USMB Coffee Shop IV

What kind of goodies to you distribute? I'd go for some nice, chewy, gooey candies. I used to love popcorn balls but they frown on home made things nowadays. Up here, it's usually so cold by Halloween that the local retailers put together and sponsor indoor "Trick-o-Treat" parties.
Decorating yards is tricky, too, because it might just snow. My daughter would love your spreads, though. She usually goes all out for Halloween.
That is exactly what is done up here in Maine! It;s too cold and homes are too far apart and even snow on the ground already on some years.... plus bitter wind!

We have a mall about 35 miles from here that puts on an event for the kids, plus local businesses do too!

In my local area, the mom and pop movie theater one town over, puts on a Halloween party.... and there is a left over huge military fort from yesteryear that gets turned in to a haunted house not too far away that kids come from a 50 mile radius to visit!

Mainers really love their holidays up here! They decorate their homes for all of them! Halloween, T-Day, Christmas etc makes winter fun for their kids,,,,
What kind of goodies to you distribute? I'd go for some nice, chewy, gooey candies. I used to love popcorn balls but they frown on home made things nowadays. Up here, it's usually so cold by Halloween that the local retailers put together and sponsor indoor "Trick-o-Treat" parties.
Decorating yards is tricky, too, because it might just snow. My daughter would love your spreads, though. She usually goes all out for Halloween.
That is exactly what is done up here in Maine! It;s too cold and homes are too far apart and even snow on the ground already on some years.... plus bitter wind!

We have a mall about 35 miles from here that puts on an event for the kids, plus local businesses do too!

In my local area, the mom and pop movie theater one town over, puts on a Halloween party.... and there is a left over huge military fort from yesteryear that gets turned in to a haunted house not too far away that kids come from a 50 mile radius to visit!

Mainers really love their holidays up here! They decorate their homes for all of them! Halloween, T-Day, Christmas etc makes winter fun for their kids,,,,

Hey Care!!! So good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!

New Mexicans love their holidays too, though almost all have our rather unique New Mexican/Mexican/Spanish influences which are kind of neat.

When it comes to Halloween I'm rather torn. Almost all the churches and several other community facilities are having "trunk and treat" events on Halloween--everybody decorates the trunks of their cars in big parking lots and distribute candy to the kids in costume who roam among them followed by a neighborhood party for the kids inside. Much safer for the kids than being out in many of the neighborhoods any more. Our neighborhood is okay but there are those that are not.

So after decades of decorating our porch and distributing candy to the neighborhood kids we are now torn. Do we keep encouraging that when it isn't safe everywhere? Or close down the home place and encourage them to visit the trunk and treat events?

In Sgt Ollie's small town, I'm sure it is perfectly safe for the kids.

But for us, we'll make that decision soon.
What kind of goodies to you distribute? I'd go for some nice, chewy, gooey candies. I used to love popcorn balls but they frown on home made things nowadays. Up here, it's usually so cold by Halloween that the local retailers put together and sponsor indoor "Trick-o-Treat" parties.
Decorating yards is tricky, too, because it might just snow. My daughter would love your spreads, though. She usually goes all out for Halloween.
That is exactly what is done up here in Maine! It;s too cold and homes are too far apart and even snow on the ground already on some years.... plus bitter wind!

We have a mall about 35 miles from here that puts on an event for the kids, plus local businesses do too!

In my local area, the mom and pop movie theater one town over, puts on a Halloween party.... and there is a left over huge military fort from yesteryear that gets turned in to a haunted house not too far away that kids come from a 50 mile radius to visit!

Mainers really love their holidays up here! They decorate their homes for all of them! Halloween, T-Day, Christmas etc makes winter fun for their kids,,,,

Hey Care!!! So good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!

New Mexicans love their holidays too, though almost all have our rather unique New Mexican/Mexican/Spanish influences which are kind of neat.

When it comes to Halloween I'm rather torn. Almost all the churches and several other community facilities are having "trunk and treat" events on Halloween--everybody decorates the trunks of their cars in big parking lots and distribute candy to the kids in costume who roam among them followed by a neighborhood party for the kids inside. Much safer for the kids than being out in many of the neighborhoods any more. Our neighborhood is okay but there are those that are not.

