USMB Coffee Shop IV

They did not use Anastasia today so the Doc said he could drive himself home.
He just got back around 8 tonight.
The Doc said he needs open heart surgery sometime next week to replace one of his veins.
They will call and let him know when.

You both will be in my prayers :smiliehug:

Thank you very much.
We really need it.
His chances of making it through this is very low.
It looks like the surgery won't actually be done for another 2 or 3 weeks.
He has a few Doc appointments first.
By then I should be able to travel the 114 mile round trip to Tucson.

If I may it his vein or valve to be replaced? And why are his chances so low?

I apologize if you've posted this information before and I didn't see it.....and you don't have to answer, if you choose not to. It's ok. I was just trying to get a better understanding of his predicament.

As much as I dislike Dr's & the medical field.....I do admit they have come along way and are able to do what was once thought impossible.

My mother had had 2 valves (mitral & aortic) replaced with plastic & metal valves and she had to take blood thinners for the rest of her life Her condition was from having rheumatic fever as a child. That surgery was in 1988. The Dr had said without the surgery, she would not have survived the month. She did live another 20 years because of it. .

His veins.
He hopes to be able to have angioplasty.
It that doesn't work they will do synthic vein surgery.
The problem is he has 1/4 of a heart, he has a difbulator/pacemaker on top with MS and type 2 diabetes.
It will be a very delicate surgery.
I think he is strong enough to get through it.
It's just going to be a very delicate complicated surgery with everything taken into account.
BTW, this is a picture I took of the last super moon.


I can't see the cape or the big S.
Folks here at USMB still tell me "Goodnight, Gracie". :)

gallantwarrior ....I got the birthday prezzies! LOVE the socks! My toes are so painful during the winter and these will be a big help inside my Ugg-like boots. I can't afford real uggs...but the knockoffs are just as good! And the bag? LOVE it too! Thank you soooo much!

drifter....thank you too, for the Gracie Dog book!
Folks here at USMB still tell me "Goodnight, Gracie". :)

gallantwarrior ....I got the birthday prezzies! LOVE the socks! My toes are so painful during the winter and these will be a big help inside my Ugg-like boots. I can't afford real uggs...but the knockoffs are just as good! And the bag? LOVE it too! Thank you soooo much!

drifter....thank you too, for the Gracie Dog book!

Love you
Always indulge myself with this one, when Stateside.

Unavailable in Europe.


My fave, too! I'm not much into pies but I can always manage to stuff a piece of Key lime pie down the hatch.

A really good key lime or lemon meringue pie is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately our friend Dana that I cook for a lot takes meds that cause a bad reaction if she eats lemon or lime and Hombre doesn't care for either pie all that much. So I don't make them any more. But I sure do like them.
Then have a piece of pie as a treat when you are out somewhere. Village Inn up here makes very tasty key lime pies and their lemon meringue is probably good, too. I'm not fond of the meringue, though.
Well Mr. P is on his way to Tucson for his outpatient surgery this morning.
I can't go with him because of my badly bruised tailbone incident a few weeks back.
I can't even travel 14 miles let alone round trip of 100 .
Put him in your prayers, hopefully he will be back home this afternoon and they don't need to keep him overnight.
Done for him, and done for you, too! I hope you both heal quickly and thoroughly.
They did not use Anesthesia today so the Doc said he could drive himself home.
He just got back around 8 tonight.
The Doc said he needs open heart surgery sometime next week to replace one of his veins.
They will call and let him know when.

So he stays at the forefront on the vigil list. Wish we could do more than just send prayers and positive vibes, but we are sure doing that.

More often than most realize, it's prayers that change the outcome

Some of our Coffee Shoppers are not religious, but I think all have some faith in directed positive energy/vibes as well as prayers having a positive effect. It's all good.
Speaking for myself, people have the power to direct energy and prayer is a good way for many to draw upon and focus that energy.
Folks here at USMB still tell me "Goodnight, Gracie". :)

gallantwarrior ....I got the birthday prezzies! LOVE the socks! My toes are so painful during the winter and these will be a big help inside my Ugg-like boots. I can't afford real uggs...but the knockoffs are just as good! And the bag? LOVE it too! Thank you soooo much!

drifter....thank you too, for the Gracie Dog book!
Good night, Gracie! I'm glad you like the socks, I wasn't sure which colors you'd like best so I chose two nice color schemes. I didn't want to be too extravagant, though. Love ya, Gracie. Take care of yourself.
They did not use Anastasia today so the Doc said he could drive himself home.
He just got back around 8 tonight.
The Doc said he needs open heart surgery sometime next week to replace one of his veins.
They will call and let him know when.

