USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been busy with medical appointments for the pard. He got a shock and disappointment when the neurologist told him he cannot legally drive. He was so counting on her just bowing to his wishes and signing off on his request. Hell, he can barely walk! I found out he's sandbagged a set of keys for the Dodge. I'll have to get those off of him because he refuses to accept that he is not capable of driving safely. Two bad bits of news, too. Neurologist says the damage from the stroke is chronic and probably won't heal. That means he'll have to work around his disabilities and work hard to build up strength and dexterity. He's still hoping for some magic pill to cure him. Then, she gave us a referral to a neurosurgeon to find out about some kind of brain infection he's got. I'll have to google all the gobbled-gook to try and understand the details. She wrote a scrip for 20 tests to help figure out what's causing the inflammation and determine whether it's treatable, or not. He's not worried about the brain inflammation, claims they're just trying to make as much money as they can. He also told me he will drive when and where he damned will pleases. The neurologist was just covering her own ass.
I am less alone and more lonely than I can ever remember being.
Well, gotta go feed the beasts. I was waiting to see if the rain would let up. No luck. But I do need to grab a nap and load the truck. I'm going to another buddy's place tomorrow after work to cut up some downed trees for firewood. I'll need all I can get because the partner is here 24/7 and burns a LOT of wood.
I'll check back when I can.
Love y'all and thank everyone for your wishes and prayers.
Bless your heart, gallantwarrior. I had a similar problem, except my husband was so secretive about his illnesses because he didn't want me to worry. But even so, in dementia nature took him over, and he, too, would try to get away with leaving and driving anywhere from around the town and back, or to timbuktu (anywhere) running out of gas over 100 miles away. I finally found all 3 sets of keys, put them in my jeans pockets, and slept in bluejeans with 3 sets of keys that had car keys in them in my pockets all night long every night for a year. At first it wasn't comfortable, but I got used to it because the constables/sheriffs in 3 counties here told me to not let him drive in their counties/areas. I didn't count on being my dear husband's jailer, but that's what it rounded out being. Our children lived too far away to be of assistance, so I carried out this frustrating task because I had to do it, in keeping our agreement to live as free people as long as we could. I respected the agreement and my vows, because I had no choice. I loved him from the top of his head to the longest toenail on his foot. He had been the sweetest guy in the world for the majority of the 44 years of our marriage. I buried him 3.5 years ago. That was hard, because I loved him even when he did stupid stuff that you can expect from a guy who's got a case of dementia hanging over his head. I clung to memories for a long, long time. I've been back to USMB for a little over a year now. I can say, I'm over the most of my initial shock when I woke up from a nap one day to find him not breathing any more. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. I kept thinking we'd wake up one morning, and the phone would ring with a cure for dementia. That call never happened. Now, I am grateful that God took him into his loving arms from this world of heartache and pain. I bless you and pray for what you are going through with, because he's going through much worse with the loses he has, and he probably has a slight amount of guilt in his lucid times for putting you through unthinkable agony. We love you here, GW. Hang in there, ok? :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:
To Foxfyre and Gracie-- I'm so grateful you mentioned the RA protocol, Foxfyre. I looked it up, because as a person who lives in a major pecan-growing area, I was wondering why they mentioned walnuts (cousin of the pecan) as better for RA than almost any other vegetable food and looked up the protocol. It's true. Walnuts have ten times the right kind of Omega 3 that relieves arthritis and other aches. I couldn't believe my eyes, but that's what I found out. Also, there is a picture I found that shows the ten best foods that likely will relieve RA pain best due to this unique Omega 3 oil principle, and here it is:

I've been cued into groceries as preventative medicine since I found a book at Good Will that has a title something like Food that delivers Medicine (?) I can't remember the exact name of the book, and can't find it around here, either, as I used to read it all the time. I'm going to be reorganizing my kitchen for cooking purposes only and put all the fabrics into the sewing room again, so I will likely find the name of the book and publish it here when I locate it. I know it's around here somewhere.

