USMB Coffee Shop IV

Not doin' so good, ended up yesterday with a full blown head cold. Still the wife wanted to go up to Hyde Park in the mountains above Santa Fe to see the Aspens. It was pretty, got some good picts and amazingly felt pretty good while we were up in the mountains, feel pretty shitty now that we're home.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.
Hombre and I did just the opposite. Finally had our fill of working for a tyrannical and unreasonable boss, even though the money was really good, didn't want to start over with another firm, and we went back into business for ourselves for the rest of our working for pay experience. That turned out to be a good decision for us.
Congrats, that always impresses me when people are able to run their own business successfully. I did try that many years ago during my contracting years partnering with a couple of other engineers in a staffing company. We started out gangbusters but I soon found out how money can cause some people to lose all control. Fortunately I left the partnership before the you-know-what hit the fan :)

We had the same experience with our first business. We decided then and there that never again.

The back stabbing and the price dumping is the dark side of all that.

That really wasn't the issue with our business which was a service provided to other businesses. Our business partners were savvy and seemed so solid, but once we had formed our small corporation, they turned out to be more difficult to work with, got in personal trouble with the IRS that we feared could jeopardize us, and got a divorce which really complicated things. So we formally opted out.

As GW can testify, going into business with somebody is akin to a marriage, and just as stressful when things go sour. We have never ever regretted or second guessed ourselves that it was the smart thing to do to part ways when we did.
Yes I absolutely felt like I was trapped in a 'bad marriage'. Once I saw what was going on and that he wasn't going to change, I called a meeting with the company lawyer and was formally bought out. I was never so relieved in my life!
My "bad marriage" went really bad when the partner had his stroke in July. It's difficult enough when the other party will not quit but when there's a "humanitarian" compulsion to render aid, well, that really sucks. He's pretty much doubled down on his passive-aggressive bullying and is more selfish than ever. I've had to give up an opportunity for a bonus and advancement because of his numerous medical issues and appointments. This advancement in a job I was planning on retiring from in November! Once this whole mess is resolved, for better or worse, he will be going back to his place in Anchorage. I have been figuring out how to do both his work and mine around this place. He's been warned that if his usefulness was ever impaired, I had no incentive to keep him around at all.
At this point, I am most likely suffering from "caregiver burnout". I am bound in a situation that is void of "love", or respect, or any modicum of gratitude for all the shit I am going through on his behalf. But enough! I've got to try and get some of my work done today. He's invited several people over to visit and I haven't had a lot of time to clean up the house.
Not doin' so good, ended up yesterday with a full blown head cold. Still the wife wanted to go up to Hyde Park in the mountains above Santa Fe to see the Aspens. It was pretty, got some good picts and amazingly felt pretty good while we were up in the mountains, feel pretty shitty now that we're home.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
Colds seem to be common all over right now. I have several friends who are so afflicted. I send my best to help healing for all of my fellow CSers.
Not doin' so good, ended up yesterday with a full blown head cold. Still the wife wanted to go up to Hyde Park in the mountains above Santa Fe to see the Aspens. It was pretty, got some good picts and amazingly felt pretty good while we were up in the mountains, feel pretty shitty now that we're home.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.
Poor, ol' Gizmo. Guess you'll have to feed him all that repulsive canned kitty food now (he-he-he).
Congrats, that always impresses me when people are able to run their own business successfully. I did try that many years ago during my contracting years partnering with a couple of other engineers in a staffing company. We started out gangbusters but I soon found out how money can cause some people to lose all control. Fortunately I left the partnership before the you-know-what hit the fan :)

We had the same experience with our first business. We decided then and there that never again.

The back stabbing and the price dumping is the dark side of all that.

That really wasn't the issue with our business which was a service provided to other businesses. Our business partners were savvy and seemed so solid, but once we had formed our small corporation, they turned out to be more difficult to work with, got in personal trouble with the IRS that we feared could jeopardize us, and got a divorce which really complicated things. So we formally opted out.