You both will be in my prayers :smiliehug:

Thank you very much.
We really need it.
His chances of making it through this is very low.
It looks like the surgery won't actually be done for another 2 or 3 weeks.
He has a few Doc appointments first.
By then I should be able to travel the 114 mile round trip to Tucson.

If I may it his vein or valve to be replaced? And why are his chances so low?

I apologize if you've posted this information before and I didn't see it.....and you don't have to answer, if you choose not to. It's ok. I was just trying to get a better understanding of his predicament.

As much as I dislike Dr's & the medical field.....I do admit they have come along way and are able to do what was once thought impossible.

My mother had had 2 valves (mitral & aortic) replaced with plastic & metal valves and she had to take blood thinners for the rest of her life Her condition was from having rheumatic fever as a child. That surgery was in 1988. The Dr had said without the surgery, she would not have survived the month. She did live another 20 years because of it. .

His veins.
He hopes to be able to have angioplasty.
It that doesn't work they will do synthic vein surgery.
The problem is he has 1/4 of a heart, he has a difbulator/pacemaker on top with MS and type 2 diabetes.
It will be a very delicate surgery.
I think he is strong enough to get through it.
It's just going to be a very delicate complicated surgery with everything taken into account.

It is difficult not to be anxious though when faced with one's own mortality, and that goes double for you, the love of his life, and he yours. But being optimistic is the best medicine for both of you, and greatly increases the outcome of a successful procedure. So you stay at the forefront of the vigil list and I know all of us who have comes to be very fond of you over the years, as well as your new friends, will have you both in our prayers and/or directed positive energy.
Always indulge myself with this one, when Stateside.

Unavailable in Europe.


My fave, too! I'm not much into pies but I can always manage to stuff a piece of Key lime pie down the hatch.

A really good key lime or lemon meringue pie is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately our friend Dana that I cook for a lot takes meds that cause a bad reaction if she eats lemon or lime and Hombre doesn't care for either pie all that much. So I don't make them any more. But I sure do like them.
Then have a piece of pie as a treat when you are out somewhere. Village Inn up here makes very tasty key lime pies and their lemon meringue is probably good, too. I'm not fond of the meringue, though.

We almost never have dessert when we go out for whatever reason--I suppose because my aunt or Dana almost always pay for the meal. But I almost always serve dessert when they eat at our house which is our way of paying them back for their generosity. We get the treat of a meal out. They get the treat of a home cooked meal that they rarely get.

But I haven't tried the Village Inn's fare in quite awhile. One of these days maybe. They used to make the world's best French dip. They also used to make terrific French crepes but at some point discontinued that.
Always indulge myself with this one, when Stateside.

Unavailable in Europe.


My fave, too! I'm not much into pies but I can always manage to stuff a piece of Key lime pie down the hatch.

A really good key lime or lemon meringue pie is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately our friend Dana that I cook for a lot takes meds that cause a bad reaction if she eats lemon or lime and Hombre doesn't care for either pie all that much. So I don't make them any more. But I sure do like them.
Then have a piece of pie as a treat when you are out somewhere. Village Inn up here makes very tasty key lime pies and their lemon meringue is probably good, too. I'm not fond of the meringue, though.

We almost never have dessert when we go out for whatever reason--I suppose because my aunt or Dana almost always pay for the meal. But I almost always serve dessert when they eat at our house which is our way of paying them back for their generosity. We get the treat of a meal out. They get the treat of a home cooked meal that they rarely get.

But I haven't tried the Village Inn's fare in quite awhile. One of these days maybe. They used to make the world's best French dip. They also used to make terrific French crepes but at some point discontinued that.
The wife and I ate there once......... Never been back.........
Always indulge myself with this one, when Stateside.

Unavailable in Europe.


My fave, too! I'm not much into pies but I can always manage to stuff a piece of Key lime pie down the hatch.