And Miss Piccolo my naughty cat has outdone herself knocking papers, books, and fabrics that I can't reach directly to the floor, so I have to do a lot of laundry and dusting, too, so I have to persevere this task and may have to lay off the computer a few days.

Foxfyre, thanks again for creating a political-off limits at USMB to establish this coffee shop / lounge thread as a place we can meet and sympathize with everyone, whether we agree politically or not. You are the best. :huddle:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
Mrs. Ringel05 for wellness
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
Gracie for wellness.
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery.
Ringel's cold and healing for Gizmo.
Comfort and love for Boedicca and Mr. Boe in his father's passing.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and increased responsibilities.
Did we miss anybody? Jog my memory please.

And we always leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Autumn on the Mahoney River, Ohio
To Foxfyre and Gracie-- I'm so grateful you mentioned the RA protocol, Foxfyre. I looked it up, because as a person who lives in a major pecan-growing area, I was wondering why they mentioned walnuts (cousin of the pecan) as better for RA than almost any other vegetable food and looked up the protocol. It's true. Walnuts have ten times the right kind of Omega 3 that relieves arthritis and other aches. I couldn't believe my eyes, but that's what I found out. Also, there is a picture I found that shows the ten best foods that likely will relieve RA pain best due to this unique Omega 3 oil principle, and here it is:

I've been cued into groceries as preventative medicine since I found a book at Good Will that has a title something like Food that delivers Medicine (?) I can't remember the exact name of the book, and can't find it around here, either, as I used to read it all the time. I'm going to be reorganizing my kitchen for cooking purposes only and put all the fabrics into the sewing room again, so I will likely find the name of the book and publish it here when I locate it. I know it's around here somewhere.

And Miss Piccolo my naughty cat has outdone herself knocking papers, books, and fabrics that I can't reach directly to the floor, so I have to do a lot of laundry and dusting, too, so I have to persevere this task and may have to lay off the computer a few days.

Foxfyre, thanks again for creating a political-off limits at USMB to establish this coffee shop / lounge thread as a place we can meet and sympathize with everyone, whether we agree politically or not. You are the best. :huddle:
I can eat some of that stuff...but...not nuts. I have diverticulitus or however its spelled; colitis, IBS and possibly gluten intolerant. No small seeds, nuts, etc that can get caught up in the pockets in my innards. And...I loathe cottage cheese. Eww eww eww ewww. Older I get, the more I fall apart.

However...I AM exploring Manuka Honey benefits. Whether that helps my RA or not remains to be seen. Plus, I don't think I want to spend 45 bucks and more on a small jar of it. Damn stuff is EXPENSIVE!!
To Foxfyre and Gracie-- I'm so grateful you mentioned the RA protocol, Foxfyre. I looked it up, because as a person who lives in a major pecan-growing area, I was wondering why they mentioned walnuts (cousin of the pecan) as better for RA than almost any other vegetable food and looked up the protocol. It's true. Walnuts have ten times the right kind of Omega 3 that relieves arthritis and other aches. I couldn't believe my eyes, but that's what I found out. Also, there is a picture I found that shows the ten best foods that likely will relieve RA pain best due to this unique Omega 3 oil principle, and here it is:

I've been cued into groceries as preventative medicine since I found a book at Good Will that has a title something like Food that delivers Medicine (?) I can't remember the exact name of the book, and can't find it around here, either, as I used to read it all the time. I'm going to be reorganizing my kitchen for cooking purposes only and put all the fabrics into the sewing room again, so I will likely find the name of the book and publish it here when I locate it. I know it's around here somewhere.

And Miss Piccolo my naughty cat has outdone herself knocking papers, books, and fabrics that I can't reach directly to the floor, so I have to do a lot of laundry and dusting, too, so I have to persevere this task and may have to lay off the computer a few days.

Foxfyre, thanks again for creating a political-off limits at USMB to establish this coffee shop / lounge thread as a place we can meet and sympathize with everyone, whether we agree politically or not. You are the best. :huddle:
I can eat some of that stuff...but...not nuts. I have diverticulitus or however its spelled; colitis, IBS and possibly gluten intolerant. No small seeds, nuts, etc that can get caught up in the pockets in my innards. And...I loathe cottage cheese. Eww eww eww ewww. Older I get, the more I fall apart.

