USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been having bouts of the blahs the past month or so. It would come and go and nothing seemed to set it off. Thursday morning at 4 AM I went to the ER. was admitted. Friday morning at 8AM I had another heart Cath. They found an older stent that was 80% blocked by scar tissue, I'm now told that was the problem a year ago May. So they tell me to keep doing everything I'm doing because I'm doing everything right. Still have some of the blahs but that could be sheer exhaustion from all the time in the hospital.

Did they unblock the blocked stent?

Probably something totally unrelated but up to a couple of weeks ago I was experiencing chronic fatigue and the blahs and worried that something was really wrong. But I got to thinking that Hombre and I had fallen back into a pattern of mostly piecemeal meals, not especially healthy ones, sandwiches and potato chips, and such. So I went back on my old regime of flax oil/ground flax seed smoothies for breakfast, cut way back on sugar, and upped my veggie intake. Within a couple of days the fatigue and depression were gone and I was feeling good. Can't fix the collapsed vertebrae in my back, but if that's all I have to cope with, I'm good.
Prayers up that your pain from the vertibrate goes away soon. :huddle: Hugs.

Thanks but it is a permanent condition I fear. Not excruciating or incapcitating pain, but it does give me fits some days. Especially if I forget to take my hemp oil. Due to another problem that developed a few months ago, I can't take nsaids (Advil, Motrin, and such) anymore and that complicates things because those really knocked the pain in a hurry. And because of the propensity of addictions in my family, I steer clear of the ophiods as much as possible. But I'm learning other holistic methods to keep things under control.
I spent the whole afternoon making postage stamp quilts in pastels, devil-may-care size:

I wound up with 2 64- one inch square blocks (8" x 8") for making a couple of hot pads for family Christmas gifts this year. I still haven't been able to go through the ins and outs of IRAs and stock market stuff afte 3 years of worrying about it since my husband passed, so I just leave it alone. I wrote letters before I got death certificates, then when I got them, I put them somewhere, and located them about a month ago. But now, everyone wants letters of testamentary accompanying the death certificates, and I haven't a clue where they got put. I wish I had put them with the death certificates, but got busy and forgot about it. The county wants nearly eight thousand dollars for taxes on my land. When we lived in Wyoming, our 40 acres cost us only about $120 a year, unimproved. We live on a road that serves as access to 4 prisons, and there are another 3 prisons nearby, and at least 20 prisons in a 30 mile radius, not to mention the city and county jails. lol They pave the roads along the prison route because there are 3 shift changes a day and several thousands of cars go breezing by before and after hours. It's a zoo out there, and there are frequent accidents and a couple of fatalities on this road every year, sometimes it's a pedestrian or a bicycler, and sometimes someone just falls asleep at the wheel and goes crashing through the fence at double deat man's curve and the Cline's Prairie 90-degree curve, which has a 45 mph speed limit on it, but people do not pay attention and keep going 60 or 70 mph. This year, they increased the 14" edges to about 20". When we first got here, it was 4". 20" still isn't enough to park a car by the roadside, but I think they should lower the speed limit to 45 mph and ticket people who exceed that. It's a narrow country road, and it's use is way over the top. That's probably why they want high taxes on land. The prison system has enough expenses without having to get money from the state for roads. Well, back to the do list, I'd like to take the two 64 piece squares that measure just under an inch each and make some burnless potholders for family and friends.

Oh, goodness. I see only 1 same print on the potholder facing. This lady was smarter than me. Instead of all 64 being different prints, she placed the same white fabric between 32 squares and cut her work time in half, most likely. And if you notice how the corner points touch, you know you're looking at a very experienced quilter's work, or at least a well-taught quilter. The only thing different that I would do is to use a print that would not show dirt like the white one above has no choice but to show every little oopsie. However, the maker may be a person who uses kitchen cloths on a one-use-throw-it-in-the-washer basis. *sigh* Or she's giving it away as Christmas gift, so the washing constant problem will be someone else's. :abgg2q.jpg:
I hope my asthma goes away so I can sing tomorrow in the choir.