A really good key lime or lemon meringue pie is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately our friend Dana that I cook for a lot takes meds that cause a bad reaction if she eats lemon or lime and Hombre doesn't care for either pie all that much. So I don't make them any more. But I sure do like them.
Then have a piece of pie as a treat when you are out somewhere. Village Inn up here makes very tasty key lime pies and their lemon meringue is probably good, too. I'm not fond of the meringue, though.

We almost never have dessert when we go out for whatever reason--I suppose because my aunt or Dana almost always pay for the meal. But I almost always serve dessert when they eat at our house which is our way of paying them back for their generosity. We get the treat of a meal out. They get the treat of a home cooked meal that they rarely get.

But I haven't tried the Village Inn's fare in quite awhile. One of these days maybe. They used to make the world's best French dip. They also used to make terrific French crepes but at some point discontinued that.
The wife and I ate there once......... Never been back.........

Bad experience? I haven't had any bad experiences at Village Inn though admittedly it isn't what you would call a fine dining thing either. When we first moved to Albuquerque, we went out on our anniversary (February 14) as we always had. Bad idea in Albuquerque though because restaurants won't take reservations for two on Valentine's Day and everywhere we went had an hour or so wait. We were small town people not patient with waiting for a restaurant table so we kept moving.

We finally wound up at a Village Inn near the apartment complex where we first lived. And being a fairly inelegant and not a destination restaurant, we did get a table. And when the server learned it was our anniversary, we were presented with dessert--cupcakes with candles on them. We have always remembered that fondly.
They did not use Anastasia today so the Doc said he could drive himself home.
He just got back around 8 tonight.
The Doc said he needs open heart surgery sometime next week to replace one of his veins.
They will call and let him know when.

You both will be in my prayers :smiliehug:

Thank you very much.
We really need it.
His chances of making it through this is very low.
It looks like the surgery won't actually be done for another 2 or 3 weeks.
He has a few Doc appointments first.
By then I should be able to travel the 114 mile round trip to Tucson.

If I may it his vein or valve to be replaced? And why are his chances so low?

I apologize if you've posted this information before and I didn't see it.....and you don't have to answer, if you choose not to. It's ok. I was just trying to get a better understanding of his predicament.

As much as I dislike Dr's & the medical field.....I do admit they have come along way and are able to do what was once thought impossible.

My mother had had 2 valves (mitral & aortic) replaced with plastic & metal valves and she had to take blood thinners for the rest of her life Her condition was from having rheumatic fever as a child. That surgery was in 1988. The Dr had said without the surgery, she would not have survived the month. She did live another 20 years because of it. .

His veins.
He hopes to be able to have angioplasty.
It that doesn't work they will do synthic vein surgery.
The problem is he has 1/4 of a heart, he has a difbulator/pacemaker on top with MS and type 2 diabetes.
It will be a very delicate surgery.
I think he is strong enough to get through it.
It's just going to be a very delicate complicated surgery with everything taken into account.

It is difficult not to be anxious though when faced with one's own mortality, and that goes double for you, the love of his life, and he yours. But being optimistic is the best medicine for both of you, and greatly increases the outcome of a successful procedure. So you stay at the forefront of the vigil list and I know all of us who have comes to be very fond of you over the years, as well as your new friends, will have you both in our prayers and/or directed positive energy.

Yes being optimistic is how we have gone through all of his problems when they popped up. :)

Mr. P will need a couple of appointments to see how the best way would be.

He's hoping that the angioplasty works.
He calls it Roto -Rootering :biggrin:

If they can't do that, then it's putting in synthetic veins.
You both will be in my prayers :smiliehug:

Thank you very much.
We really need it.
His chances of making it through this is very low.
It looks like the surgery won't actually be done for another 2 or 3 weeks.
He has a few Doc appointments first.
By then I should be able to travel the 114 mile round trip to Tucson.

If I may it his vein or valve to be replaced? And why are his chances so low?

I apologize if you've posted this information before and I didn't see it.....and you don't have to answer, if you choose not to. It's ok. I was just trying to get a better understanding of his predicament.

As much as I dislike Dr's & the medical field.....I do admit they have come along way and are able to do what was once thought impossible.

My mother had had 2 valves (mitral & aortic) replaced with plastic & metal valves and she had to take blood thinners for the rest of her life Her condition was from having rheumatic fever as a child. That surgery was in 1988. The Dr had said without the surgery, she would not have survived the month. She did live another 20 years because of it. .