However...I AM exploring Manuka Honey benefits. Whether that helps my RA or not remains to be seen. Plus, I don't think I want to spend 45 bucks and more on a small jar of it. Damn stuff is EXPENSIVE!!
It sure is, but you're well worth it Gracie. I bought a small plastic container of walnuts a few hours ago and found some flaxseed oil pills at Walmart in the 100 size bottle, and they're just 4.8 cents apiece here. I'm glad I found the picture, because I have slight arthritic issues from time to time, but my sister who died the same year my husband, had a terrible case of RA, and she hurt every waking minute. I loved my sister from the minute she was born until I got the awful call that she had passed, and I still do. Nobody deserves to be in that much pain as their last memory, much less live with it from day to day. If it's seeds that cause problems in the colon, if you have a halfway decent food grinder, you could make nut butter from the walnuts. They have a lot of the elemental nutrient that alleviates RA pain, according to what I read last night. Wish a hug could take away your pain. :huddle:
To Foxfyre and Gracie-- I'm so grateful you mentioned the RA protocol, Foxfyre. I looked it up, because as a person who lives in a major pecan-growing area, I was wondering why they mentioned walnuts (cousin of the pecan) as better for RA than almost any other vegetable food and looked up the protocol. It's true. Walnuts have ten times the right kind of Omega 3 that relieves arthritis and other aches. I couldn't believe my eyes, but that's what I found out. Also, there is a picture I found that shows the ten best foods that likely will relieve RA pain best due to this unique Omega 3 oil principle, and here it is:

I've been cued into groceries as preventative medicine since I found a book at Good Will that has a title something like Food that delivers Medicine (?) I can't remember the exact name of the book, and can't find it around here, either, as I used to read it all the time. I'm going to be reorganizing my kitchen for cooking purposes only and put all the fabrics into the sewing room again, so I will likely find the name of the book and publish it here when I locate it. I know it's around here somewhere.

And Miss Piccolo my naughty cat has outdone herself knocking papers, books, and fabrics that I can't reach directly to the floor, so I have to do a lot of laundry and dusting, too, so I have to persevere this task and may have to lay off the computer a few days.

Foxfyre, thanks again for creating a political-off limits at USMB to establish this coffee shop / lounge thread as a place we can meet and sympathize with everyone, whether we agree politically or not. You are the best. :huddle:
I can eat some of that stuff...but...not nuts. I have diverticulitus or however its spelled; colitis, IBS and possibly gluten intolerant. No small seeds, nuts, etc that can get caught up in the pockets in my innards. And...I loathe cottage cheese. Eww eww eww ewww. Older I get, the more I fall apart.

However...I AM exploring Manuka Honey benefits. Whether that helps my RA or not remains to be seen. Plus, I don't think I want to spend 45 bucks and more on a small jar of it. Damn stuff is EXPENSIVE!!

The smoothie's I make consist of 2 parts cottage cheese and 1 part organic unrefined cold pressed flax oil blended at low speed for about 1 minute using a submersible wand type blender until no flax oil is visible. That changes the chemistry of both into a new substance that doesn't taste like either. It is extremely important that nothing else is added until that step is complete. And hand mixing won't do it. It has to be blended. For Hombre and me I use a half cup low fat (1%) cottage cheese and a quarter cup flax oil.

Then I thin it down with a bit of pure fruit juice--I prefer apple--and pour it into a large blender along with some raw unrefined honey, perhaps a whole orange (peeled but no seeds), a whole apple (unpeeled but no seeds), sometimes a banana or fresh strawberries or blueberries or fresh peaches or melon or whatever I have, a couple of tablespoons of freshly ground flax seed (I grind in a small coffee grinder) and a large glass full of crushed ice and blend until smooth, pour it into two large glasses, and we drink it.

When we have a second one in a day, instead of fruit I use fresh or frozen veggies--spinach, kale, broccoli or whatever--instead of fruit but still sweeten with some raw honey.