/no more cynic stuff tonight. It's time for bed! :sleep:
Went to see a Palative care doc for the wife, got her to start changing her "I can't do what I used to do" attitude to "I can do this, I accomplished that". She's been getting some things done around the house, went out and picked out tile the other day and went for a short drive today which she enjoyed.
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
007's cold
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
Gracie for wellness.
Did we miss anybody? Jog my memory please.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Autumn in Washington State

Well..the visit to the GI doc was a joke. Seems he can't do the colonoscopy until December. And, there is a shortage of anesthesiologists, which is why December. Sigh. So, he said my regular doc should consider sending me to another GI doc that can perform it in another Roseville or Sacramento. But, I'd have to start all over again because most GI docs don't want to rely on the previous docs findings. Or..I can wait til December.
Not sure what I'm going to do yet. He said he doesn't put much faith in colonguard tests...too many false positives. And there is no blood in my stool, nor stomach pain, no vomiting, etc. However...the distended belly, the wishy washy bowel movements are suspect. Which could mean exactly what my previous GI doc said.....microscoptic colitis, IBS, diverticulitus, possible gluten intolerance, weight gain fatty cells collected in my abdominal area, and..drum roll..old age which does a number on folks plumbing.

So..I will confer with my doc and see what he thinks I should do. I am not in pain in the plumbing department. So...why not wait? At least, thats what I tell myself NOW.

And no..I am NOT going to do what I did before. STRESS OUT. One day at a time, painting rocks when able to move my fingers, watching netflix, amazon prime, tv.

Speaking of amazon prime....I am bingeing Downton Abbey. On last season (6), episode 3. So far..I still hate Mary, love Gma ma (Maggie smith), think Edith is too damn wimpy, sick of the drama of The Bates, loathe Barrow and in general wonder why this show was made to begin with except maybe to show just how snobby Brits are. :D
I liked it. Costume dramas are of particular interest to me, although I prefer historical fiction to most other stuff. BBC puts out superior entertainment compared to most US outlets, though.

I loved hating it..and miss it already. Never can get enough of Maggie Smith, lol.
So, to occupy myself..I watched the Assassination of Gianni Verace. That netflix show was geared to make one feel sorry for the crazy murderer. Glad its over. Tomorrow..I plan to find another flick. Maybe I will watch The Duchess. I like period pieces too. Same with books. I read nothing that is current if I can avoid it.
Been having bouts of the blahs the past month or so. It would come and go and nothing seemed to set it off. Thursday morning at 4 AM I went to the ER. was admitted. Friday morning at 8AM I had another heart Cath. They found an older stent that was 80% blocked by scar tissue, I'm now told that was the problem a year ago May. So they tell me to keep doing everything I'm doing because I'm doing everything right. Still have some of the blahs but that could be sheer exhaustion from all the time in the hospital.

Did they unblock the blocked stent?

Probably something totally unrelated but up to a couple of weeks ago I was experiencing chronic fatigue and the blahs and worried that something was really wrong. But I got to thinking that Hombre and I had fallen back into a pattern of mostly piecemeal meals, not especially healthy ones, sandwiches and potato chips, and such. So I went back on my old regime of flax oil/ground flax seed smoothies for breakfast, cut way back on sugar, and upped my veggie intake. Within a couple of days the fatigue and depression were gone and I was feeling good. Can't fix the collapsed vertebrae in my back, but if that's all I have to cope with, I'm good.
Prayers up that your pain from the vertibrate goes away soon. :huddle: Hugs.

