USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally got around to finishing the red squares quilt blocks are sewn together and waiting for a border.

I was zapped today due to stomach trouble. The only thing I could think of to blame was eating a peach this morning, and was so hungry it never occurred to me to wash it first. I ate it on the way home, and didn't taste strange, but was sick a couple of hours later. I overworked at the gym this morning, too, but at least that's behind me now, and I took some lacticum acidum, which gets rid of muscle pain. I've been working on walking longer distances on the walk/run machines, but like to keep my blood pressure under 120 bpms.

Gallantwarrior, you're on my prayer list. Your houseguest may have early onset dementia, which can truly change a person into something he never was before or exacerbate a negative streak a hundredfold (usually Alzheimer's) if that is the case. You're on my prayer list for a peaceful resolution. Your guest may already feel threatened by discovery of his disability, whatever is causing him irrational behavior swings. You may need county help if they deal with people who wake up angry at what trick their body played on them. Prayers up. :thup:

Good night, everyone.
Thank you so much, Beau! My "guest" has indeed been diagnoses as having short-term memory loss related to the heart-attack/stroke double-whammy. I have definitely noticed the glitch in his reasoning, too. I am hoping for enough recovery that he can drive himself but see that as still a ways off.
I wish I were closer to you. I once had ambition to build quilts but all that got lost in every day survival. I have tons of fabric and patterns. Maybe someday...
I sure hope things are going better for you.
Couldn't be better (today) This past week, I finished 2 red logcabin style quilt tops for kids and started in with work on more centers, and am doing another sail boat log cabin quilt, which I've already done about 10 of because the quilters just eat them up, and while I was sewing the lone row of "waves" log cabin blocks for the sea part of the sailing boat, I ran out of a blue fabric that was so pretty, and I don't have a scintilla of it in my stash, so hop in car and visit 2 places other than the regular quilt shop, because that wasn't one of her fabrics. Nothing was even close to the cute blue caviar egg design in light and medium royal blues, but I found the perfect blue solid, a perfect cotton-candy texture in royal blue, and several pieces of other nice blue prints for when I start the blue log cabin phase when the reds are done. So it looks like I'm back in the saddle on quilt top production again. We'll see how it goes.

I'm going to do some slightly smaller than crib-size ones for newborns in the next week, because the sailing ship is 6 across, 8 down (48 squares) and will chomp away at one whole week. Each square has 21 logs on it, and they are sewn 1 at a time. Needless to mention, the cutting of the strips and stacking them in the 21 stacks in plastic project boxes with sealing lids is tedious, but I love doing it. When you use fewer fabrics, it's quicker. So the waves row is a bonus row since you only have to do two colors per block, and you can do them in line style. I'm so excited about doing the rest of the blocks for the sailboat quilt, I guess I'll only complete one small log cabin. I can always do more small log cabins later. After the reds are done, I prolly should do blue quilt tops till thanksgiving, and somewhere I have to fit in completing a little kite quilt I started at least a year ago. I ran into a block problem, so I have to resolve it sooner or later. It's nagging me, because I know somewhere I put enough finished blocks aside to do 2 small multi-colored log cabins, of which I made half a dozen last year just because the pastels created such optical fun on the ones worked on. And everyone fussed over them who saw them. That always an upper.

Well, I apologize for boring people to death with what lights my fire, which is working on charity quilt tops. Yesterday, I transported 6 fireman-type quilts to EJ's step son's house to complete the project of making quilts for 10 of EJ's great grandkids. I'm gonna call that done unless the other two stepsons step forward and ask when it's their turn. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they won't be calling on me since they haven't so far, and the funeral was 3 months ago next week.

Ya'll have a good evening. I'm going to check out the Music and arts forums. I feel like Lumpy on the topic of the main reason they started USMB. Although I sure love how the forums are set up.