Both, especially the fruit one, taste wonderful, healthy, are chock full of omegas in the perfect ratios. And you feel really good. And for me there is a noticeable lessening of inflammation.

On the full regime, absolutely no refined sugar or artificial sweeteners--just unrefined honey or stevia--and no refined grains are allowed. No wheat. No fats other than the flax oil or a bit of unrefined coconut oil. No dairy other than the low fat cottage cheese used to make the quark. The emphasis is on fresh or frozen fruit and veggies--raw, cooked, or juiced--and the nuts Beautress mentioned are also allowed. You can have normal seasonings like salt, pepper, herbs, and herbal or black tea. I haven't found coffee to be detrimental either though.

I did learn that the smoothie recipe tends to stick like glue once it has dried though, so I wash the blenders and other utensils immediately after I make the smoothie and save the soapy dish water to wash the glasses in after we have enjoyed this liquid breakfast.

Some people prefer to eat the 'quark' (blended cottage cheese and flax oil) with a little raw honey, the ground flax seed, and add some berries or whatever, and that's okay too but we just prefer to drink it in the smoothies.

One more thing, if you use the flax seed buy the whole flax seed as fresh as you can get it. And grind to a fine consistency what you want to use immediately just before you use it. Flax seed loses much of its potency within a half hour of grinding so if you buy it already ground, it isn't nearly so useful as a nutrient. Chia seed does not need to be ground but probably would not be advised for the IBS folks.
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We got our garage door finally fixed up!
Yeah, finally the garage is totally complete. :)

I'm still renovating the kitchen.
I have only a few of the countertops left to do, then I put down the new floor.
Next is the front room and 2nd bedroom to paint.
Always busy, never bored. Treasure the time you can spend on projects you really want to get accomplished. I got my shisa mounted on the porch railing today. A small project but a completed project now! I picked this pair up when I was in Okinawa in March because I was captivated by their legend. Okinawans (Rykyu) actually have more in common than they do with the Japanese. They can resent being called "Japanese", too.
Shisa - Wikipedia

I put up a paint wall stencil of The Hopi Kachina doll -Kokopelli, above the blank space above the kitchen cupboards. Just finished it completely Sat. morning.
Dancing away playing his flute having a grand ole time. :)
Been busy with medical appointments for the pard. He got a shock and disappointment when the neurologist told him he cannot legally drive. He was so counting on her just bowing to his wishes and signing off on his request. Hell, he can barely walk! I found out he's sandbagged a set of keys for the Dodge. I'll have to get those off of him because he refuses to accept that he is not capable of driving safely. Two bad bits of news, too. Neurologist says the damage from the stroke is chronic and probably won't heal. That means he'll have to work around his disabilities and work hard to build up strength and dexterity. He's still hoping for some magic pill to cure him. Then, she gave us a referral to a neurosurgeon to find out about some kind of brain infection he's got. I'll have to google all the gobbled-gook to try and understand the details. She wrote a scrip for 20 tests to help figure out what's causing the inflammation and determine whether it's treatable, or not. He's not worried about the brain inflammation, claims they're just trying to make as much money as they can. He also told me he will drive when and where he damned will pleases. The neurologist was just covering her own ass.
I am less alone and more lonely than I can ever remember being.
Well, gotta go feed the beasts. I was waiting to see if the rain would let up. No luck. But I do need to grab a nap and load the truck. I'm going to another buddy's place tomorrow after work to cut up some downed trees for firewood. I'll need all I can get because the partner is here 24/7 and burns a LOT of wood.
I'll check back when I can.
Love y'all and thank everyone for your wishes and prayers.
Been busy with medical appointments for the pard. He got a shock and disappointment when the neurologist told him he cannot legally drive. He was so counting on her just bowing to his wishes and signing off on his request. Hell, he can barely walk! I found out he's sandbagged a set of keys for the Dodge. I'll have to get those off of him because he refuses to accept that he is not capable of driving safely. Two bad bits of news, too. Neurologist says the damage from the stroke is chronic and probably won't heal. That means he'll have to work around his disabilities and work hard to build up strength and dexterity. He's still hoping for some magic pill to cure him. Then, she gave us a referral to a neurosurgeon to find out about some kind of brain infection he's got. I'll have to google all the gobbled-gook to try and understand the details. She wrote a scrip for 20 tests to help figure out what's causing the inflammation and determine whether it's treatable, or not. He's not worried about the brain inflammation, claims they're just trying to make as much money as they can. He also told me he will drive when and where he damned will pleases. The neurologist was just covering her own ass.
I am less alone and more lonely than I can ever remember being.
Well, gotta go feed the beasts. I was waiting to see if the rain would let up. No luck. But I do need to grab a nap and load the truck. I'm going to another buddy's place tomorrow after work to cut up some downed trees for firewood. I'll need all I can get because the partner is here 24/7 and burns a LOT of wood.
I'll check back when I can.
Love y'all and thank everyone for your wishes and prayers.