Thanks but it is a permanent condition I fear. Not excruciating or incapcitating pain, but it does give me fits some days. Especially if I forget to take my hemp oil. Due to another problem that developed a few months ago, I can't take nsaids (Advil, Motrin, and such) anymore and that complicates things because those really knocked the pain in a hurry. And because of the propensity of addictions in my family, I steer clear of the ophiods as much as possible. But I'm learning other holistic methods to keep things under control.
Oh, Foxfyre, somehow I missed this post last night. I was beat on my feet and have a terrible case of asthma that just wipes me out late at night. I hear spinal surgery has had some major advances in the past couple of years and wondered if your vertebrae could be corrected in that way. I'm hoping and praying there could be some way of you getting spinal support in some way that would remove your need for painkillers so you could live and move in a pain-free way. You're one of the best people I know, and you deserve a life of pain-free living imho. I'm praying for a viable alternative that doctors can fix your problem, and spinal injuries are very central to our general well-being. I know, because while I was suffering the years I had screaming out loud pain 24-7-365 with fibromyalgia, the neural system can be compromised and lead to a lot of misery. And it's funny how the parathyroids, which govern calcium uptake wound up being the sole cause of my neural misfirings that lied to my brain about pain that was in a word, just crazy. I hope your physician will relay you to a good endocrinologist to rule out other issues, and if they can coordinate with the best of good surgeons that specialize in "back" or spinal problems. There is a reason your vertabrae gave out on you, and I'm praying that they can now fix it with lazer surgery, but first they will want you to go to an endocrinologist to rule out calcium distribution issues that are causing a failure of your spinal bones to heal. Forgive me for being stupid, you may have pursued this cure, or if you did long ago, it is likely there is a new procedure that can save you from a life of disability the likes of which I am a veteran of many years, and am partially back now due to the relief I got when 2 of 4 parathyroids that went bad were removed. It took a year after my surgery for all the bone spurs that had grown in places spurs oughtn't to be increasing my already horrendous load of pain. I adore you and want nothing but the best for you, Foxfyre, which is a life of wellness that you have furnished for so many other people through your outreach to seniors in your community and your online cheerleaders like me. :redface: I wonder if massage therapy in the right hands could help. I know when I can't walk well with my RA, I can still use the rowing machine at our local Iron Works. Your problem is different than mine, because the spine is where your problem is, and it is central in support issues, and only you know what you can and cannot do without pain. All of us here love you, and there is no one like you in this world.
Been having bouts of the blahs the past month or so. It would come and go and nothing seemed to set it off. Thursday morning at 4 AM I went to the ER. was admitted. Friday morning at 8AM I had another heart Cath. They found an older stent that was 80% blocked by scar tissue, I'm now told that was the problem a year ago May. So they tell me to keep doing everything I'm doing because I'm doing everything right. Still have some of the blahs but that could be sheer exhaustion from all the time in the hospital.

Did they unblock the blocked stent?

Probably something totally unrelated but up to a couple of weeks ago I was experiencing chronic fatigue and the blahs and worried that something was really wrong. But I got to thinking that Hombre and I had fallen back into a pattern of mostly piecemeal meals, not especially healthy ones, sandwiches and potato chips, and such. So I went back on my old regime of flax oil/ground flax seed smoothies for breakfast, cut way back on sugar, and upped my veggie intake. Within a couple of days the fatigue and depression were gone and I was feeling good. Can't fix the collapsed vertebrae in my back, but if that's all I have to cope with, I'm good.
Prayers up that your pain from the vertibrate goes away soon. :huddle: Hugs.

Thanks but it is a permanent condition I fear. Not excruciating or incapcitating pain, but it does give me fits some days. Especially if I forget to take my hemp oil. Due to another problem that developed a few months ago, I can't take nsaids (Advil, Motrin, and such) anymore and that complicates things because those really knocked the pain in a hurry. And because of the propensity of addictions in my family, I steer clear of the ophiods as much as possible. But I'm learning other holistic methods to keep things under control.
Oh, Foxfyre, somehow I missed this post last night. I was beat on my feet and have a terrible case of asthma that just wipes me out late at night. I hear spinal surgery has had some major advances in the past couple of years and wondered if your vertebrae could be corrected in that way. I'm hoping and praying there could be some way of you getting spinal support in some way that would remove your need for painkillers so you could live and move in a pain-free way. You're one of the best people I know, and you deserve a life of pain-free living imho. I'm praying for a viable alternative that doctors can fix your problem, and spinal injuries are very central to our general well-being. I know, because while I was suffering the years I had screaming out loud pain 24-7-365 with fibromyalgia, the neural system can be compromised and lead to a lot of misery. And it's funny how the parathyroids, which govern calcium uptake wound up being the sole cause of my neural misfirings that lied to my brain about pain that was in a word, just crazy. I hope your physician will relay you to a good endocrinologist to rule out other issues, and if they can coordinate with the best of good surgeons that specialize in "back" or spinal problems. There is a reason your vertabrae gave out on you, and I'm praying that they can now fix it with lazer surgery, but first they will want you to go to an endocrinologist to rule out calcium distribution issues that are causing a failure of your spinal bones to heal. Forgive me for being stupid, you may have pursued this cure, or if you did long ago, it is likely there is a new procedure that can save you from a life of disability the likes of which I am a veteran of many years, and am partially back now due to the relief I got when 2 of 4 parathyroids that went bad were removed. It took a year after my surgery for all the bone spurs that had grown in places spurs oughtn't to be increasing my already horrendous load of pain. I adore you and want nothing but the best for you, Foxfyre, which is a life of wellness that you have furnished for so many other people through your outreach to seniors in your community and your online cheerleaders like me. :redface: I wonder if massage therapy in the right hands could help. I know when I can't walk well with my RA, I can still use the rowing machine at our local Iron Works. Your problem is different than mine, because the spine is where your problem is, and it is central in support issues, and only you know what you can and cannot do without pain. All of us here love you, and there is no one like you in this world.

