USMB Coffee Shop IV

New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.
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New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.
Hope it helps. Is it an herbal type of treatment?
There are those who claim some work but no scientific evidence to back up those claims. Besides, the wife is, at this juncture, adverse to trying homeopathic remedies.
New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.
Hope it helps. Is it an herbal type of treatment?
There are those who claim some work but no scientific evidence to back up those claims. Besides, the wife is, at this juncture, adverse to trying homeopathic remedies.
How is she doing? Are they having any success with the treatments she's getting?
Well I found a road even more desolate than U.S. 285 between Roswell and Vaughn NM. This is Route 50 that back in the 50's ran coast to coast from Sacramento, California to Ocean City, Maryland. This portion in Nevada was dubbed "the loneliest road in America."

Highway to Heaven........ Where's R.I.P.D.? :dunno:

Somehow I envisioned the Highway to Heaven being a little more aesthetically pleasing? You know, more like this:



New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.
Hope it helps. Is it an herbal type of treatment?
There are those who claim some work but no scientific evidence to back up those claims. Besides, the wife is, at this juncture, adverse to trying homeopathic remedies.
How is she doing? Are they having any success with the treatments she's getting?
We'll find out, she just had a CT Scan last week. The doc thinks the mass on the kidney and spleen were still growing which is why the new "targeted" approach, the chemo shrank the lung masses but not the kidney and spleen masses. They really need to get the kidney to shrink, the mass apparently is irritating a blood vessel and occasionally the wife has blood in her urine.
New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.

Prayers up for this to work with the least amount of unpleasant side effects as possible.
New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.
Hope it helps. Is it an herbal type of treatment?
There are those who claim some work but no scientific evidence to back up those claims. Besides, the wife is, at this juncture, adverse to trying homeopathic remedies.
How is she doing? Are they having any success with the treatments she's getting?
We'll find out, she just had a CT Scan last week. The doc thinks the mass on the kidney and spleen were still growing which is why the new "targeted" approach, the chemo shrank the lung masses but not the kidney and spleen masses. They really need to get the kidney to shrink, the mass apparently is irritating a blood vessel and occasionally the wife has blood in her urine.
Hopefully the targeted approach will work. "Shot gunning" medical issues might not always be the best approach. At least they have the targeted alternatives. Still crossing the hooks and sending my best wishes and hopes your, and Mrs. R's way.
New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.

Prayers up for this to work with the least amount of unpleasant side effects as possible.
Thanks, this one looks like it has some potentially serious side effects, I also pray those don't occur.
Anyone else get prompted to download a new version of windows 10 today ? I have just downloaded it, and so far it works ok. I have not investigated the new features yet.
New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.
Hope it helps. Is it an herbal type of treatment?
There are those who claim some work but no scientific evidence to back up those claims. Besides, the wife is, at this juncture, adverse to trying homeopathic remedies.
How is she doing? Are they having any success with the treatments she's getting?
We'll find out, she just had a CT Scan last week. The doc thinks the mass on the kidney and spleen were still growing which is why the new "targeted" approach, the chemo shrank the lung masses but not the kidney and spleen masses. They really need to get the kidney to shrink, the mass apparently is irritating a blood vessel and occasionally the wife has blood in her urine.
Hopefully the targeted approach will work. "Shot gunning" medical issues might not always be the best approach. At least they have the targeted alternatives. Still crossing the hooks and sending my best wishes and hopes your, and Mrs. R's way.
Shotgunning frequently works well with "normal" cancers, of course she has to have the one that is the one percent of the one percent of rare cancers..........
New targeted drug, this time in pill form. Just arrived via UPS.
Reading up on it, looks like this one specifically targets Kidney cancer and Sarcomas. It's not Chemo but is designed to target specific cancers, chemo is more of a shotgun approach.

Prayers up for this to work with the least amount of unpleasant side effects as possible.
Thanks, this one looks like it has some potentially serious side effects, I also pray those don't occur.

Sorry to hear about all that. I hope things work out for you.
Anyone else get prompted to download a new version of windows 10 today ? I have just downloaded it, and so far it works ok. I have not investigated the new features yet.
No. Update or new version? The last update was May of this year, the next won't be until fall of this year..........
Maybe it was the May version that just hadn't reached you yet. :dunno:
Anyone else get prompted to download a new version of windows 10 today ? I have just downloaded it, and so far it works ok. I have not investigated the new features yet.
No. Update or new version? The last update was May of this year, the next won't be until fall of this year..........
Maybe it was the May version that just hadn't reached you yet. :dunno:

Actually, I think I may have got an early download of the new version. Its dated today anyway. Its version 1903
Anyone else get prompted to download a new version of windows 10 today ? I have just downloaded it, and so far it works ok. I have not investigated the new features yet.
No. Update or new version? The last update was May of this year, the next won't be until fall of this year..........
Maybe it was the May version that just hadn't reached you yet. :dunno:

Actually, I think I may have got an early download of the new version. Its dated today anyway. Its version 1903
That was the May version.
Thanks, this one looks like it has some potentially serious side effects, I also pray those don't occur.

I also hope the side effects are minimal... So many times the Pharmaceutical Companies write up the absolute worst that can happen to cover their asses... I have seen warnings that say taking this medication will make you knee's sweat...
Pls tell the Mrs. that we are pulling for her...
All my painted rocks are gone! Anne took every one, to put in her little mall space up in Magalia she still have stuff in. I told her to keep the money they fetch and apply it to the electric bill here cuz its high due to the horrible heat. She said that is a great deal and I am pleased cuz at least I am contributing the best I can to the bills here. So..that means I hafta get to painting some more. She said to paint A LOT. So...I plan to do that.:)
All my painted rocks are gone! Anne took every one, to put in her little mall space up in Magalia she still have stuff in. I told her to keep the money they fetch and apply it to the electric bill here cuz its high due to the horrible heat. She said that is a great deal and I am pleased cuz at least I am contributing the best I can to the bills here. So..that means I hafta get to painting some more. She said to paint A LOT. So...I plan to do that.:)

It may not be perfect, but after all you've been through recently, I'm glad you seem to be somewhere you can be at least partially comfortable.
Saw the doc today, not great news but not horrible news either. The spots on the lungs have stabilized but there was some growth on the kidney and spleen but the worst news was a new small mass has been detected on her liver. Basically the doc said we now know there is a "clone" in her system that is resistant to the chemo she was getting and the new oral treatment should take care of it. If the growth was in only one spot the doc could have specifically targeted it with radiation but since it's in multiple spots that's currently out of the question.
Please keep her in your prayers.

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