So after decades of decorating our porch and distributing candy to the neighborhood kids we are now torn. Do we keep encouraging that when it isn't safe everywhere? Or close down the home place and encourage them to visit the trunk and treat events?

In Sgt Ollie's small town, I'm sure it is perfectly safe for the kids.

But for us, we'll make that decision soon.
That is such a hard call!!!

It's a darn shame that kids today aren't able to experience the fun of it! Going door to door, not knowing if this house or next house will have your favorite candy...!!! The one on one human interaction and smiles of the TREAT Giver...

Bad Apples, spoil the bunch... as the saying goes.... (razor apples)

the bad apple actors, took the fun and Holiday as it was, away...

the bad apples won... and I hate that!!! They changed the good guys, through a form of domestic terrorism... the razors in apples thing etc

I think if it were me in your boots, I'd continue doing your decorating and TREAT thing... make it fun for them, and let the parents make the choice, for their kids! I'd be opened for business until there is no kid standing!
What kind of goodies to you distribute? I'd go for some nice, chewy, gooey candies. I used to love popcorn balls but they frown on home made things nowadays. Up here, it's usually so cold by Halloween that the local retailers put together and sponsor indoor "Trick-o-Treat" parties.
Decorating yards is tricky, too, because it might just snow. My daughter would love your spreads, though. She usually goes all out for Halloween.
That is exactly what is done up here in Maine! It;s too cold and homes are too far apart and even snow on the ground already on some years.... plus bitter wind!

We have a mall about 35 miles from here that puts on an event for the kids, plus local businesses do too!

In my local area, the mom and pop movie theater one town over, puts on a Halloween party.... and there is a left over huge military fort from yesteryear that gets turned in to a haunted house not too far away that kids come from a 50 mile radius to visit!

Mainers really love their holidays up here! They decorate their homes for all of them! Halloween, T-Day, Christmas etc makes winter fun for their kids,,,,

Hey Care!!! So good to see you back in the Coffee Shop!

New Mexicans love their holidays too, though almost all have our rather unique New Mexican/Mexican/Spanish influences which are kind of neat.

When it comes to Halloween I'm rather torn. Almost all the churches and several other community facilities are having "trunk and treat" events on Halloween--everybody decorates the trunks of their cars in big parking lots and distribute candy to the kids in costume who roam among them followed by a neighborhood party for the kids inside. Much safer for the kids than being out in many of the neighborhoods any more. Our neighborhood is okay but there are those that are not.

So after decades of decorating our porch and distributing candy to the neighborhood kids we are now torn. Do we keep encouraging that when it isn't safe everywhere? Or close down the home place and encourage them to visit the trunk and treat events?

In Sgt Ollie's small town, I'm sure it is perfectly safe for the kids.

But for us, we'll make that decision soon.
That is such a hard call!!!

It's a darn shame that kids today aren't able to experience the fun of it! Going door to door, not knowing if this house or next house will have your favorite candy...!!! The one on one human interaction and smiles of the TREAT Giver...

Bad Apples, spoil the bunch... as the saying goes.... (razor apples)

the bad apple actors, took the fun and Holiday as it was, away...

the bad apples won... and I hate that!!! They changed the good guys, through a form of domestic terrorism... the razors in apples thing etc

I think if it were me in your boots, I'd continue doing your decorating and TREAT thing... make it fun for them, and let the parents make the choice, for their kids! I'd be opened for business until there is no kid standing!

There is definitely that side of it too, which is why we are torn as to the best thing to do for the kids. Yes, keep up the traditions is ingrained in my DNA. But to encourage kids to do something that may be dangerous for them. . .I think we have to consider that too.

When I was a kid, we kids roamed freely in the neighborhood. The moms fed lunch to whoever happened to be there. The only rules is that we don't do anything really stupid and we were within earshot of our mothers after the sun went down. Halloween was great fun with people freely handing out homemade cookies, popcorn balls, and such that would be unthinkable these days.

