dress and bathe. I told her bathing would be no problem because I had a lawn chair and a hose. Gets his laundry done at the same time, too.
Saw the doc today, not great news but not horrible news either. The spots on the lungs have stabilized but there was some growth on the kidney and spleen but the worst news was a new small mass has been detected on her liver. Basically the doc said we now know there is a "clone" in her system that is resistant to the chemo she was getting and the new oral treatment should take care of it. If the growth was in only one spot the doc could have specifically targeted it with radiation but since it's in multiple spots that's currently out of the question.
Please keep her in your prayers.

How is she tolerating the new med? Or is it too soon to tell?
Saw the doc today, not great news but not horrible news either. The spots on the lungs have stabilized but there was some growth on the kidney and spleen but the worst news was a new small mass has been detected on her liver. Basically the doc said we now know there is a "clone" in her system that is resistant to the chemo she was getting and the new oral treatment should take care of it. If the growth was in only one spot the doc could have specifically targeted it with radiation but since it's in multiple spots that's currently out of the question.
Please keep her in your prayers.

How is she tolerating the new med? Or is it too soon to tell?
Starts tomorrow morning.
All my painted rocks are gone! Anne took every one, to put in her little mall space up in Magalia she still have stuff in. I told her to keep the money they fetch and apply it to the electric bill here cuz its high due to the horrible heat. She said that is a great deal and I am pleased cuz at least I am contributing the best I can to the bills here. So..that means I hafta get to painting some more. She said to paint A LOT. So...I plan to do that.:)
Your rocks are super cool, Gracie. I'll buy one and pay postage. Of course, I'd probably prefer one with a kitty, if that were possible
I will look for a kitty, then paint it for you. As my charge. :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing in advance of surgery.
Rod, GW's partner for recovery and help for GW dealing with that.
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.


Our Siamese mama cat was always trying to figure out how to get what she wanted. In our house in Kansas we had a formal dining area but also a corner eat in combination table/booth in the kitchen. Two benches ran the width of the table in the corner with free standing chairs on the outside. So I would be setting the table placing say the fried chicken in the center. And you wouldn't see the cat on the bench as she stayed below the edge, but you would see that black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook something. Pretty funny.
We are under invasion by black flies! Hundreds and thousands of them swarming all over. Even the chickens are overwhelmed. Maybe the recent moist weather has encouraged a hatch?
Preparing for the partner's arrival upon discharge from the hospital. His therapist gave me some training how to support him getting up and walking, climbing stairs. She wants me in early Monday so she can show me how to bathe him and help him get dressed. I told her I already had a good plan for bathing. Just put him in a lawn chair and turn the hose on him. Also gets his laundry done at the same time. She thinks I was kidding...
I have to admit, I am a far better mechanic than a nurse. Things might get a bit...humorous here. When my hip surgeon told me that the longer I kept going on this hip without surgery, the worse it would be, like driving on a bald tire. To me, it's far more like having a u-joint going out. The bearings are wearing and pretty soon there aren't any bearing left, leaving metal-on-metal grinding until the thing seizes.
I got him one of these, hoping he'll feel encouraged to regain some control of his hand:
jet engine model.jpg

Our Siamese mama cat was always trying to figure out how to get what she wanted. In our house in Kansas we had a formal dining area but also a corner eat in combination table/booth in the kitchen. Two benches ran the width of the table in the corner with free standing chairs on the outside. So I would be setting the table placing say the fried chicken in the center. And you wouldn't see the cat on the bench as she stayed below the edge, but you would see that black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook something. Pretty funny.

Our Siamese mama cat was always trying to figure out how to get what she wanted. In our house in Kansas we had a formal dining area but also a corner eat in combination table/booth in the kitchen. Two benches ran the width of the table in the corner with free standing chairs on the outside. So I would be setting the table placing say the fried chicken in the center. And you wouldn't see the cat on the bench as she stayed below the edge, but you would see that black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook something. Pretty funny.

