USMB Coffee Shop IV

I love it how we are all so different but we all get along in the Coffee Shop. :)

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TWD is dead now that most of the regulars have been off'd. I haven't watched it since Rick left. Don't plan to, either.

Wait...….Rick left??? :dunno:

I haven't watched it since they killed off Glen(?) and the Ginger a few years ago.

Way back in the dark ages they had things called soap operas during the day. Maybe they still do. I dunno. Haven't seen one in decades. But back then when I was between jobs I would sometimes get hooked on "As the World Turns" or some such that I would watch while I was ironing or shelling peas or something. Then I would go back to work and forget about the soaps for months or years. And the next time I would watch, it was like I had never been away--it just always seemed like it took up pretty close to where I left off.

Seems weird now thinking back on it, but back then it seemed normal.
Well Mr. P goes into the hospital for outpatient surgery on Monday bright and early at 8:00 a.m.
hopefully he will be out in the afternoon ,but last time they kept him overnight.

Oh gosh Peach. This post got lost to me amidst all the birthday cake and pie postings. But we'll sure ramp up the prayers and positive vibes for Mr. P. on Monday.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
007's cold
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
Gracie for wellness.
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery.
Did we miss anybody? Jog my memory please.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Many of us are already into Sunday as we sign off tonight. But do go out and look at the full Hunter's moon that will peak sometime tomorrow, but looks very full and beautiful tonight in a cold autumn sky.
Went for another truck load of wood yesterday. A guy known to one of my co-workers has a bunch of logs he needs cleared off his property. I cut the smaller logs to truck bed length (about as much weight as I could handle) and the larger logs I cut to stove length. Now, I will have to start cutting, splitting, and stacking this stuff. I still have a bunch to cut into stove length and split right here, too. Wood for the winter is looking better than when this whole stroke/heart attack saga began.
It's been rainy and cooler, typical Alaskan fall weather. It makes work easier, as long as it's not pissing rain. There's "termination dust" on most all the mountains, too. As usual, I'm busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest, especially with all the added work that my partner usually does.
My brother has become enamored of the idea of buying a motor home and coming up here, at least for the summers. I'm encouraging him. He's also reassured me that he's ready and willing to come up to help whenever I can get the hip replaced. It's more like I'll need both hips replaced because now the left hip is starting to be a chronic pain.

Well, I sure hope all y'all are doing okay. May your pains be few and slight. In some ways, this is a family for me.


I'll take care of you while you mend.

They won't do both hips at once.

The docs will want you to heal and rehab from one before they do the other.

I've plenty of time on my hands lately.

Plus, the guys drank the dandelion mead and didn't share with me.

And I'm totally out of soap.
HELLO! Those bastages! I have a bit of triple-berry mead on bottles and will have at least one batch of sack mead bottled before I have surgery on my hip. I knew about not doing both at once but I am beginning to suspect I'll have to have an evaluation whether the left or right hip gets done first. If I had the surgery when I planned, it would have been the right hip. Now, the left hip is beginning to be a great pain and I suspect it's been deteriorating due to over-stress.
You come up, I'll teach you how to make soap. In the meantime, I have a bunch in storage. If you want more soap, PM me and I'll see to it that you get a supply. Let me check and see what I still have on hand.
How have you been? What have you been up to since our meeting on the beach? I'm guessing all your chicks have left the nest by now?

I'll holler at ya!


You know where to find me.

I'm serious about taking care of you while you're healing.
Mr. P saw the heart Doc today and he said his heart device kicked in on July for a tenth of a second.
He will be going to the Hospital for a day procedure to check it out.
Doc says he may need a stint put in if it's a clot, he has had two blood clots in the past in one of his legs.
He wants to check and for sure what's going on. He also said it could be nothing and it's just one of those things that happens every once in a while.
At the time it happened it was late in the afternoon.
Mr. P said that's when him and a friend were in Tucson. The Doc lit into him and said never go out in the heat in the afternoon.

Never mind that I have been telling him that. :45:

You a doctor?
Today I am 67 years young, lol. And, I feel 106 but plan to ignore that today and just laze about doing nothing. Oh. Wait. I do that whether its my birthday or not, lol.

Still...I think I will binge watch something, snack all day, and stay in my jammies. :D

Belated happy birthday and I hope you changed jammies by now.
Well Mr. P goes into the hospital for outpatient surgery on Monday bright and early at 8:00 a.m.
hopefully he will be out in the afternoon ,but last time they kept him overnight.

Praying its Clotless Monday as well as Columbus Day. I am avoiding Indgenous People's Day.
Well, been down with coughing some more, but I'm getting used to it. Yesterday, I found quilt blocks I made in Wyoming prior to 2009 in royal blue and bright yellow. I had used the squares to show beginner log cabin quilters how to put the blocks in order from center square to outer block. I put the logs into "pyramids" of sorts using 20 of the 23 squares I found, and put a border around it. It will have to be a big brother quilt or given to a large person in a wheelchair senior care facility. Or whatever they choose. Then today, I uncovered a quilt I started about 4 weeks ago, but for some reason, just kept avoiding it. It was made of strips sewn down diagonally onto 10-inch background squares. That presented 2 problems. The two corners needed 90 degree half-square triangles,then strips sewn on light and dark for the rest. It came out into a square that will be a senior lapauilt. My list of sewing projects is long, but I think I'm going to do some sleep tonight instead of sewing. I stayed in today because of coughing. I scheduled another doctor's appointment for when she gets back on or around the 18th. Didn't do much, but I was happy to put that second quilt on the finished pile along with the first one, so they were 9 and 10 in the pile. The yellow strips got set aside to finish the 2 UFOs I got done this weekend. Huff puff, huff puff!

May all who are up for surgery and care have such skilled hands taking care of you that you get well. And for those who don't talk of illness who aren't doing to hot, I'm putting anonymous sufferers on the list too. And I bless Ms. Foxfyre for all her prayers and hope she and Hombre have good outcomes this week. May you all be in the loving arms of angels while healing.
beautress my mother and her sister done a whole lot of quilting when they were alive... Very few nights I have slept in my entire lifetime that it was not under a quilt my mother made... Something special about that in my bizarre little world...
Anyway my Aunt (just one of 6 sisters and 6 brothers) had the sewing deformity and I was curious if you were afflicted? She always used a thimble, but the first joint of her index finger was bent almost 90 degrees... I don't know why but it never slowed her down... She quilted more than my mother did and trust me that was a ton...

I admire your work and your dedication to the community with your amazing ability...
Hopefully this works, stitched 7 photos together to make one panorama. This is south of Taos looking towards Taos (which you can't see). The huge gorge in the middle is the Rio Grande Gorge but the picture doesn't do the majestic vista justice.


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