His veins.
He hopes to be able to have angioplasty.
It that doesn't work they will do synthic vein surgery.
The problem is he has 1/4 of a heart, he has a difbulator/pacemaker on top with MS and type 2 diabetes.
It will be a very delicate surgery.
I think he is strong enough to get through it.
It's just going to be a very delicate complicated surgery with everything taken into account.

It is difficult not to be anxious though when faced with one's own mortality, and that goes double for you, the love of his life, and he yours. But being optimistic is the best medicine for both of you, and greatly increases the outcome of a successful procedure. So you stay at the forefront of the vigil list and I know all of us who have comes to be very fond of you over the years, as well as your new friends, will have you both in our prayers and/or directed positive energy.

Yes being optimistic is how we have gone through all of his problems when they popped up. :)

Mr. P will need a couple of appointments to see how the best way would be.

He's hoping that the angioplasty works.
He calls it Roto -Rootering :biggrin:

If they can't do that, then it's putting in synthetic veins.

Well he wasn't supposed to survive when he first had his heart attack, but he did. And you guys have had some great years. I believe this time the result will be the same. Love you Peach.
My fave, too! I'm not much into pies but I can always manage to stuff a piece of Key lime pie down the hatch.

A really good key lime or lemon meringue pie is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately our friend Dana that I cook for a lot takes meds that cause a bad reaction if she eats lemon or lime and Hombre doesn't care for either pie all that much. So I don't make them any more. But I sure do like them.
Then have a piece of pie as a treat when you are out somewhere. Village Inn up here makes very tasty key lime pies and their lemon meringue is probably good, too. I'm not fond of the meringue, though.

We almost never have dessert when we go out for whatever reason--I suppose because my aunt or Dana almost always pay for the meal. But I almost always serve dessert when they eat at our house which is our way of paying them back for their generosity. We get the treat of a meal out. They get the treat of a home cooked meal that they rarely get.

But I haven't tried the Village Inn's fare in quite awhile. One of these days maybe. They used to make the world's best French dip. They also used to make terrific French crepes but at some point discontinued that.
The wife and I ate there once......... Never been back.........

Bad experience? I haven't had any bad experiences at Village Inn though admittedly it isn't what you would call a fine dining thing either. When we first moved to Albuquerque, we went out on our anniversary (February 14) as we always had. Bad idea in Albuquerque though because restaurants won't take reservations for two on Valentine's Day and everywhere we went had an hour or so wait. We were small town people not patient with waiting for a restaurant table so we kept moving.

We finally wound up at a Village Inn near the apartment complex where we first lived. And being a fairly inelegant and not a destination restaurant, we did get a table. And when the server learned it was our anniversary, we were presented with dessert--cupcakes with candles on them. We have always remembered that fondly.
No, the food sucked, it wasn't bad it was terrible.
A really good key lime or lemon meringue pie is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately our friend Dana that I cook for a lot takes meds that cause a bad reaction if she eats lemon or lime and Hombre doesn't care for either pie all that much. So I don't make them any more. But I sure do like them.
Then have a piece of pie as a treat when you are out somewhere. Village Inn up here makes very tasty key lime pies and their lemon meringue is probably good, too. I'm not fond of the meringue, though.

We almost never have dessert when we go out for whatever reason--I suppose because my aunt or Dana almost always pay for the meal. But I almost always serve dessert when they eat at our house which is our way of paying them back for their generosity. We get the treat of a meal out. They get the treat of a home cooked meal that they rarely get.

But I haven't tried the Village Inn's fare in quite awhile. One of these days maybe. They used to make the world's best French dip. They also used to make terrific French crepes but at some point discontinued that.
The wife and I ate there once......... Never been back.........

Bad experience? I haven't had any bad experiences at Village Inn though admittedly it isn't what you would call a fine dining thing either. When we first moved to Albuquerque, we went out on our anniversary (February 14) as we always had. Bad idea in Albuquerque though because restaurants won't take reservations for two on Valentine's Day and everywhere we went had an hour or so wait. We were small town people not patient with waiting for a restaurant table so we kept moving.