Bless you my friend and thank you for all your kind words. If it gets to the point it is seriously interfering with my quality of life, I will consult another specialist, but it really isn't that serious or constant at this time, and I would rather not risk the complications that can come with invasive surgery. And neither my personal physician or orthopedic are suggesting anything radical at this time.

You on the other hand, have been to hell and back medically I know. Your fibro went away? At least that as a huge blessing. You yourself are a blessing. :)

As for your asthma, have you tried regional honey? One old home treatment for asthma is to boil 5 or 6 whole cloves in a cup of water, add a bit of ginger and enough regional honey to make it taste good, and sip. (Remove or at least don't swallow those whole cloves though.) And plain old black tea and coffee is supposed to be good too.

And many have reported that a modified Budwig protocol (flaxseed oil mixed properly with cottage cheese--the properly part is essential but I can teach you how) have done wonders for their asthma, allergies, psoriasis and other maladies.
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My Aunt Betty's 93rd birthday is tomorrow, she has a couple of out of town guests this weekend, and we are having all of them plus Dana for a birthday luncheon today. Hombre and I were up until midnight doing what make ahead dishes we could and some other prep. Today I have to get my baked beans in the oven and later the pork tenderloin that will be served with apricot sauce in the oven. Make a tossed salad and we're done.

Aunt Betty eats a healthy diet and takes care of herself. At 93 she has slowed down a bit and her short term memory has slipped a bit, but she lives alone, still drives, and still enjoys life. Tomorrow she has arranged for her and her guests to take the tram to the top of the mountain where they will have lunch in the newly remodeled restaurant up there at 10,400+ feet. God willing that we all have such zest for life at 93. :)
My Aunt Betty's 93rd birthday is tomorrow, she has a couple of out of town guests this weekend, and we are having all of them plus Dana for a birthday luncheon today. Hombre and I were up until midnight doing what make ahead dishes we could and some other prep. Today I have to get my baked beans in the oven and later the pork tenderloin that will be served with apricot sauce in the oven. Make a tossed salad and we're done.

Aunt Betty eats a healthy diet and takes care of herself. At 93 she has slowed down a bit and her short term memory has slipped a bit, but she lives alone, still drives, and still enjoys life. Tomorrow she has arranged for her and her guests to take the tram to the top of the mountain where they will have lunch in the newly remodeled restaurant up there at 10,400+ feet. God willing that we all have such zest for life at 93. :)
I wish I was a relative of yours. Your home must be warm, loving, kind. So many of us just dream of people like you. And yes..I'm serious..not schmoozy. :)
Been having bouts of the blahs the past month or so. It would come and go and nothing seemed to set it off. Thursday morning at 4 AM I went to the ER. was admitted. Friday morning at 8AM I had another heart Cath. They found an older stent that was 80% blocked by scar tissue, I'm now told that was the problem a year ago May. So they tell me to keep doing everything I'm doing because I'm doing everything right. Still have some of the blahs but that could be sheer exhaustion from all the time in the hospital.

Did they unblock the blocked stent?