As GW can testify, going into business with somebody is akin to a marriage, and just as stressful when things go sour. We have never ever regretted or second guessed ourselves that it was the smart thing to do to part ways when we did.
Yes I absolutely felt like I was trapped in a 'bad marriage'. Once I saw what was going on and that he wasn't going to change, I called a meeting with the company lawyer and was formally bought out. I was never so relieved in my life!
My "bad marriage" went really bad when the partner had his stroke in July. It's difficult enough when the other party will not quit but when there's a "humanitarian" compulsion to render aid, well, that really sucks. He's pretty much doubled down on his passive-aggressive bullying and is more selfish than ever. I've had to give up an opportunity for a bonus and advancement because of his numerous medical issues and appointments. This advancement in a job I was planning on retiring from in November! Once this whole mess is resolved, for better or worse, he will be going back to his place in Anchorage. I have been figuring out how to do both his work and mine around this place. He's been warned that if his usefulness was ever impaired, I had no incentive to keep him around at all.
At this point, I am most likely suffering from "caregiver burnout". I am bound in a situation that is void of "love", or respect, or any modicum of gratitude for all the shit I am going through on his behalf. But enough! I've got to try and get some of my work done today. He's invited several people over to visit and I haven't had a lot of time to clean up the house.
Sorry to hear all that. It's to your credit you are being so supportive when it doesn't seem that you are obligated to be.
We had the same experience with our first business. We decided then and there that never again.

The back stabbing and the price dumping is the dark side of all that.

That really wasn't the issue with our business which was a service provided to other businesses. Our business partners were savvy and seemed so solid, but once we had formed our small corporation, they turned out to be more difficult to work with, got in personal trouble with the IRS that we feared could jeopardize us, and got a divorce which really complicated things. So we formally opted out.

As GW can testify, going into business with somebody is akin to a marriage, and just as stressful when things go sour. We have never ever regretted or second guessed ourselves that it was the smart thing to do to part ways when we did.
Yes I absolutely felt like I was trapped in a 'bad marriage'. Once I saw what was going on and that he wasn't going to change, I called a meeting with the company lawyer and was formally bought out. I was never so relieved in my life!
My "bad marriage" went really bad when the partner had his stroke in July. It's difficult enough when the other party will not quit but when there's a "humanitarian" compulsion to render aid, well, that really sucks. He's pretty much doubled down on his passive-aggressive bullying and is more selfish than ever. I've had to give up an opportunity for a bonus and advancement because of his numerous medical issues and appointments. This advancement in a job I was planning on retiring from in November! Once this whole mess is resolved, for better or worse, he will be going back to his place in Anchorage. I have been figuring out how to do both his work and mine around this place. He's been warned that if his usefulness was ever impaired, I had no incentive to keep him around at all.
At this point, I am most likely suffering from "caregiver burnout". I am bound in a situation that is void of "love", or respect, or any modicum of gratitude for all the shit I am going through on his behalf. But enough! I've got to try and get some of my work done today. He's invited several people over to visit and I haven't had a lot of time to clean up the house.
Sorry to hear all that. It's to your credit you are being so supportive when it doesn't seem that you are obligated to be.
I like to think I'm taking care of some wounded, helpless animal. In reality, it's like taking care of a spoiled, selfish, three-year-old nephew.
Not doin' so good, ended up yesterday with a full blown head cold. Still the wife wanted to go up to Hyde Park in the mountains above Santa Fe to see the Aspens. It was pretty, got some good picts and amazingly felt pretty good while we were up in the mountains, feel pretty shitty now that we're home.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.

This is the area, though the photo doesn't even coming close to doing it justice. It is pretty high up though obviously still below the tree line.
Not doin' so good, ended up yesterday with a full blown head cold. Still the wife wanted to go up to Hyde Park in the mountains above Santa Fe to see the Aspens. It was pretty, got some good picts and amazingly felt pretty good while we were up in the mountains, feel pretty shitty now that we're home.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.
Poor, ol' Gizmo. Guess you'll have to feed him all that repulsive canned kitty food now (he-he-he).

I must have missed the Gizmo post--will go look it up. Glad to hear he is getting better though.
Congrats, that always impresses me when people are able to run their own business successfully. I did try that many years ago during my contracting years partnering with a couple of other engineers in a staffing company. We started out gangbusters but I soon found out how money can cause some people to lose all control. Fortunately I left the partnership before the you-know-what hit the fan :)

We had the same experience with our first business. We decided then and there that never again.

The back stabbing and the price dumping is the dark side of all that.

That really wasn't the issue with our business which was a service provided to other businesses. Our business partners were savvy and seemed so solid, but once we had formed our small corporation, they turned out to be more difficult to work with, got in personal trouble with the IRS that we feared could jeopardize us, and got a divorce which really complicated things. So we formally opted out.