As Siamese beauty queens go, she wasn't an especially beautiful Siamese cat. But as a great cat she definitely was. Our Siamese Tom, love of her life as she was his, was gorgeous. She was just loving and wonderful. I still remember the night, roughly 2 am she was having a fit, walking on my back, and using a loud Siamese voice until I got up and switched on the light to see what the problem was. Nothing seemed to be amiss, she calmed down and we all went back to sleep.

The next morning when I went out to the car to go to work, the hood was ajar. And under it I found one of the battery cables off. Somebody had been stealing the battery when I switched on the light the night before and that of course spooked the thief or thieves who fled. Somehow that cat knew something was going on out there. Animals can be amazing that way.
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Saturday morning!

Berry season in full swing at the tree ranch...Blueberries already gone, raspberries at full fruit, and blackberries just getting ripe.

Let the cartoon begin!


Our Siamese mama cat was always trying to figure out how to get what she wanted. In our house in Kansas we had a formal dining area but also a corner eat in combination table/booth in the kitchen. Two benches ran the width of the table in the corner with free standing chairs on the outside. So I would be setting the table placing say the fried chicken in the center. And you wouldn't see the cat on the bench as she stayed below the edge, but you would see that black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook something. Pretty funny.

As Siamese beauty queens go, she wasn't an especially beautiful Siamese cat. But as a great cat she definitely was. Our Siamese Tom, love of her life as she was his, was gorgeous. She was just loving and wonderful. I still remember the night, roughly 2 am she was having a fit, walking on my back, and using a loud Siamese voice until I got up and switched on the light to see what the problem was. Nothing seemed to be amiss, she calmed down and we all went back to sleep.

The next morning when I went out to the car to go to work, the hood was ajar. And under it I found one of the battery cables off. Somebody had been stealing the battery when I switched on the light the night before and that of course spooked the thief or thieves who fled. Somehow that cat knew something was going on out there. Animals can be amazing that way.

Siamese are very intelligent and my favorite breed of cats, though we currently have a mixed misfit of sorts that we love dearly. She is our prima-donna diva and acts it too. I've had a few Siamese and one of these days I'll have another. Seal points are my favorite.

Unique factoids of Siamese are their fur gets darker as they age and their fangs get longer. It's also been reported they can talk, not just meows of regular cats. My mother would always talk to her cats (as do I), and they would 'answer' her in one word responses. There was even a book about the language of Siamese though I don't remember the name of it.

Our Siamese mama cat was always trying to figure out how to get what she wanted. In our house in Kansas we had a formal dining area but also a corner eat in combination table/booth in the kitchen. Two benches ran the width of the table in the corner with free standing chairs on the outside. So I would be setting the table placing say the fried chicken in the center. And you wouldn't see the cat on the bench as she stayed below the edge, but you would see that black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook something. Pretty funny.

As Siamese beauty queens go, she wasn't an especially beautiful Siamese cat. But as a great cat she definitely was. Our Siamese Tom, love of her life as she was his, was gorgeous. She was just loving and wonderful. I still remember the night, roughly 2 am she was having a fit, walking on my back, and using a loud Siamese voice until I got up and switched on the light to see what the problem was. Nothing seemed to be amiss, she calmed down and we all went back to sleep.

The next morning when I went out to the car to go to work, the hood was ajar. And under it I found one of the battery cables off. Somebody had been stealing the battery when I switched on the light the night before and that of course spooked the thief or thieves who fled. Somehow that cat knew something was going on out there. Animals can be amazing that way.

Siamese are very intelligent and my favorite breed of cats, though we currently have a mixed misfit of sorts that we love dearly. She is our prima-donna diva and acts it too. I've had a few Siamese and one of these days I'll have another. Seal points are my favorite.

Unique factoids of Siamese are their fur gets darker as they age and their fangs get longer. It's also been reported they can talk, not just meows of regular cats. My mother would always talk to her cats (as do I), and they would 'answer' her in one word responses. There was even a book about the language of Siamese though I don't remember the name of it.

We raised them for many years and I agree that while there are many amazing and fascinating cats--we have had many--the Siamese really are different.

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