Anybody who has something that lights their fire is blessed, B. And you're never boring. :)
Thanks, Foxfyre. This morning I got up and looked at the sewing machine, and thought "I'll just sew a row of 4" light colored logs to those log cabin starts. The next time I checked the clock, I had two stacks of completed light and dark log cabins, and 24 log cabins to the last 6-inch row with just one more row to go. Oh, and the clock said it was 12:30. I thought I'd only been sewing an hour. It's going to be a sailing ship with 17 sails, and so far, the sails are done, and the sky blocks are down to the 7" strips to complete. But I have to limit my time, because now I need to spend time practicing karaoke, a few minutes here, and trying to keep up with the lastest news. Hope everyone here has a happy day and a great week!

Well, I inherited my mother's voice, and when my husband died, I needed some way to get out of the house once a week that was 100% social, because most charity quilt groups are 99.98% female. Unfortunately, I have some health issues, one of which lately is asthma, so my choir membership and Karaoke attendance may have to go by the wayside in the near future. I had pneumonia for 7 months last year and bronchitis for 3 months as a chaser. Now it's asthma. I'm not complaining. All this beats having suffered from fibromyalgia for 16-18 years, including my first 4 years here at USMB. My case was screaming out loud pain 24-7-365, the exception being when the mercury hit 100 degrees in Wyoming, which does not happen frequently most years, but for 3 months in Texas, where we retired due to my fibromyalgia. Tonight, I'm weighing whether I'm in good enough shape to attend choir practice due to forgetting to take my medicine late yesterday, and shooting my wad with challenging loud and quick songs like "I'm Gonna Be" (the Proclaimers) and "Rhiannon" (Fleetwood Mac) last night. It takes me 3 or 4 weeks now of solid work to remember the words on just one song. If I go tonight to choir practice, I will very much be a croaker, not a singer. Which reminds me, I better get my act together and get dressed just in case I feel like observing. :lmao:
I need all you guys to build me a new retaining wall across the raised flower bed that runs the whole length of the back of our lot. Save could design it, but there will be some heavy labor involved. Oh well. . .that doesn't have to be decided today. :)

I'll make Biscuits and Gravy...

Oh man... that looks GOOD.

Wish I was in the mood to eat but, haven't been sick in YEARS, but I have a RAW throat. Yeah... forgot to wash my hands when I came home from the store or something... getting sloppy, not I got a bug. Time to force water, gallons, stay warm and rest... sweat it out.
I'm gonna be honest here...and hope y'all understand my mindset at the moment. I remember when I was told I had breast cancer and how crazy I felt. Scared, freaked out, not sure what to do. It was not a pleasant time. Neither is it this time with the possibility of colon cancer which I pray will be a false alarm. But..I have to face facts. And, I have so much rolling around in my mind. And if I keep it bottled up like I did with the breast cancer...I will be a basket case. So..venting out what is rolling around in my head may help clear what troubles me. Or not. So..bear with me.

IF the colonoscopy verifies I have CC and I am informed of how advanced it is..I'm not sure what I will do. So far today, I have researched suicides and the best method. Why? Because I don't know if I want to do chemo or radiation or wear a bag to shit in. And if I don't want to do those things...I also don't want to suffer while I die of not doing those things. So, I have been studying where the heart is truly located. Shot to the heart outta do it nicely. Shot to the head might make me survive with a missing face. So...heart seems the best way. But I don't know if I have the courage to do it.

I have studied colon cancer stories on google...those with it now, struggling to survive, those who survived and live full lives now. This does not pertain to me. I don't have family. I don't have anyone to "take care of me" or will "need me" to live. I have nobody but MrG, and he will do just fine with me gone. Those who want to live..have a reason to. I don't. But again..I don't know if I have the courage to pull the trigger. And I wouldn't test myself anyway, until I know more, so rest assured I am not going to off myself anytime soon freaking out about this. Right now..I am putting my ducks in a row..just like I did with the BC.

I tell myself I would fight it more IF we were settled in our own federal housing we are waiting for. But right now? We could be homeless at the beginning of the new year. Who knows? This cannot go on forever, and I refuse to let Anne continue to help support us. It's not fair to her and it bugs the fuck out of me accepting it.

I told MrG he MUST make plans in case of the worst scenario. Go to his brother, even though he blatantly refuses to do so. I insisted and he finally said he would think about it and I said don't think..PLAN. Make plans. Give Anne my stuff...he keeps whats of mine that he feels he can't let go. And then leave for Arizona and live with his brother. BUT..if we get called to an apartment we are waiting for....and I am still here....then he can stay there and not need to go anywhere at all if he doesn't wish to. But...thats IF anyone calls. We are on 3 lists...and keep getting pushed back due to the fire, due to refugees with kids being put first, due to whatever they decide is more important than giving us what we are waiting for.