No way I would recommend such free rein to be given to the kids of today. There is just simply more meanness, malicious mischief, evil now.

So maybe the trunk and treat thing will be the finest memories of this generation and we shouldn't fight it but decorate our car and help with that? I don't know. But I hope I get it right.
Gave the wife a road trip today, went up to Taos to have an expensive lunch at the Bent Street Cafe, just got home about 15 minutes ago. Her favorite thrift store up there is no longer in business or moved but that's okay, the scenery along the drive is just gorgeous........, mostly...... And lunch was wonderful though it was quite windy and a little cool. :thup:
I've done all the printing/form filling for the new job; they sent me the official offer today. I have orientation on Nov. 4, assuming no problems before then (I don't know why there would be any). I'll be putting in my 2 weeks notice at the current job on Monday. Barring some sort of offer from the current job beyond what I would expect (and for a different position, I really need to stop doing what I'm doing, it's giving me too much pain in my hand/thumb), I'll be getting into something medical in a few weeks.

I was originally expecting a second shift position with an 8% pay differential, but I may actually be third shift with a 12% differential. That would work out to about an extra 0.52 an hour.

I just hope this works out well, as I do get along with my co-workers and supervisors at my current job.
Mr. P saw the heart Doc today and he said his heart device kicked in on July for a tenth of a second.
He will be going to the Hospital for a day procedure to check it out.
Doc says he may need a stint put in if it's a clot, he has had two blood clots in the past in one of his legs.
He wants to check and for sure what's going on. He also said it could be nothing and it's just one of those things that happens every once in a while.
At the time it happened it was late in the afternoon.
Mr. P said that's when him and a friend were in Tucson. The Doc lit into him and said never go out in the heat in the afternoon.

Never mind that I have been telling him that. :45:
I'm sorry you husband is having threats against his heart and circulatory system, Ms. Peach. Mr. P. is on my prayer list. Hope his doctor figures out just what he needs to do to control those clots and keep the ticker healthy. Love you girl. :huddle:
Gave the wife a road trip today, went up to Taos to have an expensive lunch at the Bent Street Cafe, just got home about 15 minutes ago. Her favorite thrift store up there is no longer in business or moved but that's okay, the scenery along the drive is just gorgeous........, mostly...... And lunch was wonderful though it was quite windy and a little cool. :thup:
You're the best, Mr. Ringel, for taking Mrs. Ringel out for a good time against the backdrop of beautiful scenery between you and Taos. :thup:
I've done all the printing/form filling for the new job; they sent me the official offer today. I have orientation on Nov. 4, assuming no problems before then (I don't know why there would be any). I'll be putting in my 2 weeks notice at the current job on Monday. Barring some sort of offer from the current job beyond what I would expect (and for a different position, I really need to stop doing what I'm doing, it's giving me too much pain in my hand/thumb), I'll be getting into something medical in a few weeks.

I was originally expecting a second shift position with an 8% pay differential, but I may actually be third shift with a 12% differential. That would work out to about an extra 0.52 an hour.

