USMB Coffee Shop IV

This 86 years old Grandma has been stitching the upholstery on this chair for 25 years and finally completed it. I can't imagine the patience and perseverance it took, but it is gorgeous.

Made my first ever ice cream cake two days ago. Used a butter pecan cake mix and Tillamook Vanilla with butterscotch and chocolate drops. First off it looks like hell secondly it's almost too sweet to eat. Next time no cake mix, make the cake from scratch with half the sugar and make whipped cream from heavy cream with no sugar added at all. The ice cream is more than sweet enough to handle the sweetness factor.
My "bad marriage" went really bad when the partner had his stroke in July. It's difficult enough when the other party will not quit but when there's a "humanitarian" compulsion to render aid, well, that really sucks. He's pretty much doubled down on his passive-aggressive bullying and is more selfish than ever. I've had to give up an opportunity for a bonus and advancement because of his numerous medical issues and appointments. This advancement in a job I was planning on retiring from in November! Once this whole mess is resolved, for better or worse, he will be going back to his place in Anchorage. I have been figuring out how to do both his work and mine around this place. He's been warned that if his usefulness was ever impaired, I had no incentive to keep him around at all.
At this point, I am most likely suffering from "caregiver burnout". I am bound in a situation that is void of "love", or respect, or any modicum of gratitude for all the shit I am going through on his behalf. But enough! I've got to try and get some of my work done today. He's invited several people over to visit and I haven't had a lot of time to clean up the house.

A partnership implies a lot of things I don't see your partner doing or giving. Sorry my friend.
AND..when it gets to where I can't use my hands at all...I have to figure out a way to off myself cuz I damn sure don't plan to live that disabled!!! I kid you not. But I think I have a couple more years left to ponder that plan.:D

Take a sign language class, that ought to do it....
We got our garage door finally fixed up!
Yeah, finally the garage is totally complete. :)

I'm still renovating the kitchen.
I have only a few of the countertops left to do, then I put down the new floor.
Next is the front room and 2nd bedroom to paint.
We got our garage door finally fixed up!
Yeah, finally the garage is totally complete. :)

I'm still renovating the kitchen.
I have only a few of the countertops left to do, then I put down the new floor.
Next is the front room and 2nd bedroom to paint.

Here, let me help.

We got our garage door finally fixed up!
Yeah, finally the garage is totally complete. :)

I'm still renovating the kitchen.
I have only a few of the countertops left to do, then I put down the new floor.
Next is the front room and 2nd bedroom to paint.
Always busy, never bored. Treasure the time you can spend on projects you really want to get accomplished. I got my shisa mounted on the porch railing today. A small project but a completed project now! I picked this pair up when I was in Okinawa in March because I was captivated by their legend. Okinawans (Rykyu) actually have more in common than they do with the Japanese. They can resent being called "Japanese", too.
Shisa - Wikipedia
Been busy with medical appointments for the pard. He got a shock and disappointment when the neurologist told him he cannot legally drive. He was so counting on her just bowing to his wishes and signing off on his request. Hell, he can barely walk! I found out he's sandbagged a set of keys for the Dodge. I'll have to get those off of him because he refuses to accept that he is not capable of driving safely. Two bad bits of news, too. Neurologist says the damage from the stroke is chronic and probably won't heal. That means he'll have to work around his disabilities and work hard to build up strength and dexterity. He's still hoping for some magic pill to cure him. Then, she gave us a referral to a neurosurgeon to find out about some kind of brain infection he's got. I'll have to google all the gobbled-gook to try and understand the details. She wrote a scrip for 20 tests to help figure out what's causing the inflammation and determine whether it's treatable, or not. He's not worried about the brain inflammation, claims they're just trying to make as much money as they can. He also told me he will drive when and where he damned will pleases. The neurologist was just covering her own ass.
I am less alone and more lonely than I can ever remember being.
Well, gotta go feed the beasts. I was waiting to see if the rain would let up. No luck. But I do need to grab a nap and load the truck. I'm going to another buddy's place tomorrow after work to cut up some downed trees for firewood. I'll need all I can get because the partner is here 24/7 and burns a LOT of wood.
I'll check back when I can.
Love y'all and thank everyone for your wishes and prayers.
As of yesterday, I became the most hated human being on the planet. Gave both dogs and the cat a bath.

Dogs got over it with a treat...…..the cat still scowls at me when I pet her.

She's just lucky I didn't use the hair dryer or shop vac on her :badgrin:

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