Probably something totally unrelated but up to a couple of weeks ago I was experiencing chronic fatigue and the blahs and worried that something was really wrong. But I got to thinking that Hombre and I had fallen back into a pattern of mostly piecemeal meals, not especially healthy ones, sandwiches and potato chips, and such. So I went back on my old regime of flax oil/ground flax seed smoothies for breakfast, cut way back on sugar, and upped my veggie intake. Within a couple of days the fatigue and depression were gone and I was feeling good. Can't fix the collapsed vertebrae in my back, but if that's all I have to cope with, I'm good.
Prayers up that your pain from the vertibrate goes away soon. :huddle: Hugs.

Thanks but it is a permanent condition I fear. Not excruciating or incapcitating pain, but it does give me fits some days. Especially if I forget to take my hemp oil. Due to another problem that developed a few months ago, I can't take nsaids (Advil, Motrin, and such) anymore and that complicates things because those really knocked the pain in a hurry. And because of the propensity of addictions in my family, I steer clear of the ophiods as much as possible. But I'm learning other holistic methods to keep things under control.
Oh, Foxfyre, somehow I missed this post last night. I was beat on my feet and have a terrible case of asthma that just wipes me out late at night. I hear spinal surgery has had some major advances in the past couple of years and wondered if your vertebrae could be corrected in that way. I'm hoping and praying there could be some way of you getting spinal support in some way that would remove your need for painkillers so you could live and move in a pain-free way. You're one of the best people I know, and you deserve a life of pain-free living imho. I'm praying for a viable alternative that doctors can fix your problem, and spinal injuries are very central to our general well-being. I know, because while I was suffering the years I had screaming out loud pain 24-7-365 with fibromyalgia, the neural system can be compromised and lead to a lot of misery. And it's funny how the parathyroids, which govern calcium uptake wound up being the sole cause of my neural misfirings that lied to my brain about pain that was in a word, just crazy. I hope your physician will relay you to a good endocrinologist to rule out other issues, and if they can coordinate with the best of good surgeons that specialize in "back" or spinal problems. There is a reason your vertabrae gave out on you, and I'm praying that they can now fix it with lazer surgery, but first they will want you to go to an endocrinologist to rule out calcium distribution issues that are causing a failure of your spinal bones to heal. Forgive me for being stupid, you may have pursued this cure, or if you did long ago, it is likely there is a new procedure that can save you from a life of disability the likes of which I am a veteran of many years, and am partially back now due to the relief I got when 2 of 4 parathyroids that went bad were removed. It took a year after my surgery for all the bone spurs that had grown in places spurs oughtn't to be increasing my already horrendous load of pain. I adore you and want nothing but the best for you, Foxfyre, which is a life of wellness that you have furnished for so many other people through your outreach to seniors in your community and your online cheerleaders like me. :redface: I wonder if massage therapy in the right hands could help. I know when I can't walk well with my RA, I can still use the rowing machine at our local Iron Works. Your problem is different than mine, because the spine is where your problem is, and it is central in support issues, and only you know what you can and cannot do without pain. All of us here love you, and there is no one like you in this world.

Bless you my friend and thank you for all your kind words. If it gets to the point it is seriously interfering with my quality of life, I will consult another specialist, but it really isn't that serious or constant at this time, and I would rather not risk the complications that can come with invasive surgery. And neither my personal physician or orthopedic are suggesting anything radical at this time.

You on the other hand, have been to hell and back medically I know. Your fibro went away? At least that as a huge blessing. You yourself are a blessing. :)

As for your asthma, have you tried regional honey? One old home treatment for asthma is to boil 5 or 6 whole cloves in a cup of water, add a bit of ginger and enough regional honey to make it taste good, and sip. (Remove or at least don't swallow those whole cloves though.) And plain old black tea and coffee is supposed to be good too.

