USMB Coffee Shop IV

Oh my. Well, we lost another dear family member last week. mr. boe's dad passed away quite suddenly. We're losing our elders quite rapidly now.
So sorry for ya'll's loss, boedicca. It's a hard time for families, but they're in a better place if there was too much pain or worse. :huddle:

Thank you dear friendo. He was in horrible pain, so time for him to go.
Took my little stack of 10 quilt tops last week to the charity closet, and completed one more top yesterday, and one a few hours ago. Probably ought to get up stairs and work on something. I worked on songs last night and after mowing today, I should probably think about lunch/supper as it's well into the afternoon just now. Hope everyone has a stellar week, keep our shots up for the ankle biting that goes on and smiles for your umbrellas. Rotten times get replaced by happier ones, most of the time. Hope all of you have sorrows repaired soon, and that your loved ones are happy and safe from pain and cares. I've kind of sorted out my losses and decided to keep up with karaoke since Daisy's Diner decided to go a different route a few weeks back. I followed the leader to a bar to sing. I am allergic to alcohol, lol, but I work hard on memorizing songs I didn't have time to learn while the children were growing up, which takes considerable repitition, My Doctor finally found an antibiotic I wasn't allergic to, and my year-long bout with pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma seem to be on the run, so that's a relief I can't even describe. I also found that nutritional healers keep air passages free with a combination of fresh or juiced celery, carrot, and beets, and they have negligible calories, so that's helping me slim down big time.

Hope your cold goes away soon, Ringel. You're something else to put your troubles on hold while you treat your special loved one to going places she loves to go to at this time when she's been through so much physical badness that chemotherapy seems to be. God bless you both. I haven't been confronted yet with a cold this year, but the nutritionists say the carrot-celery-beet juice therapy works well for colds. I can't recommend what I haven't tried, just sayin' that's what I read about it. I read one study about celery, and it's a mild unpretentious vegetable that seems to be the best warrior known to mankind for killing microbial annoyers inside the chest.

Prayers up for sustenance to Gallantwarrior, too. Some elder illnesses removes all their ability to be diplomatic, namely alzheimer's. Hope that you know we're praying and on your side while you're going through all that bad stuff, Gallant warrior. :adoreheart:

Back to my purple and yellow log cabin quilts. I'll see if I can find one and place it below. Well, I found one way too elaborate and one with the right colors, but it's not at all like a log cabin, so I'll just leave them here anyways:


This log cabin quilt uses 2 sizes of logs, one side is 1" finished and the other side is a half inch finished. It's called uneven log cabin work, and it's twice the cutting because if you're doing a double one like the above, you have to follow the extra cutting and carefully make the blocks using the right size strip on all 4 sides. That can get tedious if you're used to the conventional ones. The heart in the center of this one would make a perfect wounded warrior quilt, the purple heart medal is what the armed services give their wounded warriors who are wounded in battle. It's also a beautiful center for a baby girl or baby boy that is going to be loved by a dear family. Have a wonderful day, everybody.​
The back stabbing and the price dumping is the dark side of all that.

That really wasn't the issue with our business which was a service provided to other businesses. Our business partners were savvy and seemed so solid, but once we had formed our small corporation, they turned out to be more difficult to work with, got in personal trouble with the IRS that we feared could jeopardize us, and got a divorce which really complicated things. So we formally opted out.

As GW can testify, going into business with somebody is akin to a marriage, and just as stressful when things go sour. We have never ever regretted or second guessed ourselves that it was the smart thing to do to part ways when we did.
Yes I absolutely felt like I was trapped in a 'bad marriage'. Once I saw what was going on and that he wasn't going to change, I called a meeting with the company lawyer and was formally bought out. I was never so relieved in my life!
My "bad marriage" went really bad when the partner had his stroke in July. It's difficult enough when the other party will not quit but when there's a "humanitarian" compulsion to render aid, well, that really sucks. He's pretty much doubled down on his passive-aggressive bullying and is more selfish than ever. I've had to give up an opportunity for a bonus and advancement because of his numerous medical issues and appointments. This advancement in a job I was planning on retiring from in November! Once this whole mess is resolved, for better or worse, he will be going back to his place in Anchorage. I have been figuring out how to do both his work and mine around this place. He's been warned that if his usefulness was ever impaired, I had no incentive to keep him around at all.
At this point, I am most likely suffering from "caregiver burnout". I am bound in a situation that is void of "love", or respect, or any modicum of gratitude for all the shit I am going through on his behalf. But enough! I've got to try and get some of my work done today. He's invited several people over to visit and I haven't had a lot of time to clean up the house.
Sorry to hear all that. It's to your credit you are being so supportive when it doesn't seem that you are obligated to be.
I like to think I'm taking care of some wounded, helpless animal. In reality, it's like taking care of a spoiled, selfish, three-year-old nephew.

