USMB Coffee Shop IV

Today I am 67 years young, lol. And, I feel 106 but plan to ignore that today and just laze about doing nothing. Oh. Wait. I do that whether its my birthday or not, lol.

Still...I think I will binge watch something, snack all day, and stay in my jammies. :D
What's good to binge watch?
Downton Abbey was good. But I don;t think thats a dude flick?
I have a helluva time finding good binge worthy stuff, myself.
Oh. I know! Longmire!
Always indulge myself with this one, when Stateside.

Unavailable in Europe.


My fave, too! I'm not much into pies but I can always manage to stuff a piece of Key lime pie down the hatch.

My absolute favourite.

Today I am 67 years young, lol. And, I feel 106 but plan to ignore that today and just laze about doing nothing. Oh. Wait. I do that whether its my birthday or not, lol.

Still...I think I will binge watch something, snack all day, and stay in my jammies. :D
What's good to binge watch?
Downton Abbey was good. But I don;t think thats a dude flick?
I have a helluva time finding good binge worthy stuff, myself.
Oh. I know! Longmire!
The wife's been watching Maude and Barney Miller late nights.
FINALLY!!!!! I finally received everything I needed to finish my new computer build from hell, put it together earlier today and after I forgot to connect a couple of components, and connected them it started right up. And it's fast.
Next I'll, "rebuild" my old gamer (add a couple of components and replace one) then turn it into my new Linux machine, sell the old Linux machine or donate it. :thup:
FINALLY!!!!! I finally received everything I needed to finish my new computer build from hell, put it together earlier today and after I forgot to connect a couple of components, and connected them it started right up. And it's fast.
Next I'll, "rebuild" my old gamer (add a couple of components and replace one) then turn it into my new Linux machine, sell the old Linux machine or donate it. :thup:

I decided against getting a new computer until my existing one suffers catastrophic failure , like the mother board failing. I looked at the latest versions of PC games like Doom and Wolfenstein, and decided I did not want to play them so badly that I would upgrade a good computer just for them. I cannot play them on mine but it is fast enough to watch videos and films on the web. So I will make do with that.
Today I am 67 years young, lol. And, I feel 106 but plan to ignore that today and just laze about doing nothing. Oh. Wait. I do that whether its my birthday or not, lol.

Still...I think I will binge watch something, snack all day, and stay in my jammies. :D
What's good to binge watch?

The Walking Dead. :)

Only if you stop by....season 7 or so! :p

Binge watched the lot, when I was in the US. Nothing much to do, and too hot outside in the garden.

Need to catch up with season 9.
TWD is dead now that most of the regulars have been off'd. I haven't watched it since Rick left. Don't plan to, either.
Today I am 67 years young, lol. And, I feel 106 but plan to ignore that today and just laze about doing nothing. Oh. Wait. I do that whether its my birthday or not, lol.

Still...I think I will binge watch something, snack all day, and stay in my jammies. :D
What's good to binge watch?

Don't know if it is available for streaming but we have been binge watching an old "L A Law" series from the late 1970's or 1980's on DVDs. Great series with lots of drama but also humor--great acting. I love "The Good Doctor" too and an old series "The Practice."
TWD is dead now that most of the regulars have been off'd. I haven't watched it since Rick left. Don't plan to, either.

I didn't quite get that far: I haven't watched since I think the second episode of season 9. I'm not sure I'll ever get back to it. I didn't enjoy the whole storyline between Rick's group and the Saviors. I never thought Negan was a good villain. And I have so many shows I want to watch eventually, I don't know if TWD is worth going back into.

I still haven't gotten around to season 3 of This is Us, and I thought the first 2 seasons were excellent. I enjoyed the first season of 13 Reasons Why, but never started the second season (although I'm still not sure what it will be like, since the first season ended pretty conclusively). I've had a lot less free time since I got a regular job, of course, and I'm a procrastinator, so between reading, games, and football, I find myself not watching much lately. :p

If I don't drive down to Florida during the week between my leaving my current job and starting the new one, maybe I'll binge some stuff. :dunno:
Today I am 67 years young, lol. And, I feel 106 but plan to ignore that today and just laze about doing nothing. Oh. Wait. I do that whether its my birthday or not, lol.

Still...I think I will binge watch something, snack all day, and stay in my jammies. :D
What's good to binge watch?

Don't know if it is available for streaming but we have been binge watching an old "L A Law" series from the late 1970's or 1980's on DVDs. Great series with lots of drama but also humor--great acting. I love "The Good Doctor" too and an old series "The Practice."

I know I watched at least some of LA Law back when it was on TV, but I wouldn't go back to watch it again. It would probably be one of those things that are better in memory than reality. :lol:
What kind of goodies to you distribute? I'd go for some nice, chewy, gooey candies. I used to love popcorn balls but they frown on home made things nowadays. Up here, it's usually so cold by Halloween that the local retailers put together and sponsor indoor "Trick-o-Treat" parties.
Decorating yards is tricky, too, because it might just snow. My daughter would love your spreads, though. She usually goes all out for Halloween.

I get 300 to 500 kids every year, I pass out the miniature candy bars...
I have been made aware that my Nephew (who is autistic) 42 years old going on 12, has never been trick or treating. I bought him a blue pumpkin bowl and he is going this year,.....
What kind of goodies to you distribute? I'd go for some nice, chewy, gooey candies. I used to love popcorn balls but they frown on home made things nowadays. Up here, it's usually so cold by Halloween that the local retailers put together and sponsor indoor "Trick-o-Treat" parties.
Decorating yards is tricky, too, because it might just snow. My daughter would love your spreads, though. She usually goes all out for Halloween.

I get 300 to 500 kids every year, I pass out the miniature candy bars...
That's neat! Enjoy the evening, Ollie! Do you dress up in costume, too?
Always indulge myself with this one, when Stateside.

Unavailable in Europe.


My fave, too! I'm not much into pies but I can always manage to stuff a piece of Key lime pie down the hatch.

A really good key lime or lemon meringue pie is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately our friend Dana that I cook for a lot takes meds that cause a bad reaction if she eats lemon or lime and Hombre doesn't care for either pie all that much. So I don't make them any more. But I sure do like them.

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