And many have reported that a modified Budwig protocol (flaxseed oil mixed properly with cottage cheese--the properly part is essential but I can teach you how) have done wonders for their asthma, allergies, psoriasis and other maladies.
Thanks, Foxfyre. I knew about coffee and honey, but I bet the clove and ginger tea would be a good idea. I hate cloves, but I will drink it knowing it's probably the best medicine known. I'm going for a cup of water and cloves and ginger right now. <hugs>
My Aunt Betty's 93rd birthday is tomorrow, she has a couple of out of town guests this weekend, and we are having all of them plus Dana for a birthday luncheon today. Hombre and I were up until midnight doing what make ahead dishes we could and some other prep. Today I have to get my baked beans in the oven and later the pork tenderloin that will be served with apricot sauce in the oven. Make a tossed salad and we're done.

Aunt Betty eats a healthy diet and takes care of herself. At 93 she has slowed down a bit and her short term memory has slipped a bit, but she lives alone, still drives, and still enjoys life. Tomorrow she has arranged for her and her guests to take the tram to the top of the mountain where they will have lunch in the newly remodeled restaurant up there at 10,400+ feet. God willing that we all have such zest for life at 93. :)

I am in awe of your Aunt Betty, she has my full respect.:bow3: We all can only hope to be as spry & independent if we should make it that long.

My own Aunt is somewhere in that age range as well, though she has many health issued needing a caregiver and her mind isn't what it used to be.
Every time I come to this site I get a string of gold coins along the top, in the form of an advertisement to try and sell them to me. All because I looked at some gold coins on the internet a month ago. But I don't want to buy any gold coins because I already have enough to pay for my funeral. I was just checking the price of gold to see if it has gone up. I wonder if the intelligent software that is targeting me is smart enough to learn from this post, that I am not going to buy any gold coins. Lets see. Maybe the following will stop the ads.

My Aunt Betty's 93rd birthday is tomorrow, she has a couple of out of town guests this weekend, and we are having all of them plus Dana for a birthday luncheon today. Hombre and I were up until midnight doing what make ahead dishes we could and some other prep. Today I have to get my baked beans in the oven and later the pork tenderloin that will be served with apricot sauce in the oven. Make a tossed salad and we're done.

Aunt Betty eats a healthy diet and takes care of herself. At 93 she has slowed down a bit and her short term memory has slipped a bit, but she lives alone, still drives, and still enjoys life. Tomorrow she has arranged for her and her guests to take the tram to the top of the mountain where they will have lunch in the newly remodeled restaurant up there at 10,400+ feet. God willing that we all have such zest for life at 93. :)
I wish I was a relative of yours. Your home must be warm, loving, kind. So many of us just dream of people like you. And yes..I'm serious..not schmoozy. :)

Family is a relative term around here. People don't have to be related by blood to be family. :)

But there are those who don't think I/we are so warm and loving too. Try as you might and love as hard as you can, and there will still be those who resent you. And at least I am finally old enough to accept that and allow it to be their problem and not mine.
Every time I come to this site I get a string of gold coins along the top, in the form of an advertisement to try and sell them to me. All because I looked at some gold coins on the internet a month ago. But I don't want to buy any gold coins because I already have enough to pay for my funeral. I was just checking the price of gold to see if it has gone up. I wonder if the intelligent software that is targeting me is smart enough to learn from this post, that I am not going to buy any gold coins. Lets see. Maybe the following will stop the ads.

I get tractor parts. Go figure...
Went for another truck load of wood yesterday. A guy known to one of my co-workers has a bunch of logs he needs cleared off his property. I cut the smaller logs to truck bed length (about as much weight as I could handle) and the larger logs I cut to stove length. Now, I will have to start cutting, splitting, and stacking this stuff. I still have a bunch to cut into stove length and split right here, too. Wood for the winter is looking better than when this whole stroke/heart attack saga began.
It's been rainy and cooler, typical Alaskan fall weather. It makes work easier, as long as it's not pissing rain. There's "termination dust" on most all the mountains, too. As usual, I'm busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest, especially with all the added work that my partner usually does.
My brother has become enamored of the idea of buying a motor home and coming up here, at least for the summers. I'm encouraging him. He's also reassured me that he's ready and willing to come up to help whenever I can get the hip replaced. It's more like I'll need both hips replaced because now the left hip is starting to be a chronic pain.
Well, I sure hope all y'all are doing okay. May your pains be few and slight. In some ways, this is a family for me.

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