So you can's a pretty bleak future for us and I have no reason to fight at all. Which brings me back to plan A, plan B, plan C, etc etc etc.
I'm tired. Lost my house at the beach. Lost our place in Paradise. Lost my left breast. Now I'm going to lose my colon maybe. I'm beaten, and all I have is thoughts and plans that may come to naught.

Not sure this made me feel any better. But it helps ease a bit of burden on my mind.

This could also be of interest to JustAnotherNut

This falls under the category of not worrying until there is something to worry about. You may be just fine. If not there are some very real alternatives that do not involve the worst that you imagine. If you forego chemo, surgery, or a bit of radiation can't zap it, do at least look at those alternatives. I understand the colon scare is not the only issue here, but let's stay positive as possible about the other too.

Meanwhile I wish there was more to do than just care and send up those prayers/positive vibes. But you have those in triplicate.

You, my dear, are so very right and thank you for that.

Prayers are more powerful, than science....any day

I'll add you to the vigil list unless you don't want that JAN. :)

Well.....I am already on it, but I'll take all the prayers I can get...….not meaning to be greedy or anything, but...well...ya know what I mean
I need all you guys to build me a new retaining wall across the raised flower bed that runs the whole length of the back of our lot. Save could design it, but there will be some heavy labor involved. Oh well. . .that doesn't have to be decided today. :)

I'll make Biscuits and Gravy...

Oh man... that looks GOOD.

Wish I was in the mood to eat but, haven't been sick in YEARS, but I have a RAW throat. Yeah... forgot to wash my hands when I came home from the store or something... getting sloppy, not I got a bug. Time to force water, gallons, stay warm and rest... sweat it out.
Cut up some celery and carrots into lozenge-sized pieces. and eat a cup or so of them for 8 days. That will clean your system's clock, and it needs it cleaning if you're still sick.
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I'm gonna be honest here...and hope y'all understand my mindset at the moment. I remember when I was told I had breast cancer and how crazy I felt. Scared, freaked out, not sure what to do. It was not a pleasant time. Neither is it this time with the possibility of colon cancer which I pray will be a false alarm. But..I have to face facts. And, I have so much rolling around in my mind. And if I keep it bottled up like I did with the breast cancer...I will be a basket case. So..venting out what is rolling around in my head may help clear what troubles me. Or not. So..bear with me.

IF the colonoscopy verifies I have CC and I am informed of how advanced it is..I'm not sure what I will do. So far today, I have researched suicides and the best method. Why? Because I don't know if I want to do chemo or radiation or wear a bag to shit in. And if I don't want to do those things...I also don't want to suffer while I die of not doing those things. So, I have been studying where the heart is truly located. Shot to the heart outta do it nicely. Shot to the head might make me survive with a missing face. So...heart seems the best way. But I don't know if I have the courage to do it.

I have studied colon cancer stories on google...those with it now, struggling to survive, those who survived and live full lives now. This does not pertain to me. I don't have family. I don't have anyone to "take care of me" or will "need me" to live. I have nobody but MrG, and he will do just fine with me gone. Those who want to live..have a reason to. I don't. But again..I don't know if I have the courage to pull the trigger. And I wouldn't test myself anyway, until I know more, so rest assured I am not going to off myself anytime soon freaking out about this. Right now..I am putting my ducks in a row..just like I did with the BC.

I tell myself I would fight it more IF we were settled in our own federal housing we are waiting for. But right now? We could be homeless at the beginning of the new year. Who knows? This cannot go on forever, and I refuse to let Anne continue to help support us. It's not fair to her and it bugs the fuck out of me accepting it.