Hubs was like that as well. Some days the term 'Brat' would have fit in with your description...… and that caregiver burnout happens faster and more intense when the patient is like that.,

Somedays I was really tempted to use the 'attitude adjuster' on his behind and send him to the corner till he thought better of it...….IF I could have gotten away with it. :lol:
beautress my mother and her sister done a whole lot of quilting when they were alive... Very few nights I have slept in my entire lifetime that it was not under a quilt my mother made... Something special about that in my bizarre little world...
Anyway my Aunt (just one of 6 sisters and 6 brothers) had the sewing deformity and I was curious if you were afflicted? She always used a thimble, but the first joint of her index finger was bent almost 90 degrees... I don't know why but it never slowed her down... She quilted more than my mother did and trust me that was a ton...

I admire your work and your dedication to the community with your amazing ability...
Thank you, Ridgerunner. There's something wonderful about handmade quilts that outpace the commercial ones. I'm glad you under the experience of sleeping under handmade quilts in your life. It's like being held in someone's arms and getting hugged all night long. I don't know why that is, I just know that it is.

I chalk that good feeling up to the angels who gave that person the strength to do that big job of quilting. After losing my muscle strength with 15 years of fibromyalgia, I just do what I can which is to make the best tops I can so the dear ladies of the guild can quilt them. Most of them do superior work, the rest are in the upper echelons of excellence, and it's a joy the few times I get to see one of them ready to go to a needy child or shut in. I majored in art my first year of college, but learned to do color by trial and error. I try putting different combinations and textures together because it's fun and you get a look no one else has. And it's a happy thing to know a needy child will someday be wrapped in a quilt someone who prayed for their happy life as she was quilting it and knowing that God makes good things happen when you ask for it. Right now, I just need a good night's sleep. I'm praying for unity in our nation that seems to be tearing itself up over destructive influences. Thanks for such kind words. Good night all.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
Mrs. Ringel05 for wellness
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
Gracie for wellness.
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery.
Ringel's cold and healing for Gizmo.
Comfort and love for Boedicca and Mr. Boe in his father's passing.
Did we miss anybody? Jog my memory please.


And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.
Oh my. Well, we lost another dear family member last week. mr. boe's dad passed away quite suddenly. We're losing our elders quite rapidly now.
So sorry for ya'll's loss, boedicca. It's a hard time for families, but they're in a better place if there was too much pain or worse. :huddle:

Thank you dear friendo. He was in horrible pain, so time for him to go.

Hugs and best wishes Lady Boedicca ..
Oh my. Well, we lost another dear family member last week. mr. boe's dad passed away quite suddenly. We're losing our elders quite rapidly now.
So sorry for ya'll's loss, boedicca. It's a hard time for families, but they're in a better place if there was too much pain or worse. :huddle:

Thank you dear friendo. He was in horrible pain, so time for him to go.

Hugs and best wishes Lady Boedicca ..

Thank you mon cher Lumpikins. it starts. Old age and RA kicking in big time. BOTH wrists are shot to hell now. So, I went shopping on Amazon. Got some RA gloves to help with compression (it does make it feel better when I wear my ace bandages on my wrists), got a butt tong wiper thingy so I can actually reach back there and feel clean instead of having to jump in the shower every time I take a poo. I know..too much info, lol.
AND..I'm thinking about getting those bended spoons and forks since I have a hard time getting food to my mouth. Funny and not haha funny how you never really pay attention on just how much your bands have to bend and twist for simple things, eh?
AND..when it gets to where I can't use my hands at all...I have to figure out a way to off myself cuz I damn sure don't plan to live that disabled!!! I kid you not. But I think I have a couple more years left to ponder that plan.:D
AND..when it gets to where I can't use my hands at all...I have to figure out a way to off myself cuz I damn sure don't plan to live that disabled!!! I kid you not. But I think I have a couple more years left to ponder that plan.:D

Look into the Budwig protocol Gracie. You probably don't need to go on the full regime, but I find just doing a daily smoothie or two including the flax oil properly prepared with cottage cheese--it has to be properly prepared to get the right chemical combination--does wonders for my auto immune issues. At the very least it won't harm you and it really might help.

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