I can totally relate to and understand exactly how you feel about being alone and more lonely right now.
It's how I feel too with all of Mr. P's problems.
Been busy with medical appointments for the pard. He got a shock and disappointment when the neurologist told him he cannot legally drive. He was so counting on her just bowing to his wishes and signing off on his request. Hell, he can barely walk! I found out he's sandbagged a set of keys for the Dodge. I'll have to get those off of him because he refuses to accept that he is not capable of driving safely. Two bad bits of news, too. Neurologist says the damage from the stroke is chronic and probably won't heal. That means he'll have to work around his disabilities and work hard to build up strength and dexterity. He's still hoping for some magic pill to cure him. Then, she gave us a referral to a neurosurgeon to find out about some kind of brain infection he's got. I'll have to google all the gobbled-gook to try and understand the details. She wrote a scrip for 20 tests to help figure out what's causing the inflammation and determine whether it's treatable, or not. He's not worried about the brain inflammation, claims they're just trying to make as much money as they can. He also told me he will drive when and where he damned will pleases. The neurologist was just covering her own ass.
I am less alone and more lonely than I can ever remember being.
Well, gotta go feed the beasts. I was waiting to see if the rain would let up. No luck. But I do need to grab a nap and load the truck. I'm going to another buddy's place tomorrow after work to cut up some downed trees for firewood. I'll need all I can get because the partner is here 24/7 and burns a LOT of wood.
I'll check back when I can.
Love y'all and thank everyone for your wishes and prayers.
Been busy with medical appointments for the pard. He got a shock and disappointment when the neurologist told him he cannot legally drive. He was so counting on her just bowing to his wishes and signing off on his request. Hell, he can barely walk! I found out he's sandbagged a set of keys for the Dodge. I'll have to get those off of him because he refuses to accept that he is not capable of driving safely. Two bad bits of news, too. Neurologist says the damage from the stroke is chronic and probably won't heal. That means he'll have to work around his disabilities and work hard to build up strength and dexterity. He's still hoping for some magic pill to cure him. Then, she gave us a referral to a neurosurgeon to find out about some kind of brain infection he's got. I'll have to google all the gobbled-gook to try and understand the details. She wrote a scrip for 20 tests to help figure out what's causing the inflammation and determine whether it's treatable, or not. He's not worried about the brain inflammation, claims they're just trying to make as much money as they can. He also told me he will drive when and where he damned will pleases. The neurologist was just covering her own ass.
I am less alone and more lonely than I can ever remember being.
Well, gotta go feed the beasts. I was waiting to see if the rain would let up. No luck. But I do need to grab a nap and load the truck. I'm going to another buddy's place tomorrow after work to cut up some downed trees for firewood. I'll need all I can get because the partner is here 24/7 and burns a LOT of wood.
I'll check back when I can.
Love y'all and thank everyone for your wishes and prayers.

I can totally relate to and understand exactly how you feel about being alone and more lonely right now.
It's how I feel too with all of Mr. P's problems.
He keeps trying to ride in the early morning in 30°to 40° weather, he won't eat lunch when he needs 3 meals a day with all of his health problems. He is vary stubborn also. :)
Sometimes I feel like a mindless parakeet repeating useless words
It's so frustrating and difficult when they have neurological problems.

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