I told MrG he MUST make plans in case of the worst scenario. Go to his brother, even though he blatantly refuses to do so. I insisted and he finally said he would think about it and I said don't think..PLAN. Make plans. Give Anne my stuff...he keeps whats of mine that he feels he can't let go. And then leave for Arizona and live with his brother. BUT..if we get called to an apartment we are waiting for....and I am still here....then he can stay there and not need to go anywhere at all if he doesn't wish to. But...thats IF anyone calls. We are on 3 lists...and keep getting pushed back due to the fire, due to refugees with kids being put first, due to whatever they decide is more important than giving us what we are waiting for.

So you can's a pretty bleak future for us and I have no reason to fight at all. Which brings me back to plan A, plan B, plan C, etc etc etc.
I'm tired. Lost my house at the beach. Lost our place in Paradise. Lost my left breast. Now I'm going to lose my colon maybe. I'm beaten, and all I have is thoughts and plans that may come to naught.

Not sure this made me feel any better. But it helps ease a bit of burden on my mind.

This could also be of interest to JustAnotherNut

This falls under the category of not worrying until there is something to worry about. You may be just fine. If not there are some very real alternatives that do not involve the worst that you imagine. If you forego chemo, surgery, or a bit of radiation can't zap it, do at least look at those alternatives. I understand the colon scare is not the only issue here, but let's stay positive as possible about the other too.

Meanwhile I wish there was more to do than just care and send up those prayers/positive vibes. But you have those in triplicate.

You, my dear, are so very right and thank you for that.

Prayers are more powerful, than science....any day

I'll add you to the vigil list unless you don't want that JAN. :)

Well.....I am already on it, but I'll take all the prayers I can get...….not meaning to be greedy or anything, but...well...ya know what I mean

Whoops so you are. But we also now know a bit more about the challenges you are facing. I mean most of us are dealing with some issues we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy. But I do believe those prayers and positive vibes make a difference and at least that is one proactive thing we can all do.
I need all you guys to build me a new retaining wall across the raised flower bed that runs the whole length of the back of our lot. Save could design it, but there will be some heavy labor involved. Oh well. . .that doesn't have to be decided today. :)

I'll make Biscuits and Gravy...

Oh man... that looks GOOD.

Wish I was in the mood to eat but, haven't been sick in YEARS, but I have a RAW throat. Yeah... forgot to wash my hands when I came home from the store or something... getting sloppy, not I got a bug. Time to force water, gallons, stay warm and rest... sweat it out.
Cut up some celery and carrots into lozenge-sized pieces. and eat a cup or so of them for 8 days. That will clean your system's clock, and it needs it cleaning if you're still sick.

Good advice that can't hurt even if it doesn't help, and it most likely will help. Also I recommend very hot--just barely cool enough to sip--water with a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it. Sip this every two or three hours. Will help kill whatever bugs may be lurking in your throat and generally soothe and boost your body's ability to heal itself. I prefer regional raw, unrefined honey as it has nutrients that both help with allergies and other issues, but any honey will help.
Well..the visit to the GI doc was a joke. Seems he can't do the colonoscopy until December. And, there is a shortage of anesthesiologists, which is why December. Sigh. So, he said my regular doc should consider sending me to another GI doc that can perform it in another Roseville or Sacramento. But, I'd have to start all over again because most GI docs don't want to rely on the previous docs findings. Or..I can wait til December.
Not sure what I'm going to do yet. He said he doesn't put much faith in colonguard tests...too many false positives. And there is no blood in my stool, nor stomach pain, no vomiting, etc. However...the distended belly, the wishy washy bowel movements are suspect. Which could mean exactly what my previous GI doc said.....microscoptic colitis, IBS, diverticulitus, possible gluten intolerance, weight gain fatty cells collected in my abdominal area, and..drum roll..old age which does a number on folks plumbing.

So..I will confer with my doc and see what he thinks I should do. I am not in pain in the plumbing department. So...why not wait? At least, thats what I tell myself NOW.

And no..I am NOT going to do what I did before. STRESS OUT. One day at a time, painting rocks when able to move my fingers, watching netflix, amazon prime, tv.