As GW can testify, going into business with somebody is akin to a marriage, and just as stressful when things go sour. We have never ever regretted or second guessed ourselves that it was the smart thing to do to part ways when we did.
Yes I absolutely felt like I was trapped in a 'bad marriage'. Once I saw what was going on and that he wasn't going to change, I called a meeting with the company lawyer and was formally bought out. I was never so relieved in my life!
My "bad marriage" went really bad when the partner had his stroke in July. It's difficult enough when the other party will not quit but when there's a "humanitarian" compulsion to render aid, well, that really sucks. He's pretty much doubled down on his passive-aggressive bullying and is more selfish than ever. I've had to give up an opportunity for a bonus and advancement because of his numerous medical issues and appointments. This advancement in a job I was planning on retiring from in November! Once this whole mess is resolved, for better or worse, he will be going back to his place in Anchorage. I have been figuring out how to do both his work and mine around this place. He's been warned that if his usefulness was ever impaired, I had no incentive to keep him around at all.
At this point, I am most likely suffering from "caregiver burnout". I am bound in a situation that is void of "love", or respect, or any modicum of gratitude for all the shit I am going through on his behalf. But enough! I've got to try and get some of my work done today. He's invited several people over to visit and I haven't had a lot of time to clean up the house.

I can relate. And when it becomes obvious they are not benefiting from your generosity and it is harming you, it is time to require them to move on or do so yourself.
Not doin' so good, ended up yesterday with a full blown head cold. Still the wife wanted to go up to Hyde Park in the mountains above Santa Fe to see the Aspens. It was pretty, got some good picts and amazingly felt pretty good while we were up in the mountains, feel pretty shitty now that we're home.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.
Poor, ol' Gizmo. Guess you'll have to feed him all that repulsive canned kitty food now (he-he-he).

I must have missed the Gizmo post--will go look it up. Glad to hear he is getting better though.
Just got him home, he obviously super skittish but starving, hasn't eaten since yesterday. Put a small bit of canned down for him, he tried to eat it but turned around and ran away from it, obviously it hurts.
Not doin' so good, ended up yesterday with a full blown head cold. Still the wife wanted to go up to Hyde Park in the mountains above Santa Fe to see the Aspens. It was pretty, got some good picts and amazingly felt pretty good while we were up in the mountains, feel pretty shitty now that we're home.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.
Poor, ol' Gizmo. Guess you'll have to feed him all that repulsive canned kitty food now (he-he-he).

I must have missed the Gizmo post--will go look it up. Glad to hear he is getting better though.
Just got him home, he obviously super skittish but starving, hasn't eaten since yesterday. Put a small bit of canned down for him, he tried to eat it but turned around and ran away from it, obviously it hurts.

Aw poor guy. Make him something really liquid that he has to lap.
Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.
Poor, ol' Gizmo. Guess you'll have to feed him all that repulsive canned kitty food now (he-he-he).

I must have missed the Gizmo post--will go look it up. Glad to hear he is getting better though.
Just got him home, he obviously super skittish but starving, hasn't eaten since yesterday. Put a small bit of canned down for him, he tried to eat it but turned around and ran away from it, obviously it hurts.

Aw poor guy. Make him something really liquid that he has to lap.
He's hiding right now but he eventually has to come out, I have antibiotics to give him tonight.
Hope you are feeling better soon. Did you go all the way up on your aspen tour? There is one vista on that road--might be between Hyde Park and the Ski Basin, can't remember for sure--that has a huge expanse of aspen spread across the face of the mountain that is the most outstanding to be found anywhere.

Speaking of colds, 007 mentioned he had a bad one the last time he posted and I don't think he has posted since. Anybody know if he's been around?
No, didn't go up that far. 007 was on earlier this morning ranting and raving about liberals...... As usual......
I hope I do get better soon, I feel terrible. Slept about two and a half hours last night, took Gizmo in for dental surgery this morning, dropped him off, came home and fell asleep in my office chair for an hour. Just heard from the Vet, surgery went well, they removed only the back teeth which were causing the vast majority of his pain, if it had been bad enough they would have removed all his teeth. We'll pick him up at 4:30, they're sending him home with antibiotics and pain meds, of course.
Poor, ol' Gizmo. Guess you'll have to feed him all that repulsive canned kitty food now (he-he-he).

I must have missed the Gizmo post--will go look it up. Glad to hear he is getting better though.
Just got him home, he obviously super skittish but starving, hasn't eaten since yesterday. Put a small bit of canned down for him, he tried to eat it but turned around and ran away from it, obviously it hurts.

Aw poor guy. Make him something really liquid that he has to lap.
Baby food works well, fed from a spoon, of course.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
Mrs. Ringel05 for wellness
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
Gracie for wellness.
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery.
Did we miss anybody? Jog my memory please.
Ringel's cold and healing for Gizmo,

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Autumn in Alaska
Oh my. Well, we lost another dear family member last week. mr. boe's dad passed away quite suddenly. We're losing our elders quite rapidly now.

So sorry Boe. Whether we have months or years to prepare or it happens without warning, losing our loved ones hurts so bad. You are lucky to have a strong family to support each other.

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