We finally wound up at a Village Inn near the apartment complex where we first lived. And being a fairly inelegant and not a destination restaurant, we did get a table. And when the server learned it was our anniversary, we were presented with dessert--cupcakes with candles on them. We have always remembered that fondly.
No, the food sucked, it wasn't bad it was terrible.

I suppose it happens. We haven't gotten a bad meal there though.
You both will be in my prayers :smiliehug:

Thank you very much.
We really need it.
His chances of making it through this is very low.
It looks like the surgery won't actually be done for another 2 or 3 weeks.
He has a few Doc appointments first.
By then I should be able to travel the 114 mile round trip to Tucson.

If I may it his vein or valve to be replaced? And why are his chances so low?

I apologize if you've posted this information before and I didn't see it.....and you don't have to answer, if you choose not to. It's ok. I was just trying to get a better understanding of his predicament.

As much as I dislike Dr's & the medical field.....I do admit they have come along way and are able to do what was once thought impossible.

I have a total of 10 stents now, when I had my bypass surgery I pretty much went from the Angioplasty to the open heart without leaving the cardio area. Luck and prayers to you...

My mother had had 2 valves (mitral & aortic) replaced with plastic & metal valves and she had to take blood thinners for the rest of her life Her condition was from having rheumatic fever as a child. That surgery was in 1988. The Dr had said without the surgery, she would not have survived the month. She did live another 20 years because of it. .

His veins.
He hopes to be able to have angioplasty.
It that doesn't work they will do synthic vein surgery.
The problem is he has 1/4 of a heart, he has a difbulator/pacemaker on top with MS and type 2 diabetes.
It will be a very delicate surgery.
I think he is strong enough to get through it.
It's just going to be a very delicate complicated surgery with everything taken into account.

It is difficult not to be anxious though when faced with one's own mortality, and that goes double for you, the love of his life, and he yours. But being optimistic is the best medicine for both of you, and greatly increases the outcome of a successful procedure. So you stay at the forefront of the vigil list and I know all of us who have comes to be very fond of you over the years, as well as your new friends, will have you both in our prayers and/or directed positive energy.

Yes being optimistic is how we have gone through all of his problems when they popped up. :)

Mr. P will need a couple of appointments to see how the best way would be.

He's hoping that the angioplasty works.
He calls it Roto -Rootering :biggrin:

If they can't do that, then it's putting in synthetic veins.

You both will be in my prayers :smiliehug:

Thank you very much.
We really need it.
His chances of making it through this is very low.
It looks like the surgery won't actually be done for another 2 or 3 weeks.
He has a few Doc appointments first.
By then I should be able to travel the 114 mile round trip to Tucson.

If I may it his vein or valve to be replaced? And why are his chances so low?

I apologize if you've posted this information before and I didn't see it.....and you don't have to answer, if you choose not to. It's ok. I was just trying to get a better understanding of his predicament.

As much as I dislike Dr's & the medical field.....I do admit they have come along way and are able to do what was once thought impossible.

My mother had had 2 valves (mitral & aortic) replaced with plastic & metal valves and she had to take blood thinners for the rest of her life Her condition was from having rheumatic fever as a child. That surgery was in 1988. The Dr had said without the surgery, she would not have survived the month. She did live another 20 years because of it. .

His veins.
He hopes to be able to have angioplasty.
It that doesn't work they will do synthic vein surgery.
The problem is he has 1/4 of a heart, he has a difbulator/pacemaker on top with MS and type 2 diabetes.
It will be a very delicate surgery.
I think he is strong enough to get through it.
It's just going to be a very delicate complicated surgery with everything taken into account.

It is difficult not to be anxious though when faced with one's own mortality, and that goes double for you, the love of his life, and he yours. But being optimistic is the best medicine for both of you, and greatly increases the outcome of a successful procedure. So you stay at the forefront of the vigil list and I know all of us who have comes to be very fond of you over the years, as well as your new friends, will have you both in our prayers and/or directed positive energy.

Yes being optimistic is how we have gone through all of his problems when they popped up. :)

Mr. P will need a couple of appointments to see how the best way would be.

He's hoping that the angioplasty works.
He calls it Roto -Rootering :biggrin:

If they can't do that, then it's putting in synthetic veins.

I have a total of 10 stents now, when I had my bypass surgery I pretty much went from the Angioplasty to the open heart without leaving the cardio area. Luck and prayers to you...

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