I just hope this works out well, as I do get along with my co-workers and supervisors at my current job.
Good luck with the new job, Montrovant! I'm so pleased things are looking up your way. Yay!!! :)
Gave the wife a road trip today, went up to Taos to have an expensive lunch at the Bent Street Cafe, just got home about 15 minutes ago. Her favorite thrift store up there is no longer in business or moved but that's okay, the scenery along the drive is just gorgeous........, mostly...... And lunch was wonderful though it was quite windy and a little cool. :thup:
You're the best, Mr. Ringel, for taking Mrs. Ringel out for a good time against the backdrop of beautiful scenery between you and Taos. :thup:
I don't know if you've ever been up or down that road but there are sections that are absolutely majestic, awe inspiring in their enormity and beauty.
Cut purple strips into measured logs all morning long. Got tired of blue, red, brown and green, I guess. Anyway, with the other quilts done yesterday and the week before, the stack is still at 7 quilt tops to take to charity bees, and for some reason, I couldn't locate the purple fabrics I know I had around here somewhere for the border to all-purple logs. Since nobody else has figured out how much fun it is to do 1-color monochrome quilts in log cabin style, I can't find anything online that compares to these quilts. They're just eye candy when you do a monochrome log quilt top, and everyone takes them first to take home and quilt. I'm still not able to do much quilting, and even when I do, if the quilt is a little large, well, it gets set aside because it's too heavy. I worked on arm muscles at the Iron works gym, but it takes back muscles, too, and my fibromyalgia case of 15-17 years pretty much did in my muscles. I'm just glad the pain's gone after parathyroid surgery recent years back. The immune and other issues are still there, but that much pain is like having the world lifted off your shoulders when its cause is found and the pain just goes away. The quilts bring a lot of joy to me, and I uncovered some just heavenly turquoise strips while I was looking for more purple scraps to make into logs this morning and afternoon. These blocks have 7 sizes of logs to cut, and 1-6 are used double. All I have to do on the purple quilt now is to find that other box of purple fabrics and pick a border fabric, because the 20 7" squares are sewn together into a 4x5 rectangle that measures about 20x35 before the 2 or 3 borders are put on. The last 3 quilts had 3 borders each, so hopefully when I'm done posting, I will try and find a pretty purple floral or kid border. There are enough pieces left in the box of purple logs to make another baby quilt, but it will take an entire day to put the blocks together. Been listening to a Carly Simon song, and it's just so pretty I'm going to leave it here if you'd care to hear it. It's very relaxing. :)
Gave the wife a road trip today, went up to Taos to have an expensive lunch at the Bent Street Cafe, just got home about 15 minutes ago. Her favorite thrift store up there is no longer in business or moved but that's okay, the scenery along the drive is just gorgeous........, mostly...... And lunch was wonderful though it was quite windy and a little cool. :thup:
You're the best, Mr. Ringel, for taking Mrs. Ringel out for a good time against the backdrop of beautiful scenery between you and Taos. :thup:
I don't know if you've ever been up or down that road but there are sections that are absolutely majestic, awe inspiring in their enormity and beauty.
I don't recall going to Taos, but in 1965 my brother and I drove from Houston to Ramona, CA when our parents moved to the Golden State, and we had a car to drive while they flew. Dad had already taken the family car west. I know we made a special trip to Carlsbad Caverns. :) My late husband and I went to Albuquerque one year, but when and Why I don't know. I just saw this picture of Taos. I know I haven't been there. I bet the drive and getting out of the house was wonderful for the Ringels. :)
Gave the wife a road trip today, went up to Taos to have an expensive lunch at the Bent Street Cafe, just got home about 15 minutes ago. Her favorite thrift store up there is no longer in business or moved but that's okay, the scenery along the drive is just gorgeous........, mostly...... And lunch was wonderful though it was quite windy and a little cool. :thup:
You're the best, Mr. Ringel, for taking Mrs. Ringel out for a good time against the backdrop of beautiful scenery between you and Taos. :thup:
I don't know if you've ever been up or down that road but there are sections that are absolutely majestic, awe inspiring in their enormity and beauty.
I don't recall going to Taos, but in 1965 my brother and I drove from Houston to Ramona, CA when our parents moved to the Golden State, and we had a car to drive while they flew. Dad had already taken the family car west. I know we made a special trip to Carlsbad Caverns. :) My late husband and I went to Albuquerque one year, but when and Why I don't know. I just saw this picture of Taos. I know I haven't been there. I bet the drive and getting out of the house was wonderful for the Ringels. :)
The wife's been off the chemo for a couple of weeks due to other complications with it and other drugs, starting back up tomorrow. Being off means she's feeling better and has more energy so she was really able to enjoy this trip much more than the last one. We both love Taos but probably wouldn't live there. It's typically 2 hours from Albuquerque but with repaving on State Rd 68 that winds up alongside the Rio Grande, added a half hour to the trip.




Speaking of pies, my favorites in order;

Apple pie
Turtle pie (Like a turtle sunday, not real turtles......)
Pecan pie
Pumpkin pie
Blueberry pie
Cherry pie

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