Speaking of amazon prime....I am bingeing Downton Abbey. On last season (6), episode 3. So far..I still hate Mary, love Gma ma (Maggie smith), think Edith is too damn wimpy, sick of the drama of The Bates, loathe Barrow and in general wonder why this show was made to begin with except maybe to show just how snobby Brits are. :D
Stopped by Walmart for a couple of items briefly yesterday morning. And all I can say is that this graphic is very true:

I may be in line for a promotion at work. Promotion may be the wrong word; I'm being considered for a different position. It would have wider responsibility, but would also pay more, so I guess promotion might fit. I don't know for sure I'll be getting it, or even if it will entail being hired directly by the company (I'm still working for the staffing company at this point), but my current work is starting to leave me with pain in my hand from flipping through cards for 40-50 hours a week, so it's probably a good idea for me to change things up a bit if I can. :p

I'm trying to decide if I want to buy myself a PlayStation for my birthday, or if I should wait and hope for a good Black Friday or Cyber Monday deal. I want to get it because The Last of Us 2 is coming out in February; I thought the first game was excellent and the trailers for the second look great. If I get the PS4 soon, I'll get the remastered version of the original game for free, I think. I actually tried to buy a system on ebay, but they wouldn't process my payment for some unknown reason, so I ended up having to get that transaction cancelled. I'd have to spend about $430 (for the console and a PS Pro subscription), and I'm also still considering getting a new video card and monitor some time soonish, so I'm not sure if I want to put out that kind of money.

Overtime is nice for the money, but it's been a bit annoying not getting home during normal business hours. Makes it hard to make appointments. :p
I'm gonna be honest here...and hope y'all understand my mindset at the moment. I remember when I was told I had breast cancer and how crazy I felt. Scared, freaked out, not sure what to do. It was not a pleasant time. Neither is it this time with the possibility of colon cancer which I pray will be a false alarm. But..I have to face facts. And, I have so much rolling around in my mind. And if I keep it bottled up like I did with the breast cancer...I will be a basket case. So..venting out what is rolling around in my head may help clear what troubles me. Or not. So..bear with me.

IF the colonoscopy verifies I have CC and I am informed of how advanced it is..I'm not sure what I will do. So far today, I have researched suicides and the best method. Why? Because I don't know if I want to do chemo or radiation or wear a bag to shit in. And if I don't want to do those things...I also don't want to suffer while I die of not doing those things. So, I have been studying where the heart is truly located. Shot to the heart outta do it nicely. Shot to the head might make me survive with a missing face. So...heart seems the best way. But I don't know if I have the courage to do it.

I have studied colon cancer stories on google...those with it now, struggling to survive, those who survived and live full lives now. This does not pertain to me. I don't have family. I don't have anyone to "take care of me" or will "need me" to live. I have nobody but MrG, and he will do just fine with me gone. Those who want to live..have a reason to. I don't. But again..I don't know if I have the courage to pull the trigger. And I wouldn't test myself anyway, until I know more, so rest assured I am not going to off myself anytime soon freaking out about this. Right now..I am putting my ducks in a row..just like I did with the BC.

I tell myself I would fight it more IF we were settled in our own federal housing we are waiting for. But right now? We could be homeless at the beginning of the new year. Who knows? This cannot go on forever, and I refuse to let Anne continue to help support us. It's not fair to her and it bugs the fuck out of me accepting it.

I told MrG he MUST make plans in case of the worst scenario. Go to his brother, even though he blatantly refuses to do so. I insisted and he finally said he would think about it and I said don't think..PLAN. Make plans. Give Anne my stuff...he keeps whats of mine that he feels he can't let go. And then leave for Arizona and live with his brother. BUT..if we get called to an apartment we are waiting for....and I am still here....then he can stay there and not need to go anywhere at all if he doesn't wish to. But...thats IF anyone calls. We are on 3 lists...and keep getting pushed back due to the fire, due to refugees with kids being put first, due to whatever they decide is more important than giving us what we are waiting for.

So you can's a pretty bleak future for us and I have no reason to fight at all. Which brings me back to plan A, plan B, plan C, etc etc etc.
I'm tired. Lost my house at the beach. Lost our place in Paradise. Lost my left breast. Now I'm going to lose my colon maybe. I'm beaten, and all I have is thoughts and plans that may come to naught.

Not sure this made me feel any better. But it helps ease a bit of burden on my mind.
So upsetting on so many levels mailing you something tomorrow.

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